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Is Maintenance Extended?



  • sylish1sylish1 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    WTF see it is extended again now till 21:30, what are they stuffing up now again :(
  • avenfellavenfell Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    WTH Cryptic, where was this 48 hour maintenance last week when Netflix released Iron Fist S2, Wentworth S6, and Ozark S2 back to back to back days.

    What are we supposed to do when you keep adding 2 hours to the duration, I just finished mowing my grass, I fed and watered the children. At this rate I am going to have take a 2nd shower for the week and talk to my wife, this is unacceptable.
    16k+ Combat HR
  • lowjohnlowjohn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,061 Arc User
    I sympathise with the poor people trying to get the servers back up. I've had the kind of day they must be having - everything going wrong and a lot of people stuck, unable to work, getting progressively angrier as the downtime slips.

    It sucks, it really does.

    I hope your boss buys you a beer once things are working again.
  • ilovebigballsilovebigballs Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Oh well time for another movie. Was hoping to get some dailies done, but seems tomorrow will be a better day.
  • ch0yi1ch0yi1 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Still hoping that some rep would respond and let all VIP users get At least a free day VIP back since one full day is completely gone now for EU players.

    Stuff goes wrong with maintenance I get that, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't have good customer service, most other game companies would compensate for even less then this.
    Its a sign of good will and will let your customers know you care for them staying around.
  • mystar#5733 mystar Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    yeah if maintenance includes something hardware there's a good chance there can be delays. It should go smooth and easy, but nope. I recently upgraded a motherboard, cpu and ram for an always-on computer and that's when the power supply decided to die in its sleep. It's good to know this is ARC downtime, not Neverwinter itself. I'm sure they want it back online for us as quickly as possible too...so let's send out some good vibrations to help them get the issue resolved so we can get back to killing digital thayans and cultist. Those white dragon cultists get on my nerves sometimes....even though they end up dead.
  • auron#6793 auron Member Posts: 396 Arc User
    i hope we get some good compensation for this
    <div align="center"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/YH9QCXK.png" alt="" /></div></img>
    โ–‚โ–ƒโ–„โ–…โ–†โ–‡โ–ˆโ–“โ–’โ–‘ Drac โ–‘โ–’โ–“โ–ˆโ–‡โ–†โ–…โ–„โ–ƒโ–‚
    There is supposed to be an image here, but the hamsters took it.
    <div align="center">AKA Draconis of Luskan</div>

    Take a backseat boy. Cause now I'm driving. ~ Give it up - Elizabeth Gilies ft. Ariana Grande

    RIP Foundry: On that day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an end. ~Lifelight
  • sunshine1#3679 sunshine1 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    This must be a gigantic overhaul that they are doing to the servers considering the numerous and long maintenances. Might as well have combined the maintenance into a new mod or sub-mod.
  • javvahut123#8320 javvahut123 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    another hour and a half mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • javvahut123#8320 javvahut123 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    ridiclulous arc forsaken worlds up...? can anyone tell me wtf the problem is with the servers
  • abqmanabqman Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2 Arc User
    Wow Really!
  • javvahut123#8320 javvahut123 Member Posts: 9 Arc User

    ch0yi1 said:

    As a EU player, usually maintenance is badly timed, but at times like today it means I won't be able to play at all if servers aren't going to be up until 22:00.

    Kinda feel like they should refund a day of VIP at times like this, its what any good company would do.

    Why not just use it as a promotional opportunity and give everyone a free day of VIP benefits? That helps pacify everyone and encourages more players to buy VIP.
    no thx freetoplay 4 life
  • louna#0878 louna Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    ok, ok,I understand issues and things to fix, but please for VIP, make sure we don't lose our daily claims, will be even more annoyed if that happens.
  • lordmarduclordmarduc Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    they can give us all an extra companion let it be a copy of anyone of our alt toons let it be legenday and upgradeable to mythic
  • rodostorodosto Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    Well still hasn't up yet...
  • frankzapper1frankzapper1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    as long as i get an extra vip claim tomorrow i will forgive having to talk to mrs zapper for 4 hrs tonight tho' even that may not be enough
  • corellon359corellon359 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    would just like to know the reason for the extension.
  • mystar#5733 mystar Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    compensation would be cool for the loss of the keys...even just the enchanted key. at least it's only one day if they don't. i'm glad i haven't had that happen yet. The customer service I've gotten for the few things I actually contacted them about has been excellent service. One issue they suggested to post the details in the forum and I got a response that they found the issue and what was causing it...and it was fixed in the next update less than a week later.

    Not sure if I'd ask them for a key if I lost one...I think a more valuable compensation for something like that would be could you increase my chances for getting the best items for the next few keys i use on any lockbox?
  • tonycope12tonycope12 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15 Arc User
    should be back on by 9.30pm uk time another failed promise
  • epsmincepsminc Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    So I specifically slept in long enough to think patching would be way over by the time I got up, went to refill my cherry coke trucker cup from circle K for NW playathon, getting my required pills from the pharmacy to live for said playathon, and come back wait on Winders to wind up and then WHAM....I get the message from the launcher "Eff U Steve" and my name isn't even Steve!!!!
  • eion311eion311 Member Posts: 338 Arc User
    what exactly are they doing, that's some crazy maintenance.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,171 Arc User
    ch0yi1 said:

    Still hoping that some rep would respond and let all VIP users get At least a free day VIP back since one full day is completely gone now for EU players.

    Stuff goes wrong with maintenance I get that, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't have good customer service, most other game companies would compensate for even less then this.

    Its a sign of good will and will let your customers know you care for them staying around.

    Anything that affects the community as a whole generally doesn't get compensated.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • flappsi4flappsi4 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    In my opinion a day of VIP time is a bad idea for compensation, because players on VIP would be (rightfully) compensated for services not granted to them, while non-VIPs would receive a gift.

    I would suggest a 1 day extension for VIPs and a general "sorry about it" for everyone in the form of say 200 Zen or something like that.

    And not because the maintenance takes so long, such things happen, but because they extended it twice while keeping us in the dark. The difference between good and bad company policy.
    That being said, i'd be surprised if we would hear anything at all from them...

  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    Devs, could you please extend Game Master event for few more days? some has 18 hrs time frame, and few of my alts wont make it with loss of several hours set back. this set back will put me by 12 hrs short, and now almost 20 hrs when event ended. i missed few days when event was up, i wasnt feeling well to play much and it was too hot to stay in my home and didnt want to get heatstroke.
    i almost had it.
  • senythril1senythril1 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Its 5:33 Est right now and the servers are still down what in the hell is going on? Did you encounter a game breaking bug?
  • kvetkvet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,700 Arc User
    Would be nice if they refunded 1 VIP day for those of us that will end up missing our per diem for the day due to this, but Cryptic won't do that - they're too stingy. It's funny though, other MMOs give fairly generous gifts to players as compensation when thinks like this happens. I can probably count on one hand the number of times Cryptic has given any sort compensation, even just a token one.
  • avenfellavenfell Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    Nearly 5:40 east coast, this is a joke.

    You need to tell people what is going on ahead of time, if you are going to extend the maintenance and you know you arent going to hit the next benchmark post it so we arent sitting here at the keyboard refreshing.
    16k+ Combat HR
  • bobdredds#9435 bobdredds Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    I'm sure they are doing their best and there's always tomorrow. But it would be nice to let the Beholder drop in Respens a bit more frequently, my brain is melted from farming it. Give the VIP's a day in lieu, they paid for it and those of us FTP's benefit. 3:)
  • ragnarz2ragnarz2 Member Posts: 208 Arc User
    the word for the day is "amateur".
  • bobdredds#9435 bobdredds Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    STO is still down too.
This discussion has been closed.