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Official Feedback Thread: Random Queues



  • archangelzorak01archangelzorak01 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 324 Arc User


    I dare you, I DOUBLE DARE YOU, make an average player party, go into Tomb of the Nine Gods, and record it.
    By average I mean like most of those who will try (rank 7-9 enchantments, in best case r11 bonding, maybe not all artifacts on mythics, new blue gear because of IL, y'know), add them some boons so they'll be just above 12k IL.

    Now try to run tong with 3 average dps, average dc, and average tank (preferably a Guardian fighter), and let's see how much time you'll need to finish it. Even with godmode, I seriously doubt it will take you less than 1-1,5 hours... Now, that leaver penalty of 30 minutes doesn't seem so bad.. Heck, I'd rather go with premade team in private queue and do it twice in that (at least an) hour that I'd be in otherwise, and I'll get at least 4 salvageable items so IDC about that "pathetic" 5k I'd get for losing my nerves by running for Hero's accord with a team that would take even msp 45+min.

    The item level requirement for dungeons is to 'enter' the dungeon. Being able to 'enter' a dungeon does not mean you are guaranteed success in that dungeon nor does it guarantee an easy time therein. Many people in this game and on these forums seem keen on the idea that meeting the minimum requirement to enter a dungeon means they should be able to easily complete that dungeon. I'd like to remind everyone that this is not the case.
    Neverwinter Module 6: The only MMO expansion in the history of MMO's to remove more content than it added.

  • archangelzorak01archangelzorak01 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 324 Arc User

    I wonder how this "role" garbage will interact with loadouts. Role in party is more a matter of build than class selection. Just about every class has builds that work for at least two roles that the devs acknoledge to exist (tank, dps, and heals) some have viable builds for more roles than that.

    Moreover the devs do not appear to grasp that we do not have three roles in the game we have atleast five: dps, tank, buff, debuff, and control. I am not sure if we should even count healing as a role anymore because its not really needed with lifesteal and certain companions.

    On a healing sidenote the best healing class in the game is often a templock, but under the role system being espoused by the devs templocks would be considered dps.

    On another side note: Whats to stop a paladin from entering a dungeon and as a healadin and counting as the healer and then switching to tankadin load out or entering as a tankadin and switching to a healadin loadout. In this senerio we will end up with two tanks or two healers something the devs dont want for some poorly explained reason.

    Not entirely true from how I understand it, it seems to be the 2xDC thing they dislike, Pally Auras, are really limited to Courage and Wisdom, those don't stack. I don't know DC at all but am guessing due the current meta there is a distinct advantage to having two of them

    I wonder how this "role" garbage will interact with loadouts. Role in party is more a matter of build than class selection. Just about every class has builds that work for at least two roles that the devs acknoledge to exist (tank, dps, and heals) some have viable builds for more roles than that.

    Moreover the devs do not appear to grasp that we do not have three roles in the game we have atleast five: dps, tank, buff, debuff, and control. I am not sure if we should even count healing as a role anymore because its not really needed with lifesteal and certain companions.

    On a healing sidenote the best healing class in the game is often a templock, but under the role system being espoused by the devs templocks would be considered dps.

    On another side note: Whats to stop a paladin from entering a dungeon and as a healadin and counting as the healer and then switching to tankadin load out or entering as a tankadin and switching to a healadin loadout. In this senerio we will end up with two tanks or two healers something the devs dont want for some poorly explained reason.

    Not entirely true from how I understand it, it seems to be the 2xDC thing they dislike, Pally Auras, are really limited to Courage and Wisdom, those don't stack. I don't know DC at all but am guessing due the current meta there is a distinct advantage to having two of them
    The pally is not there for courage or wisdom they are there for the power share feat on the light tree
    Aura of Courage is often-times the 2nd highest source of damage on a boss (right behind Sure Strike). Aura gifts is nice and all, but Aura of Courage ain't no slouch.
    Neverwinter Module 6: The only MMO expansion in the history of MMO's to remove more content than it added.

  • darthtzarrdarthtzarr Member Posts: 1,003 Arc User
    edited September 2017

    Takes a slow look around the room.

    You all better start addressing these excellent questions we have asked.If not then you have lied to us again just like the coals in vip when you removed them.If you ask for our input and we easily do your job showing a poor result and playability then the result you get will NOT be what you're looking for.Do you think perhaps the real dollars we spent on our alts is less than what is spent by new players?
    I am not trying to be anything but helpful as we all are.
    We love this game do you?
    It is time to make a statement devs or your silence will make it for you.
    And I for one am listening.
    It's my choice to finnish content on my alts not yours.
    SilverOak Main
    Dc alt
    tr alt
    pal alt

    They aren't going to respond over the weekend obviously lol. It will be Tuesday most likely before we get any dev responses.

    Signature [WIP] - tyvm John

  • snottysnotty Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 476 Arc User
    feedback: this is an overly complicated and unnecessary system

    So I guess my first question is why does this have to be a completely new and frankly stupid system?
    Why not just add it as a new option to the old system? I for one don't have any issue running 2 dungeons and 2 skirmishes daily. But I can understand some other players not liking that system and preferring the new system. Which is why it would make way more sense to just add it as a new option to the existing system.

    I don't really like all the dungeons, some to the point where I refuse to play them at all as the rewards aren't worth the effort. And I know a lot of other players that feel the same way. So now we're going to be forced to possibly run dungeons we hate to earn our daily AD? And you really think this wont end up making players quit the game? I really don't understand how you think this make any sense.

    "Keep in mind that for every player who had accepted that fate, there's another who upon learning that running Temple of the Spider twice a day for eternity was needed to max out their AD, said "no thank you" and stopped playing. " <-- which is complete BS as you can run any dungeon to earn your daily AD including private solo que for Cloak Tower at lvl70. So that's 8 dungons and 12 epic dungeons and Im not sure if the epic trials counted or not but still, that's 20 dungeons you could choose from every day to earn your daily AD. So its not a problem with the system, its the players problem for not choosing to play something other then the same 2 dungeons everyday.

    As for the skirmishes, well that is the Devs fault for only having 5 skirmishes to choose from. Illusionist's Gambit is just too long and becomes boring by the end, boring as is "geez, does this thing ever end". Prophecy of Madness has been broken since god knows when since. Its damn near impossible to get 3xgold reward so most players don't like running it... again, Devs fault but still not problem with the system.

    And let me tell you something you obviously don't want to hear, THIS CHANGE WILL NOT STOP BOTTERS!!!

    All this change will do is fill more low level ques with bots that will most likely screw over the honest players trying to earn their daily AD since the bots may not be able to complete a dungeon thus making it impossible for the player to complete it as well. And since they cant complete it they will be force to quit the dungeon and possibly get a penalty. So in the end you're are really just making it even harder for low level players to earn AD.

    Oh yes, it will cut a little bit of their profits but since they're not actually sitting in front of the computer playing the game I doubt they will be very upset by it, unlike your real players.

    With all these new changes Bonding stones, que system, how AD is earned, refining. Its starting to feel like mod 6 all over again.
    Remember when the devs thought all the "new and exciting" changes in mod 6 were a good idea? Yea, ask the mass players that quit and all the dev team members that got fired how that worked out. For gods sake learn from your past mistakes.

    On the list of things that need to be fixed in this game, the que system and and how we earn daily AD should have been at the bottom of the list on page 23.
  • estasia1estasia1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 107 Arc User
    This will probably be removed or get me baned from the forum but I just have to say this for some of the players that you as the develping team have forgotten.

    Why is it we spent all this time working on guilds, then alliance's and building relationships with these people and now you want us to do dungeons with strangers? I understand that new people or small guilds may have problems doing content but we should not be penalized for this. Have them join guilds or alliances that are willing to help them grow. Now you are taking away AD from individuals that do not have the time to do a random because they could end up in a dungeon with people that could end up taking forever do to a lack of experience. I have people in my guild that can play 1 to 2 hours at the most a day, that gives them just enough time to do their dailies, solo a 3 man dungeon for a small amount of AD and then possible run 1 dungeon with the guild. They have been loyal to the game and now once again they are the ones being penalized, OH, did I forget to say that due to the time they can play they also dump large amounts of real money in the game for the things they need.

    Now, I think the random queue is fine but has several failing issues, like I do not want to waste my time in MSP for a random rank 5 enchant nor do I want to be penalized because I get put with a group that has no chance of finishing it or with people that are rude and hateful. Plus I don't think that it is far for you to force us into this type of situation just so we can obtain AD. People need to take into account that just because players have a certain Item Level does not mean they can play well enough to even consider some of the high end dungeons and this type of group will fail, plus we lose all that time.

    Most of my guild and alliance have decided that if changes to this are not done before implementation we will close our wallets and probably go play elsewhere. I have been here since Beta and so has 1/2 my guild, we have watched and been through many changes and excepted them but removing the ability of obtaining a small amount of AD from a lot of individuals with time issues is wrong. If you need to remove the AD from the dungeons due to botting then add a unbottable way for individuals with a short amount of time to obtain AD.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    they are solving a problem that doesnt exist.. new players benefit from same system as older ones.. its just the sheer armount of runs needed to gear up that is the real issue.

    While some of the RP rework will make a few thigns cheaper.. they are actually extending costs in the end to a even higher level, while making it more difficult to achieve AD farming.

    you didnt even have to play end game materials to make a end game build .. you just needed access to multiple runs of AD farming a day.. you could then buy a full set of Masterworks, and all the gear.. and be nearly the same as anyone else.. which is 100% fine by me.. I prefer not having to run hundreds of hours to restore gear.. I hate that in fact.

    sure it takes thousands of said runs to do that.. but it TOOK thousands of said runs for me to do that too..

    there wasnt any real shortcuts.. just farmed every day for a bunch of AD to make my toons viable.

    if they wanted to help newer players.. lower costs on marks and such.. that is way more of a help then doing what they are doing with this garbage.
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  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    Regarding the bonus for underplayed roles

    I know a few others have touched on this but as a person who mains a Paladin (15k) and has a 13k DC as an alt, I think the bonus is well intended but I don't believe it will help.

    There are two types of people with support characters; those that prefer the role and will have one as their main, and those that have them as alts but prefer DPS.

    Those that have a support main will have focused progression on their support character anyway. E.g. I took my Pally through SKT, SOMI and RD. In fact it's the only one of my 8 characters that has completed them.

    The other type, those that have a support as an alt, usually create it to assist their friends or guild. They have less incentive to trudge them through overly long & tedious campaigns (mod 10) as they've been through it once on their main and have no desire to repeat it.

    Offering a bit of extra AD to the first category is unnecessary and offering it to the second category is insufficient.

    The thing is, pugging support players are already able to make much more AD than dps players. As a support, I hit the queue button for a T2 and it usually pops within 30 seconds. If I do that on my dps I expect to stand around for quite a while unless I get lucky. As such, a support player will get more runs per hour and so make a lot more.

    A bit of additional AD on top would not change the base motivation of class/role choice. The only thing that would assist with this is getting them through campaigns faster.

    However, I do actually believe Cryptic have done enough with regard to this already. Campaign completion tokens enable dps mains to pay their support classes through the likes of SKT and Loadouts have enabled them to have a solo dps build and a group support build.

    If you really feel the need to give them an extra push, I would say the only thing that would help would be making the campaign tokens cheaper for support classes.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    armadeonx said:

    Regarding the bonus for underplayed roles

    I know a few others have touched on this but as a person who mains a Paladin (15k) and has a 13k DC as an alt, I think the bonus is well intended but I don't believe it will help.

    There are two types of people with support characters; those that prefer the role and will have one as their main, and those that have them as alts but prefer DPS.

    Those that have a support main will have focused progression on their support character anyway. E.g. I took my Pally through SKT, SOMI and RD. In fact it's the only one of my 8 characters that has completed them.

    The other type, those that have a support as an alt, usually create it to assist their friends or guild. They have less incentive to trudge them through overly long & tedious campaigns (mod 10) as they've been through it once on their main and have no desire to repeat it.

    Offering a bit of extra AD to the first category is unnecessary and offering it to the second category is insufficient.

    The thing is, pugging support players are already able to make much more AD than dps players. As a support, I hit the queue button for a T2 and it usually pops within 30 seconds. If I do that on my dps I expect to stand around for quite a while unless I get lucky. As such, a support player will get more runs per hour and so make a lot more.

    A bit of additional AD on top would not change the base motivation of class/role choice. The only thing that would assist with this is getting them through campaigns faster.

    Totally agree.
    armadeonx said:

    However, I do actually believe Cryptic have done enough with regard to this already. Campaign completion tokens enable dps mains to pay their support classes through the likes of SKT and Loadouts have enabled them to have a solo dps build and a group support build.

    If you really feel the need to give them an extra push, I would say the only thing that would help would be making the campaign tokens cheaper for support classes.

    I only main one class, and from time to time play another (TR, CW). Used to help out on DC up to mod 5 changes. Since mod 12 and shortage of DCs thought about getting mine a bit up to date. Slapped some gear, run some ToSes to make it worth while and doing bloody jungle.
    If someone thinks for a moment that I'm going to go through SKT on DC, to be able to make some pittance AD. They are very very mistaken.
    For now I think I'll abort this DC project, even if I wanted to buy out the SKT, I can't make keys, and it will take me something like a year of that random queue AD to get the completion token worth back.

    Not happening.

    If they wanted more support classes in some random dungeons, this is not the way. My DC project is shelved.
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    So cheaper token for support then?
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    armadeonx said:

    So cheaper token for support then?

    Normal AD from runs, and account dungeon unlocks.
    Random queue is nice idea, but the groups should make sense, and it should be bonus AD over the regular, not to replace it completely.

    I don't want boons, I just want to help out in a dungeon once in a while, and can spare the gear to qualify (per IL). So why not let me....
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    micky1p00 said:

    armadeonx said:

    So cheaper token for support then?

    Normal AD from runs, and account dungeon unlocks.
    Random queue is nice idea, but the groups should make sense, and it should be bonus AD over the regular, not to replace it completely.

    I don't want boons, I just want to help out in a dungeon once in a while, and can spare the gear to qualify (per IL). So why not let me....
    You know, I actually forgot about that. They did it with Edemo, there's no reason why it couldn't be done with FBI & MSVA. Unlock it with your main and your alts have access.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,516 Arc User
    armadeonx said:

    micky1p00 said:

    armadeonx said:

    So cheaper token for support then?

    Normal AD from runs, and account dungeon unlocks.
    Random queue is nice idea, but the groups should make sense, and it should be bonus AD over the regular, not to replace it completely.

    I don't want boons, I just want to help out in a dungeon once in a while, and can spare the gear to qualify (per IL). So why not let me....
    You know, I actually forgot about that. They did it with Edemo, there's no reason why it couldn't be done with FBI & MSVA. Unlock it with your main and your alts have access.
    You mean demo and not edemo. You have to unlock edemo from campaign (don't need to finish the campaign though).
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • jumpingmorksjumpingmorks Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 876 Arc User
    I think eDemo it was also a case of once unlocked on one character unlocked on all characters.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    yes.. once unlocked , its account wide.. it was the one shining moment the game has had for alt play.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,516 Arc User
    edited September 2017

    I think eDemo it was also a case of once unlocked on one character unlocked on all characters.

    Not for me. My HR who is level 70. She did nothing about underdark campaign equip. She has enough ilevel requirement. I have at least 5 other characters who did edemo. I have just checked there is a lock with her edemo queue.

    It says: "You cannot queue for Demogorgon (Master) because the Demogorgon (Master) fight from the Underdark campaign is not unlocked".
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • krzrsmskrzrsms Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    If you want 100 etos runs with your friends you still can just no bonus ad for the first 2 runs

    Captain obvious is obvious.

    The point is that what was once a reward for doing the content of your choice is now specifically witheld so that you do the content of the games choice. What was once a reliable income for doing some content which ALL has a very low chance of any jackpot reward, now becomes an either/or situation, do you want reliable income or to choose a low chance at a jackpot with nothing in between. Now time towards AD progress comes explicitly at the expense of doing the content that you want. This isn't "more variety" because we have all run these things hundreds of times if not more. This is merely attempting to make up for a lack of content by removing 1 piece of their choice.

    The previous commenter is correct this is terrible for guilds, especially more social ones that gather together to do content, progress, make AD, and socialize all at the same time. Its bad enough for small guilds that advancement requires 1000s of repetitious events per player, now lets remove reliable income from the picture as well.

    As an additive solution much of this random queue system would have been a welcome innovation. As a replacement for what we now have, its a huge step backward.
  • myrinxmyrinx Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited September 2017

    "If you want 100 etos runs with your friends you still can just no bonus ad for the first 2 runs"

    Yes, I know.

    That particular part of my post was as much a comment on having the freedom to choose as it was about the AD. They don't like how we choose to spend our time. This has been an emerging (ongoing?) trend with them. They dislike anyone that doesn't follow the narrow view they envisioned, its always "that's not what we intended" and then they take something away instead of getting creative. By their own statement, people were quitting because they didn't like being forced to run the same content over and over. How do they solve this? By taking took the control-freak way out instead of being clever Dungeon Masters.

    With AD in particular, they have been working to strip it out of many things so that we had to "do the work" in order to get it. Ok, fair enough. So we choose from the tasks they laid out before us, and now that's not good enough. Now its "wait, not THOSE tasks". The incentive idea wasn't a bad one, but its been paired with a punishment i.e. you can run this but you wont get AD for it any more. Its false to claim that's any more of a choice than the current system.
  • syllie#0873 syllie Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    For me NW fun is to play with friends. That means people I choose to play with. I joined an awesome guild which is now part of an awesome alliance. We run dungeons with new and end-game toons alike. I do not PUG. EVER. Period.

    I am a DC (an AC and with the upcoming change for bonding stones that paragon path will not be favoured, so contemplating mothballing there - way to go cryptic - you just made both paragon paths viable only to annihilate that again). I have done FBI's in 2 hour struggles with new people, and we (guild/alliance) do that because we want our members to have access to all content. But to make that a 'daily option' in some 'random queue' for some 'lousy bonus AD'? Not gonna happen.

    These 2 quotes cover much of my sentiment:
    adinosii said:

    Well, from the overall feedback, it is clearly not popular. It is not quite in the same category as the original version of the bonding nerf - I don't see the same number of people threatening to leave, but I don't see anyone defending this or saying "This is a really good idea - I love it"

    And the reason why ...

    I'll just forget the bonus AD, and just concentrate on salvage in the dungeons I choose to pug with randoms or friends. If I really need the AD, I'll go LFG for eToS Multi runs in zergs for sub 10 minute runs, turn seals in for salvage, give salvage to ALTS when shared bank is full, rinse and repeat.

    What I truly regret, is that for us higher geared people we can do exactly this - zerg a few dungeons and salvage drops. We can do that much faster than pugging any random dungeon queue and get more AD out of that. And we will still pick the dungeons that we would like to run for that.

    The only ones that get hurt are those that are just starting the game. Where this few k AD actually still matters. Not a good move, not a good move at all.

    I have seen some really good suggestions in this thread and I at best can only copy those, I hope the devs will listen to the user base and stop alienate us further. Most important things that spoke to me from those:
    • loot drops vs effort involved. MSP anyone?
    • more variety (similar effort, similar loot) (I never had a chance to play those mod6 ones that got removed)
    • scale mob strength with party strength/composition
    • scrap bonus AD for non-epic dungeons on IL 11k toons. Although I know no-one that favours cloak tower over eToS nowadays.
    What I dislike most is that your proposed model forces people to play things that they do not wish to play. Isn't a game supposed to be fun? Do you guys actually PLAY the game yourself? If you would start with a new toon, cannot rely on existing alts, do you think it is still fun?
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  • mightyerikssonmightyeriksson Member Posts: 842 Arc User

    I think eDemo it was also a case of once unlocked on one character unlocked on all characters.

    Nope, you have to fork over 100 Faerzress to unlock it on any character after the first one, however you get a Greater Demonic key as well...
  • galopikusgalopikus Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    asterdahl said:

    I know that there are many players are thinking of things in terms of loss of efficiency right now. Many of you have gotten over the idea that you'll run Temple of the Spider twice a day for eternity. It's not the case that everyone who runs Temple of the Spider passionately loves that dungeon though. Keep in mind that for every player who had accepted that fate, there's another who upon learning that running Temple of the Spider twice a day for eternity was needed to max out their AD, said "no thank you" and stopped playing.

    It's not the case that we are being cynical here, we honestly believe that running the same exact content over and over when there are lots more options is, well, not great. We can't blame those players who quit because of that. We play as well and we'd like to mix it up and play more content. We understand that for those of you who tolerated running the same content over and over for efficiency are feeling a bit of a sting by having some of that freedom removed.

    You have completely misunderstood. ToS is not run just because it’s the most efficient, it’s also the most fun. The other dungeons are just that much more annoying and I would hate to be in them. With this “Random Que” system, the fun in running the dungeon I enjoy the most to get my daily rAD is being taken away because of your misconceptions. This system is anti-fun.
    asterdahl said:

    However, as I mentioned the numbers are not yet final. We are going to keep watching this feedback thread, and even once the feature goes live, we're going to observe how you all play. This isn't a clandestine plan to dramatically reduce the amount of AD everyone is earning, so we'll definitely be adjusting the numbers so that this is a feature everyone can appreciate.

    This plan will dramatically reduce the amount of AD everyone is earning. You must have realized by now that this game requires alts. Alts are the source of income in this game. Alts are not created to run and or unlock all the content in this game. They are only geared enough to make running through ToS simple and to do influence/ power shard runs for the guild (we have a small guild and alts are the bread and butter for us). This plan with the “Random Que” being the only way to make the daily bonus rAD will lock out all the alt characters. It’s basically an alt killer, and the sad part is that mod 12a made the game so friendly for alts, and now you’re trying to take all that away.
    Alts have helped me gear up my main character, and when my main character is done I move on to gearing up an alt i like playing, and with that system I now have 4 main characters fully geared up and ready for any content. However, that system will die if this idea goes live and therefore will no longer need to play alts and no longer need to spend money gearing them up. This plan will kill alts and AD earnings along with them.

    You guys are overthinking this “Random Que” idea, the “Random Que” is an incentive in itself. You won't believe the number of times I’ve gotten into a dungeon party with friends only to realize a dungeon party is formed and we don’t know which dungeon to run, that’s where the “Random Que” will be most appreciated. Or when I want to pug dungeons just to run anything and help people out at the same time. At those times, instead of sitting around in PE waiting for someone in LFG to post something I could just take my chances in “Random Que”. Those are the times I actually have the time to run anything and would love to use the “Random Que”, but when I’m trying to run dungeons for AD farming that’s when I solo run ToS, because I don’t have the time to sit around and wait for other people. The dungeons in this game don’t drop any rewards that make the dungeon worth running and wasting our time on, and so the biggest reward we can give ourselves is to see how fast and efficiently we can get through them. Overall, this "Random Que" idea is a good idea, but making it the only way to make bonus rAD from dungeons is going to ruin the game for many players.

This discussion has been closed.