How about changing how the zax works. As i understand it, currently, you put 100k AD up 200 zen you get back WHEN there is someone selling 200 zen AND your next in line. Instead work it like a pool. You put 100k AD in the pool, and someone puts 300 zen in, that then gets reduced to 1 zen for 300 people queued for the exchange. This has a benefit of being SEEN working. I'd rather wait a week getting trickle zen in over that week for my 100k AD than wait 2 weeks for someone to drop the zen in and it FINALLY being my turn.
I'm a 100% certain it is a pool. You can even have the Zen come in partially (but since it takes just a moment, you have to be watching it).
Ah, you mean it that way... Hmm... IDK, it'll probably cause a lot more issues... Hmm... Yeah, it... Well... Nah.
After reflection and speaking with others, I have to admit I do consider the new drop/reward system better than the one we had previously with the choicest drops going to the speediest players...
So I withdraw my objections to drops going to random party members, regardless of whether or not a party member intentionally ignores all drops or who actually makes the effort to pick them up.
Neither system is perfect, but I will grudgingly admit this system is better than the former.
Hi all.. Is it normal for patching process taking so long? I`ve been patching since yesterday almost 24 hours and still got some patching more to go. I am a new player. thanks
Is it normal for patching process taking so long? I`ve been patching since yesterday almost 24 hours and still got some patching more to go. I am a new player.
you have two modes for patches, bulk and patch on demand. The second is advisable for slow net and data sensitive players. Bulk is probably what you have and therefore you're downloading every file that goes into the patch rather than just ones that get changed in the patch (patch on demand). you can change this in settings on the launcher.
also, it is in my experience that the patching 'hangs' at times. I cancel the patch and restart it. It continues at the place it left off rather than doing the whole patch again.
As I am trying to play through as a CW, I wanted to focus on a strictly party-buffing build. However, I'm having a hard time finding companions and mounts to aid in this task and I am nowhere near crafting masterwork weapons. I would like to see new and updated BiS end-game enchantments, insignias, companions and mounts that are focused on strictly distributing a passive party-wide buff like what we see offered with the Royal Winter Sled. Yes, I could just get the sled but unless it receives an update to meet Chult and Barovia requirements- well, it just doesn't really pack a punch there.
"Talent is a flame. Genius is a fire." - Sir Bernard Williams
1. PVE - loot tables grind is okay but let rewards be rewarding..please 2. PVP - gear - no stat gear, pvp only wepons ,pvp only aritfacts everything would be a fashion item with no stat it would be a battle of skills. No enchantments, I dont know everything what power ups you have but no for pvp. No guild boons,no campaign boons, no companions. No need for balance then in pvp. THIS IS for regular pvp SOLO Q you can have fun with other mods to be with guild boons etc...
The gist is everything that you can get in pve , is a no for pvp. Love the glory currency keep the stats of players
3. No.2 is the highlight you could earn a lot in pvp , fashion gear wep, etc.. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------- 5. The above 2 are most importan the rest is wishful thinking 6. One pvp zone were guilds and alliances can fight over territory, or simply pvp zone 7. airrrshippppps 8. Love the game a lot, good work
As I am trying to play through as a CW, I wanted to focus on a strictly party-buffing build. However, I'm having a hard time finding companions and mounts to aid in this task and I am nowhere near crafting masterwork weapons. I would like to see new and updated BiS end-game enchantments, insignias, companions and mounts that are focused on strictly distributing a passive party-wide buff like what we see offered with the Royal Winter Sled. Yes, I could just get the sled but unless it receives an update to meet Chult and Barovia requirements- well, it just doesn't really pack a punch there.
There aren't a lot of companions that buff your party a ton, at least not passively. Your summoned companion can debuff for allies to deal more damage, but that's about it. Companions that do that would include Sellsword, Con Artist, Rebel Mercenary, Chultan Tiger and Dancing Shield. There are some active bonuses that can result in enemies dealing less damage like the Rust Monster or Elemental Art Cultist, but that's not exactly buffing the party.
If you google Neverwinter Companion Active Bonus you'll see a Gamepedia link that shows most, if not all, companions and their various active + summoned bonuses at various ranks. Maybe I missed something.
HR: Vretzen GWF: Vretzina OP: Vee DC: Evee CW: nezterV
First, lack of worthwhile repeatable endgame content. Aside from Cradle, what is there right now? Ravenloft give Crown Seals, but once you have the gear from there what's the incentive to run? The drop rate on personally useful or sellable items fairly low, especially for Ultimate Enchanting Stones (UES). I've gotten 1 UES in maybe 40-50 runs, and from talking to my guildies I'm not exactly in the minority on that drop rate. Because of loot drops from there most of my guildies/alliance members are just waiting for 2x Seals to farm for the gear they want and just occasionally running it to not get rusty with the mechanics in the Sisters and Strahd boss fights.
Bring in scaled/tiered dungeons with worthwhile loot and I'd be surprised if a number of players didn't return to the game or the current players become more active because there'd be more challenging things to do.
Second, VIP is outdated. It's exactly the same as it was 3 years ago when it was introduced. While there really isn't much of an incentive for PWE/Cryptic to update VIP, because people will continue to invest in it as it is, adding more incentives to VIP like a Portable Seals Vendor, Ring Exchange Vendor and Daily Legendary Dragon Key per toon (character bound) would be awesome and give players an incentive to run some older content again.
Third, Zen Market. There are so many out of date items in the Zen Store. Generally things like Companions that give +100 Regen, Master's Trowel for Voninblood and Hammerstone Forge for Black Ice mining. Voninblood was introduced 2 years ago and pretty much phased out a year ago when Chult launched. Black Ice was introduced in mod 3 more than 4 years ago and has been pretty obsolete since mod 10 introduced Voninblood. Then there are the Companion Upgrade Mini-Pack and Helper Pack. 15 tokens for 500 zen or 45 tokens for 1400 zen. In terms of AD that would be 250k/700k. To get the necessary 90 tokens for an upgrade to Epic or 120 to Legendary you'd need to buy multiple of each; 2 Helper Packs or 6 Mini-Packs for Epic and 3 Helper Packs or 2 Helper Packs + 2 Mini-Packs for Legendary. Any way you split it up, it's still going to cost A LOT more than upgrading just thru AD generated in-game. I honestly can't see them selling too many of those packs, except to those ignorant of how companion upgrades work. Smart business move would be to add exact companion token packs for a bit less than the in-game AD costs. Example; Legendary Companion Upgrade Token would cost 1800 Zen, or 900k AD. That's 100k less than the 1M it costs using AD and its an item cheaper to buy directly from them than doing in-game. Honestly at this point there aren't many items left that are cheaper from the Zen Market than using AD on the auction house.
Legendary Upgrade Token would cost 1800 Zen (900k AD vs. 1M AD) Epic Upgrade Token would cost 900 Zen (450k vs. 500k) Rare Upgrade Token would cost 450 Zen (225k vs. 250k) Common Upgrade Token would cost 100 Zen (equal cost)
Or maybe make it the exact same cost. But the current cost of companion upgrade items on the Zen Market just doesn't make sense.
Anyways, just my 2 cents.
HR: Vretzen GWF: Vretzina OP: Vee DC: Evee CW: nezterV
i have 1 idea to make playerrs happy to keep comimg back for more crown seals, add newer items on vendor, what players want, coalenscene wards, companion tokens, or 1 time consumeable crafter tool that give 10% boost to any profession. Mr Raff the kobold's diamond vendor had been gutted horribly nerfed and the bazaar was never same or recovered.
Good idea wylonus, make the pinnacle seal vendor sell the hard to get but very worthwhile items (unbound). Make the zen store items bound and that should solve two issues: fixing the ZAX and giving a reason for endgame players to keep playing.
Items that can be coded for crown seals (top seals at the moment):
coalescent wards pres wards x50 epic and legend mounts epic and unique pets epic insignias and enchants (lvl 10+) upgrade token packs
CTAs should be updated. There’s currently zero reason for any character to run one even once. ~130 ad and a couple hundred RP, if you’re lucky? Upgrade the enchantments — level 1 enchantments shouldn’t drop, period. Base level 4, possibility of 5/6, and a guaranteed 7 from the chest with a low possibility of 8 would be an easy way to change them from “completely worthless” to “helpful for new players gearing up.” Similarly, the reward vendor should offer something - anything - of value. High priced cosmetics don’t count. It feels like CTAs have never been updated. R5/6 enchantments had value in the past but now you get a full set of R8s just for hitting 70.
First of all, thank you for opening this disscussion and i hope at least some of the repoeted bugs will be fixed soon. Here is my short list (the order is not random with 1 being the most severe):
1. FIX YOUR SERVERS. I know this was mentioned many times and the usual excuse is "it's not us it's your ISP" but while that may be true in some apecific cases, the hard truth is that every Monday and anytime there is an event, when the servers are most crowded, game become anoyingly laggy and in some cases unplayable. This is unacceptable and should be priority #1.
2. FIX KNOWN BUGGS IN END-GAME DUNGEONS. There are specific buggs in end-game dungeons which i won't name yet again since they were extensively explained in other disscussions. Some of those buggs continue through several mods (like in msp or tomb). And while CR is a new dung and you can say you haven't got time to fix it (which shouldn't be an excuse anyway imo but still ..), msp and tomb and some even older dungeons still have an anoying amount of buggs in them even if the respective mod is long forgoten.
3. GIVE CLASSES THE ORIGINALLY INTENDED DIVERSITY. This is the most hard to fix thing in my list and i don't expect to see it anytime soon but still and this is NOT a cry for nerfs ... Originally each class has 2x paragons and 3x paths available which makes at least 6 possible builds. Cause of current meta ppl are running only 1 or 2 builds with each class which is greatly restraining game diversity and ultimatly - the fun of it. Class diversity and active fast-pace combat systems are the two things that distinguish this game from other in the genre and 1 of those things is currently dead. Try your best to make each build viable but through content adjustment and minor class changes and not through big nerfs and radical changes which usually upset more players .
xvenganox, I agree with you on the need for CTA to be upgraded. But the statement "but now you get a full set of R8s just for hitting 70" is wrong if you mean the intro to barovia. you get rank based enchants there. so if you toon is high IL you get 8s if its pretty brand new you get 6s
a couple things i've heard allot from alliance member complaining: too many bugs in new mods that should have been dealt with in preview, and why can't my SW templock be a healer in RQs.
1. bugs in new mods is easy to explain. YOU DON"T ALLOW FOR ALL CONTENT TO BE TESTED before goning to live. Much of the barovia takes awhile to get to, for example the deck artifact. Players in preview have to go through all the difficulty you get in live to get the item or dungeon or whatnot to test out. Simple fix: make a temporary FREE pass for that item/dungeon/quest/etc. on the previews zen market. That way players who don't have much time can get the pass, get the thing, test it out report bugs and then when they leave preview the free item/quest/dung is removed from active, so next log in they have to go back to zen. This will allow players who want to test the long road to do so, and others to test the rewards to do so. You could have players testing the Deck and CR and all the weeklies on the first day of preview rather than making them go through the long processes.
2. Classification in RQs. Right now its automatically placed. change that. What i'd like to see is when i ready for RIQ RAQ REQ i want to select which of the 3 classifactions i want to fill. For an OP can fill all three. Select RIQ, option pops up TANK | HEALER | DPS i check the tank since i want to tank this one and now i'm good. I do think an additional label of Buffer should be listed as DCs can buff and heal, HR can buff, GF can buff, SW can heal etc. Also give a reward for top placement in each catagory: damage dealt, damage recieved (tank), healing, deaths, etc. That will give incentive for fewer bots imho.
> @athena#9205 said: > xvenganox, I agree with you on the need for CTA to be upgraded. But the statement "but now you get a full set of R8s just for hitting 70" is wrong if you mean the intro to barovia. you get rank based enchants there. so if you toon is high IL you get 8s if its pretty brand new you get 6s
First character gets rank 8s. Additional characters on the same account get rank 6s.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
checkmatein3Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 525Arc User
1. Bring Back Content Removed (dungeons, transmutes...SCA?? [I might get flamed/trolled for that, but oh well]) 2. Update Existing, Aging Content that is no longer relevant (CTA, Events, Drops, Rewards, Professions, Achievements) 3. Re-invent or Fix Foundry 4. Advance Existing Content (Strongholds) 5. Remove/modify paywall/RNG to participate in some content (Masterwork, Races *cough*) 6. Add quality new content (dungeons, skirmishes, real raids, guild rank battles, PvP, campaigns, lore, housing) 7. Add new classes (Bard, Monk, Barbarian, Druid) 8. Make Racial traits selectable at character creation (not racially locked, so race is more a digital skin for appearance and not a build choice...yes, I know, it doesnt matter at end game, but the option would be great).
Hiya. I tried Neverwinter back in 2013 and found it mediocre. As I was playing other things with my group, we didn't pursue it. Now, we've given it a second try, and my how it's changed. And much for the better!
I've only played a little bit tonight, so I don't have a full grasp of the game yet, but here is a quibble. It's supposed to be an action RPG, but my movement on the battlefield is limited. I can't back up or strafe while lobbing Eldritch Blasts. This really cramps the action style of the combat. I'm sure other classes could benefit for similar reasons. I should be able to swing a sword while moving around, or fire a bow, or whatever the other classes do.
Q. One of the reasons you can't move and attack is because moving is used to cancel an attack in many circumstances. But i do agree with you. The TR dualest flurry can get into an unbreakable action and the mob would move on, which frustrates me. Its part of the mechanics in this game to learn how to move and fight together.
if you joing Sea of Moving Ice before Bryn Shander quests - you will not have a needed resources in missions rewards for campaign progress in quests in Sea of Moving Ice.
Randon queue (middle) in 90% loading skirmishes. I can't remember when there were ToS or CC. I think because skirmishes can be started without heal+tank duet. instead it makes party with 4 tanks or 4 heals in one party. It's often sutuation.
"sometimes the world doesn't need another hero, sometimes what it needs is a monster"
Many issues have been mentioned by other players ,so i'd like to focus on the weapon/armour enchantments. A major rework is needed on many of them , in order to be relevant in endgame content. For example most people use Feytouched/Lightning/Dread/Soulforged/Barkskin/Negation and on occassion Terror ,with other enchants,like Bilethorn, being left out. There is such a great number of them that it's unfair and shows bad game balance, when only a handful of them are systematically used. A thing that has bothered me, for example, are the cool downs on some of them and why should they be there to begin with. Even if you nerf them by half , removing the cooldown will still be preferable as it'll make them work way more consistently. It has become so bad that a Transcendent Vorpal costing 5 million AD,or more, to make, sells for less than 1,5 million on the AH. This is unacceptable and shows the true scale of the problem, Enchantments need to be rebalanced in a well thought and planned out manner.
want to add about those CTA events, i agree it is time to have upgrade ranked enchantments, only those "non-core" enchant gems need a notched upgrade, no level 1 ones. for the "core" enchant gems was designed for starter quest lines and to teach how to make upgrade while doing Tower District/Blacklake Estate District. way too many high end players wont bother to loot level one since they discarded minor marks to make room for new loots and rewards. these CTA should have no lower than non-core rank 3's on drops and chest rewards. just random 3's, 4's, and 5's would be enough.
CTA was the reason to give motivation to gather for non-core enchants without any core enchants.
Since you can get rank 5s from the seal vendor, CTA minimum should be rank 5s and maximum rank 8s. Right now you can get rank 6 and 7 dirt cheap on AH. I convert any basic enchants and runes rank 6 and under because no one will buy it on AH and not worth the price of upgrading. Therefore in CTA rank 5, 6 enchants will be converted, 7, 8s be saleable on AH or upgrade options.
Its been posted before, and i hope it is included into the new module Heart on FIre coming up with professions upgrade, but PLEASE add a button or option to collect and repeat all.
I'm a 100% certain it is a pool. You can even have the Zen come in partially (but since it takes just a moment, you have to be watching it).
Ah, you mean it that way... Hmm... IDK, it'll probably cause a lot more issues... Hmm... Yeah, it... Well... Nah.
I have had a buy for Zen up for over a week now. I would like to list buying higher then 500 but I guess that is Cryptic acting like the Fed and keeping inflation down or something.
So I forgot to view my Tarokka cards after speaking with Madam Eva.
I did speak to Stanimir after her reading, battled the ambushing werewolves, traveled to the Barovia gates and spoke with Count Strahd... But the gates were inactive and I couldn't open them.
I then viewed my Tarokka card tutorial but still couldn't open the gate.
I had to log out then log back in, once again make my way to the Barovian gate and speak with Count Strahd to get the gates to open. Thankfully I didn't have to repeat all of the steps to make it to the Barovian gate the second time.
There is no requirement to do that before you complete the instance. Whatever bug you encountered is unrelated. I have mostly done that after the fact just to get rid of the annoying pop up when opening my inventory.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
After reflection and speaking with others, I have to admit I do consider the new drop/reward system better than the one we had previously with the choicest drops going to the speediest players...
So I withdraw my objections to drops going to random party members, regardless of whether or not a party member intentionally ignores all drops or who actually makes the effort to pick them up.
Neither system is perfect, but I will grudgingly admit this system is better than the former.
Disagree. If you invest in your utilities to generate drops, only you should get your drops. If others want those drops then they should invest and refine, etc their own enchantments for those drops. I am sure everyone wants to run faster, that is more fun.
QM bags, Wanders Fortune, Dragon Hoard and Fey Blessing stones are personal loot. No one else can get them. Only Fey Blessings even put the loot on the ground and no one else gets them. There is no roll.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
After reflection and speaking with others, I have to admit I do consider the new drop/reward system better than the one we had previously with the choicest drops going to the speediest players...
So I withdraw my objections to drops going to random party members, regardless of whether or not a party member intentionally ignores all drops or who actually makes the effort to pick them up.
Neither system is perfect, but I will grudgingly admit this system is better than the former.
Disagree. If you invest in your utilities to generate drops, only you should get your drops. If others want those drops then they should invest and refine, etc their own enchantments for those drops. I am sure everyone wants to run faster, that is more fun.
Seems we all have our idea of "fun" and unarguably mine does not seem to coincide with yours.
Just speaking for myself - although I have known other players express a similar opinion - I don't care to "run faster", and I rather enjoy taking my time through the content in Neverwinter whether it be to escort a newer or lesser skilled player, or just going at my best available speed knowing that even if someone races to the end, they will have no choice but to wait, sort their inventory, run in circles, jump up and down, or shine their nails and wait for the arrival of slower players... Sometimes that counts as my definition of "fun".
Few drops in random queue content are "your drops", most are communal drops, so they should be dispersed to all party members in the most equitable fashion possible... which "first come first served" never was.
If any "run fast" player takes off and leaves the rest of the party, that denotes an end to my intentionally picking up any kind of drops, no matter how good they appear to be, except for items like ID scrolls and potions that I know will just go to my inventory. If during random content any random roll drop does appear in my inventory I always try to give them away - but not to any faster player who leaves other party members behind.
Going back to the previous method of "first come first served" always offered the advantage to those players who could "invest" the money or the time to repeatedly grind to obtain items to improve their characters and almost always became the disadvantage to new players, slower players and players who's real world responsibilities precluded them from grinding for the means to otherwise "buy" improvements for their character...
That previous system failed and it was changed... although I personally don't consider the new system perfect, it is in my opinion far better than the previous system where the fastest players usually got the best of the available drops and those newer or slower players were left with the dregs.
QM bags, Wanders Fortune, Dragon Hoard and Fey Blessing stones are personal loot. No one else can get them. Only Fey Blessings even put the loot on the ground and no one else gets them. There is no roll.
Agreed, however for each one of those enchantments, a player will have to sacrifice another enchantment that can provide their character with an attribute they may need just as much or more. For instance a leveling player may prefer to have an Azure enchantment slotted to give them additional experience points to expedite their leveling. Slower players may prefer Dark enchantments to improve their speed, or whatever.
As nice as it is to sometimes acquire drops, sometimes such considerations are secondary to attributes that help players in other ways.
Ah, you mean it that way... Hmm... IDK, it'll probably cause a lot more issues... Hmm... Yeah, it... Well... Nah.
After reflection and speaking with others, I have to admit I do consider the new drop/reward system better than the one we had previously with the choicest drops going to the speediest players...
So I withdraw my objections to drops going to random party members, regardless of whether or not a party member intentionally ignores all drops or who actually makes the effort to pick them up.
Neither system is perfect, but I will grudgingly admit this system is better than the former.
Is it normal for patching process taking so long? I`ve been patching since yesterday almost 24 hours and still got some patching more to go. I am a new player.
also, it is in my experience that the patching 'hangs' at times. I cancel the patch and restart it. It continues at the place it left off rather than doing the whole patch again.
1. PVE - loot tables
2. PVP - gear - no stat gear, pvp only wepons ,pvp only aritfacts everything would be a fashion item with no stat it would be a battle of skills. No enchantments, I dont know everything what power ups you have but no for pvp. No guild boons,no campaign boons, no companions. No need for balance then in pvp. THIS IS for regular pvp SOLO Q you can have fun with other mods to be with guild boons etc...
The gist is everything that you can get in pve , is a no for pvp. Love the glory currency keep the stats of players
3. No.2 is the highlight you could earn a lot in pvp , fashion gear wep, etc..
4. -------------------------------------------------------------
5. The above 2 are most importan the rest is wishful thinking
6. One pvp zone were guilds and alliances can fight over territory, or simply pvp zone
7. airrrshippppps
8. Love the game a lot, good work
Thank you for letting me comment, have a nice day
If you google Neverwinter Companion Active Bonus you'll see a Gamepedia link that shows most, if not all, companions and their various active + summoned bonuses at various ranks. Maybe I missed something.
GWF: Vretzina
OP: Vee
DC: Evee
CW: nezterV
Leader - Valaraukari Ascension
First, lack of worthwhile repeatable endgame content. Aside from Cradle, what is there right now? Ravenloft give Crown Seals, but once you have the gear from there what's the incentive to run? The drop rate on personally useful or sellable items fairly low, especially for Ultimate Enchanting Stones (UES). I've gotten 1 UES in maybe 40-50 runs, and from talking to my guildies I'm not exactly in the minority on that drop rate. Because of loot drops from there most of my guildies/alliance members are just waiting for 2x Seals to farm for the gear they want and just occasionally running it to not get rusty with the mechanics in the Sisters and Strahd boss fights.
Bring in scaled/tiered dungeons with worthwhile loot and I'd be surprised if a number of players didn't return to the game or the current players become more active because there'd be more challenging things to do.
Second, VIP is outdated. It's exactly the same as it was 3 years ago when it was introduced. While there really isn't much of an incentive for PWE/Cryptic to update VIP, because people will continue to invest in it as it is, adding more incentives to VIP like a Portable Seals Vendor, Ring Exchange Vendor and Daily Legendary Dragon Key per toon (character bound) would be awesome and give players an incentive to run some older content again.
Third, Zen Market. There are so many out of date items in the Zen Store. Generally things like Companions that give +100 Regen, Master's Trowel for Voninblood and Hammerstone Forge for Black Ice mining. Voninblood was introduced 2 years ago and pretty much phased out a year ago when Chult launched. Black Ice was introduced in mod 3 more than 4 years ago and has been pretty obsolete since mod 10 introduced Voninblood. Then there are the Companion Upgrade Mini-Pack and Helper Pack. 15 tokens for 500 zen or 45 tokens for 1400 zen. In terms of AD that would be 250k/700k. To get the necessary 90 tokens for an upgrade to Epic or 120 to Legendary you'd need to buy multiple of each; 2 Helper Packs or 6 Mini-Packs for Epic and 3 Helper Packs or 2 Helper Packs + 2 Mini-Packs for Legendary. Any way you split it up, it's still going to cost A LOT more than upgrading just thru AD generated in-game. I honestly can't see them selling too many of those packs, except to those ignorant of how companion upgrades work. Smart business move would be to add exact companion token packs for a bit less than the in-game AD costs. Example; Legendary Companion Upgrade Token would cost 1800 Zen, or 900k AD. That's 100k less than the 1M it costs using AD and its an item cheaper to buy directly from them than doing in-game. Honestly at this point there aren't many items left that are cheaper from the Zen Market than using AD on the auction house.
Legendary Upgrade Token would cost 1800 Zen (900k AD vs. 1M AD)
Epic Upgrade Token would cost 900 Zen (450k vs. 500k)
Rare Upgrade Token would cost 450 Zen (225k vs. 250k)
Common Upgrade Token would cost 100 Zen (equal cost)
Or maybe make it the exact same cost. But the current cost of companion upgrade items on the Zen Market just doesn't make sense.
Anyways, just my 2 cents.
GWF: Vretzina
OP: Vee
DC: Evee
CW: nezterV
Leader - Valaraukari Ascension
Mr Raff the kobold's diamond vendor had been gutted horribly nerfed and the bazaar was never same or recovered.
Items that can be coded for crown seals (top seals at the moment):
coalescent wards
pres wards x50
epic and legend mounts
epic and unique pets
epic insignias and enchants (lvl 10+)
upgrade token packs
1. FIX YOUR SERVERS. I know this was mentioned many times and the usual excuse is "it's not us it's your ISP" but while that may be true in some apecific cases, the hard truth is that every Monday and anytime there is an event, when the servers are most crowded, game become anoyingly laggy and in some cases unplayable. This is unacceptable and should be priority #1.
2. FIX KNOWN BUGGS IN END-GAME DUNGEONS. There are specific buggs in end-game dungeons which i won't name yet again since they were extensively explained in other disscussions. Some of those buggs continue through several mods (like in msp or tomb). And while CR is a new dung and you can say you haven't got time to fix it (which shouldn't be an excuse anyway imo but still ..), msp and tomb and some even older dungeons still have an anoying amount of buggs in them even if the respective mod is long forgoten.
3. GIVE CLASSES THE ORIGINALLY INTENDED DIVERSITY. This is the most hard to fix thing in my list and i don't expect to see it anytime soon but still and this is NOT a cry for nerfs ... Originally each class has 2x paragons and 3x paths available which makes at least 6 possible builds. Cause of current meta ppl are running only 1 or 2 builds with each class which is greatly restraining game diversity and ultimatly - the fun of it. Class diversity and active fast-pace combat systems are the two things that distinguish this game from other in the genre and 1 of those things is currently dead. Try your best to make each build viable but through content adjustment and minor class changes and not through big nerfs and radical changes which usually upset more players
Thanks and i hope your work go smoothly
1. bugs in new mods is easy to explain. YOU DON"T ALLOW FOR ALL CONTENT TO BE TESTED before goning to live. Much of the barovia takes awhile to get to, for example the deck artifact. Players in preview have to go through all the difficulty you get in live to get the item or dungeon or whatnot to test out. Simple fix: make a temporary FREE pass for that item/dungeon/quest/etc. on the previews zen market. That way players who don't have much time can get the pass, get the thing, test it out report bugs and then when they leave preview the free item/quest/dung is removed from active, so next log in they have to go back to zen. This will allow players who want to test the long road to do so, and others to test the rewards to do so. You could have players testing the Deck and CR and all the weeklies on the first day of preview rather than making them go through the long processes.
2. Classification in RQs. Right now its automatically placed. change that. What i'd like to see is when i ready for RIQ RAQ REQ i want to select which of the 3 classifactions i want to fill. For an OP can fill all three. Select RIQ, option pops up TANK | HEALER | DPS i check the tank since i want to tank this one and now i'm good. I do think an additional label of Buffer should be listed as DCs can buff and heal, HR can buff, GF can buff, SW can heal etc. Also give a reward for top placement in each catagory: damage dealt, damage recieved (tank), healing, deaths, etc. That will give incentive for fewer bots imho.
> xvenganox, I agree with you on the need for CTA to be upgraded. But the statement "but now you get a full set of R8s just for hitting 70" is wrong if you mean the intro to barovia. you get rank based enchants there. so if you toon is high IL you get 8s if its pretty brand new you get 6s
First character gets rank 8s. Additional characters on the same account get rank 6s.
1. Bring Back Content Removed (dungeons, transmutes...SCA?? [I might get flamed/trolled for that, but oh well])
2. Update Existing, Aging Content that is no longer relevant (CTA, Events, Drops, Rewards, Professions, Achievements)
3. Re-invent or Fix Foundry
4. Advance Existing Content (Strongholds)
5. Remove/modify paywall/RNG to participate in some content (Masterwork, Races *cough*)
6. Add quality new content (dungeons, skirmishes, real raids, guild rank battles, PvP, campaigns, lore, housing)
7. Add new classes (Bard, Monk, Barbarian, Druid)
8. Make Racial traits selectable at character creation (not racially locked, so race is more a digital skin for appearance and not a build choice...yes, I know, it doesnt matter at end game, but the option would be great).
Guild--And the Imaginary Friends
I've only played a little bit tonight, so I don't have a full grasp of the game yet, but here is a quibble. It's supposed to be an action RPG, but my movement on the battlefield is limited. I can't back up or strafe while lobbing Eldritch Blasts. This really cramps the action style of the combat. I'm sure other classes could benefit for similar reasons. I should be able to swing a sword while moving around, or fire a bow, or whatever the other classes do.
Randon queue (middle) in 90% loading skirmishes. I can't remember when there were ToS or CC.
I think because skirmishes can be started without heal+tank duet. instead it makes party with 4 tanks or 4 heals in one party. It's often sutuation.
for the "core" enchant gems was designed for starter quest lines and to teach how to make upgrade while doing Tower District/Blacklake Estate District.
way too many high end players wont bother to loot level one since they discarded minor marks to make room for new loots and rewards.
these CTA should have no lower than non-core rank 3's on drops and chest rewards. just random 3's, 4's, and 5's would be enough.
CTA was the reason to give motivation to gather for non-core enchants without any core enchants.
The system seems a bit broken to me.
I did speak to Stanimir after her reading, battled the ambushing werewolves, traveled to the Barovia gates and spoke with Count Strahd... But the gates were inactive and I couldn't open them.
I then viewed my Tarokka card tutorial but still couldn't open the gate.
I had to log out then log back in, once again make my way to the Barovian gate and speak with Count Strahd to get the gates to open. Thankfully I didn't have to repeat all of the steps to make it to the Barovian gate the second time.
Just speaking for myself - although I have known other players express a similar opinion - I don't care to "run faster", and I rather enjoy taking my time through the content in Neverwinter whether it be to escort a newer or lesser skilled player, or just going at my best available speed knowing that even if someone races to the end, they will have no choice but to wait, sort their inventory, run in circles, jump up and down, or shine their nails and wait for the arrival of slower players... Sometimes that counts as my definition of "fun".
Few drops in random queue content are "your drops", most are communal drops, so they should be dispersed to all party members in the most equitable fashion possible... which "first come first served" never was.
If any "run fast" player takes off and leaves the rest of the party, that denotes an end to my intentionally picking up any kind of drops, no matter how good they appear to be, except for items like ID scrolls and potions that I know will just go to my inventory. If during random content any random roll drop does appear in my inventory I always try to give them away - but not to any faster player who leaves other party members behind.
Going back to the previous method of "first come first served" always offered the advantage to those players who could "invest" the money or the time to repeatedly grind to obtain items to improve their characters and almost always became the disadvantage to new players, slower players and players who's real world responsibilities precluded them from grinding for the means to otherwise "buy" improvements for their character...
That previous system failed and it was changed... although I personally don't consider the new system perfect, it is in my opinion far better than the previous system where the fastest players usually got the best of the available drops and those newer or slower players were left with the dregs.
My 2¢
As nice as it is to sometimes acquire drops, sometimes such considerations are secondary to attributes that help players in other ways.