Been running most of the day today in randoms with alts to build up some rps and AD and seeing a lot of bots and no ability to vote to kick from instance. It lets you initiate the vote but doesn't prompt the rest of the group. This HAMSTER is annoying as hell. Getting stuck at the end of a dungeon waiting for a bot is a pain and if you are a botter feel free to jump off a cliff.
If it was a bot, you should thank it for triggering the run for which you can get bonus AD. So why not help the poor thing get to the end.
1. Bots will attempt to walk through walls.
2. Follow bots follow the nearest player, if you are the close one and stop they come to you like your pet.
3. They pause a second at each campfire to load the next waypoint.
4. They will run in a small circle when lost.
5. They don't fight well at all and jump a lot to avoid obstacles.
6. Talk to them and ask; $target are you a human? No offense but you play like a bot. (I may ask this in English, Spanish and French) If you are looking at them $target replaces their messed up name in chat.
Still they could end up being a very ignorant human, or someone gave the keyboard to a 5 year old to keep it active, while they are taking a smoker's break. I once asked a player line 6 and he replied no his cat jumped on the keyboard. Don't let cats or 5 year old children play your games for you.
This is my first MMO but everything I hear and read tells me bots are in all MMOs.
Here is where I no longer believed they were a new player. There is a section of Gray Wolf Den that loops. You turn left, enter a portal, take a few turns, cross a small bridge over spikes, and end up back where you started. Once any player has completed this section of the dungeon, no player needs to enter the loop. Even the quest path line ignores this loop after it is completed.
This bot didn't care how many times we jumped up and down at the correct path, or how much we spammed chat. It decided that it needed to go through the loop
Signature [WIP] - tyvm John
also random queue skirmish we are getting a lot of disconnected players or even players leaving the parting and going to pe and disconnecting making the rest of the team waiting 15min till they can kick that disconnected player and ask for reinforcement(someting getting player that will automatically disconnect again, i had to alt+f4 the game it was pissing me off), thishappens when the queue is throne of the dwarven gods or prophecie of madness.
Most of these just record the location of each campfire and head right for it. I saw the bot play tag with every campfire in the dungeon. Also they will scrape walls reading game coordinates to find their way. What bots cannot do is communicate or have a reasonable conversation. I noticed the botter doesn't bother to doll them up or buy the best weapons. You have to be a dimwit to run a level 70 in low level blue armors and no artifacts, unless you like a challenge in other than low level dungeons.
The dungeon bots can be identified but the solution is to render them useless. A bot going home without pay is quickly discarded.
LOL, just joshing you.
As for a player not speaking, you're wrong if that's your sole basis for thinking a character is a bot. I've done a number of runs where I tried talking to these low level characters I thought were bots but never got a response so I just blew trough the dungeon watching how they moved on the map they were clearly not bots
Hell, sometimes I don't even talk during a dungeon run.
As for me on my main I run thru any low level dungeon killing what mobs in my way. If I read in chat to slow down or what not then I will if not no real point in slowing down.
My only issue with random level dungeons is well 70 level players shouldnt be doing them regardless. I do for those dungeoneering shards but still. Access to those dungeons should be locked for anyone able to do epics. Outside of that I rather enjoy random ques.
Where as epic runs earn me 6,785 for the first run and only give protector seals. Now some will argue that epics also drop gear that can be salvaged but the only sure drop is the chest. Nothing like running CN with a not so good team and only getting rare rings from the chest because none of he 3 bosses dropped anything.
This is why we should be able to do solo private random dungeon runs for AD.
*Bots of the universe unite! We demand equal bot game time and status! Up the bot vote!*
I can see the A.nti B.ot D.efamation L.eague forming.....Alan Dershowist expect that bot call any day now!
BennyBot for president!
More serious note....time to stop throwing the "racist" phrase around willy nilly.
A Racist is someone that prejudges someone else's motives or actions or intellectual capacity based on skin tone (race). Yes, there are black racists, brown racists, yellow racists and white racists and any other in between skin tone. You can disagree with my opinion and not be a racist, I can like/dislike you and manner of living and not be a racist. You don't have to pre-apologize for any statement you make or opinion you have defending your non-racist status.
Anyone that labels you a racist for your opinion has lost the argument IMO, they are stating by their utterance, "I am of low intellect, I can't compete with your thought process and it makes me look unintelligent, I will begin calling you names in the hopes that you will be so intimidated, distracted enough defending yourself that you will stop making me look dumb."
Labels of racism are like profanity, a symptom of a weak and unimaginative mind.
Do bots have a work week and get overtime? What about sick leave? Maternity leave (can they even get knocked up?)
But yes, LOL, stop defaming bots they deserve their electronic rights too!
Is B.ot L.ives M.atter going to take over running repeated protests and riots, looting CVS's effiecently for lazy human protesters?
Is the Bots LM going to be more efficient at baiting/hating law enforcement and claiming rights violations?
Can Bots even both hands they even have hands....claws..umm bionic enhancements?
What about stealing BLM moniker? (not to be confused with the other BLM (B.ureaucracy of L.and M.ismanagement)
Wouldn't there be bot lawyers, bot judges and bot juries? Surely they would be bot biased!
It's happened before:
WWF (the wrestlers) got the label stole by some tree huggers now it's (wildlife), Mr. Nissan who can trace his lineage back 14 generations got his auto garage and computer repair shops (that pre-existed DatsunUSA's name change to NissanUSA) web domain stolen from him in preference to the auto giant NissanUSA.
PETA (the unethical) rights people stole PETA's web domain from the people who like to hunt animals and eat them (P.eople E.ating T.asty A.nimals) who pre-existed and liked to share hunting, curing and cooking tips and blogged about it. are doomed, the new BLM is going to out compete you and be more efficient at being public nuisances (like the in-game ones are) and will occlude you. Who is far more efficient at being public nuisances? College snowflakes, homeless slackers, community (dis)organizers and paid protesters? Or never sleeping, never eating, never quitting, 24/7 bot running machine protesters?
BLM you best change your name now, move over, the new BLM is going to squeeze you out!
(I suggest ELM (not the tree) E.very L.ife M.atters....of course there are those pro-lifers.....) oh well