The weapon effect for a weapon enchant shows the effect on the handle of the weapon instead of the blade of the weapon. This in turn makes it look very silly and requires a fix!
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
Instead of and not in addition to? Because they haven't particularly bothered to apply weapon enchant FX only to blades and not hilts since about module 2.
Instead of and not in addition to? Because they haven't particularly bothered to apply weapon enchant FX only to blades and not hilts since about module 2.
The weapon doesn't have the weapon enchant effect on the blade, it has it on the handle: They obviously got the 3D model for the handle/blade switched around cause it is clear the blade of the weapon doesn't have any of the effect, only the handle does and it looks stupid, especially for a weapon that takes forever to get. And this is on the Guardian Fighter.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
They obviously got the 3D model for the handle/blade switched around cause it is clear the blade of the weapon doesn't have any of the effect, only the handle does and it looks stupid, especially for a weapon that takes forever to get. And this is on the Guardian Fighter.
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