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Feedback: Companions



  • tanais58cranetanais58crane Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    thestia said:

    The problem is, if a summoned companion doesn't even provide debuffs anymore, there is no need to use anything except an augment, which is what I detailed in my original feedback.

    There should be a benefit to both. If solo content doesn't need summoned companions to tank or provide CA (and based on some feedback, I'm not sure the community at large would appreciate such a difficulty increase in solo content), what does a summoned active companion provide except for less stats than an augment? A lot of people are already saying that they are experiencing an increase in difficulty, which is making doing things in solo content like dailies and HEs take much longer than on live. Considering that many of these people *should have* an active companion to tank or provide CA from live as they provide more combat stats on live than an augment, these people should, in theory, be seeing a decrease in difficulty because they have a companion to provide benefits to them, and yet, that isn't what they are reporting.

    I can assure you, that kind of increase in difficulty even if accompanied by a buff to active companions to make them meaningful, would drive off many long standing players out of frustration.

    mushellka said:

    thestia said:

    thestia said:

    I'm not asking for a companion for solo content, however I would like one with some value for group content. I already stated I don't need additional healing, or to cap my stats as a support. For group content, dps are going to want to cap their stats to maximize their damage, as they should, because that's their job. My roll as support does not require capped combat advantage, armor pen, awareness, accuracy. Equipping an augment would provide me with an excess of stats that have no value for me.

    In contrast, having an active companion, that provides less stats and also a debuff, has immense value for a support class in group content. The current generic debuffs that active companions now provide like "Armor Break" reduce an enemy's stats by 2,080. If the dps (or the tank for that matter) have appropriately balanced their stats, reducing an enemy's stats has no effect. So having a combat companion in group content also doesn't make much sense.

    I'd prefer if some companions still had debuffs. In group content, dps would still be drawn to use augments to balance their stats, but supports could ALSO have a choice that has value.

    Let's say your companion has a static 5% debuff.

    That means in a group of 5 people, you're basically giving everyone +2500 power. Meaning that the debuff-without any other stat gains-is worth 12500 power. It's actually more depending on how the debuff works (because x1.05 us a bigger increase than going from x2.05 to x2.10 is), so this is a deliberately conservative estimate.

    Is the stat differential between augments and non-augments more than 12500 points?
    These are my stats with an augment with 13.5% bolster:


    These are my stats with an active companion with 14% bolster:


    The augment provides 9.7k stats in power alone. I honestly just want to know what pet you think would actually be useful for a cleric to equip. I shouldn't equip a tank pet that would steal aggro from the actual tank in unpredictable ways. As I've said, the damage from pets (aside from those previously broken) is negligible. My legendary con artist does a whopping 1.1k per hit. I don't need to supplement my heals with a healing companion. Augments provide too many stats, but hey. I get more powerful heals with more power (though my healing is more than sufficient with the stats from an active companion. This would be overkill), so that's what I end up HAVING to use, due to there being no other real options.

    That leaves 100% of people with augments in group content. How is that different than live, where 100% of people have active companions? So much of mod 16 takes away diversity that I would love to have the option to have something different.
    You will not explain it to him.
    I have already given up.
    For me he is a confirmation of the thesis that "+100 to mathematical talents" means "-100 to the imagination".
    Sad but true.

    Hooray for straw men.
    He just likes to chase his own tail, pay him no mind.

    The point thestia is trying to make to you, if I understood her correctly, is that the easiest way to make active companions viable and valuable for support classes is giving them an effect on fights that scales well with difficulty in group content.

    No amount of fidgeting with their hit points or damage values is going to achieve that, so debuffs are a great option.
    styley177 said:

    The removal of de/buffs from companions i guess was inevitable seeing as how things are moving, with one exception i would say fair enough, Yojimbo.

    This was offered as a "special" limited time zen companion about a month before M16 hit preview, the Devs/game management knew these changes were incomming and also i would assume understand the corresponding hit to their desirability/usability.

    Personally i spent in the region of 10k zen getting these for a main and a alt, plus 1 or 2 i could sell later, to be frank i feel cheated. I also have Tigers but with those at least i have had use of them for quite a while so am not really irritated as stuff can and does change.

    However with the Yojimbo i feel like ive been conned (rightly or wrongly that how i feel) i paid for these using zen and now they will be average at best, no better than the myriad of comps that drop every day.

    1 step closer to taking a break from NW i guess :(

    Oddly enough, these developers have a long track record of sneaking one last offer for X desirable item right before announcing changes that will make X much less than desirable.

    I have been around so long that I can't even look at Zen sales without suspicion, it is like being in a relationship with an assassin while there is a bounty on your head.

    You never know if tonight she's going out of love, or just wants to tire you out so she can get herself a shiny new pair of daggers.

    And with Cryptic, it is always the shiny dagger.
    pitshade said:

    It's true that the Devs must make the changes they deem necessary to fix the game, but they should have been kinder or more forward thinking in what they released in m15. Adding Awesome Thing while knowing that it will get the nerfbat in a few months is a bit disingenuous. Even if the thing isn't as Awesome as it seems, there were a lot of mod 15 additions and changes that essentially became traps.

    Shiny new dagger.

    vordayn said:

    I thought the purpose of the companion change for Mod 16 was so that people could choose different companions and not have to slot one particular type because they are BiS.

    However, it's a practical landmine trying to make every companion, augment or summoned, equal. Even if one type offers a 1% advantage over everything else, then it'll be BiS.

    As I see it in Preview, if you need stats to round off your character, then slot an augment. However, if you are solo and can't get combat advantage, slot a summoned companion. In parties, where CA may be obtained by other means, then an augment may be preferable. So, while one type may be BiS in a particular setting, it seems that both have their uses in the general run of play when soloing or grouping up.

    For people not at end-game or chasing BiS, that is, most levelling characters, the other powers of companions become more important e.g. tanking, healing or perhaps a little more DPS depending on what that player needs. So I suppose the Mod 16 companion system will work better for them. Perhaps this is the demographic that the companion changes would be seen as a success for.

    Will the companion change make me use both an augment and summoned companion at particular intervals? Probably. Arguing over what is best theoretically at end-stage, while interesting and useful to thresh out the meta, shouldn't be worth fighting with each other about. The only bad thing I could see come out from this is, if you are in a group and are criticized for running one or the other because it isn't deemed "BiS".

    I've had that issue with augments on live, so this is just delicious revenge~
    Never encourage a change for the sake of getting back at other players.

    That is what cudgels are for, dummy.
    The stars are falling, and the old gods silent as death, with the blood sworn to rip you down from the night sky, what cost will pose too high?
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User

    thestia said:

    The problem is, if a summoned companion doesn't even provide debuffs anymore, there is no need to use anything except an augment, which is what I detailed in my original feedback.

    There should be a benefit to both. If solo content doesn't need summoned companions to tank or provide CA (and based on some feedback, I'm not sure the community at large would appreciate such a difficulty increase in solo content), what does a summoned active companion provide except for less stats than an augment? A lot of people are already saying that they are experiencing an increase in difficulty, which is making doing things in solo content like dailies and HEs take much longer than on live. Considering that many of these people *should have* an active companion to tank or provide CA from live as they provide more combat stats on live than an augment, these people should, in theory, be seeing a decrease in difficulty because they have a companion to provide benefits to them, and yet, that isn't what they are reporting.

    I can assure you, that kind of increase in difficulty even if accompanied by a buff to active companions to make them meaningful, would drive off many long standing players out of frustration.

    mushellka said:

    thestia said:

    thestia said:

    I'm not asking for a companion for solo content, however I would like one with some value for group content. I already stated I don't need additional healing, or to cap my stats as a support. For group content, dps are going to want to cap their stats to maximize their damage, as they should, because that's their job. My roll as support does not require capped combat advantage, armor pen, awareness, accuracy. Equipping an augment would provide me with an excess of stats that have no value for me.

    In contrast, having an active companion, that provides less stats and also a debuff, has immense value for a support class in group content. The current generic debuffs that active companions now provide like "Armor Break" reduce an enemy's stats by 2,080. If the dps (or the tank for that matter) have appropriately balanced their stats, reducing an enemy's stats has no effect. So having a combat companion in group content also doesn't make much sense.

    I'd prefer if some companions still had debuffs. In group content, dps would still be drawn to use augments to balance their stats, but supports could ALSO have a choice that has value.

    Let's say your companion has a static 5% debuff.

    That means in a group of 5 people, you're basically giving everyone +2500 power. Meaning that the debuff-without any other stat gains-is worth 12500 power. It's actually more depending on how the debuff works (because x1.05 us a bigger increase than going from x2.05 to x2.10 is), so this is a deliberately conservative estimate.

    Is the stat differential between augments and non-augments more than 12500 points?
    These are my stats with an augment with 13.5% bolster:


    These are my stats with an active companion with 14% bolster:


    The augment provides 9.7k stats in power alone. I honestly just want to know what pet you think would actually be useful for a cleric to equip. I shouldn't equip a tank pet that would steal aggro from the actual tank in unpredictable ways. As I've said, the damage from pets (aside from those previously broken) is negligible. My legendary con artist does a whopping 1.1k per hit. I don't need to supplement my heals with a healing companion. Augments provide too many stats, but hey. I get more powerful heals with more power (though my healing is more than sufficient with the stats from an active companion. This would be overkill), so that's what I end up HAVING to use, due to there being no other real options.

    That leaves 100% of people with augments in group content. How is that different than live, where 100% of people have active companions? So much of mod 16 takes away diversity that I would love to have the option to have something different.
    You will not explain it to him.
    I have already given up.
    For me he is a confirmation of the thesis that "+100 to mathematical talents" means "-100 to the imagination".
    Sad but true.

    Hooray for straw men.
    He just likes to chase his own tail, pay him no mind.

    The point thestia is trying to make to you, if I understood her correctly, is that the easiest way to make active companions viable and valuable for support classes is giving them an effect on fights that scales well with difficulty in group content.

    No amount of fidgeting with their hit points or damage values is going to achieve that, so debuffs are a great option.
    styley177 said:

    The removal of de/buffs from companions i guess was inevitable seeing as how things are moving, with one exception i would say fair enough, Yojimbo.

    This was offered as a "special" limited time zen companion about a month before M16 hit preview, the Devs/game management knew these changes were incomming and also i would assume understand the corresponding hit to their desirability/usability.

    Personally i spent in the region of 10k zen getting these for a main and a alt, plus 1 or 2 i could sell later, to be frank i feel cheated. I also have Tigers but with those at least i have had use of them for quite a while so am not really irritated as stuff can and does change.

    However with the Yojimbo i feel like ive been conned (rightly or wrongly that how i feel) i paid for these using zen and now they will be average at best, no better than the myriad of comps that drop every day.

    1 step closer to taking a break from NW i guess :(

    Oddly enough, these developers have a long track record of sneaking one last offer for X desirable item right before announcing changes that will make X much less than desirable.

    I have been around so long that I can't even look at Zen sales without suspicion, it is like being in a relationship with an assassin while there is a bounty on your head.

    You never know if tonight she's going out of love, or just wants to tire you out so she can get herself a shiny new pair of daggers.

    And with Cryptic, it is always the shiny dagger.
    pitshade said:

    It's true that the Devs must make the changes they deem necessary to fix the game, but they should have been kinder or more forward thinking in what they released in m15. Adding Awesome Thing while knowing that it will get the nerfbat in a few months is a bit disingenuous. Even if the thing isn't as Awesome as it seems, there were a lot of mod 15 additions and changes that essentially became traps.

    Shiny new dagger.

    vordayn said:

    I thought the purpose of the companion change for Mod 16 was so that people could choose different companions and not have to slot one particular type because they are BiS.

    However, it's a practical landmine trying to make every companion, augment or summoned, equal. Even if one type offers a 1% advantage over everything else, then it'll be BiS.

    As I see it in Preview, if you need stats to round off your character, then slot an augment. However, if you are solo and can't get combat advantage, slot a summoned companion. In parties, where CA may be obtained by other means, then an augment may be preferable. So, while one type may be BiS in a particular setting, it seems that both have their uses in the general run of play when soloing or grouping up.

    For people not at end-game or chasing BiS, that is, most levelling characters, the other powers of companions become more important e.g. tanking, healing or perhaps a little more DPS depending on what that player needs. So I suppose the Mod 16 companion system will work better for them. Perhaps this is the demographic that the companion changes would be seen as a success for.

    Will the companion change make me use both an augment and summoned companion at particular intervals? Probably. Arguing over what is best theoretically at end-stage, while interesting and useful to thresh out the meta, shouldn't be worth fighting with each other about. The only bad thing I could see come out from this is, if you are in a group and are criticized for running one or the other because it isn't deemed "BiS".

    I've had that issue with augments on live, so this is just delicious revenge~
    Never encourage a change for the sake of getting back at other players.

    That is what cudgels are for, dummy.
    I wasn't seriously suggesting anything for the sake of getting back at other players ;P

    At most, non-augments being trash for years is just proof that the game can function fine even if the meta convenes around one type being the type taken seriously and the other type being not that.
  • kopros666kopros666 Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    Companion tooltips should mention whether a bonus is offence/defense/utility. I also can't understand why particular bonuses belong to a specific category. For example, red slaad at blue rank gives 2k accuracy and 1k arm. pen. and fits in defense slot. Why?

    Chultan tiger's bonus is stated as offence, but can only be slotted at defense.
    There isn't a way to rename companions.
    In yawning portal area pets don't give their stats to character, and aren't summoned. (This is annoying when you change stuff and can't see the stats you sit to unless you move to other location).

    Post edited by kopros666 on
  • rafaeldarafaelda Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 666 Arc User
    Game crash if you try to inspect your pet from chat link
  • tanais58cranetanais58crane Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    rafaelda said:

    Game crash if you try to inspect your pet from chat link

    It is just shy.

    thestia said:

    The problem is, if a summoned companion doesn't even provide debuffs anymore, there is no need to use anything except an augment, which is what I detailed in my original feedback.

    There should be a benefit to both. If solo content doesn't need summoned companions to tank or provide CA (and based on some feedback, I'm not sure the community at large would appreciate such a difficulty increase in solo content), what does a sumdifficulty, which is making doing things in solo content like dailies and HEs take much longer than on live. Considering that many of these people *should have* an active companion to tank or provide CA from live as they provide more combat stats on live than an augment, these people should, in theory, be seeing a decrease in difficulty because they have a companion to provide benefits to them, and yet, that isn't what they are reporting.

    I can assure you, that kind of increase in difficulty even if accompanied by a buff to active companions to make them meaningful, would drive off many long standing players out of frustration.

    mushellka said:

    thestia said:

    thestia said:

    I'm not asking for a companion for solo content, however I would like one with some value for group content. I already stated I don't need additional healing, or to cap my stats as a support. For group content, dps are going to want to cap their stats to maximize their damage, as they should, because that's their job. My roll as support does not require capped combat advantage, armor pen, awareness, accuracy. Equipping an augment would provide me with an excess of stats that have no value for me.

    In contrast, having an active companion, that provides less stats and also a debuff, has immense value for a support class in group content. The current generic debuffs that active companions now provide like "Armor Break" reduce an enemy's stats by 2,080. If the dps (or the tank for that matter) have appropriately balanced their stats, reducing an enemy's stats has no effect. So having a combat companion in group content also doesn't make much sense.

    I'd prefer if some companions still had debuffs. In group content, dps would still be drawn to use augments to balance their stats, but supports could ALSO have a choice that has value.

    Let's say your companion has a static 5% debuff.

    That means in a group of 5 people, you're basically giving everyone +2500 power. Meaning that the debuff-without any other stat gains-is worth 12500 power. It's actually more depending on how the debuff works (because x1.05 us a bigger increase than going from x2.05 to x2.10 is), so this is a deliberately conservative estimate.

    Is the stat differential between augments and non-augments more than 12500 points?
    These are my stats with an augment with 13.5% bolster:


    These are my stats with an active companion with 14% bolster:


    The augment provides 9.7k stats in power alone. I honestly just want to know what pet you think would actually be useful for a cleric to equip. I shouldn't equip a tank pet that would steal aggro from the actual tank in unpredictable ways. As I've said, the damage from pets (aside from those previously broken) is negligible. My legendary con artist does a whopping 1.1k per hit. I don't need to supplement my heals with a healing companion. Augments provide too many stats, but hey. I get more powerful heals with more power (though my healing is more than sufficient with the stats from an active companion. This would be overkill), so that's what I end up HAVING to use, due to there being no other real options.

    That leaves 100% of people with augments in group content. How is that different than live, where 100% of people have active companions? So much of mod 16 takes away diversity that I would love to have the option to have something different.
    You will not explain it to him.
    I have already given up.
    For me he is a confirmation of the thesis that "+100 to mathematical talents" means "-100 to the imagination".
    Sad but true.

    Hooray for straw men.
    He just likes to chase his own tail, pay him no mind.

    The point thestia is trying to make to you, if I understood her correctly, is that the easiest way to make active companions viable and valuable for support classes is giving them an effect on fights that scales well with difficulty in group content.

    No amount of fidgeting with their hit points or damage values is going to achieve that, so debuffs are a great option.
    styley177 said:

    The removal of de/buffs from companions i guess was inevitable seeing as how things are moving, with one exception i would say fair enough, Yojimbo.

    This was offered as a "special" limited time zen companion about a month before M16 hit preview, the Devs/game management knew these changes were incomming and also i would assume understand the corresponding hit to their desirability/usability.

    Personally i spent in the region of 10k zen getting these for a main and a alt, plus 1 or 2 i could sell later, to be frank i feel cheated. I also have Tigers but with those at least i have had use of them for quite a while so am not really irritated as stuff can and does change.

    However with the Yojimbo i feel like ive been conned (rightly or wrongly that how i feel) i paid for these using zen and now they will be average at best, no better than the myriad of comps that drop every day.

    1 step closer to taking a break from NW i guess :(

    Oddly enough, these developers have a long track record of sneaking one last offer for X desirable item right before announcing changes that will make X much less than desirable.

    I have been around so long that I can't even look at Zen sales without suspicion, it is like being in a relationship with an assassin while there is a bounty on your head.

    You never know if tonight she's going out of love, or just wants to tire you out so she can get herself a shiny new pair of daggers.

    And with Cryptic, it is always the shiny dagger.
    pitshade said:

    It's true that the Devs must make the changes they deem necessary to fix the game, but they should have been kinder or more forward thinking in what they released in m15. Adding Awesome Thing while knowing that it will get the nerfbat in a few months is a bit disingenuous. Even if the thing isn't as Awesome as it seems, there were a lot of mod 15 additions and changes that essentially became traps.

    Shiny new dagger.

    vordayn said:

    I thought the purpose of the companion change for Mod 16 was so that people could choose different companions and not have to slot one particular type because they are BiS.

    However, it's a practical landmine trying to make every companion, augment or summoned, equal. Even if one type offers a 1% advantage over everything else, then it'll be BiS.

    As I see it in Preview, if you need stats to round off your character, then slot an augment. However, if you are solo and can't get combat advantage, slot a summoned companion. In parties, where CA may be obtained by other means, then an augment may be preferable. So, while one type may be BiS in a particular setting, it seems that both have their uses in the general run of play when soloing or grouping up.

    For people not at end-game or chasing BiS, that is, most levelling characters, the other powers of companions become more important e.g. tanking, healing or perhaps a little more DPS depending on what that player needs. So I suppose the Mod 16 companion system will work better for them. Perhaps this is the demographic that the companion changes would be seen as a success for.

    Will the companion change make me use both an augment and summoned companion at particular intervals? Probably. Arguing over what is best theoretically at end-stage, while interesting and useful to thresh out the meta, shouldn't be worth fighting with each other about. The only bad thing I could see come out from this is, if you are in a group and are criticized for running one or the other because it isn't deemed "BiS".

    I've had that issue with augments on live, so this is just delicious revenge~
    Never encourage a change for the sake of getting back at other players.

    That is what cudgels are for, dummy.
    I wasn't seriously suggesting anything for the sake of getting back at other players ;P

    At most, non-augments being trash for years is just proof that the game can function fine even if the meta convenes around one type being the type taken seriously and the other type being not that.
    The pity is that with the rework, they had the chance to balance things so people could use both augments and non augments somewhat interchangeably, giving us a wider array of options on what companions to use.

    But looking at how things appear to be planned to go forward, they look to be seriously diminishing the desirable options.

    [ That said, are Barbarians still going to be stuck with two defensive slots? Who do I've to whack to get that terrible idea taken back into the poor-decisions hell that it crawled out of? ]
    The stars are falling, and the old gods silent as death, with the blood sworn to rip you down from the night sky, what cost will pose too high?
  • kieranmtornkieranmtorn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    Don't bother slotting redemption for a companion power. With a barbarian and a legendary pet, during a fight were barbarian's revelry proc'd 529 times, it proc'd 113 times (assuming it registers in ACT as Rejuvenation, otherwise it didn't proc at all), so we're talking about a 1% (or 0%) chance. (by contrast Vorpal weapon registered 1348 times, so that's probably a good measure of attack checks, since it was a single enemy with no damage over time attacks).

    I've gotten to the point whenever I see the words: 'a chance to', I know it's going to be horribly bad.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User

    Don't bother slotting redemption for a companion power. With a barbarian and a legendary pet, during a fight were barbarian's revelry proc'd 529 times, it proc'd 113 times (assuming it registers in ACT as Rejuvenation, otherwise it didn't proc at all), so we're talking about a 1% (or 0%) chance. (by contrast Vorpal weapon registered 1348 times, so that's probably a good measure of attack checks, since it was a single enemy with no damage over time attacks).

    I've gotten to the point whenever I see the words: 'a chance to', I know it's going to be horribly bad.

    They should just tell us what the flipping chance is. If I wanted to be patronized like this I'd drive down to Atlantic City.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • dressrobadressroba Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    so i did some testing for the stats that normal pet give and a augment give and this is what i found out .


    with no pet gear , 210% bonding , 15% bloster , 37.2% comp influence .

    +9899.3 on all stats and + 3000 on the 3 bouns stats for augment ( arm pen / acc / ca )

    @rainer#8575 @sgrantdev
  • dressrobadressroba Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    now with gear :


    tiger stats with gear :


    owlbear cubs stats with gear :

  • lordseth1985lordseth1985 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 319 Arc User
    dressroba said:

    so i did some testing for the stats that normal pet give and a augment give and this is what i found out .


    with no pet gear , 210% bonding , 15% bloster , 37.2% comp influence .

    +9899.3 on all stats and + 3000 on the 3 bouns stats for augment ( arm pen / acc / ca )

    @rainer#8575 @sgrantdev

    dressroba said:

    now with gear :


    tiger stats with gear :


    owlbear cubs stats with gear :


    That's good to know. I always liked augments and knowing this, my interest just increased. Let's hope they don't get nerfed lol
    Avestruz.Q.T.Seduz - Rogue, natural born assassin.
  • jelara1jelara1 Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    hustin1 said:

    Don't bother slotting redemption for a companion power. With a barbarian and a legendary pet, during a fight were barbarian's revelry proc'd 529 times, it proc'd 113 times (assuming it registers in ACT as Rejuvenation, otherwise it didn't proc at all), so we're talking about a 1% (or 0%) chance. (by contrast Vorpal weapon registered 1348 times, so that's probably a good measure of attack checks, since it was a single enemy with no damage over time attacks).

    I've gotten to the point whenever I see the words: 'a chance to', I know it's going to be horribly bad.

    They should just tell us what the flipping chance is. If I wanted to be patronized like this I'd drive down to Atlantic City.
    I don't think its a low chance that is the problem, I think the Redemption effect is bugged with this patch and always giving 0 healing.

    I was at half health during this log snippet, though its after combat (my Health Regen kicked in). I looked back through a fair amount of logs even during combat, I never saw anything other than 0 Hit Points from Redepmption.

    [Combat (Self)] Your Con Artist gives 0 Hit Points to you with Redemption.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Con Artist gives 0 Hit Points to Your Con Artist with Redemption.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Con Artist gives 0 Hit Points to you with Redemption.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Con Artist gives 0 Hit Points to Your Con Artist with Redemption.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Con Artist gives 0 Hit Points to you with Redemption.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Con Artist gives 6262 Hit Points to Your Con Artist with Base Stats.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Con Artist gives 0 Hit Points to Your Con Artist with Redemption.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Health Regen gives 17010 (15464) Hit Points to you.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Con Artist gives 0 Hit Points to you with Redemption.
    [Combat (Self)] Your Con Artist gives 6262 Hit Points to Your Con Artist with Base Stats.

  • zimxero#8085 zimxero Member Posts: 876 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    (bug?) Rust Monster description: 10% chance on encounter use to reduce an enemy's Armor Penetration.
    A Rust Monster should rust(reduce) an enemy's armor(defense), unless you are considering that its weaponry is being rusted.

  • autumnwitchautumnwitch Member Posts: 1,141 Arc User
    Does anyone know what the new stats will be for the Fawn of Shiallia who gives only recovery as an active bonus? What will recovery be replaced with in Mod16?
    Boudica's Sisters - A Guild For Introverts
  • rainer#8575 rainer Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited March 2019

    Does anyone know what the new stats will be for the Fawn of Shiallia who gives only recovery as an active bonus? What will recovery be replaced with in Mod16?

    Power and Crit (bigger stat is crit)... I have all companions in my companion overview in the pocket wiki:

    Also, the formula for stat transfers actually hasn't changed... Just the base value for companions and augments has changed.

    Base value now is "(Rank -4) * 100" (at least for all ranks >= 10)
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User

    Does anyone know what the new stats will be for the Fawn of Shiallia who gives only recovery as an active bonus? What will recovery be replaced with in Mod16?

    Power and Crit (bigger stat is crit)... I have all companions in my companion overview in the pocket wiki:

    Also, the formula for stat transfers actually hasn't changed... Just the base value for companions and augments has changed.

    Base value now is "(Rank -4) * 100" (at least for all ranks >= 10)

    Does anyone know what the new stats will be for the Fawn of Shiallia who gives only recovery as an active bonus? What will recovery be replaced with in Mod16?

    Power and Crit (bigger stat is crit)... I have all companions in my companion overview in the pocket wiki:

    Also, the formula for stat transfers actually hasn't changed... Just the base value for companions and augments has changed.

    Base value now is "(Rank -4) * 100" (at least for all ranks >= 10)
    Interesting sheet: is there a reason why you've disabled export options?
  • This content has been removed.
  • rainer#8575 rainer Member Posts: 280 Arc User

    Does anyone know what the new stats will be for the Fawn of Shiallia who gives only recovery as an active bonus? What will recovery be replaced with in Mod16?

    Power and Crit (bigger stat is crit)... I have all companions in my companion overview in the pocket wiki:

    Also, the formula for stat transfers actually hasn't changed... Just the base value for companions and augments has changed.

    Base value now is "(Rank -4) * 100" (at least for all ranks >= 10)
    Interesting sheet: is there a reason why you've disabled export options?
    I would like to prevent the sheet from getting scattered with multiple versions flying around. I am actively updating it. Once I stop doing that it will be released from its chain :wink:
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User

    Does anyone know what the new stats will be for the Fawn of Shiallia who gives only recovery as an active bonus? What will recovery be replaced with in Mod16?

    Power and Crit (bigger stat is crit)... I have all companions in my companion overview in the pocket wiki:

    Also, the formula for stat transfers actually hasn't changed... Just the base value for companions and augments has changed.

    Base value now is "(Rank -4) * 100" (at least for all ranks >= 10)
    Interesting sheet: is there a reason why you've disabled export options?
    I would like to prevent the sheet from getting scattered with multiple versions flying around. I am actively updating it. Once I stop doing that it will be released from its chain :wink:
    Fair enough. I was just annoyed because I like to freeze panes when I'm viewing things and that option appears to be locked!
  • autumnwitchautumnwitch Member Posts: 1,141 Arc User

    Does anyone know what the new stats will be for the Fawn of Shiallia who gives only recovery as an active bonus? What will recovery be replaced with in Mod16?

    Power and Crit (bigger stat is crit)... I have all companions in my companion overview in the pocket wiki:

    Also, the formula for stat transfers actually hasn't changed... Just the base value for companions and augments has changed.

    Base value now is "(Rank -4) * 100" (at least for all ranks >= 10)
    Thank you so much for taking the time to answer this and wow what an amazing document! Will save me so much grief!
    Boudica's Sisters - A Guild For Introverts
  • douglasopferbeckdouglasopferbeck Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    Anyone know what they actually changed Priestess Moonbow’s combat attack powers to now? I have heard confirmation that she no longer gives 20% crit chance, but can’t figure out what it is now as I can’t seem to inspect companions in the collection on preview server. You actually have to own s companion to see its combat abilities now?
  • rainer#8575 rainer Member Posts: 280 Arc User

    Anyone know what they actually changed Priestess Moonbow’s combat attack powers to now? I have heard confirmation that she no longer gives 20% crit chance, but can’t figure out what it is now as I can’t seem to inspect companions in the collection on preview server. You actually have to own s companion to see its combat abilities now?

    Sehanine "Moon Beams" now states:
    "Reduces Critical Avoidance for enemies within 20' by 50 per companion level and increases Critical Strike for allies within 20' by 50 per companion level for 6 seconds"

    With a max companion level of 40 that means:
    -2000 Critical Avoidance for enemies
    +2000 Critical Strike for allies
  • rainer#8575 rainer Member Posts: 280 Arc User

    Does anyone know what the new stats will be for the Fawn of Shiallia who gives only recovery as an active bonus? What will recovery be replaced with in Mod16?

    Power and Crit (bigger stat is crit)... I have all companions in my companion overview in the pocket wiki:

    Also, the formula for stat transfers actually hasn't changed... Just the base value for companions and augments has changed.

    Base value now is "(Rank -4) * 100" (at least for all ranks >= 10)
    Interesting sheet: is there a reason why you've disabled export options?
    I would like to prevent the sheet from getting scattered with multiple versions flying around. I am actively updating it. Once I stop doing that it will be released from its chain :wink:
    Fair enough. I was just annoyed because I like to freeze panes when I'm viewing things and that option appears to be locked!
    Which pane would you like to freeze? Maybe I can assist here
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User

    Does anyone know what the new stats will be for the Fawn of Shiallia who gives only recovery as an active bonus? What will recovery be replaced with in Mod16?

    Power and Crit (bigger stat is crit)... I have all companions in my companion overview in the pocket wiki:

    Also, the formula for stat transfers actually hasn't changed... Just the base value for companions and augments has changed.

    Base value now is "(Rank -4) * 100" (at least for all ranks >= 10)
    Interesting sheet: is there a reason why you've disabled export options?
    I would like to prevent the sheet from getting scattered with multiple versions flying around. I am actively updating it. Once I stop doing that it will be released from its chain :wink:
    Fair enough. I was just annoyed because I like to freeze panes when I'm viewing things and that option appears to be locked!
    Which pane would you like to freeze? Maybe I can assist here
    When looking at tables, I like to freeze the header row and the name. That way, even if you're looking at the far right column, you know what each column represents, and which entry it pertains to.
  • rainer#8575 rainer Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited March 2019

    Does anyone know what the new stats will be for the Fawn of Shiallia who gives only recovery as an active bonus? What will recovery be replaced with in Mod16?

    Power and Crit (bigger stat is crit)... I have all companions in my companion overview in the pocket wiki:

    Also, the formula for stat transfers actually hasn't changed... Just the base value for companions and augments has changed.

    Base value now is "(Rank -4) * 100" (at least for all ranks >= 10)
    Interesting sheet: is there a reason why you've disabled export options?
    I would like to prevent the sheet from getting scattered with multiple versions flying around. I am actively updating it. Once I stop doing that it will be released from its chain :wink:
    Fair enough. I was just annoyed because I like to freeze panes when I'm viewing things and that option appears to be locked!
    Which pane would you like to freeze? Maybe I can assist here
    When looking at tables, I like to freeze the header row and the name. That way, even if you're looking at the far right column, you know what each column represents, and which entry it pertains to.
    Ahh locking the first column.. yea I can do that :wink:

    Edit: should be done now
  • lordseth1985lordseth1985 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 319 Arc User

    Does anyone know what the new stats will be for the Fawn of Shiallia who gives only recovery as an active bonus? What will recovery be replaced with in Mod16?

    Power and Crit (bigger stat is crit)... I have all companions in my companion overview in the pocket wiki:

    Also, the formula for stat transfers actually hasn't changed... Just the base value for companions and augments has changed.

    Base value now is "(Rank -4) * 100" (at least for all ranks >= 10)
    WTF why rogues have Dex that high? i'm not complaining, cuz my main is a rogue, but rogues and barbarians are the only ones to have any stat above 18...
    Avestruz.Q.T.Seduz - Rogue, natural born assassin.
  • mdarkangel#4696 mdarkangel Member Posts: 442 Arc User
    So, non-augment companions bring no stats to the table outside of any equipment and runestones?

    Level 40 Razorwood:

    And, augment companions only gain 25 ratings points per level?

    Level 40 Bulette Pup:

    Combat Advantage stat is missing from the tooltip

    One more strike against making a non-augment your summoned companion.
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User

    So, non-augment companions bring no stats to the table outside of any equipment and runestones?

    Level 40 Razorwood:

    And, augment companions only gain 25 ratings points per level?

    Level 40 Bulette Pup:

    Combat Advantage stat is missing from the tooltip

    One more strike against making a non-augment your summoned companion.

    I was gonna say "when have non-augments EVER brought stats to the table outside of runestones" but I guess legendary bonus did technically work.

    Last time I tried testing out the effect of legendary companions on live, it was hardly any stat points at all though.
  • mdarkangel#4696 mdarkangel Member Posts: 442 Arc User

    I was gonna say "when have non-augments EVER brought stats to the table outside of runestones" but I guess legendary bonus did technically work.

    Last time I tried testing out the effect of legendary companions on live, it was hardly any stat points at all though.

    It may not be much, but on live, my level 40 Razorwood had 625 (before buffs) in three stats.
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User

    I was gonna say "when have non-augments EVER brought stats to the table outside of runestones" but I guess legendary bonus did technically work.

    Last time I tried testing out the effect of legendary companions on live, it was hardly any stat points at all though.

    It may not be much, but on live, my level 40 Razorwood had 625 (before buffs) in three stats.
    Right, but were those actually being transferred, independent of bondings? Augments base stats sans equipment were also pretty damned terrible.
  • dressrobadressroba Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    @mdarkangel#4696 yea but the gear got *3 stats so again they moved pets stats more into gear from the pet/runestones #make new players 20k il . :p
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