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Feedback Needed: Top Issues Currently in Neverwinter PC



  • sc00by#2972 sc00by Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2018

    I play a 15k OP and i constantly find myself in random advanced Q's with People / team compositions that are unable to get the job done...
    Another example i have not done Cloaked Ascendancy campaign yet i can randomly Q into master spell plague. Its not bad since i am almost 16k but for the other people in there its difficult and forces stronger people to have to carry them just to abandon instance anyways.

    From the other side of this; (I'm a 13k TR)

    Before Mod 14 I was working on unlocking mSP and had just unlocked FBI, but not run it. I've wound up in a couple of Advanced Queues that have gone 0/10 and been eDemo that have gone very well. I wound up in a Svardborg that also went very well (I even topped the DPS ego chart! Go me!) and then I've ended up in a couple of mSP runs that haven't made it past the 1st boss.

    So I decided that I'd just decline 0/5 instances? 7 declines and 1 1/2 hours later I gave up out of embarrassment.

    Now I'll admit that trying to learn epic content in a random queue wasn't the best idea I've ever had, but, well I genuine didn't realise it was going to be as rough as it has been.

    I've avoided FBI, but I assume it, too, will be a cluster of Hampsters!

    Advanced Queue is stupid. There's 17k rAD I should be able to get that I mostly can't. Please fix it.

    Post edited by sc00by#2972 on
  • smbvmssmbvms Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 44 Arc User
    Castle Ravenloft- The Sisters boss- An unknown source does 356864 unavoidable damage. The number changed slightly but this is an absurd one shot insta-death hit. I am hoping this is a bug that will be corrected to either a lower damage level (below one shot) or to a form of mitigatable damage. I could take 800k hits from Orcus when CN launched because it could be mitigated. This is making it undesirable to even attempt. The rest of the mod has been a plesant change from the last two mods.
  • neorophneoroph Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    The lags and freezes show all symptoms of a massive mem leak.

    In crowded environments like Protector's Enclave it slows down almost immediately until only a complete restart of the game helps. You also produced my very first bluescreen on Win7 btw. after using my PC for 6 years or so, congratulations.

    In the city it takes less than a few minutes (sometimes less than one minute) until the game lags badly or freezes for seconds. In Dungeons the bug/leak shows less effect, I can play for an hour maybe until it gets really bad.

    Strangely it helped a bit to start Neverwinter without arc (there's no shortage of physical memory, don't know why this affects the leak).
    And it helped a bit (slowed down the leaking) to set all distances to minimum. But it's no fun to play it that way.

    My system is an older one, but it meets all System requirements by far, I played to Lvl 60 in medium settings without any issues. And this leak started as soon as I had installed the first Ravenloft patch.

  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
    Professions continue to be a pain in the HAMSTER for me...

    Not only does a player have to (one at a time) assign professions tasks, even when we duplicate the same task multiple times, but when collection the end product it isn't a simple collect it is the equivelent of Neverwinter Vista - click "collect" then we have to click again just to clear the screen.

    If I click on "collect the result" I shouldn't have the equivelent of "are you sure?" by having to click again on "take rewards"... especially since there isn't even an option for "naa, I don't want my stuff"... (*sarcasm implied).

    Just a thought ~

  • nhari#2845 nhari Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Lack of variety (number of) endgame dungeons.

    This is the only mmo I have played where new expansion = only 1 new dungeon, I think this should be more.

    So many overlooked possibilities.
    A proper, hard, witches lair dungeon,
    Vampire nest or even werewolf lair?

    CR is a very nice dungeon, but why is it the only one?
  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
    Agreed, for a sanctioned DDO game Neverwinter does seem to be woefully devoid of possible dungeons and not just in relation to the new mod.
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  • athena#9205 athena Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    There was a growing story with the bosses of EE that was seen a little at the end of Maze engine. That hadn't been expanded on. So a Queue that includes them as bosses or subbosses to the dead drow mage would be good way to end that story. Tiamat certainly needs a complete overhaul and i like that idea of facing each dragon head as a boss. And having other dragons come in as subbosses would be cool. Make it equivalent of FBI and keep on RAQ.

    The point Tigercatgirl is making (i think) is that there is plenty of material already to create more queues for more fun. And the idea of bringing the base damage of the older weps up to modern stats is a echo of one i made previously. Each wep, from elemental fire to mirage, have their own unique game play. It certainly seems that cryptic is trying to 'promote' the new wep as the BIS option, and thats good. We are on the 5th tier now of weapon base damage and now a fresh 70 can go to Barovia and get the tier 4 basic vistani set with no trouble at all. Lets bring the other weapons sets base damage up to Tier 3 at the very least (chult river).
  • obsiddiaobsiddia Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,025 Arc User
    CWs need some boost. At the very least I'd appreciate a decent walking
    speed bump
    . We die the most and a lot of times it's because everyone
    else was able to run thru the mobs, leaving the weakest to be picked off.
    At the very least the group isn't amused at having to wait for us or
    fight without any controllers.
    Did you really think anyone could steal the power of the god of thieves?
  • bobby4700bobby4700 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 179 Arc User
    mostly what I see in new mods are tanks now dps so most dps class's are not needed .the average group in top 3 dung with 5 person set up . is OP GF 2 clerics and 1 dps class. if tanks are going to be given dps why not give dps tank capability .seems fair but as long as tanks doing as much or more damage as dps class's this is going to be the set up for all dung .
  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
    edited July 2018
    obsiddia said:

    CWs need some boost. At the very least I'd appreciate a decent walking
    speed bump
    . We die the most and a lot of times it's because everyone
    else was able to run thru the mobs, leaving the weakest to be picked off.
    At the very least the group isn't amused at having to wait for us or
    fight without any controllers.

    Control Wizards have about the same walking speed as Clerics, press the Space Bar and a short acceleration in any direction. It isn't the lack of speed that gets those who lag behind killed but in my opinion members of a "party" acting like solo characters, with little or no regard for the other members in the party.

    Anyone with speed or movement enhancements can slow down to remain with the slowest members of the party if they want to - characters lacking speed or movement enhancements have no way to keep up with faster players even if they want to.

    This isn't a flaw in the game or character class attributes, it is strictly flawed player behavior as far as I'm concerned.

    Of course there are things players can do to improve their movement speed;
    • Higher level Dark Enchantments in Utility slots for one, (Presupposing a player can afford to buy or obtain those enchantments).
    • Find a guild that offers Movement Boons, (Again presupposing a player can find a guild with those boons and they will recruit them).
    • Purchase or obtain Companions or Mounts that enhance movement speed, (But then we're back to the first point, presupposing a player can afford to buy or obtain those companions and mounts).
    There have been several threads about "speed runners" leaving behind slower players in their party, and usually that provokes some of those faster players to condemn the slower players for "not keeping up" with them - despite the fact that as I mentioned all faster players can slow down, but players without movement enhancements have no way to keep up with faster players even if they try.

    If you are a slower player just do your best, battle on and be assuaged in the knowledge that the players who leave you behind will have no choice but to wait for you at the gate to the final boss (if applicable). If it takes you longer to get there because runners left mobs for you to contend with, that’s on them – not on you.
  • athena#9205 athena Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    IMHO those with the speed to go ahead on leveling dungeons, should clear the path for those who can't keep up speed or DPS wise.
  • chidionchidion Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited July 2018

    IMHO those with the speed to go ahead on leveling dungeons, should clear the path for those who can't keep up speed or DPS wise.

    That's one opinion, however another opinion is that speed runners clearing mobs ahead of slower party members denies them the opportunity to participate in one or more aspects of the game.

    Personally I find little satisfaction just following behind and picking up other players leftovers and lockboxes...

    Another factor to consider is sometimes a slower player will get into a party with a really fast player and by the time the slower player enters a cleared area there are no drops because they've already evaporated...

    I used to try to keep up thinking I could always go back after the final battle and pick up items I passed, then inexplicably I began to notice the zone where I could go back to pick up items appeared to be getting smaller. I don’t know it is some kind of programming necessity or just something the game programmers do ‘just because they can’, but as a slower player, particularly a slower player wanting to pick up drops to earn a little extra gold, gather healing potions, pick up items for refinement or maybe even improve my character’s gear there is no way I’ll continue to ignore drops thinking I can go back for them later.

    I know it ticks off some of the speed runners wanting to just finish the area, but since I always make it to the end before the kick option becomes available I figure I’m within the allowable limits of the process…

    Of course now as a result I’m seeing more speed runners picking up every drop they can get their hands on so there is little or nothing for slower characters who need drops to pick up.

    If that tends to be the case, many slower players now resort to searching for and opening chests to find anything they might be able to use, which seems to take even more time than just picking up drops used to.

    I realize there is no way to make everyone happy, but I believe there should be some kind of compromise players are willing to undertake to make runs more equitable and efficient for everyone in the party... but from my own experience I don't often see anything resembling that.

    My 2 ¢
  • athena#9205 athena Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited July 2018
    with the need/greed automatic, this issue of drop disappearing becomes much less, if the runner (like me) tries to pick up every green and blue drop.

    Personnaly i think that all drops should go automatically into the need/greed system and not drop on the ground at all. Gold really has no need to drop since its shared anyway, items like treasures and potions can be put under need/greed auto, and ID scrolls can go to the players who can use them. Sometimes the scroll is a lesser ID which a lvl70 runner doesn't need, so let that go auto to the players who qualify for it.

    If this system is adopted the need/greed menu can be expanded to provide options for various drops, i.e. i don't want regen potions so i say for that: reject.
  • earlgreybeardearlgreybeard Member Posts: 407 Arc User
    dionchi said:

    Agreed, for a sanctioned DDO game Neverwinter does seem to be woefully devoid of possible dungeons and not just in relation to the new mod.

    woefully devoid is possibly a bit extreme but they could keep working on bringing back some of the old dungeons to throw into the mix.

    some that I just missed out being able to run when they were shut down
    mad dragons lair.. etc

    I would even like to see a version of CN how it was before it was co-opted for underdark and options to explore it more... but that is probably never going to happen .

    fix it up for an event ..make people find all this hidden stuff in the old CN layout ,have it spawn in random locations..

    make an epic clockwork tomb

    that is awesome map.. more that and puzzles and secret rooms and adventuring and less push to BIS and overly competitive long term goals and materialism.

    Guild Leader Den of the Misfits
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited July 2018
    constant in game patching since the release of Ravenloft,
    while "on-demand patching" is disabled in the game launcher options.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • iimrmonkeyii#3625 iimrmonkeyii Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited July 2018
    regenerde said:

    constant in game patching since the release of Ravenloft,
    while "on-demand patching" is disabled in the game launcher options.


    Please, ^ this one is super annoying since M14 released... On-Demand Patching is impossible to disable currently.

    Also, the Decanter of Atropal Essence artifact does NOT add to the timer on "every hit" as the tooltip states, nor does the damage buff start to stack up (Smoke Bomb on the TR is a great example). The damage on it is not outrageous and the damage buff is not game-changing. Please consider changing this artifact to perform as the tooltip states. Every tick of everything should add 2K damage and add to the buff duration.
  • iimrmonkeyii#3625 iimrmonkeyii Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    This is a giant bug that happened the other day. This has only happened one time so far.

    I became STUCK UNDERNEATH THE THIRD BOSS in Castle Ravenloft. This happened when I was pulled under to hang out with the doppelgangers. My team killed the 4 nightmares, but I was stuck underneath until a second person got pulled under too [all the way in the next phase].

    15-20 [at least] executioner's were spawned at that point, and well...it was quite an unpleasant experience LOL.

    By the time the second person was pulled under we decided to wipe so that I didn't have to use 50 scrolls to finish the fight.
  • vylmont#1436 vylmont Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Pls Bring back the steam option when buying zen. It is the only method of payment i have and i would love to spend money for you games. Like I really need character slots to try out a lot of characters
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    want to add some newer ideas, since i am tired and fed up with +1 and +2 rings, and getting the +3s and rarely often +4s rings, we need something better, and seem you devs decide to abandon profession that would able to craft an upgrade to +5 tier items. i had played STO and really like thier upgrading concept for ship console items and ground gears.
    or add new seal fragments after so many runs if we been getting screw-over by RNG when we loot chests or bad drops, and then use those fragments we collect and to make new +5 tiers items.

    not all players are "Equal", some are extremely lucky again and again, while others been getting junks for weeks, even month before they decide to give up as burnouts if it get too long and repeated runs that they are getting sick of, it was suppose to be fun and entertianment.

    getting same copies of +1s and +2s, i dont mind, it was okay enough for salvaging bait.

    please just give some life into professions, that was it there for craftings and make upgrades. i dont care if the crafting process from +4 to +5 takes more than a week. just long enough to keep in balance instead of explosions of +5 everywhere too soon, to avoid trivalizing newer zone too early. we all just want to have fun and have morale of game healthy.
  • caldochaud#4880 caldochaud Member Posts: 213 Arc User
    What I believe would be very helpful is if companions' gear wasn't automatically unequipped whenever players send a companion to the stables. How many times have players switched between loadouts that had a selection specific companions to a loadout and they would suddenly end up with a pile of unequipped companion gear crowding their inventory?
    "Talent is a flame. Genius is a fire." - Sir Bernard Williams
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  • athena#9205 athena Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    As with tigercatgirl, PLEASE redefine the IL requirements for RQs. It is obvious with anyone having a brain that FBI MSP MSVA SVA TONG COTDG and now Raven castle are all "ENDGAME" dungeons. meaning they need strong players to play. 13K IL now can be gained easily with new gear, but that doesn't mean they are ready for that level of play. I've mentioned before and so have many people, move those listed above to the top category for RQs.

    On a side note. And idea came to me regarding randoms. I often classify players based on their artifact lvls, since that is generally a good measure of their play quality. Perhaps you can do the same. Idea would be: place a point value on each rare to mythic item (artifact, weps, gear, runestones, enchants, Insignias, mounts and companions). this would be similar to the IL but much more relivant to playability. So rare 1 point, epic 2, legend 4, mythic 8. My new GWF toon, IL 10.4k , would have 83 points. My top DPS toon HR, IL 14367, would have 125 points. As my HR can barely do TONG, and my GWF can certainly not handle RIQs it gives a measure of play ability. Lvling Q, no point requirement just Lvl advancement. RIQ at 90 points, RAQ at 110 points, REQ at 140 points.

    Its an idea, please see if it would do better than your IL method, since you keep increasing gear IL without ensuring that the newly geared player can participate properly in those RQs
  • robai#6206 robai Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited July 2018
    dionchi said:

    Professions continue to be a pain in the HAMSTER for me...

    Not only does a player have to (one at a time) assign professions tasks, even when we duplicate the same task multiple times, but when collection the end product it isn't a simple collect it is the equivelent of Neverwinter Vista - click "collect" then we have to click again just to clear the screen.

    If I click on "collect the result" I shouldn't have the equivelent of "are you sure?" by having to click again on "take rewards"... especially since there isn't even an option for "naa, I don't want my stuff"... (*sarcasm implied).

    Just a thought ~

    Well said!
    I really wish we would have one button:
    instead these of clicks:
    1) press button "Collect Result"
    2) press button "Take Rewards"
    3) press button "Choose Task"
    4) Choose proffession
    5) Choose task in that proffesion (during that spend time on scrolling all the way up/down)
    6) press button "Continue"
    7) select first asset
    8) select second asset, etc.
    9) press button "Start Task"

    Yes, there are at least 9 steps for repeating the same task instead of just one click on Repeat button, which would be so sweet.
    Please, Devs, give us Repeat button!

    Collect all or even Repeat All would be also nice, but I guess it's too much to ask for.
  • zirbselemutzirbselemut Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    so a little bit of thing easy to be done I think (and clic saver):

    - all merchants can sell all their stuff up to batch of 99 or 999. -> must be done for some quest too like the relic trader in voninblood (20 by 20... really?)
    - mimic some sub menu (gem is a mess between all the diff gem and insignia. mayve try to set up a box and drop what we want to set up in the mimic will be easier

    less esay but can renew the old contents :

    set up all epic dungeon with some tweak choosed by the party, like the new hunt in barovia and some special set up :
    - boost dmg and life of monster (up to 1000%) ( or top to be like the last donjon created, right now cr)
    - shrunk half to 90% of the power/defense of the players
    - kill all the monster of the dungeon
    - disarm all trap
    - take down the donjon in less than xx min -( not fan for this one but it can entertain some people)
    - otherssss

    -> reward in consequence, boost drop at end of the dungeon (last boss will drop a chest like in tong now, fulffilled with the different drop regarding the setup) or %drop rate increased (not 1% but 2x or 3x the drop rate cause the dungeon will take a lot more time to do) or anything you can think

    and for all bosses let them drop something. at least gold ?. Nothing more frustrating than running a full dungeon and got 1 nice insignia for the 3 bosses.

    same goes for stronghold. rework the dragonflight quest into an ancient dragonflight harder to kill and set up the stuff in consequence. (let's make them 100% to 1000% stronger and the stull in csq will be from equivalent from cn to eq from tong). or at least make the reward appealing to upgrade the guild. (-> something useless for guild fully done but why not).

    I can't evaluate the time to set up these things, but it will make the game more varied in endgame (running fbi-tong-cr everyday is a bit short in term of different gameplay.) and once the first setup is done, it will be easy to keep the tweaking and keep all dungeons and stronghold alive.

  • metalsabrwolfmetalsabrwolf Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 59 Arc User
    Not sure if anyone has noticed with the changes to the Storming the Castle Weekly quest where we receive omens instead of totems now. The totems did not count towards our weekly cap which was nice same with the hunts and from the companions both the chultan hunter and the chultan tiger. So the question is why does the quest now count towards your weekly cap towards omens?
  • gogu79gogu79 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    1 little sugestion
    LETS MAKE CW GREAT AGAIN ! CW its now what TR was 2-3 years ago a garbage . Its most ignored class in game now for dungeons party very low dmg compared with other dps classes and very low buff compared with other buff classes i have a 15k cw and a 12k gwf and with cw i need like 8-10 sec to kill a pack of monsters in jungle of omu and with gwf i need 2-3 sec to put monsters down in same area just with regular attacks not using spells my gwf equiped with blue companions and rank 8 enc and only 1 legendary artefact do much more dmg than my cw with allmost full upgraded enc full mythic artefacts and with 3 legendary companions active and full boons. I play this game by 4-5 years and cw never was so poor dps in this game how its now
    Dragons? On MY Way !!
  • kaboth1kaboth1 Member Posts: 1 New User
    An actual optional subscription base to where our zen can be put on the account when needed like once a month which most games have. Just a thought since I cant post a thread yet.
  • athena#9205 athena Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    How about changing how the zax works. As i understand it, currently, you put 100k AD up 200 zen you get back WHEN there is someone selling 200 zen AND your next in line. Instead work it like a pool. You put 100k AD in the pool, and someone puts 300 zen in, that then gets reduced to 1 zen for 300 people queued for the exchange. This has a benefit of being SEEN working. I'd rather wait a week getting trickle zen in over that week for my 100k AD than wait 2 weeks for someone to drop the zen in and it FINALLY being my turn.
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