Most basic loot now automatically gets picked up by walking over it……This mean we will now have to keep tossing out junk that clutters inventory like when going to randumb Q and them boooger pickers keep grabbing the “green” gear that i end up getting then have to stop and discard because i have no room useless garbage.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,171Arc User
Green gear is RP. So unless RP is useless to you...
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
Green gear is RP. So unless RP is useless to you...
Yup 50 RP is pretty useless to me it is more of a waste of time dealing with that junk and just takes away from much needed inventory space that i have maxed out and close to full all ready.
Most basic loot now automatically gets picked up by walking over it……This mean we will now have to keep tossing out junk that clutters inventory like when going to randumb Q and them boooger pickers keep grabbing the “green” gear that i end up getting then have to stop and discard because i have no room useless garbage.
You don't want it but I do and I need it. I pick up everything and I mean everything. That will save me a lot of time comparing with now assuming I can pick them up when I am riding. That (as picking up everything) will be even more important in mod 15 because every junk represents: RP/AD/Gold.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Green gear is RP. So unless RP is useless to you...
Yup 50 RP is pretty useless to me it is more of a waste of time dealing with that junk and just takes away from much needed inventory space that i have maxed out and close to full all ready.
Well, there are two solutions that I can think of. You can either create more inventory space by reducing what you're carrying or buying more/larger bags (assuming you don't already have max bags of the largest capacity).
You can spread out stacks of stuff like Platinum Bowls and make sure your inventory is always full until the end chest. Then you sort your inventory quickly, which makes space, and loot the end chest.
As for the RP value, 50 RP for green gear is comparatively a lot since they reduced the values of the gems a while back. When they did that, the value for green gear stayed the same, which effectively makes it an order of magnitude more valuable as RP than it was before.
Assuming that you either don't like or can't use either of my above suggestions, then I'm fresh out. Personally, I don't expect you to like or use the second one, especially. I wouldn't use it, even if I had a problem with inventory management (and I do on a few characters). The way I solve the problem on those characters is just to stop and do a "Identify All", then "Convert to RP" and select gear. Once that's done, I resume what I was doing. It's the fastest way to deal with the situation, and the majority of players are going to appreciate the auto-pickup (including me).
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
edited November 2018
RP of a green gear = RP of a peridot (which sometime is the most a HE gives you). 50 * 20 = 1000 for more or less no effort.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
I mean, you might have to stop for a few seconds to make room in your inventory? The horror.
Some people need those items, or at least they want them, and their wants are no less important than yours, so if you win some "useless garbage" then deal with it. I imagine offering to give it to a lower-level player in the group would earn you some thanks and general goodwill, but you probably consider that to be "useless garbage" too, and wouldn't consider wasting any of your oh so precious time helping someone else out.
when I had problems with bag storage, I bought a green "catalogue" artifact, then I could sell stuff and just kept going, but I picked up everything to either sell for gold or now for rp, as of tomorrow, probably use some for my SH, nothing is "useless garbage", after today even junk treasure will be worth something on AH for those that need gold for professions
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
when I had problems with bag storage, I bought a green "catalogue" artifact, then I could sell stuff and just kept going, but I picked up everything to either sell for gold or now for rp, as of tomorrow, probably use some for my SH, nothing is "useless garbage", after today even junk treasure will be worth something on AH for those that need gold for professions
Junk treasure worth something even today (and before). I have been selling those for AD for a very long time.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
I never thought about people buying that before on AH, I had so much gold just from playing, I needed AD more then gold back when I first started lol
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,171Arc User
...or set your personal threshold to legendary and don't worry about anything that drops.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
Most basic loot now automatically gets picked up by walking over it……This mean we will now have to keep tossing out junk that clutters inventory like when going to randumb Q and them boooger pickers keep grabbing the “green” gear that i end up getting then have to stop and discard because i have no room useless garbage.
Right click on your portrait and set your loot mode to something higher than green if you don't want the green. Hopefully this also works for solo-play.
Thing is it is easy to pick the items up all ready "if you want them" But it is a lot harder to have to get rid of the junk. And if i set my limits to higher than green then can i still pick up black pearls as at least they stack ?
I mean, you might have to stop for a few seconds to make room in your inventory? The horror.
Some people need those items, or at least they want them, and their wants are no less important than yours, so if you win some "useless garbage" then deal with it. I imagine offering to give it to a lower-level player in the group would earn you some thanks and general goodwill, but you probably consider that to be "useless garbage" too, and wouldn't consider wasting any of your oh so precious time helping someone else out.
Yup i never help anyone out in this game. just ask the hundred + players i have given rare or epic mounts to or rank 7 or 8 enchantments tons of weapon enchantments and tons of info. As i said my inventory is maxed out guess maybe i will have to stop stocking up on gifts for new players so i have room for green garbage "stuff i do not need". It really is not so hard to pick the stuff up as it is. And tons harder to get rid of. I have from 5 to 10 empty spaces as it is how fast do you think that will fill up? If anything there should and hope there is an option to disable auto pick up and let me choose what i want.
I mean, you might have to stop for a few seconds to make room in your inventory? The horror.
Some people need those items, or at least they want them, and their wants are no less important than yours, so if you win some "useless garbage" then deal with it. I imagine offering to give it to a lower-level player in the group would earn you some thanks and general goodwill, but you probably consider that to be "useless garbage" too, and wouldn't consider wasting any of your oh so precious time helping someone else out.
Yup i never help anyone out in this game. just ask the hundred + players i have given rare or epic mounts to or rank 7 or 8 enchantments tons of weapon enchantments and tons of info. As i said my inventory is maxed out guess maybe i will have to stop stocking up on gifts for new players so i have room for green garbage "stuff i do not need". It really is not so hard to pick the stuff up as it is. And tons harder to get rid of. I have from 5 to 10 empty spaces as it is how fast do you think that will fill up? If anything there should and hope there is an option to disable auto pick up and let me choose what i want.
The stuff that does not stack usually is green gear. To convert all green gear to RP takes about 5 seconds. Picking up all the green gear all over the place takes way more than 5 seconds. Make a decision and then pick up takes even longer. i -> gear -> id all -> gear -> convert RP -> choose convertible equipment -> refine -> finish If you do as many times as I have been, it will take less than 5 seconds.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
(Note: If you want to run the multi-function commands above to try it in-game, remember to place a "/" before it in the chat tab)
With aliases, I put in my text file:
alias u "suspendForcedMouselookAndStopMoving 0 $$ inventory $$ gensendmessage Inventoryoption_Identifyall clicked $$ gensendmessage Inventoryoption_Refinebulksalvage clicked"
Whenever I type in /u in chat, it runs the multi-function command within the brackets. Now, in the same .txt file, I bind "alt-u" to "u", which means that whenever I press "alt-u" it runs the multi-function command to ID all unidentified gear and bring up the menu (to allow me to choose to refine all gear in my inventory via the drop-down menu).
So basically, as it is, I loot all green gear, then press alt-u, and it saves me a lot of time and pressing multiple buttons. Converting gear to refinement will be so simple for me with the autoloot feature now.
Still, auto-loot should be an option to be toggled on/off if it isn't already, as it won't be as easy for console players or those that do not use console commands/keybinds/aliases.
Yup i never help anyone out in this game. just ask the hundred + players i have given rare or epic mounts to or rank 7 or 8 enchantments tons of weapon enchantments and tons of info. As i said my inventory is maxed out guess maybe i will have to stop stocking up on gifts for new players so i have room for green garbage "stuff i do not need". It really is not so hard to pick the stuff up as it is. And tons harder to get rid of. I have from 5 to 10 empty spaces as it is how fast do you think that will fill up? If anything there should and hope there is an option to disable auto pick up and let me choose what i want.
Then dump it. It will take a few seconds to get rid of it, even if it means giving it to one of the other players in the PUG (and I am sure that that is what you are complaining about because you will only run premades with other leets that don't want "useless junk").
You are probably running ahead of them anyway, or you can catch up quickly since at least one of them will likely be at-level of whatever dungeon you are running and thus will naturally be slower.
This isn't difficult and it isn't a problem.
Anyone running around with their bank full and packs nearly full when they start a dungeon run needs to buy more space, not complain that other people are picking stuff up.
All I hear here is "I have gold and AD and refinement points stockpiled and don't like what the peasants are doing to try and build those things up for themselves".
Green gear is RP. So unless RP is useless to you...
when it is 50 and not 5, no way of knowing till its id'd, then you have wasted a scroll
Depends on the level of the gear, I believe gear needs to be character level 65-70 to be worth 50 refinement points, lower level gear worth less. Just look for the character level requirements to see if green gear is worth ID'ing and dropping for refinement points.
...or set your personal threshold to legendary and don't worry about anything that drops.
At one time that didn't seem to work for me, but I set my threshold for "rare" (blue) andit appears it has been working lately.
That doesn't mean I won't get some low level rare (blue) items that I don't consider worth buying an ID scroll for, but if I do have an ID scroll for that item I'll use it and usually post it on the AH for a dirt cheap price to try to help out lower level players.
Thing is it is easy to pick the items up all ready "if you want them" But it is a lot harder to have to get rid of the junk. And if i set my limits to higher than green then can i still pick up black pearls as at least they stack ?
Early on in the game I learned one of the best investments I made was for the merchant artifact, ("Auroa's Whole Realms Catalogue") so I'd be able to buy healing potions, injury kits and skill kits anywhere - and sell junk that was cluttering up my inventory... But personally I think they should make this a special function instead of something that takes up an artifact space, but it is what it is.
Honestly I agree with the OP. It would be different if they gave us one or two more bags slots on our character to go along with the change. But right now this is just going to waste a lot of my time clearing out inventory.
The problem for me is I am a hoarder of armor. I have kept every armor set I've ever gotten since beginning in this game. some of the sets I have two of just in case down the line I'd like to transmute. Which means my bank is maxed out and the game does not allow me to buy more slots. I carry a lot of gear/potions/clickables/mod items/etc.
On my character I have one runic bag that is available for looting/questing, half that is taken up by RP drops. Before I could choose to pick things up or not, now I'll be spending way more time "clearing" the bag as I go.
If this game had a proper transmute system my bag space issues would be solved!
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
Honestly I agree with the OP. It would be different if they gave us one or two more bags slots on our character to go along with the change. But right now this is just going to waste a lot of my time clearing out inventory.
The problem for me is I am a hoarder of armor. I have kept every armor set I've ever gotten since beginning in this game. some of the sets I have two of just in case down the line I'd like to transmute. Which means my bank is maxed out and the game does not allow me to buy more slots. I carry a lot of gear/potions/clickables/mod items/etc.
On my character I have one runic bag that is available for looting/questing, half that is taken up by RP drops. Before I could choose to pick things up or not, now I'll be spending way more time "clearing" the bag as I go.
If this game had a proper transmute system my bag space issues would be solved!
I am a hoarder too. I keep everything. Every character I play has at least 2 set of gear for loadout purpose. There are ways to deal with inventory. For your unbound or account bound stuff, you can move them to 'long term storage'. i.e a storage character which is a lot cheaper than bag and bank slots.
I have a character for enchantment, a character for transmute, for potion, for mounts, for artifact, for companion, multiple characters for RPs, .....
That does not help you if what you hoard are character bound stuff.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
As others have noted - if you don't have VIP and access to the on demand Professions agent, just get the catalog artifact. You don't have to use it in your build - just keep it in your bags - protected - and swap it out as needed when you need to sell loot. There is no gold fee for swapping artifacts.
Yup i never help anyone out in this game. just ask the hundred + players i have given rare or epic mounts to or rank 7 or 8 enchantments tons of weapon enchantments and tons of info. As i said my inventory is maxed out guess maybe i will have to stop stocking up on gifts for new players so i have room for green garbage "stuff i do not need". It really is not so hard to pick the stuff up as it is. And tons harder to get rid of. I have from 5 to 10 empty spaces as it is how fast do you think that will fill up? If anything there should and hope there is an option to disable auto pick up and let me choose what i want.
Then dump it. It will take a few seconds to get rid of it, even if it means giving it to one of the other players in the PUG (and I am sure that that is what you are complaining about because you will only run premades with other leets that don't want "useless junk").
You are probably running ahead of them anyway, or you can catch up quickly since at least one of them will likely be at-level of whatever dungeon you are running and thus will naturally be slower.
This isn't difficult and it isn't a problem.
Anyone running around with their bank full and packs nearly full when they start a dungeon run needs to buy more space, not complain that other people are picking stuff up.
All I hear here is "I have gold and AD and refinement points stockpiled and don't like what the peasants are doing to try and build those things up for themselves".
You sound jelly for some reason and yet fail to read what i have written. I have no option to buy more space it is all maxed. Also my alts have tons of items stored on them as well. I run 4+ loadouts that all have specific gear. potions maps rp stones And much more items that i use and hold more value than some green gear. I random Q daily and help to carry tons of newer or not so great players. Never running ahead. Fact is most times it is them that run forward causing players to die rather than hold back and just pull a few mobs at a time. I get it you are somewhat new to the game and have had bad runs and need to blame people other than you for it. But a simple able disable auto pick up would be a nice option.
Been playing since open beta and never once did i wish items '' other than rp stones' would just go right to inv. It is just so easy to pick stuff up yet harder and more time consuming and annoying to open inv ever 2 mins to deal with stuff i do not want or need. There are way better ways to gather gold and RP than from them items and it is like the devs want to force feed us cgicken scraps rather than let us find the best options to get gold and rp because auto pickup is far far from it n
With the mass convert to RP that does mass gear, whats the issue? You might have to stop now and then and covert but I do that all the time. In the old system I could not burn through the VIP scrolls fast enough, at least that part looks to change.
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
Does this include stupid garbage like the onslaught of green gear... and bowls....? Which is worst, having to discard all of that every 5 minutes, or searching for something you want to pick up?
With the mass convert to RP that does mass gear, whats the issue? You might have to stop now and then and covert but I do that all the time. In the old system I could not burn through the VIP scrolls fast enough, at least that part looks to change.
You have no clue how fast inv spacer fills up. There is no "mass" for me i have no options to hold more inv and use every item in my bags. That gives me around 10 empty spaces that will cluter up fast causing me to constantly have to stop and deal with stuff i do not want. If i do not want then why should i now be forced to have to deal with it. Then again it might be a good option for gold botters as that will now become a thing.
forumnamesuxsMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 490Arc User
Most basic loot now automatically gets picked up by walking over it……This mean we will now have to keep tossing out junk that clutters inventory like when going to randumb Q and them boooger pickers keep grabbing the “green” gear that i end up getting then have to stop and discard because i have no room useless garbage.
Right click on your portrait and set your loot mode to something higher than green if you don't want the green. Hopefully this also works for solo-play.
You can spread out stacks of stuff like Platinum Bowls and make sure your inventory is always full until the end chest. Then you sort your inventory quickly, which makes space, and loot the end chest.
As for the RP value, 50 RP for green gear is comparatively a lot since they reduced the values of the gems a while back. When they did that, the value for green gear stayed the same, which effectively makes it an order of magnitude more valuable as RP than it was before.
Assuming that you either don't like or can't use either of my above suggestions, then I'm fresh out. Personally, I don't expect you to like or use the second one, especially. I wouldn't use it, even if I had a problem with inventory management (and I do on a few characters). The way I solve the problem on those characters is just to stop and do a "Identify All", then "Convert to RP" and select gear. Once that's done, I resume what I was doing. It's the fastest way to deal with the situation, and the majority of players are going to appreciate the auto-pickup (including me).
50 * 20 = 1000 for more or less no effort.
Buy more bank space.
I mean, you might have to stop for a few seconds to make room in your inventory? The horror.
Some people need those items, or at least they want them, and their wants are no less important than yours, so if you win some "useless garbage" then deal with it.
I imagine offering to give it to a lower-level player in the group would earn you some thanks and general goodwill, but you probably consider that to be "useless garbage" too, and wouldn't consider wasting any of your oh so precious time helping someone else out.
i -> gear -> id all -> gear -> convert RP -> choose convertible equipment -> refine -> finish
If you do as many times as I have been, it will take less than 5 seconds.
It's not for everyone (and only for PC) and setting it up requires some reading and understanding, but a good primer is here by @dupeks.
There is a multi-function command which allows you to identify all unidentified gear in your inventory:
suspendForcedMouselookAndStopMoving 0 $$ inventory $$ gensendmessage Inventoryoption_Identifyall clicked
Then there is another multi-function command which allows you to bring up the refinement menu:
suspendForcedMouselookAndStopMoving 0 $$ inventory $$ gensendmessage Inventoryoption_Refinebulksalvage clicked
Now if you combine the two, you have a multi-function command that does BOTH together (ID+refine):
suspendForcedMouselookAndStopMoving 0 $$ inventory $$ gensendmessage Inventoryoption_Identifyall clicked $$ gensendmessage Inventoryoption_Refinebulksalvage clicked
(Note: If you want to run the multi-function commands above to try it in-game, remember to place a "/" before it in the chat tab)
With aliases, I put in my text file:
alias u "suspendForcedMouselookAndStopMoving 0 $$ inventory $$ gensendmessage Inventoryoption_Identifyall clicked $$ gensendmessage Inventoryoption_Refinebulksalvage clicked"
Whenever I type in /u in chat, it runs the multi-function command within the brackets.
Now, in the same .txt file, I bind "alt-u" to "u", which means that whenever I press "alt-u" it runs the multi-function command to ID all unidentified gear and bring up the menu (to allow me to choose to refine all gear in my inventory via the drop-down menu).
So basically, as it is, I loot all green gear, then press alt-u, and it saves me a lot of time and pressing multiple buttons. Converting gear to refinement will be so simple for me with the autoloot feature now.
Still, auto-loot should be an option to be toggled on/off if it isn't already, as it won't be as easy for console players or those that do not use console commands/keybinds/aliases.
You are probably running ahead of them anyway, or you can catch up quickly since at least one of them will likely be at-level of whatever dungeon you are running and thus will naturally be slower.
This isn't difficult and it isn't a problem.
Anyone running around with their bank full and packs nearly full when they start a dungeon run needs to buy more space, not complain that other people are picking stuff up.
All I hear here is "I have gold and AD and refinement points stockpiled and don't like what the peasants are doing to try and build those things up for themselves".
That doesn't mean I won't get some low level rare (blue) items that I don't consider worth buying an ID scroll for, but if I do have an ID scroll for that item I'll use it and usually post it on the AH for a dirt cheap price to try to help out lower level players. Early on in the game I learned one of the best investments I made was for the merchant artifact, ("Auroa's Whole Realms Catalogue") so I'd be able to buy healing potions, injury kits and skill kits anywhere - and sell junk that was cluttering up my inventory... But personally I think they should make this a special function instead of something that takes up an artifact space, but it is what it is.
It would be different if they gave us one or two more bags slots on our character to go along with the change. But right now this is just going to waste a lot of my time clearing out inventory.
The problem for me is I am a hoarder of armor. I have kept every armor set I've ever gotten since beginning in this game. some of the sets I have two of just in case down the line I'd like to transmute. Which means my bank is maxed out and the game does not allow me to buy more slots. I carry a lot of gear/potions/clickables/mod items/etc.
On my character I have one runic bag that is available for looting/questing, half that is taken up by RP drops. Before I could choose to pick things up or not, now I'll be spending way more time "clearing" the bag as I go.
If this game had a proper transmute system my bag space issues would be solved!
I have a character for enchantment, a character for transmute, for potion, for mounts, for artifact, for companion, multiple characters for RPs, .....
That does not help you if what you hoard are character bound stuff.
if its a level 70 -- its 50 rp
Been playing since open beta and never once did i wish items '' other than rp stones' would just go right to inv. It is just so easy to pick stuff up yet harder and more time consuming and annoying to open inv ever 2 mins to deal with stuff i do not want or need. There are way better ways to gather gold and RP than from them items and it is like the devs want to force feed us cgicken scraps rather than let us find the best options to get gold and rp because auto pickup is far far from it