> @tryingfeedback#2848 said: > Enchantments > All Enchantments and Runestones, aside from Bonding Runestones, have had their item level and stats doubled. > > huh you forgot about Empowered Runestones? i didnt see my hit points double, or they really only effecting my companion lol which is to me not wai but would like to be getting hit points from that atleast some better percentage of that please thank you >
They have always only affected your companion.
Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin Obsidian Oath - Warlock A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
Valhalla's Rebuke: The effectiveness of this set bonus is now 1% Damage Reduction per stack, down from 3%. Why did you do that? This is such a huge nerf for my tanks (at max stack size it was just 15% , and just for 6 secs, now it's just 5% ). Who on Dev team has no brains?
I was reading the whole Patch notes and there is still NO FIX for COMPANIONS yet (they almost don't heal or do dmg in combat, they are at least 100 times less effective than they were before U16). Please fix companions. This should be top priority!
Some mobs that do powerful attack (red circles) should have an increased casting time. For example, Golems in Dread Legion are more powerful than the end boss (my toons die from Golems, not from end boss), this can't be good. These Golems have two attacks with Red circles, the jumping one is a HUGE red circle, and there are two Golems at once. The result is that it's almost non stop red circles the whole fight (it means that there is no tactics involved, which makes it a boring fight, you just hit until you die, respawn, hit more, die, respawn, hit more, etc. until they die, no brains needed here since can't avoid red circles anyway = boring).
I also am enjoying all the nonstop control effects enemies are able to do now. There should be an achievement in the Journal for Getting stunned,dazed,partially paralyzed,slowed and disabled all at once. Also for being knocked prone more then 3x in a row within 5 seconds.
I take it you don't remember humming pinball wizard to yourself at lol endboss when mod 6 dropped
@nitocris83 re mc. what about the people already stuck in limbo. the final week of mod 14 I completed what I needed for armorcraft 3 and on mod 15 I have no recipes. will this be fixed for people who have done the prerequisites but are left inthe cold? I put in a ticket months ago, they told me to come here. I did. no one has acknowledged me even once on this. others have the same issue. this is a multimillion ad fubar.
@nitocris83@terramak Hello there :P i wanna ask about class balance and change in Fighter and Barbi Class do u have any plans to change some feats or class feature bcs they dont give anything for Figher for example and about companion slots the same why we have 3x def slots on DPS path
seridkalsenovMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 30Arc User
Good patch but But but When is the loot improvement of older module dungeon and outdated dungeon? This issue complain is like 4-6 module about dungeon giving an outdated reward. With salvage gone what's the point doing t1 dungeon anyways or t2 or maybe t3.
Just bring salvage back so we can get some rewards doing dungeon and bring back old dungeon before m6 arrived.
When is the loot improvement of older module dungeon and outdated dungeon?
This issue complain is like 4-6 module about dungeon giving an outdated reward. With salvage gone what's the point doing t1 dungeon anyways or t2 or maybe t3.
Just bring salvage back so we can get some rewards doing dungeon and bring back old dungeon before m6 arrived.
Unfortunately, in the last livestream @mimicking#6533 dodged the issue of bringing back the old dungeons and pointed yet again to Tales of Old. Never mind that we would like to run the dungeons when it's convenient for *us*, we must be forced to run them only when the Powers That Be decide when we may run them.
Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
Tenebrous Enchants still do not trigger (at least, rank 8 when slotted on a ring. Have not tested with any other rank or item type) Barbarian feat Blood Fury: Primal Fury can still fail to trigger when used late in Unstoppable with an "insufficient Rage" error message, despite supposedly having its cost reduced to 0 when Unstoppable
grogthemagnifMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,651Arc User
Welp, I can tell ya what wasn't fixed--Many Coins Bank. Might as well be in REQ with LoMM at this point. We gave up after losing the vault twice and dying numerous times...
Its not even close to the difficulty of LoMM. Maybe it should go up one tier though.
Yesterday I ran the vault (loaded in Randomly). About 10 players dropped out before a team of 5 was assembled in full. We lost our first try - vault destroyed. On second try with same team we got Silver. It was run with no healer... just me on my Justicar plus four DPS. It's way to tough for the reward. I used about 20 knocks off of my healing stone & got about 5,000 AD for the reward.
Good patch, now lets move on. Fix the lack of Ap gain on certain classes before i grow gray hair over reporting this 10 million times. I have several posts about it in the bugs report section. As someone stated earlier, you guys need to think about gear bonuses, succesor for dps is comeplete trash, its supposed to be one of the end game gear. From the 1k IL gear, only 1 or 2 are useful, the rest are aweful, mainly cos u guys are giving stuff like " 5% crit chance" as a bonus, when everyone is trying to drop 30k+ in crit. This only make some of the mod5 gear still better than most of the new gear.
As for the watcher set, i dont really care about it but yes the rng with loot in this mod is a complete joke, i also have several posts and suggestions about this. The watcher set is not best in slot, it should only be considered a leveling set just like alabaster, until you can afford burnished. If the burnished takes you 4 weeks to get, the watcher and alabaster sets shouldn't take you more. Common sense!
The fixes for Cw are a joke, there are other issues such as ST only hitting once, lightning bolt missing most of the time or only hitting the first enemy in a line, bonuses from ap are not working properly, mainly due to the Ap system itself being completely broken. Some encounters and at wills do not proc weapon enchants.
That being said, looking forward to another big patch, i'll just chill for now, and OH, im highly disappointed with the "10% hp reduction to enemies" going live, its a fix thats not needed, neither was the double enchantment stats, this is only going to make me lazy and not bother upgrading anything anymore, as we could already do LMM in 20mins, this will make it another mod15 cradle/tong speedruns. For a dungeon thats been out for less than a month, its a huge disappointment, the difficulty wasn't off, only minor bugs that needed addressing but im guessing this fix a just a lazy move to address scaling.
Enchantment stats doubling was needed to make them worth upgrading; however, the devs need to lower the overall gear stats to make 2 and 3 stat enchantments worth using.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,171Arc User
"Alpha Compy: Other compies summoned by this companion now properly walk and run, rather than traveling via teleportation and sick drifting skills."
No they don't. Don't do much except be there with a question mark over their head and being attacked.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
When is the loot improvement of older module dungeon and outdated dungeon?
This issue complain is like 4-6 module about dungeon giving an outdated reward. With salvage gone what's the point doing t1 dungeon anyways or t2 or maybe t3.
Just bring salvage back so we can get some rewards doing dungeon and bring back old dungeon before m6 arrived.
Unfortunately, in the last livestream @mimicking#6533 dodged the issue of bringing back the old dungeons and pointed yet again to Tales of Old. Never mind that we would like to run the dungeons when it's convenient for *us*, we must be forced to run them only when the Powers That Be decide when we may run them.
> Enchantments
> All Enchantments and Runestones, aside from Bonding Runestones, have had their item level and stats doubled.
> huh you forgot about Empowered Runestones? i didnt see my hit points double, or they really only effecting my companion lol which is to me not wai but would like to be getting hit points from that atleast some better percentage of that please thank you
They have always only affected your companion.
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
I take it you don't remember humming pinball wizard to yourself at lol endboss when mod 6 dropped
But but
When is the loot improvement of older module dungeon and outdated dungeon?
This issue complain is like 4-6 module about dungeon giving an outdated reward. With salvage gone what's the point doing t1 dungeon anyways or t2 or maybe t3.
Just bring salvage back so we can get some rewards doing dungeon and bring back old dungeon before m6 arrived.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
Tenebrous Enchants still do not trigger (at least, rank 8 when slotted on a ring. Have not tested with any other rank or item type)
Barbarian feat Blood Fury: Primal Fury can still fail to trigger when used late in Unstoppable with an "insufficient Rage" error message, despite supposedly having its cost reduced to 0 when Unstoppable
Yesterday I ran the vault (loaded in Randomly). About 10 players dropped out before a team of 5 was assembled in full. We lost our first try - vault destroyed. On second try with same team we got Silver. It was run with no healer... just me on my Justicar plus four DPS. It's way to tough for the reward. I used about 20 knocks off of my healing stone & got about 5,000 AD for the reward.
No they don't. Don't do much except be there with a question mark over their head and being attacked.