plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,524Arc User
edited February 2018
Not in 2018 and probably not in 2019 based on Foss in "State of the game".
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Not in 2018 and probably not in 2019 based on Foss in "State of the game".
That's utterly ridiculous... They should remove the "coming soon" paceholder, then, because 2020 is anything but "soon".
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,524Arc User
edited February 2018
Relatively speaking, comparing with other 'ridiculous' things, this is not even within the 'ridiculous' radar.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
The comming soon is similar to the thread that is posted talking about what class you want next, is something that is there to provide hope and keep the users playing with faith that the game is progressing. The reality is that there like a 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance of getting a new class in the next 10 decades and each time people try to force the devs to talk about the subject on the streams they push the "ignore playerbase" button and keep talking about anything else they want to talk pretending they didnt see those comments.
Basically, the Module 1 was launched 4 and half years ago (2013-08-22), during the next 20 months after that they released the HR (2013-12-05, Mod 2), the SW (2014-08-14, Mod 4) and the OP (2015-04-07, Mod 6) classes so its about 1 class each 7 months and 4 races (drow, sun elf, moon elf and dragonborn) and then in the next 34 months not a single class or race. During those almost 3 years already they have been focusing on "balancing" and BTW on the next mod they will nerf the damage of the last strong DPS caster (the StormSpell CW) and increase the damage (with new BiS items from hunts) of the melee classes like GWF, GF or HR combat.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,524Arc User
Relatively speaking, comparing with other 'ridiculous' things, this is not even within the 'ridiculous' radar.
While that is true, a new class would definitely breathe more life into the game right now. You can only keep adding campaigns for so long...
The problem is it is not necessary up to them. They need to fulfil their obligation of the WoTC license and have to add those campaigns and if they have spare time and will power after that, then they can do X, Y, Z.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
They need to fix the currrent classes first before even thinking about that(esp after the death of cw ss)
There are more than BIS players in this game RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ???? FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
Plus the fact that since we have tanks that can dps. Dps that can tank. Heals that, well, dont just heal, but do incredible buffs. Tanks that buff.. Control Wizards that dps and buff (dependant on build).Where does anyone see a new class fitting in with that lot. Imho its only going to be one that we dont need.
Thanks to the Aura of Alchemy, everything that gets within 10 meters of him polymorphs into loot that is deposited automatically into the players inventory
This class feature is available at level 1 and cannot be unslotted, and the first two At-Wills available increase run speed to ridiculous and grant 5 RAD on every click
The second class feature, available at level 3, permits the player to wear any armor and wield any weapons in the game
There are a few encounters, but they are just for show... mostly loud sounds and cool looking explosions
The Heroic Feats start out with one that increases your leadership Profession level by 5 for each point you invest, another that makes you exponentially more awesome, and one that's just called "Winning"
Nothing more is known about this new class yet, because the QA guys stopped leveling up after Sleeping Dragon Bridge and went to go work on stuff for Magic the Gathering
This class will be available in the Zen Store as part of a package that also includes 3 Glorious Resurgence Legendary Mount Packs, All the Best Gear in the Game, a custom title that displays his item level as whatever he types in and a BoP Augment Companion called "Large Blinking Arrow Sign" that grants the player stats that are better than anyone else
The End-Gamer Pack will retail for 30,000 Zen per month and if your subscription expires your class will be changed to Scourge Warlock
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,524Arc User
Relatively speaking, comparing with other 'ridiculous' things, this is not even within the 'ridiculous' radar.
While that is true, a new class would definitely breathe more life into the game right now. You can only keep adding campaigns for so long...
The problem is it is not necessary up to them. They need to fulfil their obligation of the WoTC license and have to add those campaigns and if they have spare time and will power after that, then they can do X, Y, Z.
The real problem is that you are buying into the dev speak here. If they need six years to add a new class then I would want a better explanation of why.
Personally, it does not matter to me. When I master all 8 classes with various paths, I will be asking.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Sadly with the state of the other classes I don't think that there are the resources and personel available to work on a new class and add it to the game unless it is a copy paste of another class and just make different visual effects for it. I 'm laso geting the feeling that they have kinda lost control of the progress of some classes (hinting at CW changes) but that might be just me.
At the very best you might see at some point a new race available at the Zen store but as far as a new class goes well it's most likely that we will see the End-Gamer class mentioned above by @preechr#2215 than an actual normal class. But there are some mmorpg and some simple rpg games out there to play some other classes, try a good modded skyrim .
This is really a topic on the /ignore_list, I could easily have the "Sound of Silense" playing and some memes going around in the background when I come across this topic... Hello darkness...
Sadly with the state of the other classes I don't think that there are the resources and personel available to work on a new class and add it to the game unless it is a copy paste of another class [...]
Actually if they took some of the effects and abilities from some companions, they could reduce some programming and dev time. Like the Moonbow companion or alchemist, many affects are already there.
I have three character class for Developers. A short description of each classes and 3 variants(?) with possible characteristic/spells asssociation with them, as follows:
(?) Duelist Avenger: A combination of Rogue/fighterman with sabre/rapier/foil in one hand and with buckler/target(small shield) or dagger/sabre/rapier or blocking gauntlet (etc) in the other. For long distance, crossbow and when not in uses, scrap by he/her side in crossbow holder. Armor up to breastplate (?). 1) Witchhunter/Inquisitor: this variant would take care of all the "Evil" out there and all of the abilities(?) to do it. 2) Sabre/Rapier/Fence Master: Combative-wise and all of the abilities(?) to go with it. 3) Hitman/Assassin: Clandestine abilities(?) with special Class quest like Pirri's (the Swift) hit or "X"-rock encounter.
(?) Enchanter: Inspired by Red-wizard charactistic, the class use magic to pure energy to form "force-field", animate object/things and create psychic illusions. 1) Conjurer/Sorcerer: pure "(old) Disney 'Sorcerer Apprentice'" stuff with animate object, rock, arrows, (etc); create "Dancing Blade/Shield" (out of ?"force-field"?); create ice/earth/metal shards (etc). 2) Illusion/Psyche: Spell like "Mirror-image" where each images cast magic, "Nightmare" (is it real or of the mind), invisible stalker, (etc). 3) Necromancer/Golemancer: Animate Undead and (temporary) golem out of earth, snow, rock, (so on), (etc)
This last Character Class, Eldritch Druid, need some explicating. This druid was envision from my DungeonMaster days back in the early 1980's, before the official "Druid" class was known (or least, I don't know about it). I read about it since then (didn't like it) and the Eldritch Druid is what I know (as follow):
Eldritch Druid: "Long before cities was form...even Elvian one...(and before Wizard and Cleric classes) there was Eldritch Druid. Master of Nature with simple, but effective magic, have affinity with animals (and "shapecharge" into one), have excessive knowledge Herbial Medicine, (etc)" (I tell my player just think about this character class has a "Treehugging Hippie" with a nature thing?). This druid uses oakenstaff as a focus to cast magic and use as a awesome Quarterstaff-combat (like give-me-some-room or "Shillelagh"). Armor for this class upto and include cloth-base brigandine or scale (not leather or leather-base armor...naturalist thing). It three variants are: 1) Master of Nature: Earthquake (bang her/his oakenstaff into the ground), Fireball, Lightning Bolt, "Barkskin",(etc). 2) Sharpchange/animate plant: Sharpchange into dissect animal (bear-fury, lion-furious, deer-speed, etc) and (temporary) animate tree, plant, rock, (etc) 3) Shaman/Witchcraft: "call-fore" (forcefield) animals, sharpchange others into animals, heal others, (etc)
(?) Duelist: 1) Witchhunter/Inquisitor: this variant would take care of all the "Evil" out there and all of the abilities(?) to do it. 2) Sabre/Rapier/Fence Master: Combative-wise and all of the abilities(?) to go with it. 3) Hitman/Assassin: Clandestine abilities(?) with special Class quest like Pirri's (the Swift) hit or "X"-rock encounter.
(?) Enchanter: Inspired by Red-wizard charactistic 1) Conjurer/Sorcerer: pure "(old) Disney 'Sorcerer Apprentice'" 2) Illusion/Psyche: 3) Necromancer/Golemancer:
Eldritch Druid, 1) Master of Nature: Earthquake (bang her/his oakenstaff into the ground), Fireball, Lightning Bolt, "Barkskin",(etc). 2) Sharpchange/animate plant: Sharpchange into dissect animal (bear-fury, lion-furious, deer-speed, etc) and (temporary) animate tree, plant, rock, (etc) 3) Shaman/Witchcraft: "call-fore" (forcefield) animals, sharpchange others into animals, heal others, (etc)
For what's already in NW, your first two come across better as class paths for existing classes, while being made distinguishable from the existing paths and features. The first two under your Eldritch Druid are the same as the standard Druid archetype, which a lot of players seem very receptive of being added to the class selection list. The Shaman/Witchcrafter poses the question of being a hybrid of CW/DC type skills with a Nature node twist in there.
The only reminder left is content control residing under Wizards of the Coast. If memory is correct, the last three character classes released, in no particular order, were HR, OP, and SW. The silence from the devs suggests the current classes were the approved from Wizards from 5th edition rules to start with. When you look over the gambit of companions, you can find Bards, as in the minstrel and Lillend, Druids, specifically a Moonshae Druid, but not a Monk class. To me, the components for a Bard and Druid are in game already, but lack the decision power to bring them forth as character classes, which does require some work. Yet, I don't think as much work as we players might imagine.
I'd LOVE to see a good old fashioned monk. I had a high level monk in Baldur's Gate 2 that could one hit kill a black dragon. Nothing like an unarmed kill!
Basically, the Module 1 was launched 4 and half years ago (2013-08-22), during the next 20 months after that they released the HR (2013-12-05, Mod 2), the SW (2014-08-14, Mod 4) and the OP (2015-04-07, Mod 6) classes so its about 1 class each 7 months and 4 races (drow, sun elf, moon elf and dragonborn) and then in the next 34 months not a single class or race. During those almost 3 years already they have been focusing on "balancing" and BTW on the next mod they will nerf the damage of the last strong DPS caster (the StormSpell CW) and increase the damage (with new BiS items from hunts) of the melee classes like GWF, GF or HR combat.
RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
Thanks to the Aura of Alchemy, everything that gets within 10 meters of him polymorphs into loot that is deposited automatically into the players inventory
This class feature is available at level 1 and cannot be unslotted, and the first two At-Wills available increase run speed to ridiculous and grant 5 RAD on every click
The second class feature, available at level 3, permits the player to wear any armor and wield any weapons in the game
There are a few encounters, but they are just for show... mostly loud sounds and cool looking explosions
The Heroic Feats start out with one that increases your leadership Profession level by 5 for each point you invest, another that makes you exponentially more awesome, and one that's just called "Winning"
Nothing more is known about this new class yet, because the QA guys stopped leveling up after Sleeping Dragon Bridge and went to go work on stuff for Magic the Gathering
This class will be available in the Zen Store as part of a package that also includes 3 Glorious Resurgence Legendary Mount Packs, All the Best Gear in the Game, a custom title that displays his item level as whatever he types in and a BoP Augment Companion called "Large Blinking Arrow Sign" that grants the player stats that are better than anyone else
The End-Gamer Pack will retail for 30,000 Zen per month and if your subscription expires your class will be changed to Scourge Warlock
At the very best you might see at some point a new race available at the Zen store but as far as a new class goes well it's most likely that we will see the End-Gamer class mentioned above by @preechr#2215 than an actual normal class. But there are some mmorpg and some simple rpg games out there to play some other classes, try a good modded skyrim
This is really a topic on the /ignore_list, I could easily have the "Sound of Silense" playing and some memes going around in the background when I come across this topic... Hello darkness...
On a side note, I heard that a new class won't even come as a part of a mod. That true?
(?) Duelist Avenger: A combination of Rogue/fighterman with sabre/rapier/foil in one hand and with buckler/target(small shield) or dagger/sabre/rapier or blocking gauntlet (etc) in the other. For long distance, crossbow and when not in uses, scrap by he/her side in crossbow holder. Armor up to breastplate (?).
1) Witchhunter/Inquisitor: this variant would take care of all the "Evil" out there and all of the abilities(?) to do it.
2) Sabre/Rapier/Fence Master: Combative-wise and all of the abilities(?) to go with it.
3) Hitman/Assassin: Clandestine abilities(?) with special Class quest like Pirri's (the Swift) hit or "X"-rock encounter.
(?) Enchanter: Inspired by Red-wizard charactistic, the class use magic to pure energy to form "force-field", animate object/things and create psychic illusions.
1) Conjurer/Sorcerer: pure "(old) Disney 'Sorcerer Apprentice'" stuff with animate object, rock, arrows, (etc); create "Dancing Blade/Shield" (out of ?"force-field"?); create ice/earth/metal shards (etc).
2) Illusion/Psyche: Spell like "Mirror-image" where each images cast magic, "Nightmare" (is it real or of the mind), invisible stalker, (etc).
3) Necromancer/Golemancer: Animate Undead and (temporary) golem out of earth, snow, rock, (so on), (etc)
This last Character Class, Eldritch Druid, need some explicating. This druid was envision from my DungeonMaster days back in the early 1980's, before the official "Druid" class was known (or least, I don't know about it). I read about it since then (didn't like it) and the Eldritch Druid is what I know (as follow):
Eldritch Druid: "Long before cities was form...even Elvian one...(and before Wizard and Cleric classes) there was Eldritch Druid. Master of Nature with simple, but effective magic, have affinity with animals (and "shapecharge" into one), have excessive knowledge Herbial Medicine, (etc)" (I tell my player just think about this character class has a "Treehugging Hippie" with a nature thing?). This druid uses oakenstaff as a focus to cast magic and use as a awesome Quarterstaff-combat (like give-me-some-room or "Shillelagh"). Armor for this class upto and include cloth-base brigandine or scale (not leather or leather-base armor...naturalist thing). It three variants are:
1) Master of Nature: Earthquake (bang her/his oakenstaff into the ground), Fireball, Lightning Bolt, "Barkskin",(etc).
2) Sharpchange/animate plant: Sharpchange into dissect animal (bear-fury, lion-furious, deer-speed, etc) and (temporary) animate tree, plant, rock, (etc)
3) Shaman/Witchcraft: "call-fore" (forcefield) animals, sharpchange others into animals, heal others, (etc)
I hope this help.
The only reminder left is content control residing under Wizards of the Coast. If memory is correct, the last three character classes released, in no particular order, were HR, OP, and SW. The silence from the devs suggests the current classes were the approved from Wizards from 5th edition rules to start with. When you look over the gambit of companions, you can find Bards, as in the minstrel and Lillend, Druids, specifically a Moonshae Druid, but not a Monk class. To me, the components for a Bard and Druid are in game already, but lack the decision power to bring them forth as character classes, which does require some work. Yet, I don't think as much work as we players might imagine.
I had a high level monk in Baldur's Gate 2 that could one hit kill a black dragon.
Nothing like an unarmed kill!