The official Twitter account just posted this:This seemed interesting, so I went to PE... and there it is!
I'm riding my Beholder Personal Tank, as a huge fan of Acquisitions Inc and the Day of the Dungeon Master. The NPCs have some dialogue. Are they from Waterdeep? Are they moving into this building? Hmm.
And then I look in the back... they have a Beholder Personal Tank stashed under cargo!!! What is going on here? Is this related to the upcoming Day of the Dungeon Master? To D&D announcing Dragon Heist? To both? To something else??? Excitement!
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There are 4 Wheels on the wagon in the screenshot.
There are two horses that move the wagon.
The year is 2018.
The upcoming module is Mod 15.
((1*4)-2) +(15^(2*0*1*8)) = 3
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Here's the dialogue, which seems to repeat randomly. I put into something resembling a conversation:
[NPC] Lihn Weyr: You think this might be the place?
[NPC] Fenric Primp: Not sure this is what the bosses are looking for...
[NPC] Lihn Weyr: We need a building that has a basement and roof access. What do you think?
[NPC] Fenric Primp: I'm hungry. I thought I saw a tavern nearby.
[NPC] Lihn Weyr: Let's see. At least three stories, and close to a tavern.
[NPC] Fenric Primp: What? ...I think that's blood over there!
[NPC] Fenric Primp: That’s not a "little" blood. What kind of city is this?
[NPC] Lihn Weyr: I think this might fit the bosses' needs. We can always repaint.
[NPC] Fenric Primp: Seems like a lot of patrols in the area. Not sure that's good for business.
This could very well be something tied to the upcoming D&D hardback campaign, Dragon Heist. That campaign releases September for tabletop play and is all about criminal underworld organizations in the city of Waterdeep.
So, maybe some of those criminals are moving in, and maybe that's tied to Acquisitions Inc or to other events?
Learn about Neverwinter and the Lore of D&D on YouTube
Check out my acclaimed products for the tabletop D&D game, including: Game Master's Guide to Evolving Magic Items and Jungle Treks or Chultan Death Curse: Revised for Tomb of Annihilation!
Guild--And the Imaginary Friends
The caravan is gone, having moved to in front of Coriol Gate.
Some old and some new Dialogue:
[NPC] Lihn Weyr: You think this might be the place?
[NPC] Fenric Primp: I'm hungry. I thought I saw a tavern nearby.
[NPC] Lihn Weyr: Yes I know you are hungry. You're always hungry. Let's find a place, and we can get back to Waterdeep.
[NPC] Lihn Weyr: I can't wait to try some of the local cuisine.
[NPC] Fenric Primp: I can see three dead bodies from here. Like, without moving. No, four. It's four.
[NPC] Fenric Primp: It smells like meat and wet bugbear here. All the time.
[NPC] Lihn Weyr: Let's see. At least three stories, and close to a tavern.
[NPC] Lihn Weyr: I think this might fit the bosses' needs. We can always repaint.
That confirms a Waterdeep connection!
Closer to where it had been, there is a dead body on the ground with 3 guards inspecting it and talking to a citizen. Further down Coriol street (across from the old Linkletter residence) is another "interrogation" taking place. I see other interrogations around PE. I don't recall seeing those before?
Learn about Neverwinter and the Lore of D&D on YouTube
Check out my acclaimed products for the tabletop D&D game, including: Game Master's Guide to Evolving Magic Items and Jungle Treks or Chultan Death Curse: Revised for Tomb of Annihilation!
[NPC] Disheveled Madman: It's not too late. It's not too late...but I need your help.
[NPC] Disheveled Madman: Ahh! Valindra! No, wait, that's a turtle.
[NPC] Disheveled Madman: That means... I'm not a giant! This changes everything!
[NPC] Disheveled Madman: You're my only friend, tree. Despite what you did. I forgive you.
[NPC] Disheveled Madman: It wouldn't be so funny if you could see the things I do!
[NPC] Disheveled Madman: Hey, you! No, the other you! No, the other other you!
[NPC] Disheveled Madman: I see you, butterfly. You won't trick me again!
[NPC] Disheveled Madman: Waterdeep! Heh heh heh.
But yeah I think they did this to tell us they are doing it. Or maybe to tease us or both. We will see.
Now, I would have liked a second Ravenloft mod, but we will almost certainly not see that. I consider it much more likely that the next mod (or possibly the next 2-3 mods) will be related to the umcoming content from WoTC. Specifically, "Dragon Heist", (scheduled for release on September 18th) set in Waterdeep, and following that, "Dungeon of the Mad Mage" (scheduled for release on November 13th), set in Undermountain and Skullport.
I would not be surprised if we would see an official announcement of the next NWO module within a month, followed by a release later this yer - maybe set to coincide with the November 13th pen-n-paper release?
And yea, all those hints that have been dropping strongly suggest a Waterdeep and "criminal underground" theme...and yea, the beholders of Undermountain.
But looks like good times The Waterdeep heist is looking to be one of the most fun hardback adventures for D&D in ages and I have always had a soft spot for crazy old Halaster.
It took them a couple years to roll a Ravenloft mod despite the fact that Ravenloft was the first 5e PnP campaign. We got Strongholds instead that time, IIRC. Unless they're making major updates to the events (which isn't likely), I'm not so sure it's event related. My money is on a Waterdeep foreshadowing. Either way, it's pretty awesome that the devs are doing this even if it's nothing. It's a great way to get the community talking and adds a lot of flavor to the game. If it IS really a foreshadow of things to come, even better - it's a great way to build buzz and tease upcoming content.
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
Disheveled Madman: Waterdeep! Heh heh heh.
The caravan of Lihn Weyr and Fenric Primp is now between the auction house and market and they have new dialogue (as well as old lines, which I have left out):
[NPC] Lihn Weyr: Say, this place looks promising! There's even room for the ship!
[NPC] Lihn Weyr: I think the bosses might like this place. The price is right!
[NPC] Fenric Primp: I like this place, but it's no Waterdeep.
[NPC] Lihn Weyr: Do you think the craftsmen here are as good as they are in Waterdeep?
[NPC] Fenric Primp: I'm really glad you didn't bring your lute. Like, ecstatic.
[NPC] Lihn Weyr: By Selune and Torm, I think we've found the perfect location. Send a dove with a message!
[NPC] Lihn Weyr: That's not blood, that's... Okay, so it's blood.
[NPC] Fenric Primp: I wonder what the local necromancy scene is like.
Ship? Hmm...
Learn about Neverwinter and the Lore of D&D on YouTube
Check out my acclaimed products for the tabletop D&D game, including: Game Master's Guide to Evolving Magic Items and Jungle Treks or Chultan Death Curse: Revised for Tomb of Annihilation!
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
Learn about Neverwinter and the Lore of D&D on YouTube
Check out my acclaimed products for the tabletop D&D game, including: Game Master's Guide to Evolving Magic Items and Jungle Treks or Chultan Death Curse: Revised for Tomb of Annihilation!
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!