For those ones, who can´t understand simple things in life. If I go to a kardiologist and he tells me he wants to examine my coronaries. What do i expect?
1. He is a beginner, but he will gain experience doing investigastions on my body. It will take time, but he will improve and maybe it will work. 2. He is a specialist ("expert") and knows what he does. I will get examined by an experienced person, lowering my time and personal risk.
Choose 1 if that´s your genaral attitude how life has to be like, I won´t do so.
Because a video game is the same as a cardiology? LOL
This is PRECISELY the problem right here. Too many delusional idiots who are butt hurt that they can't faceroll content by overgearing the content, because this game is such serious business. Serious as a heart attack, apparently...
No , the "butt hurt" are player that are inable to kill a powry but insist to run endcontent , being unaware wich button to press. I did many REQ and the horror is real. Tons of DC´s with no clue wich daily to use or encounter, same as other classes.
This is not only about player with low IL queueing for endcontent, it´s about player with low IL AND no clue how to buff or how to play their class or that dungeon at all -EXPERTS-?? And it´s also about the fact that 90% of those -EXPERTS_??? are not willing to spend any effort to stay alive also ! They don´t use scrolls or even don´t buy them, compared to those that stay till the end and try to finish that crappy CODG, investing AD into scrolls or build-setup, only to be left with a lot of "minus-AD", returning to the platform, watching a bunch of lazy folks sitting in the mid doing nothing. That´s what I witnessed in many, many runs, a fact, and some kind of normality in this game, somehow a new dominating meta in a negative sense.
I suggest to change that name into Random Butt Hurt Queue. Gonna start to troll this queue myself now, since 90% allready is a troll festival. No problem to stuff my invoking chars up to IL 13, easy to queue with my GWF in his HAMSTER pants, he deals lees than 10% of what my other striker does. Got a Hunter too at near 11k, no clue how to play him honestly, he is poorly geared , no guild, no boons... but no problem to get him geared up to 13k IL in maybe 30min. Trolls I am coming, hold on.
Post edited by schietindebux on
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,171Arc User
20 random people should not make the decision. Devs with access to how people are performing in these dungeons based on historical data are.
Devs did set the entry bar and people only complain that it is too low.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
They don´t use scrolls or even don´t buy them, compared to those that stay till the end and try to finish that crappy CODG, investing AD into scrolls or build-setup, only to be left with a lot of "minus-AD", returning to the platform, watching a bunch of lazy folks sitting in the mid doing nothing.
I won't spend any scroll of life (and obviously any scrolls of mass life) in any dungeon, unless it's a premade party with friends/guildies : I don't "offer" my scrolls for people I don't know and like. Exceptions : CR multiple bugs, even with people I know and like, I won't spend any scroll until the most annoying bugs are fixed (like the desynchronisation betwen sister's dialogs and her spells). I bought my scrolls of life (Zen), so I don't want to pay the dev for what is still bugged.
Bugs aside, I always feel like using scrolls of life is equivalent to a failure, it's just as "infinite lives" in any platform games. If I die, I die, if we wipe, we wipe = I or the party probably made a mistake (or a serie of mistakes) and I/we deserved to be dead. Then I try to analyze the mistake to not make it again, try to improve myself, or help/communicate with the party to make adjustments and improve as a team during hard fights.
Using scrolls is NOT being an expert . Anyone who pretends to be an expert and always use scrolls in end game dungeons is so wrong on himself...
But, obviously, sometimes, when the boss is low hp and i die, i reluctantly use a scroll to finish him and so we wouldn't have to restart him full hp. As anyone I guess.
micky1p00Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,594Arc User
The expectation of people to have and use scrolls, and in essence pay for a run, instead of actually learning the mechanics is a recent negative 'meta' that should be eradicated with extreme prejudice.
I saw a class guide telling people that part of their role is to have scrolls.... WTF! What people should do is communicate, if it's their first run, tell so, other people (unless it's some idiot pugs) will explain what to do.
And better yet, there are plenty of videos and guides for every single piece of overdone content in the game, just spend the 10 minutes and read / watch it.
And / Or run with your guild/friends first, they know your strengths, and weaknesses, they can set a party that can compensate for those, and everyone can have a good run and you will learn. win-win.
Scrolls should be the last resort, when the boss at single digits (or you having fun, tried to burn Drufi and an oops happened), not the first option.
Can´t tell if you two guys above actually play random groups, if not this is not your thread I´d say, since your experienceses are completely different runnnig premade all time, killing stuff in seconds. Scrolls are a last option to end that dungeon, sure. In case you are left with a DC a CW a GWF and a templock on that plattform in CODG last phase, you happen to get oneshotted easily, wich is not to caused by personal mistakes but due to the fact that your OP lies dead on the ground (no scrolls), same as the 14k GF stumbled over the "edge", not to talk about those three obligatory 14k IL GWF .... it doesn´t change anything if they and their augment die or not tbh. The general attitude in many cases is "carry me but I won´t spend a dime to put efforts to complete this dungeon". Actually CODG is the best example for those situations: "you are stuck in last phase with 3-4 mates, no tank left sometimes" (wich often results in a wipe) and you instinctively spend that scroll to get it done somehow.
Same counts for CR, you sometimes get killed by bats, that appear in microseconds (or not..bugs), or the player with that "cross" on his head is not aware that it´s "him" (being grouped at one spot), so it happens to unaware or not focussed player. Solution is to eat that scroll to prevent doing it again and again, maybe you witnessed some of your teamates allready spendt 3-4 scrolls, being some kind of unskilled or new. I choose the best option, wich sometimes is a scroll, in case I think "we can still get it done" over a retry in case I know my group is weaker or unskilled.
But: In case someome queues for Expert-queue being a rookie with low IL, I expect him to at least be prepared for sudden death. It´s him that decided to be a burdon in endcontent, so he can make that burdon easier to carry by using a scroll, simple as that. Otherwise he is a "leeching noob".
*actually queuing for req and raq looks like this pretty often: You sign in and group up at campfire, now there are 3 options. 1. checking your teammates, one allready left doing so, you leave too, since augments and companions with runestones rank 8 or 9 are a bad omen for a time consuming, maybe failing run, except there is one hdps player in your team. 2. you just stand there, two go ahead and die in a row on their 11k/13k low level toon, you wait, and wait since it is pointless to even start 3. you simply leave How is this an acceptable state of a game offering a "Advanced" and "Expert" queue, when it is blocked and abused by a big mayority of uninformed and low performing player with wrong setup/build and gear.
Cryptic obviously wants their playerbase to mix up with newcomer and veterans, a logical step, but atm this is nothing than a motivation killing, nerve wrecking annoyance. So rise IL for raq up to 14k and req 16k and on top every player who queues for raq/req should have absolved this dungeon on one char at least. "Advanced"= i know that dungeon and know my class "Expert"= I mastered my class and that dungeon allready .... and not I just queue up to be carried through Dungeons and Dragons with no clue what button to press, wich is 100% the actual state of the game in random queue.
To the players who scroll in CoDG, I thank you. I never scroll a CoDG pug. The way I see it, I already have my set exhalted. I don't mind helping others, but I am not paying anything. No point finishing the run if I end up paying more in scrolls than receive in reward. Weaker players who direct queue CoDG, because that is their only option, should learn the pull-push (in most pug runs, half the group is lost after the first pull-push) and use scrolls to keep people alive.
micky1p00Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,594Arc User
Can´t tell if you two guys above actually play random groups, if not this is not your thread I´d say, since your experienceses are completely different runnnig premade all time, killing stuff in seconds.
Valid point about me pugging, I don't typically. Though I disagree about the killing stuff in seconds. I don't know why this misconception that every premade must be also top skill, and top gear. The fact that I prefer to play with people with whom I actually interact makes the run smoother indeed, but not in the sense of things die faster, or everyone get a magic cape and becomes uber skilled and powerful. Simply people who communicate can adapt better, or worst case agree that it's a no-go without any hard feelings and just enjoy the attempt. As opposed to most pugs who will try to kick, blame the world, and never listen to advice that can change the run.
Scrolls are a last option to end that dungeon, sure. In case you are left with a DC a CW a GWF and a templock on that plattform in CODG last phase, you happen to get oneshotted easily, wich is not to caused by personal mistakes but due to the fact that your OP lies dead on the ground (no scrolls), same as the 14k GF stumbled over the "edge", not to talk about those three obligatory 14k IL GWF .... it doesn´t change anything if they and their augment die or not tbh. The general attitude in many cases is "carry me but I won´t spend a dime to put efforts to complete this dungeon". Actually CODG is the best example for those situations: "you are stuck in last phase with 3-4 mates, no tank left sometimes" (wich often results in a wipe) and you instinctively spend that scroll to get it done somehow.
Same counts for CR, you sometimes get killed by bats, that appear in microseconds (or not..bugs), or the player with that "cross" on his head is not aware that it´s "him" (being grouped at one spot), so it happens to unaware or not focussed player. Solution is to eat that scroll to prevent doing it again and again, maybe you witnessed some of your teamates allready spendt 3-4 scrolls, being some kind of unskilled or new. I choose the best option, wich sometimes is a scroll, in case I think "we can still get it done" over a retry in case I know my group is weaker or unskilled.
But: In case someome queues for Expert-queue being a rookie with low IL, I expect him to at least be prepared for sudden death. It´s him that decided to be a burdon in endcontent, so he can make that burdon easier to carry by using a scroll, simple as that. Otherwise he is a "leeching noob".
*actually queuing for req and raq looks like this pretty often: You sign in and group up at campfire, now there are 3 options. 1. checking your teammates, one allready left doing so, you leave too, since augments and companions with runestones rank 8 or 9 are a bad omen for a time consuming, maybe failing run, except there is one hdps player in your team. 2. you just stand there, two go ahead and die in a row on their 11k/13k low level toon, you wait, and wait since it is pointless to even start 3. you simply leave How is this an acceptable state of a game offering a "Advanced" and "Expert" queue, when it is blocked and abused by a big mayority of uninformed and low performing player with wrong setup/build and gear.
Cryptic obviously wants their playerbase to mix up with newcomer and veterans, a logical step, but atm this is nothing than a motivation killing, nerve wrecking annoyance. So rise IL for raq up to 14k and req 16k and on top every player who queues for raq/req should have absolved this dungeon on one char at least. "Advanced"= i know that dungeon and know my class "Expert"= I mastered my class and that dungeon allready .... and not I just queue up to be carried through Dungeons and Dragons with no clue what button to press, wich is 100% the actual state of the game in random queue.
I understand your point, and I think that when you ask as minimal investment from a new player to not be "leeching noob", which is to have some scrolls, I actually asked for more. Scrolls is just buy and go, and I think it's used more and more as an excuse of not learning the mechanics.
At the base, I think we both asked for some minimal investment from a player going first times into the unknown, but I think that what I ask, which is to check a guide, or a video or run with friends/guild with explanation first, actually is the more investment over the scrolls. And I still object for the 'payment per run' as general idea.
I do understand the frustration of "if you know you are going to die left and right, bring scrolls to not fail the party", but I do wish it wasn't the way and people just took more time to read a class guide, and get the hang of their class or whatever needed instead scrolls.
Can´t tell if you two guys above actually play random groups, if not this is not your thread I´d say, since your experienceses are completely different runnnig premade all time, killing stuff in seconds.
Valid point about me pugging, I don't typically. Though I disagree about the killing stuff in seconds. I don't know why this misconception that every premade must be also top skill, and top gear. The fact that I prefer to play with people with whom I actually interact makes the run smoother indeed, but not in the sense of things die faster, or everyone get a magic cape and becomes uber skilled and powerful. Simply people who communicate can adapt better, or worst case agree that it's a no-go without any hard feelings and just enjoy the attempt. As opposed to most pugs who will try to kick, blame the world, and never listen to advice that can change the run.
Scrolls are a last option to end that dungeon, sure. In case you are left with a DC a CW a GWF and a templock on that plattform in CODG last phase, you happen to get oneshotted easily, wich is not to caused by personal mistakes but due to the fact that your OP lies dead on the ground (no scrolls), same as the 14k GF stumbled over the "edge", not to talk about those three obligatory 14k IL GWF .... it doesn´t change anything if they and their augment die or not tbh. The general attitude in many cases is "carry me but I won´t spend a dime to put efforts to complete this dungeon". Actually CODG is the best example for those situations: "you are stuck in last phase with 3-4 mates, no tank left sometimes" (wich often results in a wipe) and you instinctively spend that scroll to get it done somehow.
Same counts for CR, you sometimes get killed by bats, that appear in microseconds (or not..bugs), or the player with that "cross" on his head is not aware that it´s "him" (being grouped at one spot), so it happens to unaware or not focussed player. Solution is to eat that scroll to prevent doing it again and again, maybe you witnessed some of your teamates allready spendt 3-4 scrolls, being some kind of unskilled or new. I choose the best option, wich sometimes is a scroll, in case I think "we can still get it done" over a retry in case I know my group is weaker or unskilled.
But: In case someome queues for Expert-queue being a rookie with low IL, I expect him to at least be prepared for sudden death. It´s him that decided to be a burdon in endcontent, so he can make that burdon easier to carry by using a scroll, simple as that. Otherwise he is a "leeching noob".
*actually queuing for req and raq looks like this pretty often: You sign in and group up at campfire, now there are 3 options. 1. checking your teammates, one allready left doing so, you leave too, since augments and companions with runestones rank 8 or 9 are a bad omen for a time consuming, maybe failing run, except there is one hdps player in your team. 2. you just stand there, two go ahead and die in a row on their 11k/13k low level toon, you wait, and wait since it is pointless to even start 3. you simply leave How is this an acceptable state of a game offering a "Advanced" and "Expert" queue, when it is blocked and abused by a big mayority of uninformed and low performing player with wrong setup/build and gear.
Cryptic obviously wants their playerbase to mix up with newcomer and veterans, a logical step, but atm this is nothing than a motivation killing, nerve wrecking annoyance. So rise IL for raq up to 14k and req 16k and on top every player who queues for raq/req should have absolved this dungeon on one char at least. "Advanced"= i know that dungeon and know my class "Expert"= I mastered my class and that dungeon allready .... and not I just queue up to be carried through Dungeons and Dragons with no clue what button to press, wich is 100% the actual state of the game in random queue.
I understand your point, and I think that when you ask as minimal investment from a new player to not be "leeching noob", which is to have some scrolls, I actually asked for more. Scrolls is just buy and go, and I think it's used more and more as an excuse of not learning the mechanics.
At the base, I think we both asked for some minimal investment from a player going first times into the unknown, but I think that what I ask, which is to check a guide, or a video or run with friends/guild with explanation first, actually is the more investment over the scrolls. And I still object for the 'payment per run' as general idea.
I do understand the frustration of "if you know you are going to die left and right, bring scrolls to not fail the party", but I do wish it wasn't the way and people just took more time to read a class guide, and get the hang of their class or whatever needed instead scrolls.
I also prefer 13k IL player with correct setup and knowledge over a 18k player that more or less bought his char. Sadly the actual state of random queue is nothing else than a big melting pot for those who either don´t want to addapt their build/setup, don´t understand core issues about their class or don´t even want to contribute to a successful run at all. 90% of knowledgable player simply don´t participate in random queue outside a premade group any more. The concept to team up veterans with new player can be considered to be a big fail actually. There is no reason to participate, beside being a HAMSTER.
So cryptic needs to do something, pointing at minimum gear and other requirements, like having absolved a dungeon once at least same as the campaign (ok tokens are a bypass), to get access to those dungeons. Otherwise this system is not tolerable for most player with a "good will/intention" to carry or help.
The PSA is wrongly worded, TS actually meant, pls queue for REQ after you have done the REQ before. So the few explainations available are 1. TS is from the future, he came to the present to play the game from the future 2. TS is a game developer 3. TS has time-travel capability.
I strongly suggest TS to form pre-made groups and not join REQ.
Small info, there is an option to run a dungeon outside random queue in a pre-made group, you can declare that group as a group "new to the game" to train, or simply do your first steps with friends or guild mates. There is no need to queue up as a designated Expert with your 13k, moderate Dread, blue augment, paired with runestones rank 9, no you are free to chose to be no "permanent obstacle for all others" in this game. You are also free to stay all day in Sharadar an try to kill a powrie, if that's what you like... All did training runs outside random, only the ones that want to be a HAMSTER queue as expert doing their first steps in end content.
Blaming the devs is too easy a solution, an excuse one might say. The system relies on ppl having common sense and just a smidgen of knowledge about their role and the content itself, Going in blind is stupid and disrespectful. The analogy of the heart doctor beginner and expert is on que i think. It was irrefutable but easily disregarded bc it didn't fit certain players ideologies. I believe the problem isn't in game its real life coming in like a wrecking ball. Where does all the entitlement come from? The sense of I have the right to do it and others be damned. And even worse ppl actually advocating for that twisted mentality. SMH i support all freedoms and say again, if its ok to ask for a carry for a new player then its ok to deny that new player a carry as well. Anything less is uneven and incommensurate. Also one has better success in discussions by understanding your opponents point first rather than just superimposing your own in place of theirs. Just a tip and this ones even free.
Where does all the entitlement come from? The sense of I have the right to do it and others be damned.
You're playing a game. Entitlement? They downloaded the game. The queue says "you can get in at IL xxxx". It's not entitlement to queue for what the game designers allow you to queue.
You know who's being entitled right now? All the whiners in here complaining that people are queueing the content they're allowed to. SMH indeed.
I don't like to carry in content that would fall in advanced or expert so you know what I do? I....make...a group to run with. That's my choice. You queue at your own risk.
dread4moorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,154Arc User
For those who thought I was the only one irritated by this... 3 of my friends and I premade ReQ with one ReQ PUG.
Names have been redacted to avoid public shaming.
[Party] [Exp Player1]: [Inexp Player] stop hitting chains. you are killing us
[Party] [Exp Player2]: don't hit whhitch when chain
[Error] You have fallen in battle!
[Say] Harrier Took@dread4moor: No hit chains plz. killedd me
[Party] [Exp Player 1]: dammit [Inexp Player]! doesnt know what to do
[Party] [Exp Player 2]: [HAMSTER]! Again? rly?
[Error] You have fallen in battle!
[Say] Harrier Took@dread4moor: no hit on chains plz
[Party] [Exp Player 3]: what wrong over ther? [Inexp Player], your firs time?
[Party] [Exp Player 1]: stop chains stopp
[Say] Harrier Took@dread4moor: EZ all, give jhim chance we can do dis. [Inexp Player] plz plz stop hitting on chains
[Error] You have fallen in battle!
[Say] Harrier Took@dread4moor: chainss...
[Party] [Exp Player 1]: barely hit 13k but queues for ReQ without even looking up a guide lol...
[Party] [Exp Player 2]: rip. ffs, dude, coudnt read a guide b4 req?
[Party] [Inexp Player]: 1st try, lets go again I get it this time
[Tell] [Inexp Player]: y u all quit? u could just esplain me ^^
[Tell] To [Inexp Player]: No. Sorry, tried but total stranger. we need quick ReQ. that your GUILD LEADERS job. PM them right now, walk you through CR in premade (NOT ReQ)
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
After you asked him/her to stop hitting the chains like 3 or 4 times?
I used to love the Barovian Hunt where I would get lolsquashed maybe five times in a Sister of Fury Hunt and in the end after explaining what NOT to do maybe five times and getting ignored I would just stand still and wait in a safe zone.
Then I get a tell "wtf you doing? get here and help us!"
Me "Nah mate you killed me like five times already and you need to learn to read party message"
The real problem with Random Expert Queue is that even if you make a premade group that is capable of clearing the content, there seems to be (in my experience) a heavy bias for the queue to select CODG. 5-man content is fine, but trials should not be included in the queue. I liked the random trial queue back when it was still around and wouldn't mind if it returned. The AD incentive should be balanced as a result, of course. A random pvp queue would also get more people to play things like Gauntlgrym as well.
The real problem with Random Expert Queue is that even if you make a premade group that is capable of clearing the content, there seems to be (in my experience) a heavy bias for the queue to select CODG.
I think that is demand you are seeing, not bias. CoDG is popular the beginning of the week Mon and Tues.
i have many comments to agree with but i want to rant aswell
turns out ReQ is not just the problem i've got several inexperience players during mi RaQ (msp/fbi) that consists on straight up dying without asking about mechanics (HAMSTER move) cuz i dont care if i have to explain, i was a newb once. after the first wipe then inexp player dies straight up again and says " sorry i didnt understand" (HAMSTER move again) you say that again before getting in the fight. so what i've concluded from that is players that queue in and try to pull the "inexperienced card" they just are trying to get carried and do nothing
As i was saying to a guildie.. you have no problems going through a dungeon when you're getting carried; but when you're carrying you see that mechanics count more as you know and think.
Edit note: CR is bad aswell many dead runs born dead but i've developed that "i dont want to try it again" specially last time i had my confidence on trying againg got killed by team mates by the chains so there goes my small space of love for CR after the many runs trying to get crowns.
I did many REQ and the horror is real. Tons of DC´s with no clue wich daily to use or encounter, same as other classes.
This is not only about player with low IL queueing for endcontent, it´s about player with low IL AND no clue how to buff or how to play their class or that dungeon at all -EXPERTS-??
And it´s also about the fact that 90% of those -EXPERTS_??? are not willing to spend any effort to stay alive also !
They don´t use scrolls or even don´t buy them, compared to those that stay till the end and try to finish that crappy CODG, investing AD into scrolls or build-setup, only to be left with a lot of "minus-AD", returning to the platform, watching a bunch of lazy folks sitting in the mid doing nothing.
That´s what I witnessed in many, many runs, a fact, and some kind of normality in this game, somehow a new dominating meta in a negative sense.
I suggest to change that name into Random Butt Hurt Queue.
Gonna start to troll this queue myself now, since 90% allready is a troll festival. No problem to stuff my invoking chars up to IL 13, easy to queue with my GWF in his HAMSTER pants, he deals lees than 10% of what my other striker does.
Got a Hunter too at near 11k, no clue how to play him honestly, he is poorly geared , no guild, no boons... but no problem to get him geared up to 13k IL in maybe 30min. Trolls I am coming, hold on.
Exceptions : CR multiple bugs, even with people I know and like, I won't spend any scroll until the most annoying bugs are fixed (like the desynchronisation betwen sister's dialogs and her spells). I bought my scrolls of life (Zen), so I don't want to pay the dev for what is still bugged.
Bugs aside, I always feel like using scrolls of life is equivalent to a failure, it's just as "infinite lives" in any platform games.
If I die, I die, if we wipe, we wipe = I or the party probably made a mistake (or a serie of mistakes) and I/we deserved to be dead.
Then I try to analyze the mistake to not make it again, try to improve myself, or help/communicate with the party to make adjustments and improve as a team during hard fights.
Using scrolls is NOT being an expert
But, obviously, sometimes, when the boss is low hp and i die, i reluctantly use a scroll to finish him and so we wouldn't have to restart him full hp. As anyone I guess.
I saw a class guide telling people that part of their role is to have scrolls.... WTF! What people should do is communicate, if it's their first run, tell so, other people (unless it's some idiot pugs) will explain what to do.
And better yet, there are plenty of videos and guides for every single piece of overdone content in the game, just spend the 10 minutes and read / watch it.
And / Or run with your guild/friends first, they know your strengths, and weaknesses, they can set a party that can compensate for those, and everyone can have a good run and you will learn. win-win.
Scrolls should be the last resort, when the boss at single digits (or you having fun, tried to burn Drufi and an oops happened), not the first option.
Scrolls are a last option to end that dungeon, sure.
In case you are left with a DC a CW a GWF and a templock on that plattform in CODG last phase, you happen to get oneshotted easily, wich is not to caused by personal mistakes but due to the fact that your OP lies dead on the ground (no scrolls), same as the 14k GF stumbled over the "edge", not to talk about those three obligatory 14k IL GWF .... it doesn´t change anything if they and their augment die or not tbh.
The general attitude in many cases is "carry me but I won´t spend a dime to put efforts to complete this dungeon".
Actually CODG is the best example for those situations: "you are stuck in last phase with 3-4 mates, no tank left sometimes" (wich often results in a wipe) and you instinctively spend that scroll to get it done somehow.
Same counts for CR, you sometimes get killed by bats, that appear in microseconds (or not..bugs), or the player with that "cross" on his head is not aware that it´s "him" (being grouped at one spot), so it happens to unaware or not focussed player.
Solution is to eat that scroll to prevent doing it again and again, maybe you witnessed some of your teamates allready spendt 3-4 scrolls, being some kind of unskilled or new.
I choose the best option, wich sometimes is a scroll, in case I think "we can still get it done" over a retry in case I know my group is weaker or unskilled.
But: In case someome queues for Expert-queue being a rookie with low IL, I expect him to at least be prepared for sudden death. It´s him that decided to be a burdon in endcontent, so he can make that burdon easier to carry by using a scroll, simple as that. Otherwise he is a "leeching noob".
*actually queuing for req and raq looks like this pretty often:
You sign in and group up at campfire, now there are 3 options.
1. checking your teammates, one allready left doing so, you leave too, since augments and companions with runestones rank 8 or 9 are a bad omen for a time consuming, maybe failing run, except there is one hdps player in your team.
2. you just stand there, two go ahead and die in a row on their 11k/13k low level toon, you wait, and wait since it is pointless to even start
3. you simply leave
How is this an acceptable state of a game offering a "Advanced" and "Expert" queue, when it is blocked and abused by a big mayority of uninformed and low performing player with wrong setup/build and gear.
Cryptic obviously wants their playerbase to mix up with newcomer and veterans, a logical step, but atm this is nothing than a motivation killing, nerve wrecking annoyance.
So rise IL for raq up to 14k and req 16k and on top every player who queues for raq/req should have absolved this dungeon on one char at least.
"Advanced"= i know that dungeon and know my class
"Expert"= I mastered my class and that dungeon allready .... and not
I just queue up to be carried through Dungeons and Dragons with no clue what button to press, wich is 100% the actual state of the game in random queue.
I don't know why this misconception that every premade must be also top skill, and top gear. The fact that I prefer to play with people with whom I actually interact makes the run smoother indeed, but not in the sense of things die faster, or everyone get a magic cape and becomes uber skilled and powerful.
Simply people who communicate can adapt better, or worst case agree that it's a no-go without any hard feelings and just enjoy the attempt. As opposed to most pugs who will try to kick, blame the world, and never listen to advice that can change the run. I understand your point, and I think that when you ask as minimal investment from a new player to not be "leeching noob", which is to have some scrolls, I actually asked for more.
Scrolls is just buy and go, and I think it's used more and more as an excuse of not learning the mechanics.
At the base, I think we both asked for some minimal investment from a player going first times into the unknown, but I think that what I ask, which is to check a guide, or a video or run with friends/guild with explanation first, actually is the more investment over the scrolls. And I still object for the 'payment per run' as general idea.
I do understand the frustration of "if you know you are going to die left and right, bring scrolls to not fail the party", but I do wish it wasn't the way and people just took more time to read a class guide, and get the hang of their class or whatever needed instead scrolls.
Sadly the actual state of random queue is nothing else than a big melting pot for those who either don´t want to addapt their build/setup, don´t understand core issues about their class or don´t even want to contribute to a successful run at all.
90% of knowledgable player simply don´t participate in random queue outside a premade group any more.
The concept to team up veterans with new player can be considered to be a big fail actually. There is no reason to participate, beside being a HAMSTER.
So cryptic needs to do something, pointing at minimum gear and other requirements, like having absolved a dungeon once at least same as the campaign (ok tokens are a bypass), to get access to those dungeons. Otherwise this system is not tolerable for most player with a "good will/intention" to carry or help.
I strongly suggest TS to form pre-made groups and not join REQ.
There is no need to queue up as a designated Expert with your 13k, moderate Dread, blue augment, paired with runestones rank 9, no you are free to chose to be no "permanent obstacle for all others" in this game. You are also free to stay all day in Sharadar an try to kill a powrie, if that's what you like...
All did training runs outside random, only the ones that want to be a HAMSTER queue as expert doing their first steps in end content.
You know who's being entitled right now? All the whiners in here complaining that people are queueing the content they're allowed to. SMH indeed.
I don't like to carry in content that would fall in advanced or expert so you know what I do? I....make...a group to run with. That's my choice. You queue at your own risk.
3 of my friends and I premade ReQ with one ReQ PUG.
Names have been redacted to avoid public shaming.
[Party] [Exp Player1]: [Inexp Player] stop hitting chains. you are killing us
[Party] [Exp Player2]: don't hit whhitch when chain
[Error] You have fallen in battle!
[Say] Harrier Took@dread4moor: No hit chains plz. killedd me
[Party] [Exp Player 1]: dammit [Inexp Player]! doesnt know what to do
[Party] [Exp Player 2]: [HAMSTER]! Again? rly?
[Error] You have fallen in battle!
[Say] Harrier Took@dread4moor: no hit on chains plz
[Party] [Exp Player 3]: what wrong over ther? [Inexp Player], your firs time?
[Party] [Exp Player 1]: stop chains stopp
[Say] Harrier Took@dread4moor: EZ all, give jhim chance we can do dis. [Inexp Player] plz plz stop hitting on chains
[Error] You have fallen in battle!
[Say] Harrier Took@dread4moor: chainss...
[Party] [Exp Player 1]: barely hit 13k but queues for ReQ without even looking up a guide lol...
[Party] [Exp Player 2]: rip. ffs, dude, coudnt read a guide b4 req?
[Party] [Inexp Player]: 1st try, lets go again I get it this time
[Tell] [Inexp Player]: y u all quit? u could just esplain me ^^
[Tell] To [Inexp Player]: No. Sorry, tried but total stranger. we need quick ReQ. that your GUILD LEADERS job. PM them right now, walk you through CR in premade (NOT ReQ)
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
"y u all quit? u could just esplain me ^^"
After you asked him/her to stop hitting the chains like 3 or 4 times?
I used to love the Barovian Hunt where I would get lolsquashed maybe five times in a Sister of Fury Hunt and in the end after explaining what NOT to do maybe five times and getting ignored I would just stand still and wait in a safe zone.
Then I get a tell "wtf you doing? get here and help us!"
Me "Nah mate you killed me like five times already and you need to learn to read party message"
turns out ReQ is not just the problem i've got several inexperience players during mi RaQ (msp/fbi) that consists on straight up dying without asking about mechanics (HAMSTER move) cuz i dont care if i have to explain, i was a newb once. after the first wipe then inexp player dies straight up again and says " sorry i didnt understand" (HAMSTER move again) you say that again before getting in the fight. so what i've concluded from that is players that queue in and try to pull the "inexperienced card" they just are trying to get carried and do nothing
As i was saying to a guildie.. you have no problems going through a dungeon when you're getting carried; but when you're carrying you see that mechanics count more as you know and think.
Edit note: CR is bad aswell many dead runs born dead but i've developed that "i dont want to try it again" specially last time i had my confidence on trying againg got killed by team mates by the chains so there goes my small space of love for CR after the many runs trying to get crowns.