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OFFICIAL FEEDBACK THREAD: Masterwork Professions Vol. IV & V



  • zaranir#4514 zaranir Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited February 2018

    I think there is some confusion on how the MW set works and why this change is actually really good for groups.

    Group Makeup:
    Paladin (MW Set)
    DO DC (MW Set)
    AC DC (MW Set)
    Warlock (Primal Set)
    HR (Primal Set)

    Lets note that this particular problem because the damage% percentages it gives have been almost doubled-tripled on every other mentionable DPS set, but the MC III did not followed this. The old MC II was actually bis even for 2 DPS, because the Relic roughly gave ~3.34%/person (10% for 1/3 uptime), but 2 DPS wearing MC II got 4%/person. And that set had minimal, but mentionable bonuses above that. This was really pricy, needed to minimally know each other, but a 5 member team with MC II got a huge push forward.

    Now the problem is if they would wanted to go in that way, it's either should give 6%/person, which at the end will be downright insane and inconsistent with the older ones.

    In my honest opinion, the new set should differ from the olders in that, so DPS should not feel excluded from the mastercraft (which is a legitimate complaint).

    I liked that idea that it should give some base damage% and + for everyone who uses it, but it's clear that with the old thematic, it should be like 8% +2% for everyone else who uses it. Because the MC II was better even if 2 member used it and was insane with 5 member.
  • chestercatrat#6924 chestercatrat Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    PLEASE revert the set bonus on MC weapons. By bringing back the 2% you've legitimately have killed this weapon set before it even goes live. No one wants the same set bonus anymore. Not the crafters or the purchasers. It feels like regression versus progression. The increase in base damage on the weapon will not justify using it. As a purchaser you'll save 5-8m or more just using MC II set and not see a lick of damage loss. It felt refreshing seeing new MC weapons provide a new set bonus. Felt like progress. If it stays with the old bonus you'll be saying tradition is more important than innovation.
    Post edited by chestercatrat#6924 on
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User

    PLEASE revert the set bonus on MC weapons. By brinfibriitbback to 2% you've legitimately have killed this weapon set before it even goes live. No one wants the same set bonus anymore. Not the crafters or the purchasers. It feels like regression versus progression. The increase in base damage on the weapon will not justify using it. As a purchaser you'll save 5-8m or more just using MC II set and not see a lick of damage loss. ItIfeltIt refreshing seeing new MC weapons provide a new set bonus. Felt like progress. If it stays with the old bonus you'll be saying tradition i more important than innovation.

    Or just change it more. Masterwork should just be superior to other sets, so there's a reason to get it. Make it 15% increase or something.
  • lucislatorlucislator Member Posts: 69 Arc User

    Mistakes in italian translation:

    leatherworking: items needed to unlock are wrong: it says twice "gilet dell'incursione di manticora" (manticore raid vest) while one of them should be "gilet d'assalto di manticora" (manticore assault vest)

    - rough resource "lion's hide" is translated terribly wrong in "nascondiglio di leone", it is "pelle/pelliccia di leone".
    Plus, according to previous experience with manticore's hide which refined item was manticore leather, refined item from lion's hide should be lion leather but i see it's the same item in preview bazar. I assume it's a droppable resource so this task has to be reviewed, wrong icon? inverted rough and refined resourse? It doesn't make much sense right now.

    alchemy: living varnish is not translated at all, neither task and object itself

    jewelry: "amuleto di perle" should be "amuleto piumato" for consintency with other amulets

    journal: several items to be crafted for final quests have different names compared to what journal say, this is minor but could make confusion

    That said,

    amount of rough resources needed is HUGE compared to refined items obtained, 15:3, 12:2.... prices of finished products will be outrageous. Talking about prices, this will enormously impact the market of weapons since the good bonus has been removed, who could be so stupid to spend millions for slighty increased stats? people will head to other (free) sets making masterworks III obsolete in one day. All dps characters won't want masterworks, there's no reason to prefer them above other sets.

    Let's make it simple, old bonus (i'll name it chult) vs new bonus (i'll name it SH, usual stronghold bonus from mw I & II) per class

    GWF chult
    CW DPS chult
    CW MOF DPS chult/SH
    TR chult
    SW DPS chult
    GF TANK chult/SH
    GF DPS chult
    GF BUFF SH/chult
    OP TANK/BUFF chult/SH
    OP HEAL/BUFF chult/SH
    OP DPS chult
    HR chult
    DC HEAL chult
    DC DPS chult

    PVPers chult

    order is not casual, it's from best to worst choice. And speaking about pure buffers, that little amount of increased stats is not so significant as they whine about. I could be wrong but as far as I thought about it, this change is really really bad. Plus these are not stronghold sets anymore we're in damn chult!

    Lets just simply exclude all CW and SW iterations from this, because they can and will permanently heal themselves to go primal over the old MC III. Heal DC just simply does not exist, but still, primal. DPS DC primal. And you would not believe, but tanks get hit, so primal.

    So, in short, most of the classes you mentioned would just roll with the permanent 10% what primal gives, because they either get hit or will get healed. At the moment it works of "fake" heals, so even the 10% is not restrictive. The old SH III set only worked perma 10% if you were able to do daily in every 10 sec (and somehow manage to deal the most damage with this strategy) and there could have been a chance that you need to use shift to survive and get the wrong bonus.

    And see, SH set costs 1.5-4 million, the primal will cost 1,6k Brave seal.

    In short, you are overestaminating that other DPS set of the 4 that we finally got rid of and just... simply does not understand how and why the SH set should be like what it is now.
    We're talking about mw bonus here not about other sets, that will be personal choice. And about that, dunno if mistake in translation here too but, from last patch the primal set tooltip says "when you're hit" and no more "when you're healed".

    Anyway as I said here the argument is mw set bonus
  • zaranir#4514 zaranir Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    At the moment from pre:

  • zaranir#4514 zaranir Member Posts: 373 Arc User

    Mistakes in italian translation:

    leatherworking: items needed to unlock are wrong: it says twice "gilet dell'incursione di manticora" (manticore raid vest) while one of them should be "gilet d'assalto di manticora" (manticore assault vest)

    - rough resource "lion's hide" is translated terribly wrong in "nascondiglio di leone", it is "pelle/pelliccia di leone".
    Plus, according to previous experience with manticore's hide which refined item was manticore leather, refined item from lion's hide should be lion leather but i see it's the same item in preview bazar. I assume it's a droppable resource so this task has to be reviewed, wrong icon? inverted rough and refined resourse? It doesn't make much sense right now.

    alchemy: living varnish is not translated at all, neither task and object itself

    jewelry: "amuleto di perle" should be "amuleto piumato" for consintency with other amulets

    journal: several items to be crafted for final quests have different names compared to what journal say, this is minor but could make confusion

    That said,

    amount of rough resources needed is HUGE compared to refined items obtained, 15:3, 12:2.... prices of finished products will be outrageous. Talking about prices, this will enormously impact the market of weapons since the good bonus has been removed, who could be so stupid to spend millions for slighty increased stats? people will head to other (free) sets making masterworks III obsolete in one day. All dps characters won't want masterworks, there's no reason to prefer them above other sets.

    Let's make it simple, old bonus (i'll name it chult) vs new bonus (i'll name it SH, usual stronghold bonus from mw I & II) per class

    GWF chult
    CW DPS chult
    CW MOF DPS chult/SH
    TR chult
    SW DPS chult
    GF TANK chult/SH
    GF DPS chult
    GF BUFF SH/chult
    OP TANK/BUFF chult/SH
    OP HEAL/BUFF chult/SH
    OP DPS chult
    HR chult
    DC HEAL chult
    DC DPS chult

    PVPers chult

    order is not casual, it's from best to worst choice. And speaking about pure buffers, that little amount of increased stats is not so significant as they whine about. I could be wrong but as far as I thought about it, this change is really really bad. Plus these are not stronghold sets anymore we're in damn chult!

    Lets just simply exclude all CW and SW iterations from this, because they can and will permanently heal themselves to go primal over the old MC III. Heal DC just simply does not exist, but still, primal. DPS DC primal. And you would not believe, but tanks get hit, so primal.

    So, in short, most of the classes you mentioned would just roll with the permanent 10% what primal gives, because they either get hit or will get healed. At the moment it works of "fake" heals, so even the 10% is not restrictive. The old SH III set only worked perma 10% if you were able to do daily in every 10 sec (and somehow manage to deal the most damage with this strategy) and there could have been a chance that you need to use shift to survive and get the wrong bonus.

    And see, SH set costs 1.5-4 million, the primal will cost 1,6k Brave seal.

    In short, you are overestaminating that other DPS set of the 4 that we finally got rid of and just... simply does not understand how and why the SH set should be like what it is now.
    We're talking about mw bonus here not about other sets, that will be personal choice. And about that, dunno if mistake in translation here too but, from last patch the primal set tooltip says "when you're hit" and no more "when you're healed".

    Anyway as I said here the argument is mw set bonus
    Well, your argument is that. My argument was that the old set bonus was actually inferior on most class against the primal, making this set downright useless, because no one is willing to pay up to 4 million for something that is not even BiS. In this form, at least buffers would want to get this one. And with a little tweak (see my comment at the top of this page), everyone else would consider it too.
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    edited February 2018

    Masterwork vendor items like : red rouge-coke-alkali should drop from 2000 guild marks at least to 500 per piece and this to match the crazy requirements like 100 red rouge for 1 proffesion..
    Post edited by mamalion1234 on
  • tomiotartomiotar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 227 Arc User
    The only thing I would be interested on buying from masterworks are necks, belts and off hands with 2 offense slots and similar stats than the new masterwork rings, so I can use them on my companions. Everything else seem extremly inferior with worse bonus to whatever I can get from hunts, making this new masterwork update just pointless.
  • chestercatrat#6924 chestercatrat Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    Hope the devs did MC are thisrea discourse because current sets bonus is garbage compared to what you can purchase with seals ir even zen.
  • asterdahlasterdahl Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,258 Cryptic Developer
    tomiotar said:

    Everything else seem extremly inferior with worse bonus to whatever I can get from hunts, making this new masterwork update just pointless.

    All of the bonus effects on masterwork armor will be different in the launch build, those bonuses matching the primal sets were placeholder. Please look forward to those changes on the next preview build, it may be worth re-examining whether or not some of them are now worth pursuing.

  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    asterdahl said:

    tomiotar said:

    Everything else seem extremly inferior with worse bonus to whatever I can get from hunts, making this new masterwork update just pointless.

    All of the bonus effects on masterwork armor will be different in the launch build, those bonuses matching the primal sets were placeholder. Please look forward to those changes on the next preview build, it may be worth re-examining whether or not some of them are now worth pursuing.

    (votes for an updated version of the Drowned set bonus)... :wink:
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • chestercatrat#6924 chestercatrat Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    > @asterdahl said:
    > Everything else seem extremly inferior with worse bonus to whatever I can get from hunts, making this new masterwork update just pointless.
    > All of the bonus effects on masterwork armor will be different in the launch build, those bonuses matching the primal sets were placeholder. Please look forward to those changes on the next preview build, it may be worth re-examining whether or not some of them are now worth pursuing.

    That's definitely good news. However no mention of updating or changing MC weapon bonus?
  • texy1texy1 Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    hustin1 said:

    (votes for an updated version of the Drowned set bonus)... :wink:

    yes please!
  • designedbyrng#4319 designedbyrng Member Posts: 102 Arc User

    That's definitely good news. However no mention of updating or changing MC weapon bonus?

    You mean like this?
    terramak said:

    Masterwork III Weapon set bonus now matches the I and II set bonuses.


  • asterdahlasterdahl Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,258 Cryptic Developer
    hustin1 said:

    asterdahl said:

    tomiotar said:

    Everything else seem extremly inferior with worse bonus to whatever I can get from hunts, making this new masterwork update just pointless.

    All of the bonus effects on masterwork armor will be different in the launch build, those bonuses matching the primal sets were placeholder. Please look forward to those changes on the next preview build, it may be worth re-examining whether or not some of them are now worth pursuing.

    (votes for an updated version of the Drowned set bonus)... :wink:

    To be clear, when I said armor I was referring to armor pieces; in other words equipment that goes in the head, body, arms and feet slots, not the weapons. Those were updated in the last preview update.
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    asterdahl said:

    hustin1 said:

    asterdahl said:

    tomiotar said:

    Everything else seem extremly inferior with worse bonus to whatever I can get from hunts, making this new masterwork update just pointless.

    All of the bonus effects on masterwork armor will be different in the launch build, those bonuses matching the primal sets were placeholder. Please look forward to those changes on the next preview build, it may be worth re-examining whether or not some of them are now worth pursuing.

    (votes for an updated version of the Drowned set bonus)... :wink:

    To be clear, when I said armor I was referring to armor pieces; in other words equipment that goes in the head, body, arms and feet slots, not the weapons. Those were updated in the last preview update.
    So armor bonuses will be added in next preview patch?
  • arcanjo86arcanjo86 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,093 Arc User
    asterdahl said:

    tomiotar said:

    Everything else seem extremly inferior with worse bonus to whatever I can get from hunts, making this new masterwork update just pointless.

    All of the bonus effects on masterwork armor will be different in the launch build, those bonuses matching the primal sets were placeholder. Please look forward to those changes on the next preview build, it may be worth re-examining whether or not some of them are now worth pursuing.

    Each time you give us stronger gear/weapons and the increased rank of the enchantments(from previous half-module) you are making the content less challenging, intead you are boosting players to boost the nerfing of classes and not making more challenging queued content.
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    I like the idea of MW armours having similar stats as Primal gear, but different stat allocations. However, for that to work out, the stats need to take different builds for different classes into considerations. For example, Primal gear is not suitable for a power-sharing AC DC build...so having DC MW pieces which focus on Power would solve that problem nicely.

    This is only the case for some of the new MW items being distributed - in some cases the items just do not meet any existing needs, and feel a bit pointless.

    I am happy with the new neck/belt items, and the weapons - and will most certainly be making those for my main character.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • cilginordekcilginordek Member Posts: 459 Arc User

    Masterwork Weapon Bonus is not good enough.

    Old masterwork set had a tradeoff. You would have 100% uptime, but your bonus wouldn't be as strong unless multiple people had the weapon.

    The MW3 weapons have the exact same bonus. You still have the disadvantage: Your bonus won't be as strong as other sets unless multiple people have it. Your advantage is: Your permanent uptime.

    This is where things get messy. There are 3 other weapon sets that also very easily provide 100% uptime. This nullifies the advantage of MW3 weapons.

    Considering how expensive these weapons are, I'd suggest providing them with a better bonus to make up for their disadvantage. Increasing base value from 2% to 3% would help, as well as adding a condition that it provides 5% bonus if there's only one in the party.

    Another alternative would be to put a 30 second ICD on other sets bonus effects, so MW3 set still provides an uptime advantage, but as it stands now, that is nill.
  • unq#3642 unq Member Posts: 25 Arc User

    Increasing base value from 2% to 3% would help

    15% with full party? too fat, man)) With new omu equip? seriously? I think this set balanced more then needed.

    Drider // guild "The Wolves" // (GF, DC) = 80к gear+
  • unq#3642 unq Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    Drider // guild "The Wolves" // (GF, DC) = 80к gear+
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User

    The MW3 weapons have the exact same bonus. You still have the disadvantage: Your bonus won't be as strong as other sets unless multiple people have it. Your advantage is: Your permanent uptime.

    You are missing the point of the bonus. This is a set for support characters. It makes perfect sense in group content, where a 2% bonus for the entire team is more valuable than a 10% bonus for yourself.

    True, the set is not ideal in solo play, but hey...solo content is (too) easy anyhow.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • zaranir#4514 zaranir Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    adinosii said:


    The MW3 weapons have the exact same bonus. You still have the disadvantage: Your bonus won't be as strong as other sets unless multiple people have it. Your advantage is: Your permanent uptime.

    You are missing the point of the bonus. This is a set for support characters. It makes perfect sense in group content, where a 2% bonus for the entire team is more valuable than a 10% bonus for yourself.

    True, the set is not ideal in solo play, but hey...solo content is (too) easy anyhow.
    Well, he is not missing it. The MW II was the best DPS and utility option and now it was reduced to only utility. Which is better than a second best DPS item, but he is on point that the set needs to prove a reasonable power for self too.

    Let's note that CW-GWF and other DPS class MC III set remains without use with this change, because they lose more with the damage redistribution than they gain. So as said, that weapon should give a base damage multiplier to only you (6-8%) and +2% for everyone in the team above that.
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User

    This one can have use in pvp for pve when is the last time we had low health for a long time in a battle?
  • zaranir#4514 zaranir Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited February 2018

    This one can have use in pvp for pve when is the last time we had low health for a long time in a battle?

    In a way, these items would have fitted mod12, because for CW, the primal armor and the head bonus was a little disappointing, so getting 2 MC item which has... a little benefit over the primal does not justify their actual cost, but at least make player think about it. I think it's still will do it.


    Armlet: Well, they are way worse than primal, but... I think it's irrealistic to expect a better armlet and be universally good for all class. For CW, the stat distribution is just excellent, I actually think that it needs the "placeholder" effect back. But, on an other side, Jawripper's gloves might be better for CW, not tested yet. Regardless, other classes might can use it if it had the primal effect, because the actual effect it has is garbage.

    Shoe: Almost the same applies here as for the armlet. The primal had great effect, the thing it has is disappointing. Crit is most likely to be balanced to a stable 100%. For CW, the stat distribution is just excellent, at a level where if it had the primal shoe effect (so the placeholder) I'd buy it without thinking. For CW, changing Recovery into power+crit means extra stat for the class, due how little use Recovery has and the Black ice enchantment.

    Armor: I love it! Rex Amiculum, but better for a higher price. Except for those who can use the Meele armor, but diversity does not hurt, so for the purpose of craftable item, it's great. A great thing to buy from MC.

    Head: This item is worse and from @greyjay1 table, for most class it's more expensive than Rex Corona, which you can get around10-15 smops. It's way better than Primal tho, but in this case, that does not matter. Who has the AD to get this, could buy and probably will buy Rex Corona (or some head hunt item that I found not appealing for my character). In unsure it it worths racing with the Corona or the omu hunts and for powersharing DC, it's just cannot. Unsure what to do with it.
  • lucislatorlucislator Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    Great, after last patch we definetively went from masterworks to crappyworks. Why in the world would someone buy any master item since free stuff is better? Really i'd like to know what devs was thinking while conceiving them.

    Weapons have again that tiny sh bonus and only a small part of players could prefer them to other free sets.
    Armors have, in most cases, identical stats of primals with so ridicolous bonuses that it seems a joke. Only compared to hunts stuff there are slighty increased stats, but in this case bonuses are hugely worse.
    Even rings won't be better then free ones, maybe for pets, but who would spend lot of diamonds for a so small difference?
    Only waists and amulets have sense to be preferred over other items.

  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    asterdahl said:

    tomiotar said:

    Everything else seem extremly inferior with worse bonus to whatever I can get from hunts, making this new masterwork update just pointless.

    All of the bonus effects on masterwork armor will be different in the launch build, those bonuses matching the primal sets were placeholder. Please look forward to those changes on the next preview build, it may be worth re-examining whether or not some of them are now worth pursuing.

    Yes looked forward to see that all pieces have worse bonuses than vivified primal:).
  • midental#5256 midental Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    Is it possible to know new masterworks armour bonus powers? Ty
  • This content has been removed.
  • krasensilverkrasensilver Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 27 Arc User

    Is it possible to know new masterworks armour bonus powers? Ty

    gloves 25 deflection each percent hp missing
    boots 100crit per 5 secs max 2mins
    helms 100rec per 5secs max 2mins
    armors 1.5k power if you fighting with only mob
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