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A Player Housing Request Thread!



  • duvaindessduvaindess Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    Housing might just be another thing to invest out of "what-should-i-go-kill-now?" I mean, I get it... we are heroes in a DnD world that have to go kill dangerous monsters, save the day. Knox made sure we get that into our minds for certain. But even heroes want to come back to their home once a while.
  • oclosoclos Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    I think it's a good idea to have housing. Though I own a guild and can customize that(Stronghold), but it would be fun if you could attach housing around your stronghold, if game engine can support it.

    Also, of the recent posts, agree with Pterias and strongly disagree with chemjeff, I don't know were he's getting those ideas, especially the paying rent one. It's a medieval setting, rent is non-existent, you just construct a house and own it. They COULD make an option though if you want your house attached to the guild stronghold(and thus protected from invasions) to pay "tax" to the stronghold once per year or something(that you could break to smaller installments). But that is up to the game devs, it's not like mandatory or something.
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    player own home in stronghold, that dont work if you get kick out, you lose all that.

    so, No, it better to own somewhere in Protector's Enclaive, with specific House zones.
    3 stages of house format.

    Inns- 1 room format
    Duplex- 2/3 rooms format
    Manors- 5 rooms/8 rooms elite

    then if want to own home outside of Protector's Enclaive, it would be elite 10-12 rooms "Estates" with stables for you old mounts, i am sure market team would think this one will make money.
  • pteriaspterias Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 661 Arc User
    Since we've basically re-taken the River District now, and Lord Neverember has given each of us not one, but *two* IOUs. I think being granted one of the lavish, abandoned estates in the RD would be fair compensation for our efforts upon our return to the city in Mod14. It would be a fixer-upper, but it would be OUR fixer-upper.
  • dafrca#4810 dafrca Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    So I have been thinking about this one and to be honest the more I think about it the more I like the overall idea. How it was handled of course would impact my feeling quite a bit. I was looking at some videos on how one of PWI's other games handles their player housing and it was quite interesting. Anyway, Just wanted to say I would be interested if they tried to do it.
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    Champions has it for years, and Star Trek had just began for "colony" unit when they have guild halls (spacestations) for awhile, and NWO barely got Stronghold not very long.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    wylonus said:

    Champions has it for years, and Star Trek had just began for "colony" unit when they have guild halls (spacestations) for awhile, and NWO barely got Stronghold not very long.

    I really don't consider any of those "housing." To me, the Spacestations and Strongholds are nothing more than glorified social places and the Hideouts aren't really worthy of calling housing to me. When I think of what I envision a proper "Housing System" is in an MMO, I think of Ultima Online. Even Everquest II comes to mind despite being unable to build the house from the outside in, in one non-transitional zone.

  • c1k4ml3kc3c1k4ml3kc3 Member Posts: 1,257 Arc User
    From my experience I've seen quite a bit of couples playing this together. Married couples at that.

    Having a home or a possibility to marry or do something similar, have a home to share and decor or whatever and call friends over would be a great addition to the game.

    I doubt it's manageable, though. Prove me wrong. :wink:
    True Neutral
    Left the Game due to heavy Damage Control & Missing Spanish Language
  • pteriaspterias Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 661 Arc User

    From my experience I've seen quite a bit of couples playing this together. Married couples at that.

    Having a home or a possibility to marry or do something similar, have a home to share and decor or whatever and call friends over would be a great addition to the game.

    I doubt it's manageable, though. Prove me wrong. :wink:

    Hmm, I never thought of this before, but its a really neat idea. For housing, people also play with their kids, it could be neat if personal housing could be shared by maybe up to 3-5 people. It might get a little greasy if housing provided some kind of mechanical character benefits though, but otherwise, why not?
  • ecrana#2080 ecrana Member Posts: 1,654 Arc User
    Speaking as someone married that has played this with my wife for years now....nope, neither of us is interested in housing or having married toons or having fake children or having friends over to an imaginary house. We want better content to run and more dungeons and better skirmishes etc etc.

    I see how this appeals to some though.
  • chidionchidion Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    I used to play a game where the player could not only purchase/earn housing, but customize it by placing old armor collections on armor stands, hang old weapon sets on the walls and had storage spaces within the residences for various items including wardrobes for fashion items, chests for various kinds of weapons, potions, etc. a 'professions' area allowing the player to embue weapons with various abilities, a blacksmith work station allowing players to manufacture weapons and armor, and an alchemy area which allowed the player to manufacture potions, scrolls and other items. It also had a pantry for foodstuffs and libations you could use to decorate a table.... ahh, good times.

    Of course in that other game most of the items were either the result of drops or able to be purchased with in game currency from merchants, which when you think about it may be another way for the Neverwinter people to make a little money for operating costs - so long as those costs and effort to obtain items (no insane grind as already mentioned) are somewhere in the realm of reasonable.

    But I suppose doing something like (programming and maintaining) this in an MMO would be a massive undertaking.
  • dafrca#4810 dafrca Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    Just a thought, does the house have to be per character or could it be per account? More like a small keep with rooms for all your characters?
  • c1k4ml3kc3c1k4ml3kc3 Member Posts: 1,257 Arc User
    chidion said:

    thing like (programming and maintaining) this in an MMO would be a massive undertaking.

    It could be set the same way Portal to Tuern is set.

    There is already the mechanic of purchasing various items in the Guild for the sake of upgrading the place with banners, chairs etc.

    What would be amazing is if you could purchase the house on any map zone. There are many little houses on a variety of zones, and being able to enter one via door and then being teleported to a specific home would be amazing.
    There were also those special keys you'd get back in some mod which would allow you to instantaneously teleport to the garden area of the Protector Enclave.
    The event which awards this is called "Protector's Jubilee" and the item which allows you to teleport to this specific garden area is called "Protector's Garden Key". This same concept could be used to either teleport to a specific home location or simply used as means to enter the home.
    And there could be various quests like "Collect wood from Sharandar" - quest for the fireplace inside the house. Or a quest "buy some groceries", things like that, only nicer and presented in a better way ofc.
    You could purchase the wood from ZEN, for instance, for 100 ZEN and it'd last for a month (you directly help the economy like that), or you could do weekly quests and gather wood which would ignite the fire for a week.
    True Neutral
    Left the Game due to heavy Damage Control & Missing Spanish Language
  • pteriaspterias Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 661 Arc User

    Just a thought, does the house have to be per character or could it be per account? More like a small keep with rooms for all your characters?

    I've always though account-wide would much better. It would be far less data to keep track of on their end, and it would give an opportunity to use different classes/races to flesh out the place.
  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    Account wide (or account bound) -vs- per character (or character bound) is ALWAYS better...

    Waaaaay too many things bound to character in this game as it is in my opinion, for instance one of my characters obtained a Redcap Powrie from a previous Winter (Simiril) Festival, this year I got another Redcap Powrie on the same character...

    Both are "bound to character", neither can be traded to another one of my account characters or anyone else, the new one which has never been equipped by the way (*"you can only have one of a unique item") cannot be sold on on the auction house and basically it just sits there in my inventory taunting me since I'm not yet willing to sell it to a merchant for a mere few silvers.

    But then this is pretty far off topic I suppose.
  • mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User
    Guild interior still needs work. I come from games where players had personal housing and guild housing. The personal housing was awesome and in one game I owned four houses, yeah I know stupid and crazy right. Each house had around 400 items or so in them and I had way more than that I could have used.

    I also use to run a guild and our guild area had thousands of items to use. I donated all the time to my guild as I did not really need any more housing items.

    If this game adds housing, it has to be free. If not, I won't pursue it.
  • dafrca#4810 dafrca Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited January 2018

    If this game adds housing, it has to be free. If not, I won't pursue it.

    If they are adding in a large system like I believe a housing system would be, then I think it is crazy to expect it to be "only" free. By that I mean give a basic house for free, but like gear, some fixtures are dropped, some are found in lock boxes, some can be purchased with various things (Zen, AD, Tokens, etc), maybe even some is exclusive to VIP members. I would expect them to have a route they can make some money off of otherwise why do it?

  • fleurdelys2013fleurdelys2013 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    I just hope that you will take in consider that we have alot of space in stronghold that can be used in a smart way. I think both players and criptic will have to win if they decide to do this . With housing will come new professions which is good.this is a huge step for nw but hey why not ?! Its a brilliant idea and i would vote for it !
  • athena#9205 athena Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    why not an upgradable magical home? remember salvatores archmage gromph had a portable home that he kept all of his magical experiments and such in. And with dritz trek through the underdark there was that portable mage tower. There was one also that jarlaxle used to bring in the drow army on that one shadow realm mansion to save dritz. and thats just on salavatores books, there was one on another author that was a growing siege engine that carried a dwarven army.

    Now for the idea. Zen buy the baseline magical home kit, build it, refine it and watch it grow. Room for fashion, equipment, weapons, BTC and BTA mounts and companions, potion and elixer cabinet, odds and ends attic, Grand safe to hold extra currencies, trade bars, companion tokens, etc. All items that exist in this magical home cannot be accessed outside of it, you have to go inside to acquire it. Make the home account bound and accessible with all toons on the account.

  • pteriaspterias Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 661 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    Hehe, there was an old Dungeon Magazine mini-adventure called "Unexpected Guests" that featured a cozy little house inside a Bag of Holding! It was called a "Bag of Lodging". I've always wanted to run it, but two different campaigns I intended use it in fell apart before I got around to it. Years passed and I forgot what is was called, and my current campaign ended up out-leveling it before I found it again. :tongue:

    But, yeah, I'm into it!
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    we need "Baba Yaga's Dancing Hut"
  • athena#9205 athena Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    lol, i know that one :) sierra rocks
  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    All of this talk about player's housing, "bags of housing", etc. for me brings to mind the Wizard's Dens one sometimes reads about in fantasy novels... those astral displaced rooms which can be summoned in a peaceful environment and affords a player a sanctuary where they can securely store items, rest, heal, work before exiting their sanctuary and the Wizard Den goes back to the ether from which it came.
  • cdnbisoncdnbison Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 806 Arc User
    I know this probably isn't high on the devs radar, but with the push to even out the ZAX, adding player housing could be a big boon in that regard - *if* you only made it (and especially the decorations) available via AD.

    There is a sizable % of the population that will pay for stuff like this. I'd also like to see more fashion added for the same reason - another AD sink. Bring back some of the old and interesting armor pieces and package them up for sale. Do theme packs around them - the old Drow chestpiece? Add some more similarly styled pieces, and sell that armor pack for transmute purposes. Ditto the Wolf helm. Or the old lvl 60 armors that oldtimers like me used to grind for.

    Players who like to work on their style will drop the AD into such things - if they're given the chance - and good choices are available.
  • epiccritepiccrit Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    Yeah, no, I don't want housing drops competing with the useful gear drops. If the boss drop table for gear and house decorations were separate, then that's something else. However, I am anti this, because resources used to create this could be going to create something better, something that a larger part of the community would want, more gear, more quests, more dungeons, ect.
  • pteriaspterias Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 661 Arc User
    From the patch notes:
    •Protector's Enclave: The Foundry door near the marketplace has moved across the street, as Lord Neverember has claimed the property on some legal pretext or another.

    This stood out to me on preview and again now. What could Neverember possibly have planned for that piece of property? He still owes us 2 IOU's...

    *crosses fingers for player housing*
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    hopefully, come with 24 slot vault storage, and then buy 12 slots just like bank concept.
    also hopefully for armor stands for old and outdated armor set we have.
    And to hang up weapons and shields on walls.
  • kallikendrakallikendra Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    I love the idea of player housing. I thought we might get something akin to quarters within the stronghold but alas no. And if you exit the game whilst in Stronghold, unless someone is in the Stronghold when you log back in, you get put back in the last map you were in before you went to SH. I want to log in to where I exited! So if I exit in my house, I want to come back to my house!

    Kingdoms of Amalur was a game I loved and still play from time to time and this is where I got my love of player housing. It wasn't at all customisable but I think NW could make it so we could arrange things how we want them. As other posters have said, it's not a high priority but I think it would be great if we could have someplace to go when we're done fighting demons!
  • joshrandhalljoshrandhall Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    While I admittedly have not played every single MMO ever available, I have played quite a few and the only ones I continually invest in are those that have housing:
    1. UO (Pre feliuica and post Trammel)
    2. Vanguard
    3. EQII
    4. SOTA
    I've stayed with Vanguard right up to lights out. I still maintain 2 full memberships in EQII, and have 2 additional accounts in SOTA


    Because of housing and flying!

    It just seems to "round out" the fantasy experience by having housing and being able to fly around the world.

    So, +10000 for housing and while you're at it, flying mounts would also be welcome ;)

  • ritterroland#9926 ritterroland Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    > @joshrandhall said:
    > the only ones I continually invest in are those that have housing:
    > * UO (Pre feliuica and post Trammel)
    > * Vanguard
    > * EQII
    > * SOTA
    > I've stayed with Vanguard right up to lights out.

    These 4 games have not only housing in common but also empty servers.
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