Currently I play on 8 toons. 5 are currently eligible for RED three are not. I run five or six RLD, 5 RED and eight Random skirmishes, before jumping into chosen content for salvage. With the changes, I will simply need to run the first 3 RQs on ONE toon, along with that toons weeklies. With VIP and Invoke RAD bonus stacks, I will need a couple of chosen dungeons worth of salvage/seals tops to hit the daily limit of 100k.
3 instead of 18-20...
So, thanks a lot for officially making Random Queues the fetid pile of donkey stools I've been calling it since day one. No more pretense that it is there to make queues pop faster...
These changes are too little, too late, and would have worked if you'd made them back when you were inundated with the advice to do so. Bringing these changes in alongside the derisory cap on daily RAD is simply a last gasp attempt to keep up the illusion that Random Queues as a primary RAD source was ever a good idea.
I will now have plenty of time to try that Fortnite thing everyone keeps going on about.
Totally. Absolutely. In FULL AGREEMENT.
This newest installment by the devs is a huge knife in the back and a slap in the face to ANYONE who plays more than a couple of toons. For those of us w/ 6-10 toons our potential daily AD just got shot in the head. I disliked the Random Queue nonsense when It was created in the last mod, but since i could play three or four skirmishes a day w/in a hour and then go do a basic dungeon or two in about another 30 minutes, if I WANTED to spend a couple of hours making AD it was only moderately annoying. Now the change to the change... ACCOUNT locked to only three Random Queue events per day? Seriously? Holy bleepety bleepty bleep Batguy. Yep, that's going to cut my (and everyone else's) potential daily AD in .... about half, depending on how many toons you used to cycle. And here I thought the idea, as stated in the last Major Mod post, the one that started this Random Queue Nightmare, was to be MORE MULTI-TOON FRIENDLY, NOT LESS. My mistake, I guess. By the way, since the refinement cap was raised to 100k AD daily, I'm wondering why the RAD Pool Cap hasn't been increased. It's a logical step... increase daily AD refinement, you should raise the cap of the bonus attached to that refinement.... "scratches head".
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,431Arc User
By the way, since the refinement cap was raised to 100k AD daily, I'm wondering why the RAD Pool Cap hasn't been increased. It's a logical step... increase daily AD refinement, you should raise the cap of the bonus attached to that refinement.... "scratches head".
So that your 6 to 10 toons can utilize it comparing with those who have only one toon. People said the investment to alt characters is wasted. No, it is not wasted. You still need their AD bonus pools to do your salvage. The daily gain of AD bonus is around 3000. If you play only one toon, your AD bonus pool will be zero soon. That is why you need to spread the rAD earning among toons.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
Feedback: Thank you for killing the game. People who grind for AD will not be able to get as much AD as they used to with this new system. And letting a random group of IL 11k try SPC or FBI is HAMSTER. It does ot work.
Sorry to say but you really need to change this ASAP or most of us eho play and dont want to spend a lot or IRL money on Zen to get even the basic gear will stop playing all together. Save the game, redo this HAMSTER system. Now.
I have 8 toons, one of each class, because I like to play different depending on how I feel, and want to know how other classes work. I only play a few hours a day, and not every day.
When I do queues, I only do the Intermediate and advanced, usually with tank or a healer, and rarely with a DPS.
In Advanced, I usually end up in FBI after somebody else drops, and usually I finish it. Just takes a bit of education to get people through it. Small details like get the tank moving when killing the giants, the DPS not get too close to the turtle or lose the runes and so on.
No one prevents pre-made groups to get in the queue, but queuing by my own, I am ready to explain the dynamics of the bosses if someone needs a "refresher"
The bonus being once per account I believe is also a good ting. That encourages players to run content instead of just being running queues like a chore for the RAD bonus. Still, someone can have a the class that gives the role bonus, and will get a decent amount of RAD bonus plus salvage. I still do this if I feel like playing instances instead of campaign content.
As a suggestion, maybe not related to RQ, but would be nice to have some different challenges, like the "Challenge of the gods", where you can not use daily powers, or somethign like that, open to your imagination. Someone already mentioned playing it all with the same class.
After reading a lot of complains, I just want to say to the developers thank you for the changes. I believe will be worked to make them even better.
Oddly enough I feel the same as cokefd, I love the changes, I also have 8 characters on same account and also only play 1-2-3 hours a day, maybe thats why I like the changes. I do advanced with my 18k DC and always end up in FBI, which I havent finished yet due to the rest being 10,5-11k, thats my only complaint: Except demogorgon the dungeons in advanced are simply too hard for all the 10k around, IMO. I have been here for 3-4 years now and loved every minute of it, keep up the good work
I don't mind the change, got 9 characters and play 2 hours daily on weekdays and 10+ hours a day in the weekend. I feel like there is less pressure to get all my characters "done" at the end of the day. However, I would like to see templock as a healer option in random queue
We also made a major change to leaver penalty with this update. Leaver penalty will now be account wide
So now when placed in a RQ with an abusing "player(s)", etc. legitimate players have to suffer through the content, after the time is up hope that a vote to abandon succeeds, wait until someone leaves or leave themselves and receive a 30 minute account queue lockout?
As time goes on the shaft gets longer and longer for legitimate players while abusive ones seemingly don't even get a slap on the wrist, just more ways to be abusive/leech the efforts of others...
Then the responses are typically report them. Reporting does little if anything. Why aren't RQ's and HE's monitored even if only a little at a time? Simply peeking in and it will clearly be seen players AFK farming/abusing/leeching RQ's and HE's.
Where are the changes to combat abusing players? *crickets*
Mod after mod legitimate players are hammered down with various changes while the abusing ones step onto their backs. All this back end shuffling isn't becoming. If you all want people to continue to play (and those that do spend money to continue to do so) the time they spend playing should equate to what they get in-game without such extreme artificial time increases and they shouldn't have to experience frequent run-ins with abusing players.
ALL Rights Reserved for any and all suggestions, ideas, etc. from this user.
“There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY "No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY
For clarification: i have 5 toons, if i run the first 3 randoms i get full AD on only one toon? if i change toons and run those three again i only get the limited value rAD ??? If this is correct how in the world are we supposed to reach the 100k cap in a reasonable manner?
Better solution, keep the 100k cap, keep the seals bonus and second run rAD capped but don't make first run rAD account wide. with my 5 toons i can make just barely the 100k without doing epic RQ that is one superior mark value. if you do this change the time value to achieving 100k rAD will go from 2 hours now, to 8+ hours of non stop randoms. That is ridiculous.
Indeed quite ridiculous.
Essentially players aren't supposed to reach the cap within a "reasonable" amount of time the way this system currently compounds upon compounds things. Instead of simply having players take one on the chin with a 100k cap they also hit them in the gut by having daily bonuses only apply to one character and as you later posted it is agreed that it is not the way to balance the ADX, as time goes on it seems more and more like a way to encourage Zen purchases.
As stated in another thread it takes "casual players" more time to save up AD because of the amount of time they play and those that play for longer periods of time shouldn't be penalized because they play more. If you work a job twice as many hours as someone else you get twice as much or more, not in Neverwinter Mod 14, playing twice as long essentially leads to a minimal increase.
One thing that has been true for a while now is that the rate of AD entering the game is much higher than the AD being used up.
The 100k cap alone would satisfy the above, one character daily bonuses is quite extreme to couple with a 100k cap. Simply raising the cap wouldn't help because the rate to generate AD is so low. 8+ hours for 100k AD is ridiculous. About 1/3 of the cap can be achieved in about 1.5 hrs (casual players?) though to get the remaining via repeat runs + salvage takes about 7x as long? Really?
So mod 14 will pretty much kill the alts. Everyone will be earning RAD as if they had one toon. And everyone will take penalty as if they had one toon. The only benefit of having alts is a marginal role bonus. Heck of a way to level the playing field between the have-alts and the have nots.
Quoting this for those who may have missed it. Would like to add those that play more will essentially get less in Mod 14.
@mordekai#1901 Page 6, 3rd post and 3rd to last post = GOLD Page 7, 8th from bottom = GOLD
To add, what is also unreasonable is penalizing players for playing the game "too much".
Developers: *Increase the time it takes for players to progress* Player: *Increases time they play to compensate/make more progress in less time* Result: Disciplinary action
Feedback: The Advanced random queue is a mess. It is basically useless to alot of players you have enabled it to be accessed by due to the min IL being lower then required to even get past the first mobs/boss (exception MDemo) in any timely manner.
This is a significant portion of random queue AD out of reach via these means and skews the reality of likely AD generation via random queue first run bonuses and repeats. If you threw them in expert I'm sure none would care. Those who complete expert would complete these, no change. With the 100k AD refinement account limit, it would just mean the high IL players maybe get a random chance of an "easier" run but with reorganisation the same can be done for lower IL players.
Atm it seems to be the "middle man" player loosing out to this. Imo the advanced, intermediate and maybe even the expert random queues (like stated above) need to be reorganised in order to help a decent chunk of your player base have a realistic chance of acquiring this AD and utilising the features you put in place to their fullest as I'm sure is intended.
As it stands Random Advanced queue is all but pointless except for a pre-made group that does it, which usually consists of players above your stated IL. It probably stands true for Expert queue but I am not there to be able to comment on that.
However, I would like to see templock as a healer option in random queue
People get sad when they see a dev OP or low-gear ACDC in the heal slot. Putting templocks there also would make people more sad.
Um. What kind of MONSTER doesn't love a Baneadin? And even a low-gear AC can be strong, certainly strong enough with room to spare for Intermediate and still pretty good on Advanced.
Um. What kind of MONSTER doesn't love a Baneadin? And even a low-gear AC can be strong, certainly strong enough with room to spare for Intermediate and still pretty good on Advanced.
I don't play an OP so I don't know what that is. But I have seen some OPs put up some sick DPS. So unless it's one of these OPs, it's womp womp to me.
And low-gear ACDC sharing their puny power like once a minute? If even. LOL
Devotion OPs are basically a requirement for really fast high-end runs, and can easily carry a pugged Advanced team. They buff/debuff, not DPS, and they're REALLY good at it if you're even half-decent DPS.
(the OPs putting out sick DPS are a variant of the tank build)
A low-gear AC DC who doesn't bind Exaltation to target and doesn't spam BoB/AA *might* be trouble in Advanced. They'll still carry you just fine through Intermediate.
(personally, the only OP I don't like to see in a pug is the one who clearly got the healer spot and queued Devotion for the role bonus..... then hit the first campfire and swapped to the Protection build he *really* wanted to play. So now you're pugged into Public FBI with two tanks and no healer. That guy is a jerk.)
Devotion OPs are basically a requirement for really fast high-end runs, and can easily carry a pugged Advanced team. They buff/debuff, not DPS, and they're REALLY good at it if you're even half-decent DPS.
Who knew, with all the incessant requests for DCs I see in PE.
Two points: #1: Nobody recruits for fast high-end runs in PE. #2: lots of people still want 2 DCs, 1 Buff (OP, GF, HR, SW), 1 tank (GF, OP), 1 DPS (any). So they're calling for twice as many DCs as anything else AND the other roles can all be filled by multiple classes in different builds.
That party setup isn't really *required*, but there's still a lot of requests for it.
I won't do SVA also because if the group can't finish it, there is always some fool who will vote to abandon after 15 minutes, and even more fools who will vote yes. Then I won't even get the RQ RAD for my 15 minutes in there.
Yeah. This happened to me and my wife when we tried to run it. I'd already run it the previous day on a different character and knew to tell her not to vote to abandon. It still got abandoned with 1m 7s left. We were seriously ticked off.
To be fair, I don't think you're SUPPOSED to get a successful completion of Random Advanced Queue for failing Svardborg.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,155Arc User
With the changes made to AD and the daily refining limit, I find that I have no use or need of the random queues outside of the possibility of dungeoneering shards. I get more than enough rAD working campaigns and salvage. I get sufficient Seals of the Brave running various HEs in zones.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
Your comment was automatically considered spam due to you editing it too fast. It was not "erased" by any human. It has been restored.
My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official. Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
To be fair, I don't think you're SUPPOSED to get a successful completion of Random Advanced Queue for failing Svardborg.
Maybe not, but it seems logical to me that you would get the completion of the Random Advanced Queue even when you fail to beat whats-his-name. I mean, you did complete the quest even though you lost. I'm sure the devs will be right along to fix this, though.
Anyway, now that I'm recovered from surgery and have had time to really interact with this new RQ system, I thought I would post more of an update on what I think of it.
As I've previously said, the Advanced Queue takes way too long to get a dungeon in. Now that you can't see how many players are required for the dungeon, it's definitely not worth the time because of the high likelihood of ending up in FBI or MSP and not being able to complete it (and get the astral diamonds). So my wife and I have switched to running just the Intermediate and Leveling queues. When we're done with that, we run some epic dungeons (not strictly etos, either) for the salvage.
Before these changes to the RQ system, I was running 8 characters per day through the RQ and generating about 100k rAD per day (and refining it all); my wife was making about half that because she was running just four characters (out of five) through the RQ.
After these changes, as mentioned we're now running epic dungeons. In the last two days, I have generated over 700k rAD, refining 100k both Friday and Saturday. My wife has generated about half that. If we continue to run epic dungeons on week nights after I've returned to work on Wednesday, then we are both going to have a continually building backlog of rAD to refine.
Overall, it means we're both generating far more rAD now than we ever were before. Neither of us has bothered to create a new account or even a single new character. This is all just playing using the characters we were using before, rotating them a bit as to which ones get run through the RQ every day.
Devotion OPs are basically a requirement for really fast high-end runs, and can easily carry a pugged Advanced team. They buff/debuff, not DPS, and they're REALLY good at it if you're even half-decent DPS.
(the OPs putting out sick DPS are a variant of the tank build)
A low-gear AC DC who doesn't bind Exaltation to target and doesn't spam BoB/AA *might* be trouble in Advanced. They'll still carry you just fine through Intermediate.
(personally, the only OP I don't like to see in a pug is the one who clearly got the healer spot and queued Devotion for the role bonus..... then hit the first campfire and swapped to the Protection build he *really* wanted to play. So now you're pugged into Public FBI with two tanks and no healer. That guy is a jerk.)
My OP using DEV does considerable DPS. Because I have the feats that do damage when I heal. I am top DPS on most PUG groups that I carry in CN, ETOS, ESOT, ELOL.
To be fair, I don't think you're SUPPOSED to get a successful completion of Random Advanced Queue for failing Svardborg.
You do know that Svardborg is currently broken for many/all people and you cant succeed in it?
#1: Nope, I didn't know that. I *do* know that I've gone RAQ twice and gotten nSVA and mSVA, and completed both successfully. #2: Regardless of *why* you fail, failure shouldn't get the win payout. If you fail because there's a bug then the solution is to fix the bug or remove the queue from Random, not give you the win payout for not winning.
Devotion OPs are basically a requirement for really fast high-end runs, and can easily carry a pugged Advanced team. They buff/debuff, not DPS, and they're REALLY good at it if you're even half-decent DPS.
(the OPs putting out sick DPS are a variant of the tank build)
A low-gear AC DC who doesn't bind Exaltation to target and doesn't spam BoB/AA *might* be trouble in Advanced. They'll still carry you just fine through Intermediate.
(personally, the only OP I don't like to see in a pug is the one who clearly got the healer spot and queued Devotion for the role bonus..... then hit the first campfire and swapped to the Protection build he *really* wanted to play. So now you're pugged into Public FBI with two tanks and no healer. That guy is a jerk.)
My OP using DEV does considerable DPS. Because I have the feats that do damage when I heal. I am top DPS on most PUG groups that I carry in CN, ETOS, ESOT, ELOL.
I believe it. I main a high-IL DC with those same feats and I tend to top paingiver in lowbie dungeons with pugs, too.
But that's not the same as putting out high DPS in a high-gear organised party in a hard dungeon, comparable to a decently-geared-and-skilled DPS class with a lower IL. I've never seen a Dev OP do that, I *have* seen Prot OPs do it. That's all I'm saying.
As I've previously said, the Advanced Queue takes way too long to get a dungeon in. Now that you can't see how many players are required for the dungeon, it's definitely not worth the time because of the high likelihood of ending up in FBI or MSP and not being able to complete it (and get the astral diamonds).
I hate to keep repeating this but for RAQ, FBI and MSP are *the easy ones*. They're the ones you're supposed to be happy about getting instead of MSVA.
Overall, it means we're both generating far more rAD now than we ever were before. Neither of us has bothered to create a new account or even a single new character. This is all just playing using the characters we were using before, rotating them a bit as to which ones get run through the RQ every day.
I'm not surprised. Most people I know are hitting the 100K limit much more easily now than they used to make 100K in a day. And running *one* levelling queue, at most, then a bunch of epics, on whatever toon you feel like playing at the time, is much more relaxing than feeling you "have" to switch and sprint another bag alt through cloak tower.
I'm not surprised. Most people I know are hitting the 100K limit much more easily now than they used to make 100K in a day. And running *one* levelling queue, at most, then a bunch of epics, on whatever toon you feel like playing at the time, is much more relaxing than feeling you "have" to switch and sprint another bag alt through cloak tower.
Yeah, we are having a lot more fun running the epics we pick than running a bunch of random queue dungeons. We're running the Intermediate and Leveling queues once each, then we're off to epics. Personally, I don't mind the change to the daily cap because it's about what I was making before anyway. Plus, it's kind of fun to see how much I can build my rAD backlog every day. I'm already to the point that I'm not refining AD on characters that have fewer than 100k rAD unless there are no characters on my account with 100k or more rAD. And I'm mostly out of the bonus AD from invoking on all my characters. I think one of them has more than 10k left, but the rest are either completely out or are under 3k.
I ran the Intermediate queue last night on my terrible cleric because I forgot it was pretty much all epic dungeons. If anyone who ran Epic Lair of Lostmauth with Quinn Windsailor is reading this, I'd like to apologize again for being a bad cleric. (I'll be staying out of the Intermediate queue unless I'm on either my 13k SW or 12k OP.)
This newest installment by the devs is a huge knife in the back and a slap in the face to ANYONE who plays more than a couple of toons. For those of us w/ 6-10 toons our potential daily AD just got shot in the head. I disliked the Random Queue nonsense when It was created in the last mod, but since i could play three or four skirmishes a day w/in a hour and then go do a basic dungeon or two in about another 30 minutes, if I WANTED to spend a couple of hours making AD it was only moderately annoying.
Now the change to the change... ACCOUNT locked to only three Random Queue events per day? Seriously? Holy bleepety bleepty bleep Batguy. Yep, that's going to cut my (and everyone else's) potential daily AD in .... about half, depending on how many toons you used to cycle.
And here I thought the idea, as stated in the last Major Mod post, the one that started this Random Queue Nightmare, was to be MORE MULTI-TOON FRIENDLY, NOT LESS. My mistake, I guess.
By the way, since the refinement cap was raised to 100k AD daily, I'm wondering why the RAD Pool Cap hasn't been increased. It's a logical step... increase daily AD refinement, you should raise the cap of the bonus attached to that refinement.... "scratches head".
The daily gain of AD bonus is around 3000. If you play only one toon, your AD bonus pool will be zero soon.
That is why you need to spread the rAD earning among toons.
Thank you for killing the game.
People who grind for AD will not be able to get as much AD as they used to with this new system. And letting a random group of IL 11k try SPC or FBI is HAMSTER. It does ot work.
Sorry to say but you really need to change this ASAP or most of us eho play and dont want to spend a lot or IRL money on Zen to get even the basic gear will stop playing all together. Save the game, redo this HAMSTER system. Now.
I have 8 toons, one of each class, because I like to play different depending on how I feel, and want to know how other classes work. I only play a few hours a day, and not every day.
When I do queues, I only do the Intermediate and advanced, usually with tank or a healer, and rarely with a DPS.
In Advanced, I usually end up in FBI after somebody else drops, and usually I finish it. Just takes a bit of education to get people through it. Small details like get the tank moving when killing the giants, the DPS not get too close to the turtle or lose the runes and so on.
No one prevents pre-made groups to get in the queue, but queuing by my own, I am ready to explain the dynamics of the bosses if someone needs a "refresher"
The bonus being once per account I believe is also a good ting. That encourages players to run content instead of just being running queues like a chore for the RAD bonus. Still, someone can have a the class that gives the role bonus, and will get a decent amount of RAD bonus plus salvage. I still do this if I feel like playing instances instead of campaign content.
As a suggestion, maybe not related to RQ, but would be nice to have some different challenges, like the "Challenge of the gods", where you can not use daily powers, or somethign like that, open to your imagination. Someone already mentioned playing it all with the same class.
After reading a lot of complains, I just want to say to the developers thank you for the changes. I believe will be worked to make them even better.
I do advanced with my 18k DC and always end up in FBI, which I havent finished yet due to the rest being 10,5-11k, thats my only complaint: Except demogorgon the dungeons in advanced are simply too hard for all the 10k around, IMO.
I have been here for 3-4 years now and loved every minute of it, keep up the good work
As time goes on the shaft gets longer and longer for legitimate players while abusive ones seemingly don't even get a slap on the wrist, just more ways to be abusive/leech the efforts of others...
Then the responses are typically report them. Reporting does little if anything. Why aren't RQ's and HE's monitored even if only a little at a time? Simply peeking in and it will clearly be seen players AFK farming/abusing/leeching RQ's and HE's.
Where are the changes to combat abusing players? *crickets*
Mod after mod legitimate players are hammered down with various changes while the abusing ones step onto their backs. All this back end shuffling isn't becoming. If you all want people to continue to play (and those that do spend money to continue to do so) the time they spend playing should equate to what they get in-game without such extreme artificial time increases and they shouldn't have to experience frequent run-ins with abusing players.
“There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY
"No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY
Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players
Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen
Essentially players aren't supposed to reach the cap within a "reasonable" amount of time the way this system currently compounds upon compounds things. Instead of simply having players take one on the chin with a 100k cap they also hit them in the gut by having daily bonuses only apply to one character and as you later posted it is agreed that it is not the way to balance the ADX, as time goes on it seems more and more like a way to encourage Zen purchases.
As stated in another thread it takes "casual players" more time to save up AD because of the amount of time they play and those that play for longer periods of time shouldn't be penalized because they play more. If you work a job twice as many hours as someone else you get twice as much or more, not in Neverwinter Mod 14, playing twice as long essentially leads to a minimal increase. The 100k cap alone would satisfy the above, one character daily bonuses is quite extreme to couple with a 100k cap. Simply raising the cap wouldn't help because the rate to generate AD is so low. 8+ hours for 100k AD is ridiculous. About 1/3 of the cap can be achieved in about 1.5 hrs (casual players?) though to get the remaining via repeat runs + salvage takes about 7x as long? Really? Quoting this for those who may have missed it. Would like to add those that play more will essentially get less in Mod 14.
Page 3, 15th post = GOLD
Page 6, 3rd post and 3rd to last post = GOLD
Page 7, 8th from bottom = GOLD
To add, what is also unreasonable is penalizing players for playing the game "too much".
Developers: *Increase the time it takes for players to progress*
Player: *Increases time they play to compensate/make more progress in less time*
Result: Disciplinary action
Page 9, last post = GOLD
Page 10, first post by user = GOLD
“There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY
"No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY
Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players
Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen
This is a significant portion of random queue AD out of reach via these means and skews the reality of likely AD generation via random queue first run bonuses and repeats. If you threw them in expert I'm sure none would care. Those who complete expert would complete these, no change. With the 100k AD refinement account limit, it would just mean the high IL players maybe get a random chance of an "easier" run but with reorganisation the same can be done for lower IL players.
Atm it seems to be the "middle man" player loosing out to this. Imo the advanced, intermediate and maybe even the expert random queues (like stated above) need to be reorganised in order to help a decent chunk of your player base have a realistic chance of acquiring this AD and utilising the features you put in place to their fullest as I'm sure is intended.
As it stands Random Advanced queue is all but pointless except for a pre-made group that does it, which usually consists of players above your stated IL. It probably stands true for Expert queue but I am not there to be able to comment on that.
Ty for your consideration. Gl.
And low-gear ACDC sharing their puny power like once a minute? If even. LOL
(the OPs putting out sick DPS are a variant of the tank build)
A low-gear AC DC who doesn't bind Exaltation to target and doesn't spam BoB/AA *might* be trouble in Advanced. They'll still carry you just fine through Intermediate.
(personally, the only OP I don't like to see in a pug is the one who clearly got the healer spot and queued Devotion for the role bonus..... then hit the first campfire and swapped to the Protection build he *really* wanted to play. So now you're pugged into Public FBI with two tanks and no healer. That guy is a jerk.)
#1: Nobody recruits for fast high-end runs in PE.
#2: lots of people still want 2 DCs, 1 Buff (OP, GF, HR, SW), 1 tank (GF, OP), 1 DPS (any). So they're calling for twice as many DCs as anything else AND the other roles can all be filled by multiple classes in different builds.
That party setup isn't really *required*, but there's still a lot of requests for it.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
Anyway, now that I'm recovered from surgery and have had time to really interact with this new RQ system, I thought I would post more of an update on what I think of it.
As I've previously said, the Advanced Queue takes way too long to get a dungeon in. Now that you can't see how many players are required for the dungeon, it's definitely not worth the time because of the high likelihood of ending up in FBI or MSP and not being able to complete it (and get the astral diamonds). So my wife and I have switched to running just the Intermediate and Leveling queues. When we're done with that, we run some epic dungeons (not strictly etos, either) for the salvage.
Before these changes to the RQ system, I was running 8 characters per day through the RQ and generating about 100k rAD per day (and refining it all); my wife was making about half that because she was running just four characters (out of five) through the RQ.
After these changes, as mentioned we're now running epic dungeons. In the last two days, I have generated over 700k rAD, refining 100k both Friday and Saturday. My wife has generated about half that. If we continue to run epic dungeons on week nights after I've returned to work on Wednesday, then we are both going to have a continually building backlog of rAD to refine.
Overall, it means we're both generating far more rAD now than we ever were before. Neither of us has bothered to create a new account or even a single new character. This is all just playing using the characters we were using before, rotating them a bit as to which ones get run through the RQ every day.
#2: Regardless of *why* you fail, failure shouldn't get the win payout. If you fail because there's a bug then the solution is to fix the bug or remove the queue from Random, not give you the win payout for not winning.
But that's not the same as putting out high DPS in a high-gear organised party in a hard dungeon, comparable to a decently-geared-and-skilled DPS class with a lower IL. I've never seen a Dev OP do that, I *have* seen Prot OPs do it. That's all I'm saying.
I ran the Intermediate queue last night on my terrible cleric because I forgot it was pretty much all epic dungeons. If anyone who ran Epic Lair of Lostmauth with Quinn Windsailor is reading this, I'd like to apologize again for being a bad cleric. (I'll be staying out of the Intermediate queue unless I'm on either my 13k SW or 12k OP.)