Guild Leader: Qwert Qwertonium Guild Contact: in game @mynaam Guild Currently Recruiting: All welcome, we take players of all skill level and class. Current Guild Size:25 Guild Size Goal:100` Guild Peak Time Zones: worldwide Alliance:Tredecim (aka Greycloaks )
Description: We are a fun, friendly guild with Discord chat and are looking for like minded players .
There are more than BIS players in this game RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ???? FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
Guild Leader: Hastur Guild Contact: @hastur905 Guild Website: Guild Currently Recruiting: not actively Current Guild Size:149 Guild Type: PVE endgame, casual players mostly Guild Peak Time Zones: EST, CST, PST Alliance:Tredecium (aka Greycloaks)
Description: Currently we are the helm of a 13 guild Alliance called Tredecium, which stretches all around the world in all time zones. We are a founding guild of Neverwinter under Sekhmet, but have evolved over the years. We manage the Alliance discord server and all are welcome to join for voice or chat.
(I need at bare minimum the name of your guild, and any updates. If you haven't gotten to ADD your guild to the Guild Directory yet, the clock's a Tickin' .... so then... GIT IT GIT IT!!!
Guild Leader: Hiphoptimus Rhyme, Synestra Guild Contact:Same Guild Website: Guild Motto: Play games and have fun! Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes Current Guild Size: 133ish Guild Size Goal: Max and active Guild Type: PvX Guild Peak Time Zones: PST Alliance: The Army of Mordor
Description: Gaming crew from all over and many MMOs. We like to play games and have fun, that's our primary goal. NA based but not restricted to, we want to expand to other time zones as well. Reconnecting with gamers from almost every MMO visited. I've set up a flexible chat with Voxer as well as Discord for any in game comms needed. All in hopes to to start working with gamers in current games available also any future games.
Guild Leader: @killerarsenal Guild Contact: @killerarsenal Guild Website: Guild Motto: Character, communication, and cooperation Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes Current Guild Size: 98 Guild Size Goal: Till we're full Guild Type: Social, English speaking, mature (age 18+), all content Guild Peak Time Zones: International Alliance: The Imperial Inquisition Alliance
Description: Ardent Justice HQ is an English speaking guild that's all about people. We regularly help newcomers and returning veterans get a handle on the game. Currently we're working on building an international player base and organizing guild events. There's no discrimination based on level or experience, however we do require that our members be at least 18 years old and English speaking. If you're looking for a place to take off your item level and make new friends, we're the right group for you!
Guild Leader: Faero Malikite, Ray Oathbringer, Freeblast, Donn Armorsmith, Areena Ashbringer, and Tudai Four Guild Contact: @faeromalikite, @rayzer628 , @bjbrunt#4365, @alyoung#2899, @skd01, @rayzer8912 Guild Website: Guild Motto: Community and Friendship Guild Currently Recruiting: yes Guild Current Size: Stronghold level 11 Guild Size Goal: Max it out at a casual pace Guild Type: Casual, family friendly, social Guild Peak Time Zones: EST, CST, PST, MST, international Alliance: Noble Misfits
Description:The Repeat-Offenders Network a started in 2005 in the City of Heroes MMO and has a foot print in most major MMO's currently running. We have been in NW since beta and are a casual family friendly no drama Guild that looks more at helping people grow and have fun more than min/maxing the game. We have experienced players as well as a large Alliance to help new and experienced members get the most out of the game.
Guild Leader: Ugler Guild Contact: Ugler@ugler or Mika Shieldheart@nehryk#6852 Guild Website: Coming soon! Guild Motto: Coming soon Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes! All Levels and classes. Current Guild Size: 6 Guild Size Goal: Max Guild Type: Fun, Casual, Progression, PVE, Cooperative, Leveling, Friendly and Helpful, New Player friendly, PVP possibly later on Guild Peak Time Zones: US Time Zones so far Alliance: None yet
Description: Death halls is a small guild at the moment but looking to grow. We are very friendly and willing to help out new players (or experienced players) if needed. We are family friendly and just want to have fun. A good sense of humor is always welcome but not required :)
Guild Leader:Angel Rose@estasia1 Guild Contact:Angel Rose@estasia1 Guild Guild Motto:Community, Love, Freindship and Helping Guild Currently Recruiting:yes Current Guild Size:135 Guild Size Goal:145 Guild Type:PVE Guild Peak Time Zones:World Wide Alliance:Silver Ravens
Description: We have been in NW since beta and are a casual friendly no drama Guild that looks more at helping people grow and have fun. We have experienced players as well as a large Alliance to help new and experienced members get the most out of the game. Our guild is like a very large family and the guilds in the alliance are our extended family. Come join us we welcome all!!!
Guild Name - Apostles of the Feywild - part of The Repeat-Offenders Network
Guild Leader: Faero Malikite, Freeblast, Guild Contact: @faeromalikite, @bjbrunt#4365 Guild Website: Guild Motto: Community and Friendship Guild Currently Recruiting: yes Guild Current Size: Stronghold level 4 Guild Size Goal: Max it out at a casual pace Guild Type: Casual, family friendly, social Guild Peak Time Zones: EST, CST, PST, MST, international Alliance: Noble Misfits
The Repeat-Offenders have grown and needed a 2nd guild for the over flow of members! Apostles are currently at level 4 and growing every day. Recruiting any level and skill set, any class, and any age! We are a family friendly and casual Guild that wants to have fun with no drama or headaches! Come join a growing team and an amazing Alliance!
kreatyveMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 10,545Community Moderator
edited September 2017
I didn't want to edit it myself to update my own guild (though I can if you need me to @aandrethegiant.)
Team Fencebane
Guild Leader: @kreatyve Guild Contact: @roller300, @Earianta, @shiani1, @khurnak, @ancientuncle. Guild Website: None at this time Guild Motto: All adventure, no direction! Guild Currently Recruiting: Active players who don't exploit Current Guild Size: 148 Guild Type: Social, helping new players, dungeon runs Guild Peak Time Zones: Evening EST
Description: Team Fencebane is the official guild of the Neverwinter Community Management team, but we accept all active players as long as they aren't exploiters or gold spammers. We are currently near capacity, but we will welcome new members when we have room!
My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official. Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
Guild Name: Fair Dinkum Guild Leader: @melindaoz Guild Contact: any guild member until we reach 140 accounts, then @melindaoz as we approach cap. Guild Website: we use a Facebook members page Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes. Any level, any age, English speaking, active. Current Guild Size: 120 accounts, trimmed every 6 weeks for inactivity. We are currently upgrading to GH18, with Temple, Stable, Explorer Guild and Barracks boons. Guild Size Goal: 149 Guild Type: PvE, Semi-casual Guild Peak Time Zones: Highest during Australian evenings, but our alliance is International Alliance: Tredicium Alliance. Our alliance rotates helm position to help us all upgrade. We are currently the Helm.
Description: We are a semi-casual PVE guild. While we are mainly in Australia and New Zealand, we also have members in Japan, America and the Asia-Pacific region. We welcome players and characters of all ages and experiences. Insomniac Americans are welcome #1 rule, have fun. #2 rule, don’t be a jerk. #3 rule, in doubt? See rule #2. We encourage players to improve their characters, have fun and help the guild and alliance.
erosennin92Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 38Arc User
Guild Leader: @voidkvlt Guild Contact: @pejel; @erosennin92; @livzeronob; @falkon84, @hardwired1984 Guild Website: Guild Motto: "Un ORDO al giorno leva i bimbiminkia di torno!" Guild Currently Recruiting: yes Current Guild Size: 148 Guild Size Goal: 150 Guild Type: PVE (mostly) and PVP Guild Peak Time Zones: 18:00-24:00 UTC Alliance: Legio Italica (Italian Alliance)
Description: Since 2013, we are an active and friendly guild where you can find everything for your best Neverwinter experience: dungeon runs and good pals to play with, easy-going environment, great guides and also more technical discussions. If you are an italian player and you want an all-around experience in one of the historical NW Guilds, ORDO is the BEST place for YOU!!!
Azeroth Godwill - (Half)Drow - Virtuous AC DC - iLvL 4k
Guild Leader: Kronus@rynardm Guild Contact: @rynardm; @intothegroove; @SK_Lithop Guild Website: Guild Motto: Help each other, don’t be a jerk, and above all have fun! Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes Current Guild Size: 8 active with several alts each. Guild Size Goal: Currently we are looking to grow another 40-50 players and alts are welcome. Guild Type: Mainly PVE but we have a couple players that casually PvP. Guild Peak Time Zones: US Standard Evenings Alliance: Of Neverwinter
Description: We are a small, casual and family friendly, Gauntlet guild of the Of Neverwinter Alliance. We all have real lives and live them. Our goal is to have fun and help each other in the process. The guild is an offshoot of the Bells of Baphomet gamer alliance which is spread across several different games and countries.
theheroshieldMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 24Arc User
edited September 2020
The Forgotten Company
Guild Leaders: Sydney Crosby, Ren Guild Contact: Sydney Crosby - @theheroshield Guild Website: [currently rebuilding; we have a Facebook Group page & Discord Channel] Guild Motto: "The Most Interesting Guild" Guild Currently Recruiting: Level 5; 18+; friendly & social-able players Current Guild Size: 145 accounts Guild Size Goal: Max. Guild Type: Nightly Marauders / BHEs / Dragonflight / RTQs Guild Peak Time Zones: 9:30 PM (CST) for the nightly Dragonflight Alliance: The Forgotten Company Alliance (we are the Helm)
Description: "The Most Interesting" guild is all about fun and friendships. And battling dragons, of course! Come join, have fun, and you won't be forgotten!
Guild Contact: If you wish to join She Looked LVL 18 or simply want to know more, you can send me a private message on the forums, PM me over discord, or PM me in game. You can also contact any of my guildmates in game. My ingame @handle is @trgluestickz I tried to add my discord name to this post but it would not display for some reason. To amend this issue, I have taken a screenshot of my discord name. Copy and Paste it into your browser to view it: @sirjimbofrancis is our only guildie other than me who regularly visits the arc forums.
Guild Website: NA/None
Guild Motto: We consider our guild semi-casual with the primary focus being on socializing and plain old fun. We happily help out our members when they need it and will answer any questions they have.
Guild Currently Recruiting: Anybody who can meet the following 3 requirements: #1) You are required to have a mic and you must be willing to use discord fairly often. We will help you get onto our guild's discord channel. We will also help you get onto our alliance's discord channel. #2) You are required to be at least 18 years old or older #3) We have a casual interview requirement. You must talk on discord with at least 1 rank 5 or higher officer and/or guild leader before joining.
Current Guild Size: Small
Guild Size Goal: We would like to remain a small guild since its easier to get to know all of our members that way. We do however wish to get larger than we currently are.
Guild Type: We are primarily PVE. Most of our members are PVE only. I am our only member who is mainly PVP.
Guild Peak Time Zones: Most of our members come online between 2pm and 2am eastern US time. Our hot hours are between 5:00pm and 1:00am eastern US time. During the hot hours, you will typically see between 5 and 15 people online. This number nearly always hits double digits at some point during these hot hours. Outside of the hot hours, you may see as few as 2 people online or as many as 5.
Alliance: We are part of the Vermilion alliance, our helm guild is Essence of Aggression.
Description: We are a small active primarily english speaking guild that runs mostly endgame content. Most of our members are knowledgeable veteran Neverwinter players but a few of us are newbies. For a more in depth discription of my guild, visit the following link:
-- PVP Rogue, --[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]-- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin) Ingame Handle: trgluestickz Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563 Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud Platform: PC
Guild Leader: Esqui son of Esqui Guild Contact: @belgerose (You may also contact an one of the guild officers ex. Joram Longshadow). Guild Website: We have and use discord. Guild Motto: To travel along, and have some fun. Mostly serious advanced level players. Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes Current Guild Size: Medium and growing Guild Type: Active RPG Alliance: Black Vanguard
Guild Leader: @thyrannoo Guild Contact: @thyrannoo Guild Website: Guild Motto: Honor, honesty, humble, friends & family. Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes Current Guild Size: 70/150, GH 14. Guild Size Goal: 140+ Guild Type: Casual grinders, serious in gaming where we need to be. Guild Peak Time Zones: GMT+1 and EST/PST Alliance: Proudly part of the Fabled alliance.
Description: SA's vision is to create a community of like-minded players where we can all feel at home. We've found this place within the Fabled alliance to ensure this feeling up to alliance level. We're all-inclusive and strive for no-drama in Guild and Alliance. Take a peek at the website if you think you've what it takes to be part of this awesome community.
Guild Leader: Angel Rose Guild Contact: Angel Rose Guild Website: Guild Motto: Guild Currently Recruiting: yes Current Guild Size:Level 20 Guild Size Goal: Level 20 Guild Type: PVE and PVP Guild Peak Time Zones: all We are world wide Alliance: Silver Ravens
Description: We have been in NW since beta and are a casual family friendly no drama Guild that looks more at helping people grow and have fun more than min/maxing the game. We have experienced players as well as a large Alliance to help new and experienced members get the most out of the game.
Guild Leader: Gronk Goldfinger Guild Contact: @lrgold1969 Guild Website: Guild Motto:Respect and fun Guild Currently Recruiting: yes, alliance as well Current Guild Size:118 members rank 14 Guild Size Goal:150 members Guild Type: Casual and fun English speaking Guild Peak Time Zones:all Alliance: Scion of Unity
Guild Leader: Myrymma Guild Contact: @thokoman90#1850 Guild Website: Contact us for a discord link Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes Current Guild Size: level 6 with 130+ accounts Guild Size Goal: 149 Guild Type: Open ended, mature gameplay for all play styles Guild Peak Time Zones: Worldwide
Description: An Evolvent Alliance guild with a fast growth rate, eager to share with new players and experienced ones, having a chill social gaming for our members
Guild Leader: Multiple leaders Guild Contact: Any leaders (@dalolorn works, but I'm not always ingame…) Guild Website: Guild Motto: Don't cause trouble; just have fun and respect your peers Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes, and there's still 11 slots left in our alliance Current Guild Size: Around a dozen accounts, rank 2 Guild Size Goal: Wherever it goes Guild Type: A casual, open-ended, family-friendly guild Guild Peak Time Zones: EST, GMT Alliance Leader: Wanderer's Alliance
Description: We're a small, recently formed English-speaking guild looking to make friends and support each other as we adventure across the Sword Coast. (Unfortunately, timezones make that a little difficult with the guild's current composition...)
Guild Leader: Earlgreybeard Guild Contact: @earlgreybeard Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes Current Guild Size: 100 Guild Size Goal: 130-140 Guild Type: Casual, New players ,Non-elitist, Multi-class Guild Peak Time Zones: Worldwide (leader: AEST) Alliance: Fabled (Civil Anarchy)
Description: Founded in late 2013 DotM has been through a lot of changes and ups and downs ,we have a small number of active players on during most times of the day.. over the years we have had quite a lot of fantastic players pass through our ranks (thanks to you all, you know who you are) that have helped us grow our Stronghold and have moved on to the bigger guilds .The days when Strongholds first went live until the great leadership AD purge that decimated our guild are fondly remembered as we quickly got to lvl5 GH , that time when Underdark was new and Elven was BiS was my introduction to being a guild leader ,so it's nice to look back at all that. Enter Alliances ,we hooked up early with a fantastic bunch in the Souls of Iruladoon Alliance which really help shape us into our current form and then , about a year ago the Helm and 3 of us other guilds merged into a sword and 3 gauntlet spots in the awesome Fabled Alliance and have been flying along at a steady pace ever since. ATM we are at Level 12 GH ... our only real main rules are respect all players you are running with and use the chat from time to time . Would love to hear from you if you are interested in joining anytime. Come try the original 'Misfit' guild !
[b]Guild Contacts:[/b] @dionchi, @davidstine, @jessica1342 [b]Guild Website:[/b] [b]Guild Custom Chat Channel:[/b] /channel_join brightblades [b]Guild Currently Recruiting:[/b] YES [b]Current Guild Level:[/b] 2 [b]Guild Membership (as of last update):[/b] 11 [b]Minimum Character Level:[/b] 15 [b]Guild Type:[/b] Casual; PVE, Beginner, Intermediate, Experienced, Casual, Leveling, Roleplay, Family Friendly, Cooperative and Beginner Friendly. We are not hardcore.
[b]Guild Information:[/b] We recognize some members can only play between RLE (real life events) and as such most of our members are casual players, that’s not a problem.
All we ask is members sign on once every month to maintain their current guild rank.
Members who do not sign on every month will be reduced one guild rank, per month of inactivity. Upon being demoted to Level 1 – Inactive a member may be removed from the guild roster.
A Note: The Bright Blades welcome people from all backgrounds and skill levels. We are proud to accept and represent all races, classes, beliefs, nationalities and backgrounds, however remember there is a person on the other side of your conversation and comments and excessive flaming, harassment, bigotry and hate will not be tolerated by the guild leaders. Any member found to be in violation of these guidelines will be immediately removed from the guild.
Guild Peak Time Zones Based on Membership: -6GMT (CST:USA)
Guild Leader: Dawna Nightfall; microboeb & Xarrug Guild Contact: @seijida & @microboeb#2428 Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes, you have to be Lvl 70 though Current Guild Size: about 145/150 Guild Size Goal: 145/150-150/150 Guild Type: Casual; New Players; Experienced Players; Non-Elitist; mostly PVE Guild Peak Time Zones: UTC 15.00 - UTC 03.00 i guess. Members from all ovber the world though so u will see activity most times. Alliance: Amity Alliance
We are a pretty casual guild, founded in January 2016 after we found our old guild didn't fit us anymore. Fast fowards 2 years and 8 months later, we just reached our GH20; will max out our last boon any time now. We have a great and active members base, many of them have been with us for years by now. We are a friendly, helpful & loyal bunch of people and a lot of them I can truly call my friends by now. So if you feel like you want to become a part of our close-knit group feel free to message us anytime. Only expectations I have: You should play regulary, be able to say hi/bye in chat and to follow the chat, be willing to run stuff with the guild and be a decent human being. We don't take too kindly to rude behaviour of any kind, friendly banter is welcome though. That we are casual and don't care about your Gear Score too much does not mean, some of us are not drive. We run all the endgame-content and always try to get the best out of our characters. So if you want to play in the endgame and aree willing to share a bit of your knowledge that's very much welcome and appreciated too.
Guild Leader: Valkyrie Celeste Guild Contact: @severynn#1290 Guild Website: None Guild Motto: A Viking Toast - If you Cheat, may you cheat death; If you Steal, may you steal the heart of the love of your life; If you Fight, may you fight for a brother; If you Drink, may you drink with me! Guild Currently Recruiting: No Current Guild Size: 5 (Family and Real Life Personal Friends – we value getting to know people before bringing them into our home). Guild Size Goal: Uncertain at the moment Guild Type: Casual, new and experienced players, module content enjoyment and immersion, and we are not l33ts... Guild Peak Time Zones: EST to PST Alliance: None yet… LOOKING 😊
Description: This is an adult only, friends and family guild. Where everyone is treated with respect, but we are not politically correct. So far, our ranks are all active duty military or veterans and are fairly like-minded.
Guild Leader: Sikkness Guild Contact: Sikkness, Ovan Guild Website: None yet Guild Currently Recruiting: Actively recruiting Current Guild Size: 15 Guild Size Goal: 150 Guild Type: PVE Guild Peak Time Zones: All
Description: Lazy Eyed Assassins already has 6 allies so plenty of content from new to end-game being run. Regular Stronghold events taking place. Experienced players to offer advice, support and to teach newer players various dungeons. Room for promotion if appropriate.
Guild Leader: Valkyrie Celeste Guild Contact: @severynn#1290 Guild Website: None Guild Motto: A Viking Toast - If you Cheat, may you cheat death; If you Steal, may you steal the heart of the love of your life; If you Fight, may you fight for a brother; If you Drink, may you drink with me! Guild Currently Recruiting: No Current Guild Size: 5 (Family and Real Life Personal Friends – we value getting to know people before bringing them into our home). Guild Size Goal: Uncertain at the moment Guild Type: Casual, new and experienced players, module content enjoyment and immersion, and we are not l33ts... Guild Peak Time Zones: EST to PST Alliance: None yet… LOOKING 😊
Description: This is an adult only, friends and family guild. Where everyone is treated with respect, but we are not politically correct. So far, our ranks are all active duty military or veterans and are fairly like-minded.
Guild Leader: Qwert Qwertonium
Guild Contact: in game @mynaam
Guild Currently Recruiting: All welcome, we take players of all skill level and class.
Current Guild Size:25
Guild Size Goal:100`
Guild Peak Time Zones: worldwide
Alliance:Tredecim (aka Greycloaks )
We are a fun, friendly guild with Discord chat and are looking for like minded players .
RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
Guild Leader: Hastur
Guild Contact: @hastur905
Guild Website:
Guild Currently Recruiting: not actively
Current Guild Size:149
Guild Type: PVE endgame, casual players mostly
Guild Peak Time Zones: EST, CST, PST
Alliance:Tredecium (aka Greycloaks)
Description: Currently we are the helm of a 13 guild Alliance called Tredecium, which stretches all around the world in all time zones. We are a founding guild of Neverwinter under Sekhmet, but have evolved over the years. We manage the Alliance discord server and all are welcome to join for voice or chat.
Working on A guilds. If your guild begins with:
Then HOLLA!!
(I need at bare minimum the name of your guild, and any updates. If you haven't gotten to ADD your guild to the Guild Directory yet, the clock's a Tickin' .... so then... GIT IT GIT IT!!!
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Guild Leader: Hiphoptimus Rhyme, Synestra
Guild Contact:Same
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: Play games and have fun!
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 133ish
Guild Size Goal: Max and active
Guild Type: PvX
Guild Peak Time Zones: PST
Alliance: The Army of Mordor
Description: Gaming crew from all over and many MMOs. We like to play games and have fun, that's our primary goal. NA based but not restricted to, we want to expand to other time zones as well. Reconnecting with gamers from almost every MMO visited. I've set up a flexible chat with Voxer as well as Discord for any in game comms needed. All in hopes to to start working with gamers in current games available also any future games.
Guild Leader: @killerarsenal
Guild Contact: @killerarsenal
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: Character, communication, and cooperation
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 98
Guild Size Goal: Till we're full
Guild Type: Social, English speaking, mature (age 18+), all content
Guild Peak Time Zones: International
Alliance: The Imperial Inquisition Alliance
Description: Ardent Justice HQ is an English speaking guild that's all about people. We regularly help newcomers and returning veterans get a handle on the game. Currently we're working on building an international player base and organizing guild events. There's no discrimination based on level or experience, however we do require that our members be at least 18 years old and English speaking. If you're looking for a place to take off your item level and make new friends, we're the right group for you!
Guild Leader: Faero Malikite, Ray Oathbringer, Freeblast, Donn Armorsmith, Areena Ashbringer, and Tudai Four
Guild Contact: @faeromalikite, @rayzer628 , @bjbrunt#4365, @alyoung#2899, @skd01, @rayzer8912
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: Community and Friendship
Guild Currently Recruiting: yes
Guild Current Size: Stronghold level 11
Guild Size Goal: Max it out at a casual pace
Guild Type: Casual, family friendly, social
Guild Peak Time Zones: EST, CST, PST, MST, international
Alliance: Noble Misfits
Description:The Repeat-Offenders Network a started in 2005 in the City of Heroes MMO and has a foot print in most major MMO's currently running. We have been in NW since beta and are a casual family friendly no drama Guild that looks more at helping people grow and have fun more than min/maxing the game. We have experienced players as well as a large Alliance to help new and experienced members get the most out of the game.
Guild Leader: Ugler
Guild Contact: Ugler@ugler or Mika Shieldheart@nehryk#6852
Guild Website: Coming soon!
Guild Motto: Coming soon
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes! All Levels and classes.
Current Guild Size: 6
Guild Size Goal: Max
Guild Type: Fun, Casual, Progression, PVE, Cooperative, Leveling, Friendly and Helpful, New Player friendly, PVP possibly later on
Guild Peak Time Zones: US Time Zones so far
Alliance: None yet
Description: Death halls is a small guild at the moment but looking to grow. We are very friendly and willing to help out new players (or experienced players) if needed. We are family friendly and just want to have fun. A good sense of humor is always welcome but not required :)
Guild Leader:Angel Rose@estasia1
Guild Contact:Angel Rose@estasia1
Guild Motto:Community, Love, Freindship and Helping
Guild Currently Recruiting:yes
Current Guild Size:135
Guild Size Goal:145
Guild Type:PVE
Guild Peak Time Zones:World Wide
Alliance:Silver Ravens
Description: We have been in NW since beta and are a casual friendly no drama Guild that looks more at helping people grow and have fun. We have experienced players as well as a large Alliance to help new and experienced members get the most out of the game. Our guild is like a very large family and the guilds in the alliance are our extended family. Come join us we welcome all!!!
Guild Leader: Faero Malikite, Freeblast,
Guild Contact: @faeromalikite, @bjbrunt#4365
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: Community and Friendship
Guild Currently Recruiting: yes
Guild Current Size: Stronghold level 4
Guild Size Goal: Max it out at a casual pace
Guild Type: Casual, family friendly, social
Guild Peak Time Zones: EST, CST, PST, MST, international
Alliance: Noble Misfits
The Repeat-Offenders have grown and needed a 2nd guild for the over flow of members! Apostles are currently at level 4 and growing every day. Recruiting any level and skill set, any class, and any age! We are a family friendly and casual Guild that wants to have fun with no drama or headaches! Come join a growing team and an amazing Alliance!
A, B, D, G, I, R, S and T
Guild leaders --- If you haven't updated in a while, PLEASE DO SO NOW!!
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Team Fencebane
Guild Leader: @kreatyve
Guild Contact: @roller300, @Earianta, @shiani1, @khurnak, @ancientuncle.
Guild Website: None at this time
Guild Motto: All adventure, no direction!
Guild Currently Recruiting: Active players who don't exploit
Current Guild Size: 148
Guild Type: Social, helping new players, dungeon runs
Guild Peak Time Zones: Evening EST
Description: Team Fencebane is the official guild of the Neverwinter Community Management team, but we accept all active players as long as they aren't exploiters or gold spammers. We are currently near capacity, but we will welcome new members when we have room!
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
Guild Leader: @melindaoz
Guild Contact: any guild member until we reach 140 accounts, then @melindaoz as we approach cap.
Guild Website: we use a Facebook members page
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes. Any level, any age, English speaking, active.
Current Guild Size: 120 accounts, trimmed every 6 weeks for inactivity.
We are currently upgrading to GH18, with Temple, Stable, Explorer Guild and Barracks boons.
Guild Size Goal: 149
Guild Type: PvE, Semi-casual
Guild Peak Time Zones: Highest during Australian evenings, but our alliance is International
Alliance: Tredicium Alliance. Our alliance rotates helm position to help us all upgrade. We are currently the Helm.
Description: We are a semi-casual PVE guild. While we are mainly in Australia and New Zealand, we also have members in Japan, America and the Asia-Pacific region. We welcome players and characters of all ages and experiences. Insomniac Americans are welcome
Guild Leader: @voidkvlt
Guild Contact: @pejel; @erosennin92; @livzeronob; @falkon84, @hardwired1984
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: "Un ORDO al giorno leva i bimbiminkia di torno!"
Guild Currently Recruiting: yes
Current Guild Size: 148
Guild Size Goal: 150
Guild Type: PVE (mostly) and PVP
Guild Peak Time Zones: 18:00-24:00 UTC
Alliance: Legio Italica (Italian Alliance)
Description: Since 2013, we are an active and friendly guild where you can find everything for your best Neverwinter experience: dungeon runs and good pals to play with, easy-going environment, great guides and also more technical discussions. If you are an italian player and you want an all-around experience in one of the historical NW Guilds, ORDO is the BEST place for YOU!!!
Azeroth Godwill - (Half)Drow - Virtuous AC DC - iLvL 4k
Guild Leader: Kronus@rynardm
Guild Contact: @rynardm; @intothegroove; @SK_Lithop
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: Help each other, don’t be a jerk, and above all have fun!
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 8 active with several alts each.
Guild Size Goal: Currently we are looking to grow another 40-50 players and alts are welcome.
Guild Type: Mainly PVE but we have a couple players that casually PvP.
Guild Peak Time Zones: US Standard Evenings
Alliance: Of Neverwinter
Description: We are a small, casual and family friendly, Gauntlet guild of the Of Neverwinter Alliance. We all have real lives and live them. Our goal is to have fun and help each other in the process. The guild is an offshoot of the Bells of Baphomet gamer alliance which is spread across several different games and countries.
Guild Leaders: Sydney Crosby, Ren
Guild Contact: Sydney Crosby - @theheroshield
Guild Website: [currently rebuilding; we have a Facebook Group page & Discord Channel]
Guild Motto: "The Most Interesting Guild"
Guild Currently Recruiting: Level 5; 18+; friendly & social-able players
Current Guild Size: 145 accounts
Guild Size Goal: Max.
Guild Type: Nightly Marauders / BHEs / Dragonflight / RTQs
Guild Peak Time Zones: 9:30 PM (CST) for the nightly Dragonflight
Alliance: The Forgotten Company Alliance (we are the Helm)
Description: "The Most Interesting" guild is all about fun and friendships. And battling dragons, of course! Come join, have fun, and you won't be forgotten!
She Looked LVL 18
Guild Leader:
Our guildleader's ingame @handle is @erynlore
Guild Contact:
If you wish to join She Looked LVL 18 or simply want to know more, you can send me a private message on the forums, PM me over discord, or PM me in game. You can also contact any of my guildmates in game.
My ingame @handle is @trgluestickz
I tried to add my discord name to this post but it would not display for some reason. To amend this issue, I have taken a screenshot of my discord name. Copy and Paste it into your browser to view it:
@sirjimbofrancis is our only guildie other than me who regularly visits the arc forums.
Guild Website:
Guild Motto:
We consider our guild semi-casual with the primary focus being on socializing and plain old fun. We happily help out our members when they need it and will answer any questions they have.
Guild Currently Recruiting:
Anybody who can meet the following 3 requirements:
#1) You are required to have a mic and you must be willing to use discord fairly often. We will help you get onto our guild's discord channel. We will also help you get onto our alliance's discord channel.
#2) You are required to be at least 18 years old or older
#3) We have a casual interview requirement. You must talk on discord with at least 1 rank 5 or higher officer and/or guild leader before joining.
Current Guild Size:
Guild Size Goal:
We would like to remain a small guild since its easier to get to know all of our members that way. We do however wish to get larger than we currently are.
Guild Type:
We are primarily PVE. Most of our members are PVE only. I am our only member who is mainly PVP.
Guild Peak Time Zones:
Most of our members come online between 2pm and 2am eastern US time. Our hot hours are between 5:00pm and 1:00am eastern US time. During the hot hours, you will typically see between 5 and 15 people online. This number nearly always hits double digits at some point during these hot hours. Outside of the hot hours, you may see as few as 2 people online or as many as 5.
We are part of the Vermilion alliance, our helm guild is Essence of Aggression.
We are a small active primarily english speaking guild that runs mostly endgame content. Most of our members are knowledgeable veteran Neverwinter players but a few of us are newbies. For a more in depth discription of my guild, visit the following link:
PVP Rogue,
--[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]--
Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin)
Ingame Handle: trgluestickz
Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563
Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression
Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud
Platform: PC
Guild Leader: Esqui son of Esqui
Guild Contact: @belgerose (You may also contact an one of the guild officers ex. Joram Longshadow).
Guild Website: We have and use discord.
Guild Motto: To travel along, and have some fun. Mostly serious advanced level players.
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: Medium and growing
Guild Type: Active RPG
Alliance: Black Vanguard
Guild Leader: @thyrannoo
Guild Contact: @thyrannoo
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: Honor, honesty, humble, friends & family.
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 70/150, GH 14.
Guild Size Goal: 140+
Guild Type: Casual grinders, serious in gaming where we need to be.
Guild Peak Time Zones: GMT+1 and EST/PST
Alliance: Proudly part of the Fabled alliance.
Description: SA's vision is to create a community of like-minded players where we can all feel at home. We've found this place within the Fabled alliance to ensure this feeling up to alliance level. We're all-inclusive and strive for no-drama in Guild and Alliance. Take a peek at the website if you think you've what it takes to be part of this awesome community.
Guild Leader: Angel Rose
Guild Contact: Angel Rose
Guild Website:
Guild Motto:
Guild Currently Recruiting: yes
Current Guild Size:Level 20
Guild Size Goal: Level 20
Guild Type: PVE and PVP
Guild Peak Time Zones: all We are world wide
Alliance: Silver Ravens
Description: We have been in NW since beta and are a casual family friendly no drama Guild that looks more at helping people grow and have fun more than min/maxing the game. We have experienced players as well as a large Alliance to help new and experienced members get the most out of the game.
Guild Leader: Gronk Goldfinger
Guild Contact: @lrgold1969
Guild Website:
Guild Motto:Respect and fun
Guild Currently Recruiting: yes, alliance as well
Current Guild Size:118 members rank 14
Guild Size Goal:150 members
Guild Type: Casual and fun English speaking
Guild Peak Time Zones:all
Alliance: Scion of Unity
Guild Leader: Myrymma
Guild Contact: @thokoman90#1850
Guild Website: Contact us for a discord link
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: level 6 with 130+ accounts
Guild Size Goal: 149
Guild Type: Open ended, mature gameplay for all play styles
Guild Peak Time Zones: Worldwide
Description: An Evolvent Alliance guild with a fast growth rate,
eager to share with new players and experienced ones, having a chill social
gaming for our members
Guild Leader: Multiple leaders
Guild Contact: Any leaders (@dalolorn works, but I'm not always ingame…)
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: Don't cause trouble; just have fun and respect your peers
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes, and there's still 11 slots left in our alliance
Current Guild Size: Around a dozen accounts, rank 2
Guild Size Goal: Wherever it goes
Guild Type: A casual, open-ended, family-friendly guild
Guild Peak Time Zones: EST, GMT
Alliance Leader: Wanderer's Alliance
Description: We're a small, recently formed English-speaking guild looking to make friends and support each other as we adventure across the Sword Coast. (Unfortunately, timezones make that a little difficult with the guild's current composition...)
Guild Leader: Earlgreybeard
Guild Contact: @earlgreybeard
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes
Current Guild Size: 100
Guild Size Goal: 130-140
Guild Type: Casual, New players ,Non-elitist, Multi-class
Guild Peak Time Zones: Worldwide (leader: AEST)
Alliance: Fabled (Civil Anarchy)
Description: Founded in late 2013 DotM has been through a lot of changes and ups and downs ,we have a small number of active players on during most times of the day.. over the years we have had quite a lot of fantastic players pass through our ranks (thanks to you all, you know who you are) that have helped us grow our Stronghold and have moved on to the bigger guilds .The days when Strongholds first went live until the great leadership AD purge that decimated our guild are fondly remembered as we quickly got to lvl5 GH , that time when Underdark was new and Elven was BiS was my introduction to being a guild leader ,so it's nice to look back at all that. Enter Alliances ,we hooked up early with a fantastic bunch in the Souls of Iruladoon Alliance which really help shape us into our current form and then , about a year ago the Helm and 3 of us other guilds merged into a sword and 3 gauntlet spots in the awesome Fabled Alliance and have been flying along at a steady pace ever since. ATM we are at Level 12 GH ... our only real main rules are respect all players you are running with and use the chat from time to time . Would love to hear from you if you are interested in joining anytime. Come try the original 'Misfit' guild !
[b]Guild Name:[/b]BRIGHT BLADES
Guild Founders: Chi@dionchi (*February 2015)
Meschette@Meschette (*June 2015)
D’vd@davidstine (*February 2016)
Jessica@jessica1342 (*February 2016)
[b]Guild Contacts:[/b] @dionchi, @davidstine, @jessica1342
[b]Guild Website:[/b]
[b]Guild Custom Chat Channel:[/b] /channel_join brightblades
[b]Guild Currently Recruiting:[/b] YES
[b]Current Guild Level:[/b] 2
[b]Guild Membership (as of last update):[/b] 11
[b]Minimum Character Level:[/b] 15
[b]Guild Type:[/b] Casual; PVE, Beginner, Intermediate, Experienced, Casual, Leveling, Roleplay, Family Friendly, Cooperative and Beginner Friendly. We are not hardcore.
[b]Guild Information:[/b] We recognize some members can only play between RLE (real life events) and as such most of
our members are casual players, that’s not a problem.
All we ask is members sign on once every month to maintain their current guild rank.
Members who do not sign on every month will be reduced one guild rank, per month of inactivity.
Upon being demoted to Level 1 – Inactive a member may be removed from the guild roster.
A Note: The Bright Blades welcome people from all backgrounds and skill levels. We are proud to accept and represent all races, classes, beliefs, nationalities and backgrounds, however remember there is a person on the other side of your conversation and comments and excessive flaming, harassment, bigotry and hate will not be tolerated by the guild leaders. Any member found to be in violation of these guidelines will be immediately removed from the guild.
Guild Peak Time Zones Based on Membership: -6GMT (CST:USA)
We are UP TO DATE!
6 YEARS STRONG... and still going!!
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Guild Leader: Dawna Nightfall; microboeb & Xarrug
Guild Contact: @seijida & @microboeb#2428
Guild Currently Recruiting: Yes, you have to be Lvl 70 though
Current Guild Size: about 145/150
Guild Size Goal: 145/150-150/150
Guild Type: Casual; New Players; Experienced Players; Non-Elitist; mostly PVE
Guild Peak Time Zones: UTC 15.00 - UTC 03.00 i guess. Members from all ovber the world though so u will see activity most times.
Alliance: Amity Alliance
We are a pretty casual guild, founded in January 2016 after we found our old guild didn't fit us anymore.
Fast fowards 2 years and 8 months later, we just reached our GH20; will max out our last boon any time now.
We have a great and active members base, many of them have been with us for years by now.
We are a friendly, helpful & loyal bunch of people and a lot of them I can truly call my friends by now.
So if you feel like you want to become a part of our close-knit group feel free to message us anytime.
Only expectations I have: You should play regulary, be able to say hi/bye in chat and to follow the chat, be willing to run stuff with the guild and be a decent human being.
We don't take too kindly to rude behaviour of any kind, friendly banter is welcome though.
That we are casual and don't care about your Gear Score too much does not mean, some of us are not drive. We run all the endgame-content and always try to get the best out of our characters.
So if you want to play in the endgame and aree willing to share a bit of your knowledge that's very much welcome and appreciated too.
Guild Contact: @severynn#1290
Guild Website: None
Guild Motto: A Viking Toast - If you Cheat, may you cheat death; If you Steal, may you steal the heart of the love of your life; If you Fight, may you fight for a brother; If you Drink, may you drink with me!
Guild Currently Recruiting: No
Current Guild Size: 5 (Family and Real Life Personal Friends – we value getting to know people before bringing them into our home).
Guild Size Goal: Uncertain at the moment
Guild Type: Casual, new and experienced players, module content enjoyment and immersion, and we are not l33ts...
Guild Peak Time Zones: EST to PST
Alliance: None yet… LOOKING 😊
Description: This is an adult only, friends and family guild. Where everyone is treated with respect, but we are not politically correct. So far, our ranks are all active duty military or veterans and are fairly like-minded.
Guild Name: Lazy Eyed Assassins
Guild Leader: Sikkness
Guild Contact: Sikkness, Ovan
Guild Website: None yet
Guild Currently Recruiting: Actively recruiting
Current Guild Size: 15
Guild Size Goal: 150
Guild Type: PVE
Guild Peak Time Zones: All
Description: Lazy Eyed Assassins already has 6 allies so plenty of content from new to end-game being run. Regular Stronghold events taking place. Experienced players to offer advice, support and to teach newer players various dungeons. Room for promotion if appropriate.
What is the NAME of your guild?
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!