I do have an idea. Take Wyllowood. There is a Door to the south. Nothing nada, no sparkles, no way to enter. My guess is that with the correct essence you can open it or maybe a monster comes out of it. I haven't gotten any essences yet but I'm working on it. I'm thinking instead of stones on the floor to set the bait in, maybe the essences can open doors in other zones. If anyone is willing to try this let me know if it works ^^.
Varric the Cursed Dwarven cursed to be Tiefling CW Original Serenity Mostly Retired DC Tokarek Bearded Dwarven OP Tankadin JuiceHead Goofy Human GWF Member of H3llzWarriors and Limitless.
"With so many new adventurers showing up in Undermountain upsetting the wildlife, some of the more dangerous creatures are going to come out to play. And if you are willing to lure out and defeat these rare monsters, you are sure to get their rare treasures! These summoned rare monsters drop hard-to-find armor pieces, vanity pets, and one of the best weapons sets you can find in Undermountain, the Watcher set! "
The tooltip for watcher set says "Expeditions - ??", the ilvl 1000 gear from Expeditions is in the Expeditions tab in collections, but is actually found in Zok boxes, not in the expeditions.
Maybe these "rare" creatures to summon are the "bosses" in ME's we encounter when we use runes? If so, perhaps their loot tables are buggered, because the ilvl 1000 most likely does not drop from them (everyone I know who has them got them from Zok boxes), is it supposed to though? idk. Same thing applies to the vanity pets, I've seen some people get them from bosses in LoMM on preview, but I've never seen anyone get them anywhere except Zok in live. Just "thinking out loud".
> @rysiek86 said: > Hey ... how about the runes setup should creat Mod 16... 16 = X V I ... what runes look like X V I ?? > > Jeeeeeeez why Devs dont want to give us any clue...... any...
Maybe we should get a rune that resembles B, another U and another G Then the bug king appears and gives us the weapons for free
"With so many new adventurers showing up in Undermountain upsetting the wildlife, some of the more dangerous creatures are going to come out to play. And if you are willing to lure out and defeat these rare monsters, you are sure to get their rare treasures! These summoned rare monsters drop hard-to-find armor pieces, vanity pets, and one of the best weapons sets you can find in Undermountain, the Watcher set! "
The tooltip for watcher set says "Expeditions - ??", the ilvl 1000 gear from Expeditions is in the Expeditions tab in collections, but is actually found in Zok boxes, not in the expeditions.
Maybe these "rare" creatures to summon are the "bosses" in ME's we encounter when we use runes? If so, perhaps their loot tables are buggered, because the ilvl 1000 most likely does not drop from them (everyone I know who has them got them from Zok boxes), is it supposed to though? idk. Same thing applies to the vanity pets, I've seen some people get them from bosses in LoMM on preview, but I've never seen anyone get them anywhere except Zok in live. Just "thinking out loud".
I saw 5/6 legendary pets in LMM.. Got 1 (need/greed system)..
I think that lures drop is bugged, but devs don't know that because they don't play live server..
> @blag001 said: > oooooh i didnt see this topic ... Thanks for the info . I bet it have to be a propper Rune setup ... since we have 3 altars... 5 runetypes... its 3x3x3x3x3 combinations . > > hmmmm....
Actually, it's 5x5x5 combinations, which is fortunate because it's about half as many combos (125 vs 243).
> @blag001 said: > Theres also the gray-ish forcefield that apears sometimes during the MEs.
Those are pockets of Shadowfell, like you see in Vanrakdoom. Might just be environmental flavor, but then there's the link to Vanrakdoom in the essences as well....
> Theres also the gray-ish forcefield that apears sometimes during the MEs.
Those are pockets of Shadowfell, like you see in Vanrakdoom. Might just be environmental flavor, but then there's the link to Vanrakdoom in the essences as well....
Idk for sure, but I think the essences that started dropping when lomm came out, are for making the "awakened" essences we need to restore the successor gear, how to "awaken" them, I have no clue.
If the set bonus works like the Tyrant weapon set which is very similar in descriprion, it will be a useless weapon. The Tyrant set drops it’s bonus the split second there is a lull in combat including changes in boss fights and you start from scratch building it up again. I wasted a great deal of resources getting the tyrant weapon when it first was available only to discover how horrible it was.
> oooooh i didnt see this topic ... Thanks for the info . I bet it have to be a propper Rune setup ... since we have 3 altars... 5 runetypes... its 3x3x3x3x3 combinations .
> hmmmm....
Actually, it's 5x5x5 combinations, which is fortunate because it's about half as many combos (125 vs 243).
Damn you are right In that case the good news is its half less to test... the bad news is thet testin it alone is freakin long term task... and some public spreadsheet with tested setups would be a good way to fasten it up ... So many things to do with such lack of time
darthpotaterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,262Arc User
edited May 2019
The essences have nothing to do with it. They are to restore the gear from LoMM. Checked yesterday. They are in the restore requeriments along with runes.
Watcher set is definitely drop from Master Expeditions. When u complete Run-master Sinye quest Sphere of Influence you will see that you normal Resonator turn into Enhanced Resonator. But u dont see any difference in quality of resonance being crystallize at attune Altars. What new enhanced version say is "The advance version draws beneficial energies from expedition runes."
There is a barrier inside Master Expedition which u can see when u enter it makes a sound. Another point is Elder runes we hit gives debuff (negative conditions) upon exploding gives message "Elder energy released". If you go to rune master Sinye and check whats Elder Runes are " Elder runes are ancient symbol imbued whit magical powers that take years of study to cast of master. Once master anyone able to cast a symbol spell can create these elder runes. Halaster has mastered many runes over lifetime of study, which he placed within under-mountain as hazards."
So i think that Enhanced resonator has some purpose or else why they take so much effort to upgrade it by giving another quest. And looks like is all inside master expedition rather then Undermountain.
That's what is said about them at the official wiki site...
"Crafted with gold in the resemblance of a Beholder, these weapons are sure to catch one's eye.
A PvE set of weapons available at the launch of Module 16: Undermountain. Obtain this equipment will take mastering the Expeditions and facing terrible foes with."
That's what is said about them at the official wiki site...
"Crafted with gold in the resemblance of a Beholder, these weapons are sure to catch one's eye.
A PvE set of weapons available at the launch of Module 16: Undermountain. Obtain this equipment will take mastering the Expeditions and facing terrible foes with."
I wouldn't want that "mastering the Expeditions" means: collect all items from MEs (level 1000 items too)...
Has anyone already found all items?
gormenghast1Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 88Arc User
During the quest chain you have to upgrade the resonator in order to use resonances to create and use runes during master expeditions. Anyways almost everyone doing master expeditions has an enhanced resonator in inventory but still noone seems to have found a way to obtain the Watcher's set.
The community manager has stated in this thread that the set is obtainable in game, but it can possibly be time-gated as LoMM has been for some time after mod 16 release. Essences have also been time-gated and started dropping after LoMM has been released, even if nothing has been said about those in the patch notes.
There is also other unavailable content, for example those "powerful creatures found in Undermountain adventure zones" which should drop Weave-Touched Fragments usable to get the Vanity Chest from Zok. Even if those were the minibosses spawning in HEs around UM, those fragments have yet to drop; same can be said by named monsters around the areas (even if calling those "powerful" is quite the overstatement).
The question is: all this missing content (Watcher's Set, powerful creatures dropping wave-Touched Fragments, a mean to awaken the Essences as needed to restore Successor's armor pieces and probably more) is just waiting to be releases in an undisclosed amount of time or it's just bugs preventing players to obtain it?
Some word from the management would be appreciated at this point.
I was wondering if the mountaineer set is also an easter egg. Despite being said to be in the trade bar store, I cant seem to find any secret button to click to reveal it.
There are two version of resonator in game. First u get from quest where runemaster Sinye send you to gather each type of unstable resonance and un-restored artifact which you restore and turn it in to get resonator. after this you can farm resonance from runic encounter and do your daily master expeditions without any problem.
But you get 1 one more quest where Sinye ask you to get 5 rune etching (drops from master expedition chest only if u attune resonance crystals) and trade those for rune etched orb. This quest upgrades your Resonator to Enhanced Resonator but why?
After this you go farm runic encounter for resonance and do you daily master expedition there is no difference. So that enhanced resonator has some purpose inside of Master Expedition.
There are two version of resonator in game. First u get from quest where runemaster Sinye send you to gather each type of unstable resonance and un-restored artifact which you restore and turn it in to get resonator. after this you can farm resonance from runic encounter and do your daily master expeditions without any problem.
But you get 1 one more quest where Sinye ask you to get 5 rune etching (drops from master expedition chest only if u attune resonance crystals) and trade those for rune etched orb. This quest upgrades your Resonator to Enhanced Resonator but why?
After this you go farm runic encounter for resonance and do you daily master expedition there is no difference. So that enhanced resonator has some purpose inside of Master Expedition.
After the fix, that would be the bonus from each stone you use droping at final chest.
It's simple, we are all over looking at this too much. The odds of it being bugged are rather high. I mean the amount of bugs released with the mod weren't a few. The fact that people haven't even by accident noticed 'weird stuff' in ME until they've started to ninja work on it... I've had weird stuff happen to me in MEs that hasn't before. Like 2 bosses manifesting themselves from thin air. An 'unread beholder' never seen before. Also the black sphere thingies having different positions than normal (in the last 2-3weeks of running mes). Just bugged/incomplete and they are slowly fixing it/starting to complete it.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,173Arc User
Theres also the gray-ish forcefield that apears sometimes during the MEs.
That's bleed from the Shadowfell.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
klangeddinMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 882Arc User
edited May 2019
Isn't this set found inside the chest sold by the goblin vendor (for essences) at the Yawning Portal Inn? You know, those that give 5k RAD and trash, maybe they have this ridiculous low % rng to drop the artifact weapon on that chest.
@klangeddin I've opened about 800 chests of these on preview (with copying a lot of characters) and did not drop a single weapon from the chest. It could still be possible though, but I assume not.
The fact that nobody has gotten one, that we know of, from doing this seems to disprove that theory. Wild Theories--The Yellow rune seems to be the outlier of the 5. The other 4 follow item progression colors (green-aqua-purple-orange). Anybody tried 3 yellow? How about doing Blue-Green-Purple on first run, then doing Orange-Yellow on second run?
Blags out!
Original Serenity Mostly Retired DC
Tokarek Bearded Dwarven OP Tankadin
JuiceHead Goofy Human GWF
Member of H3llzWarriors and Limitless.
The tooltip for watcher set says "Expeditions - ??", the ilvl 1000 gear from Expeditions is in the Expeditions tab in collections, but is actually found in Zok boxes, not in the expeditions.
Maybe these "rare" creatures to summon are the "bosses" in ME's we encounter when we use runes? If so, perhaps their loot tables are buggered, because the ilvl 1000 most likely does not drop from them (everyone I know who has them got them from Zok boxes), is it supposed to though? idk. Same thing applies to the vanity pets, I've seen some people get them from bosses in LoMM on preview, but I've never seen anyone get them anywhere except Zok in live. Just "thinking out loud".
> Hey ... how about the runes setup should creat Mod 16... 16 = X V I ... what runes look like X V I ??
> Jeeeeeeez why Devs dont want to give us any clue...... any...
Maybe we should get a rune that resembles B, another U and another G
Then the bug king appears and gives us the weapons for free
I think that lures drop is bugged, but devs don't know that because they don't play live server..
> oooooh i didnt see this topic
> hmmmm....
Actually, it's 5x5x5 combinations, which is fortunate because it's about half as many combos (125 vs 243).
> Theres also the gray-ish forcefield that apears sometimes during the MEs.
Those are pockets of Shadowfell, like you see in Vanrakdoom. Might just be environmental flavor, but then there's the link to Vanrakdoom in the essences as well....
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
I have seen him spawn at level 80, with a different name.
A team of level 71’s basically couldn’t move his health (as a tank I ended up having to use terrain to get away from him).
I just assumed a bug, as he used to appear in play test and we assumed the same. Maybe it’s not a bug?
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
There is a barrier inside Master Expedition which u can see when u enter it makes a sound. Another point is Elder runes we hit gives debuff (negative conditions) upon exploding gives message "Elder energy released". If you go to rune master Sinye and check whats Elder Runes are " Elder runes are ancient symbol imbued whit magical powers that take years of study to cast of master. Once master anyone able to cast a symbol spell can create these elder runes. Halaster has mastered many runes over lifetime of study, which he placed within under-mountain as hazards."
So i think that Enhanced resonator has some purpose or else why they take so much effort to upgrade it by giving another quest. And looks like is all inside master expedition rather then Undermountain.
"Crafted with gold in the resemblance of a Beholder, these weapons are sure to catch one's eye.
A PvE set of weapons available at the launch of Module 16: Undermountain. Obtain this equipment will take mastering the Expeditions and facing terrible foes with."
Has anyone already found all items?
The community manager has stated in this thread that the set is obtainable in game, but it can possibly be time-gated as LoMM has been for some time after mod 16 release. Essences have also been time-gated and started dropping after LoMM has been released, even if nothing has been said about those in the patch notes.
There is also other unavailable content, for example those "powerful creatures found in Undermountain adventure zones" which should drop Weave-Touched Fragments usable to get the Vanity Chest from Zok. Even if those were the minibosses spawning in HEs around UM, those fragments have yet to drop; same can be said by named monsters around the areas (even if calling those "powerful" is quite the overstatement).
The question is: all this missing content (Watcher's Set, powerful creatures dropping wave-Touched Fragments, a mean to awaken the Essences as needed to restore Successor's armor pieces and probably more) is just waiting to be releases in an undisclosed amount of time or it's just bugs preventing players to obtain it?
Some word from the management would be appreciated at this point.
But you get 1 one more quest where Sinye ask you to get 5 rune etching (drops from master expedition chest only if u attune resonance crystals) and trade those for rune etched orb. This quest upgrades your Resonator to Enhanced Resonator but why?
After this you go farm runic encounter for resonance and do you daily master expedition there is no difference. So that enhanced resonator has some purpose inside of Master Expedition.
So maybe the entire group needs to stand together in some spot to trigger a mob?
For instance in the middle of those dark huge spheres occurring randomly in MEs?
The fact that people haven't even by accident noticed 'weird stuff' in ME until they've started to ninja work on it... I've had weird stuff happen to me in MEs that hasn't before. Like 2 bosses manifesting themselves from thin air. An 'unread beholder' never seen before. Also the black sphere thingies having different positions than normal (in the last 2-3weeks of running mes).
Just bugged/incomplete and they are slowly fixing it/starting to complete it.
You know, those that give 5k RAD and trash, maybe they have this ridiculous low % rng to drop the artifact weapon on that chest.
Wild Theories--The Yellow rune seems to be the outlier of the 5. The other 4 follow item progression colors (green-aqua-purple-orange). Anybody tried 3 yellow? How about doing Blue-Green-Purple on first run, then doing Orange-Yellow on second run?