Back up to page 2 as of a winning streak last night, the new stat balance seems to work well. And it might just be luck, but some of the high tanky toons seem to be going down quicker too, probably because I now always have pally/gf slayers glyphs on as default.
Yes, up to date and still on page one, by the skin of my teeth.
Buffs, enhanced accuracy potion, wild storm, melon sorbet from the summerfest, powerfood from SH or chult, praying buffs. All told they equal 1000 crit, 10% critsev, about 4k power, 600 recovery,1-4k HP + random buffs from pocket-pet/scales/prayer.
Yes, up to date and still on page one, by the skin of my teeth.
Buffs, enhanced accuracy potion, wild storm, melon sorbet from the summerfest, powerfood from SH or chult, praying buffs. All told they equal 1000 crit, 10% critsev, about 4k power, 600 recovery,1-4k HP + random buffs from pocket-pet/scales/prayer.
Lol, now one place above godfingerer
Do you not have problems with Manticore Mane users on the PC then? Has it been fixed properly?
What about perma-stun builds in Mod 14... are they nerfed a bit yet?
I just gave up PvP after 10 Helmet deaths out of a total of 12 deaths the whole game. I am starting to struggle to actually hit players without just being one shotted.
Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only Alts : Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
@wdj40 I got killed by a few of those, I remember this guy who seemed to instakill me, I checked combat log and saw I had been hit who knows how many times by that helmet, each hit worth like 74k damage o.O
@wdj40 I got killed by a few of those, I remember this guy who seemed to instakill me, I checked combat log and saw I had been hit who knows how many times by that helmet, each hit worth like 74k damage o.O
Yeah, unfortunately once it happens 10 times in a game... plus a number more in a couple of other games, it just becomes pointless to even bother playing.
Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only Alts : Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Manticore mane seems to be "better" let's say. At least I haven't had any mystery deaths since mod 14 dropped. In its place we have a new hat that pushes you halfway up walls.
The permastun scrubs are still alive and well unfortunately. Just not so many of them around on pc. In fact, not so many HRs around full stop. 3 or so in the top 100. Me, Lycanthropic and khjartan, though I may have spelt that last guy's name wrong, who are legit, and a few other drainer/premade diva types. Compared to about a million TRs and Gfs.
Manticore mane seems to be "better" let's say. At least I haven't had any mystery deaths since mod 14 dropped. In its place we have a new hat that pushes you halfway up walls.
The permastun scrubs are still alive and well unfortunately. Just not so many of them around on pc. In fact, not so many HRs around full stop. 3 or so in the top 100. Me, Lycanthropic and khjartan, though I may have spelt that last guy's name wrong, who are legit, and a few other drainer/premade diva types. Compared to about a million TRs and Gfs.
Yeah i have got to the stage where I wished I had bought a PC and played it from the start... that way i could have been on both platforms and at least have had some fun when one platform is really bad. Plus all the extra testing I could have done... oh makes me sad now lol.
But after 14 Mods and next to nothing added to PvP... I very much doubt it will last much longer. The solo queue is pretty dead and have to wait 10mins sometimes for a game... against stun-bots and broken item users... nah lol. I might come back to PvP in the future but not sure, I have swapped everything back to PvE builds now.
Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only Alts : Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
I wish they would have a new queue where you could also target your teamates.
Seriously, I would have blown away quite few of them today.
I hope they do something to make pvp more attractive, if it does die utterly, I'd probably just quit. I did the whole pve thing in mods 7,8 and 9. Don't think I can be bothered again. My son summed it up the other day "pve is just a bunch of people hitting a big monster's knees."
I reread your page 1 build because I'm tweaking a few things on my build. A couple suggestions:
- You're using DC Sigil for Action Point gain. But if you use Bronzewood Sash + Beaded Amulet, you have full AP the whole match without actively managing it and you can use Soul Sight Crystal for 50% damage buff. - You wrote "deflect we want to be low so shadowclad stealth procs reliably" but Shadowclad doesn't work like that. You can have 100% Deflect from regular stats and still gain a stack of Shadowclad on every hit which will proc Stealth/Daze reliably. - Strategist boots would most likely give you a better 3% buff uptime than Enduring.
Discussion points:
- My buffed Disruptive Shots hit for ~150k...seems like Fearbringers nerfing that damage would offset the gains made on other powers. Have you tested with Eyestalk Wrappers + Vivified Primal (or a different Mod14 chest piece) vs Fearbringers + Rags with a complete buffed rotation? Not saying you're wrong, I'm just curious and we don't have access to Rags on Xbox yet. - DPS goes up if you can stay in combat unloading Aimed Shots instead of being sent back to the campfire, so increased survivability can actually improve DPS. For this reason, I question the value of Assassin's Covenant. Have you tried Survivor's Blessing instead? If you're running Shadowclad, that should make a big difference.
I also started running a super tanky Combat build with ~100% DR and ~90% Deflect. I run Archer until someone starts hunting me, then I switch loadouts and just sit on caps with Split the Sky and Thorn Ward up. It's fun to not die. Kills go way down with the Combat Tank, but Assists go way up from StS and TW. It beats getting hunted by GF for the rest of the match.
I still want to add a Stunbot loadout. Have you found a CC build that's effective in Mod14?
Hey sandfox, food for thought, thnx for your comments.
I'm pretty sure shadowclad gains stacks/procs when you fail to deflect 8 times..? I'll have to read the tooltip again.
Stunbot loadout is just the usual high crit/crushing roots build we've used since forever. It's not that effective tbh. Or maybe I just play it wrong. It's been a very long time since I played trapper builds.
With this build I've really tried to push the whole survival bit into player skill at kiting/dodging/stealth/running. Not relying on heals. I will try substituting survivors or something else for assassins, as I'm pretty sure it's not much of a boost considering my stats. Nice. I also use a mount bonus that gives a 10% heal on dailies.
For AP the sash etc is an option, but I dunno, +6 dex from my current gear goes a long way. And with cavalry's warning for a boost, adding soul sight into the mix... that's a lot of buttons to mash before you actually hit anyone.
From my pov. I think the whole "tank up at the expense of burst dps" is missing the point of archer HR builds. Sure if you add up all the extra hits you've gotten in over the match due to less deaths, you will probably have done more damage overall. But overall damage isn't the point, it's doing enough damage to kill the other guy as quickly as possible. I'd rather have enough boom to 1,2,3 shot most people, and run the risk of dying if I screw up, than go into a fight knowing that at best I'm just going to worry the guy slightly till his team turn up.
Gearwise, fearbringers are just a placeholder till eyestalk/rags get fixed. I'll try swapping them around and see if it makes a difference, but I think I looked at what I had and made the best compromise a couple of weeks ago.
We would have to fight together some time, compare builds ☺.
I also thought Shadowclad worked that way, but the tooltip is wrong/misleading. You can test it: have someone hit you a bunch of times, and you will see the stacks of Shadowclad increase even if a hit is Deflected. Otherwise Shadowclad would get you to 100%+ Deflect after a few stacks and then it would stop procing--so you'd never enter stealth.
Re: SSC - As you say, the goal is to "have enough boom to 1,2,3 shot most people". 50% damage buff is huge! You're going to pass that up?
The Stronghold set + SSC, beats the Dex set + DC Sigil by 26% Dmg, 3% Crit, 10.79% ArmPen, ~1000 Power, 3.75% Recovery, and 7.5% Movement. AP gain is passive and constant.
But SSC downtime means Dex set performs better during longer fights, so it's a preference thing. Maybe the way to go is Dex set + SSC, and screw AP gain? I should test that!
To clarify, I wasn't suggesting that you take a hit to burst DPS for survivability. (Although that is actually a very viable strategy--Archer Tank is a fantastic build) I was saying that some things (like Assassin's Covenant) are offensive but they don't really do much. If there's a great defensive option you can slot instead, like Survivor's Blessing or Shepherd's Devotion, probably better to take that even on "all offense" builds.
I'm on Xbox, but hopefully cross-platform happens at some point!
Hmm, assassins is worth about 1100 pow to me, which I need tbh. after I switched out SH power boon for arpen.
With the healing depression in pvp the heals from survivors blessing are kinda meh, especially since my deflect is crappy.
I do have a ssc, but it's very situational, usual scenario for my rotations, even if I'm not under pressure, means that I have quite a small window to dump all my dps into. Ambush lasts long enough for me to get commanders in, longshot and disrupt are quick fire, and an aimed shot too unless my target is a) aware of where I am and b) has a good gap closer, or is just fast.
I'm usually too far away for cavalry's unless I'm on a node with support, and on mid there are so many targets, especially if there are adds like soul puppets or mirages, making targetting a problem.
1 on 1, yeah, I can see the benefits of ssc, but I'm a glass cannon, 1 on 1 isn't something I do lol.
> @wdj40 said: > @wdj40 I got killed by a few of those, I remember this guy who seemed to instakill me, I checked combat log and saw I had been hit who knows how many times by that helmet, each hit worth like 74k damage o.O > > Yeah, unfortunately once it happens 10 times in a game... plus a number more in a couple of other games, it just becomes pointless to even bother playing.
True that, that helmet is so broken and popular -_- Then there's the curse bringer + drains combo
Okay, hopefully final update, unless someone takes me through CR a couple of times lol.
Swapped chest for puppet plate just for the arpen, now have enough to dump the SH arpen boon for power, netting me a huge 6k power increase. The deficit in arpen being taken up by my old axebeak 4k bonus. Crit is a bit low, but using enhanced crit potion and black dragon glyph I can get back up to the sweetspot of 80%.
1 on 1, yeah, I can see the benefits of ssc, but I'm a glass cannon, 1 on 1 isn't something I do lol.
Yeah, we have very different builds; I contest nodes 1v1 all the time with my high Deflect. To each his own! Cool to see your take on things. Thanks for sharing your insights.
Dropped one vicious enchant for a rnk11 tenebrous. Leaving me with 99.9% defences ignored and about 44k power. 80%ish crit. Hit some guy in one match for 194k damage lol. (Not the tenebrous, that's only worth about 10k extra damage). Will level it up to 12 in time.
Dropped one vicious enchant for a rnk11 tenebrous. Leaving me with 99.9% defences ignored and about 44k power. 80%ish crit. Hit some guy in one match for 194k damage lol. (Not the tenebrous, that's only worth about 10k extra damage). Will level it up to 12 in time.
I have had a Tenebrous Enchant equipped since around Mod 6 or something... same one in the same Shirt slot all this time
He is my highest Enchantment at R14... deffo the oldest thing I still have equipped lol. With HP now at decent levels it hits ok ish... still has a poo cooldown in it of like 20 seconds or something silly.
Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only Alts : Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Hmm, been away for a while, anything happen to HRs nerf, ahem, patchnotes-wise..? Played a few matches over the last couple of days, don't seem to be knocking them as dead as I used to.
I also thought Shadowclad worked that way, but the tooltip is wrong/misleading. You can test it: have someone hit you a bunch of times, and you will see the stacks of Shadowclad increase even if a hit is Deflected. Otherwise Shadowclad would get you to 100%+ Deflect after a few stacks and then it would stop procing--so you'd never enter stealth.
Re: SSC - As you say, the goal is to "have enough boom to 1,2,3 shot most people". 50% damage buff is huge! You're going to pass that up?
The Stronghold set + SSC, beats the Dex set + DC Sigil by 26% Dmg, 3% Crit, 10.79% ArmPen, ~1000 Power, 3.75% Recovery, and 7.5% Movement. AP gain is passive and constant.
But SSC downtime means Dex set performs better during longer fights, so it's a preference thing. Maybe the way to go is Dex set + SSC, and screw AP gain? I should test that!
To clarify, I wasn't suggesting that you take a hit to burst DPS for survivability. (Although that is actually a very viable strategy--Archer Tank is a fantastic build) I was saying that some things (like Assassin's Covenant) are offensive but they don't really do much. If there's a great defensive option you can slot instead, like Survivor's Blessing or Shepherd's Devotion, probably better to take that even on "all offense" builds.
I'm on Xbox, but hopefully cross-platform happens at some point!
Sandfox is this Shadowclad information 100% true and do you have any clips of it?
I am having a bit of an arguement on Reddit but I cannot log on today (xbox live issues) to test it and make a clip.
EDIT.... finally got on to NW last night and ran some tests myself. I made a new Loadout and left all Boons out etc. Then I got myself up to 16k Deflect and added Lone Wolf which took me to 90%... thus Deflecting nearly every hit. I stood in enemies a few times and watched what happened.
Sandfox you are wrong... you do not gain stacks when you Deflect, the stacks are indeed removed and the Stun/Daze/Stealth does NOT trigger unless you have 8 stacks of SC and then Deflect. There appears to be a sweet spot for SC... you want your Deflect high enough that you get a decent amount on a SC proc, but not too much where it never procs.
Post edited by wdj40 on
Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only Alts : Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
you do not gain stacks when you Deflect, the stacks are indeed removed and the Stun/Daze/Stealth does NOT trigger unless you have 8 stacks of SC and then Deflect.
Re: Shadowclad, I was relaying information from an HR named Marco on PS4 who said he stacks 24k+ Deflect and Shadowclad still procs on top of it. I argued with him about it and asked for a video of it procing, as well as a screenshot of his 24k Deflect for proof, both of which he provided.
Evidently the explanation about what was happening was incorrect. Maybe Marco was counting the Deflect from Shadowclad as his standing Deflect stat? Or Maybe things work differently on PS4? I don't know.
Here is my exact post that I posted on Reddit... could do with a PC player testing it a bit as Xbox so limited lol.
Ok tested Trans Shadowclad somewhat last night when xbox finally came back up. There appears to be a sweetspot around 40-50% Deflect "Chance". Depending on how you get there it may be a bit less.
Lone Wolf adds 20% Deflect "chance" so we dont really want to use that.. as Shadowclad buffs your Deflect "stat". So the more numbers in Deflect "stat" to get there the better really. If you do use Lone Wolf then you need much less numbers in the Deflect "stat" making the stacks of SC have less of an impact on Deflect "chance".
I tested out 16k Deflect after making a new Loadout and going up the Combat Tree for extra Deflect, leaving out all Boons except a few Deflect ones. It was around 80%-90% Deflect "chance". At that level standing in enemies getting whacked on you dont build enough stacks to trigger the Daze/Invisible part, unless you get hit by a load of Un-Deflectable hits... actually somewhat rare and I am trying to find a place where I can test this a little better.
The benefits I see in it (whilst soloing 3 star hunts in Barovia) is when the Invisibility does trigger it means you have taken a few hits or suffered a DoT effect, any damage currently hitting you completely stops for a few seconds giving you time to regroup or heal etc... even better is firing off attacks during the invisibility time without being able to be hit back, most useful in PvP.
Another good thing which is probably a bug, is you get stacks when hitting something that Reflects some of the damage back at you. In PvP this means you can hit someone a few times and then stealth triggers allowing you to hit more times without being hit back or being seen.
Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only Alts : Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Here is me in a PvP scenario using Shadowclad, I actually took this video as I want to know what the hell that damage feedback loop is coming off the GF I am fighting, its a bit silly
Anyhoo you will see the damage feedback loop completely stop during stealth and start again afterwards. You will also see due to the damage feedback that during stealth and afterwards I have full stacks of SC quite consistantly and this is with 40% Deflect "chance". You also get stacks of SC even while the Daze/Invisible part is on cooldown.
Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only Alts : Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
> @wdj40 said: > Here is me in a PvP scenario using Shadowclad, I actually took this video as I want to know what the hell that damage feedback loop is coming off the GF I am fighting, its a bit silly > > Anyhoo you will see the damage feedback loop completely stop during stealth and start again afterwards. You will also see due to the damage feedback that during stealth and afterwards I have full stacks of SC quite consistantly and this is with 40% Deflect "chance". You also get stacks of SC even while the Daze/Invisible part is on cooldown. > >
When you mentioned a GF I wondered if you meant him and yeah there he is. What was hurting you was a Supremacy of Steel (GF daily) + probably Guarded Assault (perhaps with off-hand bonus, it puts a ~5% movement debuff on you which in turn procs Crushing Pin's 10 DR debuff on you) and Mane combo. I think he runs KV, so, whenever a teammate is hit, it might trigger GA which in turn would proc CP, he whould also gain more AP that way (more Mane)
Attacking a player like that with a mostly dot class can be troublesome if you're geared for damage so survability is slow (a few hits on him= you get melted)
Because all those kinds of builds and weird items is that, when I pvp, I use a very high movement build with my templock (low damage and meh survability if I can't run for my life lol), I try to out rotate rival players and refrain from fighting 1v1 if my low damage cannot kill the opponent xD
Guardian Fighter
TLO Existing Problems Still In The Guardian Fighter
Feat Changes I'd like to see in The Guardian Fighter
And hi Guido, you keep that rage under control
Eat that autohamster.
Excuse my excitement. After fiddling with pots and foodbuffs have managed to hit 111% arpen, 40k pow, 80% crit. Very happy.
Buffs, enhanced accuracy potion, wild storm, melon sorbet from the summerfest, powerfood from SH or chult, praying buffs. All told they equal 1000 crit, 10% critsev, about 4k power, 600 recovery,1-4k HP + random buffs from pocket-pet/scales/prayer.
Lol, now one place above godfingerer
What about perma-stun builds in Mod 14... are they nerfed a bit yet?
I just gave up PvP after 10 Helmet deaths out of a total of 12 deaths the whole game. I am starting to struggle to actually hit players without just being one shotted.
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
The permastun scrubs are still alive and well unfortunately. Just not so many of them around on pc. In fact, not so many HRs around full stop. 3 or so in the top 100. Me, Lycanthropic and khjartan, though I may have spelt that last guy's name wrong, who are legit, and a few other drainer/premade diva types. Compared to about a million TRs and Gfs.
But after 14 Mods and next to nothing added to PvP... I very much doubt it will last much longer. The solo queue is pretty dead and have to wait 10mins sometimes for a game... against stun-bots and broken item users... nah lol. I might come back to PvP in the future but not sure, I have swapped everything back to PvE builds now.
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
Seriously, I would have blown away quite few of them today.
I hope they do something to make pvp more attractive, if it does die utterly, I'd probably just quit. I did the whole pve thing in mods 7,8 and 9. Don't think I can be bothered again. My son summed it up the other day "pve is just a bunch of people hitting a big monster's knees."
- You're using DC Sigil for Action Point gain. But if you use Bronzewood Sash + Beaded Amulet, you have full AP the whole match without actively managing it and you can use Soul Sight Crystal for 50% damage buff.
- You wrote "deflect we want to be low so shadowclad stealth procs reliably" but Shadowclad doesn't work like that. You can have 100% Deflect from regular stats and still gain a stack of Shadowclad on every hit which will proc Stealth/Daze reliably.
- Strategist boots would most likely give you a better 3% buff uptime than Enduring.
Discussion points:
- My buffed Disruptive Shots hit for ~150k...seems like Fearbringers nerfing that damage would offset the gains made on other powers. Have you tested with Eyestalk Wrappers + Vivified Primal (or a different Mod14 chest piece) vs Fearbringers + Rags with a complete buffed rotation? Not saying you're wrong, I'm just curious and we don't have access to Rags on Xbox yet.
- DPS goes up if you can stay in combat unloading Aimed Shots instead of being sent back to the campfire, so increased survivability can actually improve DPS. For this reason, I question the value of Assassin's Covenant. Have you tried Survivor's Blessing instead? If you're running Shadowclad, that should make a big difference.
I also started running a super tanky Combat build with ~100% DR and ~90% Deflect. I run Archer until someone starts hunting me, then I switch loadouts and just sit on caps with Split the Sky and Thorn Ward up. It's fun to not die. Kills go way down with the Combat Tank, but Assists go way up from StS and TW. It beats getting hunted by GF for the rest of the match.
I still want to add a Stunbot loadout. Have you found a CC build that's effective in Mod14?
I'm pretty sure shadowclad gains stacks/procs when you fail to deflect 8 times..? I'll have to read the tooltip again.
Stunbot loadout is just the usual high crit/crushing roots build we've used since forever. It's not that effective tbh. Or maybe I just play it wrong. It's been a very long time since I played trapper builds.
With this build I've really tried to push the whole survival bit into player skill at kiting/dodging/stealth/running. Not relying on heals. I will try substituting survivors or something else for assassins, as I'm pretty sure it's not much of a boost considering my stats. Nice. I also use a mount bonus that gives a 10% heal on dailies.
For AP the sash etc is an option, but I dunno, +6 dex from my current gear goes a long way. And with cavalry's warning for a boost, adding soul sight into the mix... that's a lot of buttons to mash before you actually hit anyone.
From my pov. I think the whole "tank up at the expense of burst dps" is missing the point of archer HR builds. Sure if you add up all the extra hits you've gotten in over the match due to less deaths, you will probably have done more damage overall. But overall damage isn't the point, it's doing enough damage to kill the other guy as quickly as possible. I'd rather have enough boom to 1,2,3 shot most people, and run the risk of dying if I screw up, than go into a fight knowing that at best I'm just going to worry the guy slightly till his team turn up.
Gearwise, fearbringers are just a placeholder till eyestalk/rags get fixed. I'll try swapping them around and see if it makes a difference, but I think I looked at what I had and made the best compromise a couple of weeks ago.
We would have to fight together some time, compare builds ☺.
Re: SSC - As you say, the goal is to "have enough boom to 1,2,3 shot most people". 50% damage buff is huge! You're going to pass that up?
The Stronghold set + SSC, beats the Dex set + DC Sigil by 26% Dmg, 3% Crit, 10.79% ArmPen, ~1000 Power, 3.75% Recovery, and 7.5% Movement. AP gain is passive and constant.
But SSC downtime means Dex set performs better during longer fights, so it's a preference thing. Maybe the way to go is Dex set + SSC, and screw AP gain? I should test that!
To clarify, I wasn't suggesting that you take a hit to burst DPS for survivability. (Although that is actually a very viable strategy--Archer Tank is a fantastic build) I was saying that some things (like Assassin's Covenant) are offensive but they don't really do much. If there's a great defensive option you can slot instead, like Survivor's Blessing or Shepherd's Devotion, probably better to take that even on "all offense" builds.
I'm on Xbox, but hopefully cross-platform happens at some point!
With the healing depression in pvp the heals from survivors blessing are kinda meh, especially since my deflect is crappy.
I do have a ssc, but it's very situational, usual scenario for my rotations, even if I'm not under pressure, means that I have quite a small window to dump all my dps into. Ambush lasts long enough for me to get commanders in, longshot and disrupt are quick fire, and an aimed shot too unless my target is a) aware of where I am and b) has a good gap closer, or is just fast.
I'm usually too far away for cavalry's unless I'm on a node with support, and on mid there are so many targets, especially if there are adds like soul puppets or mirages, making targetting a problem.
1 on 1, yeah, I can see the benefits of ssc, but I'm a glass cannon, 1 on 1 isn't something I do lol.
> @wdj40 I got killed by a few of those, I remember this guy who seemed to instakill me, I checked combat log and saw I had been hit who knows how many times by that helmet, each hit worth like 74k damage o.O
> Yeah, unfortunately once it happens 10 times in a game... plus a number more in a couple of other games, it just becomes pointless to even bother playing.
True that, that helmet is so broken and popular -_- Then there's the curse bringer + drains combo
Swapped chest for puppet plate just for the arpen, now have enough to dump the SH arpen boon for power, netting me a huge 6k power increase. The deficit in arpen being taken up by my old axebeak 4k bonus. Crit is a bit low, but using enhanced crit potion and black dragon glyph I can get back up to the sweetspot of 80%.
He is my highest Enchantment at R14... deffo the oldest thing I still have equipped lol. With HP now at decent levels it hits ok ish... still has a poo cooldown in it of like 20 seconds or something silly.
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
Hmm, been away for a while, anything happen to HRs nerf, ahem, patchnotes-wise..? Played a few matches over the last couple of days, don't seem to be knocking them as dead as I used to.
Annnnnd, finally, though I said "no, this is not something I'll ever get..." I bought a swift golden lion. I know right.
Anywho, the adventure continues.
I am having a bit of an arguement on Reddit but I cannot log on today (xbox live issues) to test it and make a clip.
EDIT.... finally got on to NW last night and ran some tests myself. I made a new Loadout and left all Boons out etc. Then I got myself up to 16k Deflect and added Lone Wolf which took me to 90%... thus Deflecting nearly every hit. I stood in enemies a few times and watched what happened.
Sandfox you are wrong... you do not gain stacks when you Deflect, the stacks are indeed removed and the Stun/Daze/Stealth does NOT trigger unless you have 8 stacks of SC and then Deflect. There appears to be a sweet spot for SC... you want your Deflect high enough that you get a decent amount on a SC proc, but not too much where it never procs.
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
Evidently the explanation about what was happening was incorrect. Maybe Marco was counting the Deflect from Shadowclad as his standing Deflect stat? Or Maybe things work differently on PS4? I don't know.
Ok tested Trans Shadowclad somewhat last night when xbox finally came back up. There appears to be a sweetspot around 40-50% Deflect "Chance". Depending on how you get there it may be a bit less.
Lone Wolf adds 20% Deflect "chance" so we dont really want to use that.. as Shadowclad buffs your Deflect "stat". So the more numbers in Deflect "stat" to get there the better really. If you do use Lone Wolf then you need much less numbers in the Deflect "stat" making the stacks of SC have less of an impact on Deflect "chance".
I tested out 16k Deflect after making a new Loadout and going up the Combat Tree for extra Deflect, leaving out all Boons except a few Deflect ones. It was around 80%-90% Deflect "chance". At that level standing in enemies getting whacked on you dont build enough stacks to trigger the Daze/Invisible part, unless you get hit by a load of Un-Deflectable hits... actually somewhat rare and I am trying to find a place where I can test this a little better.
The benefits I see in it (whilst soloing 3 star hunts in Barovia) is when the Invisibility does trigger it means you have taken a few hits or suffered a DoT effect, any damage currently hitting you completely stops for a few seconds giving you time to regroup or heal etc... even better is firing off attacks during the invisibility time without being able to be hit back, most useful in PvP.
Another good thing which is probably a bug, is you get stacks when hitting something that Reflects some of the damage back at you. In PvP this means you can hit someone a few times and then stealth triggers allowing you to hit more times without being hit back or being seen.
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
Anyhoo you will see the damage feedback loop completely stop during stealth and start again afterwards. You will also see due to the damage feedback that during stealth and afterwards I have full stacks of SC quite consistantly and this is with 40% Deflect "chance". You also get stacks of SC even while the Daze/Invisible part is on cooldown.
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
> Here is me in a PvP scenario using Shadowclad, I actually took this video as I want to know what the hell that damage feedback loop is coming off the GF I am fighting, its a bit silly
> Anyhoo you will see the damage feedback loop completely stop during stealth and start again afterwards. You will also see due to the damage feedback that during stealth and afterwards I have full stacks of SC quite consistantly and this is with 40% Deflect "chance". You also get stacks of SC even while the Daze/Invisible part is on cooldown.
When you mentioned a GF I wondered if you meant him and yeah there he is. What was hurting you was a Supremacy of Steel (GF daily) + probably Guarded Assault (perhaps with off-hand bonus, it puts a ~5% movement debuff on you which in turn procs Crushing Pin's 10 DR debuff on you) and Mane combo. I think he runs KV, so, whenever a teammate is hit, it might trigger GA which in turn would proc CP, he whould also gain more AP that way (more Mane)
Attacking a player like that with a mostly dot class can be troublesome if you're geared for damage so survability is slow (a few hits on him= you get melted)
Because all those kinds of builds and weird items is that, when I pvp, I use a very high movement build with my templock (low damage and meh survability if I can't run for my life lol), I try to out rotate rival players and refrain from fighting 1v1 if my low damage cannot kill the opponent xD