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Official M16: General Feedback



  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    The duration of the Poison DoTs is REALLY ANNOYING. Long after the fight is over I have to sit there and wait an eternity before I can interact with anything because the damned thing keeps interrupting me.

    I don't think you fully realize the increase in difficulty from taking away literally every avenue to self-heal when soloing. I'm running this with a very-near-BiS SW and I'm struggling mightily on certain quest fights. You're making the same mistake you made in Mod 6 with the killer-DM mentality and you're going to frustrate an awful lot of lesser-geared players.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • kacsaneverkacsanever Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 167 Arc User
    > @noworries#8859 said:
    > Unsure if it was a bug, merely part of trouble staying connected or something related with the changes to class. For the 12 minutes I managed to log in the server, I noticed my initial stats weren't as I initially rolled them while in character creation.
    > When I first created the character at lvl 1, rolling stats and such, I had X values. Logged in preview. Those values for the stats were all different aside the one for the main stat of the class.
    > Dex was negative.
    > Cha and Wis were low with Int pumped to 17.
    > Str was a bit higher.
    > Only Con was the same.
    > My question being: bug or are classes agonna get a chnage on which stats matter most to them?
    > Ability Scores affect different stats than they previously did, and are no longer different per class.
    > On top of that, a given class has a set layout of initial ability score distribution, however they can still customize the point spends while leveling and through different ability score boosts through gear.

    According to this a free race re-roll per toon should be available on launch. Different classes had different primary and secondary stats, race was chossen according to it by many players to have those maxed.

    Question: cleric primary attribute was WIS, gave increased outgoing heal and outgoing damage. According to preview server tooltips WIS increases only incoming heal. Is it intended (seems yes according to the aboves)? If so, which ability score increases outgoing heal? If none, why WIS is the highest by the layout of initial ability scores? Could you elaborate it?
  • noworries#8859 noworries Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 651 Cryptic Developer
    hustin1 said:

    For SWs that is provably false. All of the at-wills I have now are ones I have on live.

    The Soulweaver path has the new At-Will.
  • noworries#8859 noworries Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 651 Cryptic Developer

    Why is there no opportunity to exchange 3 statted enchants in PE? You have 1- and 2-stat enchants, but not 3-statted for other 3-statted?

    3 stat exchange should be there. The store only shows the options you currently have based on your inventory in order to keep the store manageable to interact with.
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    Please give us the option to display Character portraits as before.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • minotaur2857minotaur2857 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,141 Arc User
    No campfire in the YP ?

  • This content has been removed.
  • mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Member Posts: 693 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    I started a new character since the transfer service was not working for me. As I leveled up I saw that I was earning power points...

    "New Powers! You earned 2 power points.

    Click to increase power points".

    ... Okay, so I "click here" and it shows me the power window, but there is nothing about having any points to spend on increasing anything.

    If these points are automatically spent on the new powers that I get then I don't see why they need to be listed. The new power is listed and telling me that I have points to spend when the game has already spent them for me is confusing.

    If I am supposed to be able to do something to spend these points on improving my skills then you need to fix or at least improve that function.

    When doing the Sleeping Dragon Bridge area of the tutorial, the treasure chest near the skeleton archers (the first encounter in the area) contained an ID scroll. These are supposed to be removed.

  • lantern22lantern22 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,111 Arc User

    NOT ONE DAMN NEW ABILITY!!!!!. We are all gaining 10 new levels and instead of fixing said issues and gaining new spells/abilities all that is happening is the spreading out of current abilities. I mean I am so livid about this, its not even funny. I am not even going to touch on the almost cookie cutter builds this mod is now going to make almost everyone, especially the wizards. So here is my question....

    WHY NO NEW ABILITIES, SPELLS ore FEATS for the additional 10 levels?!

    Every single class has new abilities
    No we have the same abilities that have been changed and moved around.... nothing that I would call new. Which you would expect when a level cap increases happens. At least not that I have seen in the Control Wizards. Everything has just been removed and only a few things kept and moved around or renamed.
    Each class got a minimum of 1 new at-will 1 new encounter and 1 new daily power, some got more.

    On top of that some classes got entirely new feats as well.
    If by "every single class has new abilities" you mean that you took old ones that we liked, changed them so we no longer like them as much (if at all), then yes you are correct. For example, lunging strike on fighter has been changed to something new but something that is less useful than before.

    Taking away the ability to roll your stats on character creation - why? Why would you do this?

    I actually think this will be worse than Mod 6. Hopefully I'm wrong.
  • wizardlvl80#5963 wizardlvl80 Member Posts: 519 Arc User
    I know I repeat myself, but why some artifacts show 150 IL and others 300 IL?
  • aimsiesaimsies Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 66 Arc User
    The tooltip for the Ravenloft Campaign Completion token in the Zen market references Jungles of Chult in the store front. When you click on it, the text also reads Jungles of Chult however when you actually hover on the token itself it correctly reads Ravenloft.
  • redmoonkarinredmoonkarin Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    I dont see much improvement in TR assasin path is so ..... it takes very long cooldowns . you may made some stuff for future but so far not .... dont have nice stuff to say sorry
  • cherryman1cherryman1 Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    Stronghold monsters are currently too powerful right now. Their scaling is such that I can't take any of the 4 respeced 18k class characters and solo 1 set of the mobs without using the broken artifact damage or mount combat damage on them to kill them. To kill one set of mobs on my dps setup required 10 uses of my health stone and a lot of running/kiting around them to do it. That seems to be excessive in the current setup and will cause players in strongholds who are just trying to level them up to no be able to farm any of the quests.

    Skirmishes that require the party to split up and the way that heals seem to work in small areas means that these types of content can't be completed the way they are setup. You have to go around as a team of 5 to stay alive but the content is meant to split up the team. I think all content that is meant to split the team up will force groups to make a multi healer group to get through it. The tanks aren't needed in this content as the dps can tank as well as the healer does as much damage as some of the current dps classes. Which means I would look at the following content as broken in the new way that combat is setup especially if you have a timer in the content:
    Merchant Prince Folly
    Many Coin Bank Heist
    Prophecy of Madness
    Throne of the Dwarven Gods

    Possible fix would be to remove the timer on the content and give out the same rewards for just finishing the content.
    Guild Leader: Under the Influence
    Yule (Barb): 72k : Siren (TR): 78k : Torun (DC): 73k : Siren OP (OP): 76k : Siren SW (SW): 78k : Modern (F): 80k : Cherry1 (CW) : 68k Siren HR (HR): 78k
  • checkmatein3checkmatein3 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 525 Arc User

    Why is there no opportunity to exchange 3 statted enchants in PE? You have 1- and 2-stat enchants, but not 3-statted for other 3-statted?

    3 stat exchange should be there. The store only shows the options you currently have based on your inventory in order to keep the store manageable to interact with.
    I tested it with one of my Black Ice Enchantments, Rank 14. I removed it from the gear, removed protection, and then checked the vendor. On none of the tabs (Keys, Eldritch, Tranquil, Insignia, Enchantment Trade In nor Enchantment Claim) is there an option to take the Rank 14 Black Ice 3 statted. I could trade a single or double stat, but not the 3 statted BI rank 14.

    LEVIATHAN--19.3k Metallic Dragonborn Guardian Fighter Swordmaster Loadouts

    Guild--And the Imaginary Friends

  • telitha2telitha2 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Did you take temple of Tiamat out? it is not in queue. It's neither in Epic trial or random. If so what about Linu's favors?
  • noworries#8859 noworries Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 651 Cryptic Developer

    Why is there no opportunity to exchange 3 statted enchants in PE? You have 1- and 2-stat enchants, but not 3-statted for other 3-statted?

    3 stat exchange should be there. The store only shows the options you currently have based on your inventory in order to keep the store manageable to interact with.
    I tested it with one of my Black Ice Enchantments, Rank 14. I removed it from the gear, removed protection, and then checked the vendor. On none of the tabs (Keys, Eldritch, Tranquil, Insignia, Enchantment Trade In nor Enchantment Claim) is there an option to take the Rank 14 Black Ice 3 statted. I could trade a single or double stat, but not the 3 statted BI rank 14.

    Black Ice has been reported by other players as not being accepted by the exchange currently, other triple stat enchants should work.
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User

    The Tensers Floating Disc change from 4k recovery to accuracy is a deal breaker for me. This is the single most valuable in game item I own, and I can't even come close to affording a replacement. While recovery was great for both a healadin and tankadin and was the sole reason i got the tensers, accuracy seems useless for a non dps character. It seems senseless to have to slot an epic mount bonus when I own a legendary. Perhaps a mount exchange similar to the enchantment exchange?

    There's a certain rabbithole effect of allowing exchange of , but it's probably the right outcome.

    Virtually everything that used to give Life Steal or Recovery in good measure should be exchangable for equal tier items of comparable strength, though maybe not every set of such (for instance, recovery artifacts shouldn't necessarily let you get the most over the top overpriced artifacts from the AH).

    I'm way more concerned about something like the Masterwork set bonus, but then again, who cares, that set is now officially useless past level 70 after all.
  • saelarainsaelarain Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10 Arc User
    Hello, to all Neverwinter players and fans. My post goes directly to the Devs and GM's. On the first day of preview for MOD16, I had a bit of an issue while logged in on my SW. When I went to set all of my ability scores, powers and boons, the system would not let me finish the setup properly so that I may go test my powers and such. Then when I went to switch out a skill, it reset all of my ability scores, powers and boons. I think in order for people to understand all classes and how they work under this new system, each class must be able to finish the setup of ability scores, powers and boons. Can you fix this issue.
    2. Another issue is with the companions and their gear, enchants and runestones. All of those items came off and completely filled my bags, which is understandable. But in preview, we only have 6 spots for shared bank, and this issue needs to be addressed. I believe that in preview, it should mirror the regular neverwinter game play bank system. Just so a player who has so many companions with gear, enchants and runstones would have a place to put that stuff.
    These are the only (2) issues that I have atm and I would really like to see this fixed. before MOD 16 GOES LIVE.
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    Speaking of the trading, I feel like it'd be an easier interface to navigate if there was a dialogue tree option, instead of the different tabs thing, kind of like the Trade Bar Vendor. Maybe that's just me though.
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    vanwish said:

    when i see the course that the game decided to take, I completely lost interest in doing my daily missions in live server until the expansion arrives...

    I feel that it is not worth looking for better items or evolving because again we have again the boring areas with automatic levels, why lvling to 80 if upon entering Barovia I will be 70 again with limited ilvl, it became useless to evolve or look for better items, i know i will ever be weak...

    I feel that it's not worth playing with the class I played, because the powers that be are in mod 16 are the ones I hate, the ones I liked in game and I decided to use have been removed.

    I feel that it is not worth doing dungeons because they are extremely difficult for a worst loot that is not worth the hp pots and kits that I will consume inside to complete.

    I feel that I will not have more the privacy to choose when to play because I could not able to play alone anymore, if I wanted play only in group I would only do dungeons all my time

    Why do quests if I will need wait for someone who have the same quests as me to make party ? and how i will be frustrated if i do not find someone with the same quests anf time willing to play along?

    summarizing why play neverwinter after the mod 16?
    for me all the fun of the game went away

    I don't know about anyone else, but honestly I wish they'd stop leveling us down. If we want to run Barovia 10 levels over limit, they should just let us. If that makes it too easy to get rewards, then get rid of the rewards!

    Dun dun dun, that's right, I'm a player who said to get rid of astral diamonds from lower level content. But it means people will be able to actually run lower level content without getting murdered, and that's more important IMO.
  • johnjohniiijohnjohniii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 108 Arc User
    i'm sure this has been said but there is no way to invert in test. please change. i really want to play but i'm not smart enough to make the change to non inverted...
  • silvertailsilvertail Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 97 Arc User
    Bug: My char is not turning with my view point. Running sideways or backwards is funny and all but would become annoying in the long run.
    stealth is survival skills (and not tanking skills, that is really different)
    stealth is damage
    stealth is mobility
    stealth is everything
    everything is stealth
    Stealth make TR OP, but lack of stealth make TR useless.
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    Exchanging seals of the Brave for Seals of the Crown...uhm...OK, sure...nice, but if you have a large number of seals, it takes forever to exchange them one at a time....why not an "exchange all" option?

    Hoping for improvements...
  • silverrrrrrrsilverrrrrrr Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    Sometimes you can get stuck and are unable to change your character's direction (this happened to a friend on a different class as well).

    This is just me holding W and rotating the camera. Michael Jackson 2.0. Persists through death, relogging fixes it.
    Leader of Heralds of Lurid Dusk

    Silv3ry on YouTube

  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User

    I checked on the Monster Ratings feedback thread (https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter#/discussion/1246305/official-m16-enemy-ratings) and it suggests that the "Stats" are the same across the board on every zone by level.

    BUT there will be added levels of difficulty, which I presume to mean their use of those stats in the way they deliver CC, Damage, etc. The Opposing Roll chances will (according to that) remain the same.

    So Pokey the Goblin has the same Stats as Smashy the Ogre, but if Smashy succeeds with say a CRIT, his Critical attack will deliver higher damage than Pokey's.
    Likewise a success against Pokey will stand a better chance of killing him, because he will have fewer Hit Points than Smashy.

    So there are varying Attributes, (e.g. HP, Damage.) but the Stats in regard to opposing rolls are uniform across a zone.

    if thats true a level 80 stat page should be perfectly doable. just state it on the stats page it's for level 80 zones but not lower than that.

    but.. if the example were one does more crit than the other that might mean their crit chance vs opposite stat or other stats like that do vary among the zones in which case we're back to the same problem. different dudes have different stats in the same zone.

    if it is really by zone I don't see why there couldn't even be a static page for each level although in all honesty I'm going to guess 95 % of the people don't even try stat balancing even a little until they get to end level
    I don't think any difference in damage done, in that situation, would be due to different Crit stats, but simply by virtue of having a higher damage factor.
    So all monsters would have the same "Stats" such as Power, Defence, Crit, Crit Resist etc, but the weaker mobs within a zone will have lower HP and Powers that do less Damage, and the tougher ones would have more hit points, stronger attack powers and better "specials"; producing more Red on the floor, for example.

    I think the broad suggestion that "all monsters in a zone have the same stats" is somewhat misleading, or confusing, as to some people things like "Hit Points" and "Damage" would fall under the broad umbrella of "Stats". So when some monsters are harder to kill, or do a lot more damage than others, it seems that they most certainly DON'T all have the same "Stats".

    Ultimately, if someone isn't too bothered about whether variances in scaling due to Stats that come from different sources, affect your Opposing rolls at lower levels... then from what it looks like, the idea is "Build for the zone equal to your own level or probably 1 higher till you hit 80, and then just build for L80."

    The only thing is, if scaling down DOES cause annoying fluctuations due to the way Stats gain points from so many sources, (and those sources scale differently) it will be a right pain in the HAMSTER if you have to sit down and work it all out every time you drop down a zone or say, run ETOS or CR with your L80 toon. In which case it would be useful to be able to see them in a scaling scenario (such as when you enter a zone where you are scaled down.)

    i don't see why. scaled down even if your stats change a little you're still going to be just fine. it DOES make a difference in a zone if you're built wrong though. different crit and crit resist stats DO matter. but I'm going to cease interacting wiht you on this because I feel like this conversation is diluting and muddying the point I was trying to make and this thread really doesn't need more confusion.

    at the end of the day, what I am personally lobbying for is a stat sheet that shows us how we stack up against the most difficult creature in the zone.
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