With the recent mod 14 changes to AD refine cap account wide, I thought I would make a post regarding the current invoking system, and throw in some suggestions for Ardent and Celestial Coins as well.
In case some do not remember, the original invoke system was a 3x per day affair, where the player would receive unrefined AD on each character, 3k daily max. The first invoke of the day gave the most, the 2nd less, and the third less (I do not remember %, but you all get the idea). Also, you only got 1 ardent coin and 1 celestial coin per day, on first invoke. The ardent packs were the same as now, but the celestial packs were harder to get (2 weeks I think), but the coal wards were easier because drop rate was higher (about 15% iirc).
Then, in order to promote more frequent logins and to make the gaining of urAD more difficult, the invoke system was changed to the current 6x daily, where the first invoke gave both ardent and celestial, the middle 4 gave more unrefined AD successively, and the 6th invoke gave an extra celestial. Also, additional packs were made and at less of a cost of celestial (11 coins, or 5.5 days of 6x invokes daily). But the drop rate on the coal wards was decreased (I wanna say around 3-5%, but others can verify).
Then, the 6x invokes were changed not to urAD, but to an AD refine bonus, so that you now can earn a storage of AD that will refine at 50% more. So if you earn 6k from something, and you have invoke bonus AD saved up, you earn 9k in unrefined AD. With the 36k urAD system per character, that means from invoking daily and moving items around, you could usually maximize the bonus on multiple characters for one account (running less dungeons). It had the disadvantage that you had to have a storage of the bonus AD already. The advantage to Cryptic were more login numbers and longer time in the game.
But with mod 14, with the AD refine cap on accounts, the invoke system is for urAD is less useful. Therefore, I propose the following changes:
1. Revert back to a 3x invoke system, with first invoke giving 50% of the bonus for the day, 2nd invoke giving 33%, and 3rd invoke giving 17%.
2. Give 1 ardent and 1 celestial coin every day.
3. Have the invoke be a bonus to refining, as before, with only 3k bonus per day.
4. Add in another feature. Allow a conversion to celestial coins 10k bonus AD:1 coin or ardent coins 5k AD:1 ardent coin. Thus, in a 1 month period, a person who invoked 1 time could get an extra 4 celestial coins and 1 ardent coin (45k unused bonus AD), or other combinations.
Now, change the rewards for Ardent and Celestial coins:
Here are my ideas for Ardent Coins:
1. Add in a conversion for Tarmulane Bars. 10 Ardent coins for 1 tar bar.
2. Add in a conversion for Lockbox Keys. 50 Ardent coins for 1 lockbox key.
3. Add in a conversion for Transmutes. There is a whole library that details transmutes that are no longer in the game. 30 Ardent Coins for 1 transmute piece. Make the transmutes BtA, and where you can purchase for other classes.
4. Add in a conversion for Guild Food/Event Food. Some players still like soloing and do not want to join a guild. Others do not grind out events for the specific foods. Place a 'food' market through ardent coins, which means it would function anytime anywhere. change the amount of ardent coins based on the type of food. For example, lower food buffs cost 2 ardent coins per food. market 20 guild foods cost 15 ardent coins per food.
5. Add in conversion for Overload Enchantments. Since most of these are made via Black Ice, or grinded through Kessels, eLOL or eSOT, let players earn them BtA through ardent coins. Include the Frost, Draconic and Black Ice versions. Lesser Corrupt/Purified 3 Ardent Coins for 1 overload. Greater Corrupt or Purified 10 Ardent/1 overload. Draconic at 5 Ardent Coins for 1 overload. Frost at 10 Ardent/1 overload.
Here are my ideas for Celestial:
1. Add in a conversion for VIP. 100 celestial for 1 month VIP (limit 1 per account per year). Equivalent to 1000 zen.
2. Guaranteed Coalescent Ward 100 celestial for 1 coal ward (limit 5 rewards per account per year, BtA). Equivalent to 1000 zen.
3. Guaranteed Legendary Mount 2000 celestial for 1 mount (limit 1 per account ever, BtA). Equivalent to 20000 zen.
4. Allow celestials (not ardent) to be transferred between characters via bank.
Also, one more thing: in VIP levels, add bonuses like:
1. VIP 2 decreases cost of ardent coins by 5%.
2. VIP 3 increase limit of VIP through celestial to 2 per year.
3. VIP 5 increase coal ward limit to 6 per year.
4. VIP 6 decreases cost of ardent coins by 10%.
5. VIP 8 increases limit of VIP through celestial to 3 per year.
6. VIP 10 increases lmit of coal ward through celestial to 7 per year.
7. VIP 11 decreases cost of ardent coins by 20%.
7. VIP 12 increase limit of lifetime legend mount through celestial to 2.
As always, these are merely suggestions!
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Guild--And the Imaginary Friends
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Guild--And the Imaginary Friends
I don't mind the reward to be changed though.
What I don't like:
1. less AD bonus (I did things in burst. Hence, I want my AD bonus pool as fill as possible).
2. less XP.
3. less bag. Less RP. Less coupon.
4. less coin.
5. 11 days to get the box instead of 5.5 days (if one does 6 invocations)
6. I don't see any plus in the operational change for my way of playing. I only see nerf.
So, I'm sorry, but /notsigned.
Unnoticed: "Though you mumble the proper invocation the Gods didn’t notice. Try harder next time."
A small amount of XP is the only reward for this outcome.
Recognized: "The ritual is complete; the Gods are amused."
This outcome awards a small amount of XP plus a small random stat boost.
Acknowledged: "The Gods have seen your hard work and wish you to aid you in your heroism."
This outcome awards the same as "Recognized" plus a useful item, probably consumable, or stat bonus.
Honored: "Your devotion and bravery have impressed the Gods, who reward you greatly." This outcome awards the same as "Acknowledged" plus a more valuable icon.
Additionally, every day, a Ardent Coin and Celestial Coin will be awarded to be spent on items from the Vault of Piety. There was no AD awarded.
But that's just my opinion.
providing a game sink for this item
rAD to buy coupon to spend zen on . . . sinks rAD and spends zen
spends zen
now I see the issue
one must never spend zen