I dont have a spread sheet. If u can borrow a trans fey do that. Through my experience and my buddy experience i like dread on sb. I had bigger numbers in fbi runs. Im sure both have their benefits in differnt situations. I cant spam ss as i can with fey but u can keep spaming bova and imolation spirts with dread to keep ur sparks high
Yeah, even though I haven't tested fey on SB, I think dread has more advantages. Unless you can get some serious weapon procs like 10% of your damage, in which case I would have to think again. But still, for HB, it would be great if the buff didn't bug and the weapon damage would proc on things like PoP.
About IC, it looks like the damage is not buffed and only depends on your powerstat. Vorp is about a 24% dps increase on a 100% critbuild, if you only count the crits, following statcurves. Feytouched is a 18% overall damagebuff, the numbers you deal with your powers are bigger, like ITF or any other open damagebuff. The additional damage dealt as % from weapon damage (psychic damage) is dealt on top but from minor interest normally, it depends on the powerstat and differs by that. The 18% buff is up all time (using an encounter-"siphon") and buffs all your powers (at wills, encounter, dailies) by that, except IC and maybe some others, like boons, passiv procs etc, can´t tell.
I'll be taking some time this week to update w/the additional Loadouts I end up getting... Currently thinking of getting an additional 4 for a total of 6...
Just FYI, for the most part, I'll be utilizing the same equipment in all of them, outside of Weapon/Weapon Enchantment.
About IC, it looks like the damage is not buffed and only depends on your powerstat. Vorp is about a 24% dps increase on a 100% critbuild, if you only count the crits, following statcurves. Feytouched is a 18% overall damagebuff, the numbers you deal with your powers are bigger, like ITF or any other open damagebuff. The additional damage dealt as % from weapon damage (psychic damage) is dealt on top but from minor interest normally, it depends on the powerstat and differs by that. The 18% buff is up all time (using an encounter-"siphon") and buffs all your powers (at wills, encounter, dailies) by that, except IC and maybe some others, like boons, passiv procs etc, can´t tell.
I just went to preview to test feytouched on SB (still bugged on HB for me) and the weapon damage part was quite small only 3%. I expected a little more. Still it's viable. Then I went to test Holy avenger, and it was about 3 to 4% also. That was awful. I asked a gwf friend of mine to come test Holy Avenger on preview just to compare. He got 22% of his damage from Holy Avenger!!! That's a 28% buff to his damage, a lot better than vorpal for him that sits constantly above 130% severity. I tested on some other of my classes and they all managed to do something worthwile with other enchants, so it seems that locks just completely suck on proccing enchants. We are basically stuck with vorpal, dread or fey depending on your needs.
About IC, it looks like the damage is not buffed and only depends on your powerstat. Vorp is about a 24% dps increase on a 100% critbuild, if you only count the crits, following statcurves. Feytouched is a 18% overall damagebuff, the numbers you deal with your powers are bigger, like ITF or any other open damagebuff. The additional damage dealt as % from weapon damage (psychic damage) is dealt on top but from minor interest normally, it depends on the powerstat and differs by that. The 18% buff is up all time (using an encounter-"siphon") and buffs all your powers (at wills, encounter, dailies) by that, except IC and maybe some others, like boons, passiv procs etc, can´t tell.
I just went to preview to test feytouched on SB (still bugged on HB for me) and the weapon damage part was quite small only 3%. I expected a little more. Still it's viable. Then I went to test Holy avenger, and it was about 3 to 4% also. That was awful. I asked a gwf friend of mine to come test Holy Avenger on preview just to compare. He got 22% of his damage from Holy Avenger!!! That's a 28% buff to his damage, a lot better than vorpal for him that sits constantly above 130% severity. I tested on some other of my classes and they all managed to do something worthwile with other enchants, so it seems that locks just completely suck on proccing enchants. We are basically stuck with vorpal, dread or fey depending on your needs.
If you want to use Bilethorn/lighning you have to use Hadar grasp and Hand of Blight for multiprocs, but you have a poor choice to run a viable setup using those few powers. The weaponenchant rework is from minor interest for warlocks. That´s why we stick with Vorp/Dread/Feytouched wich do work for our class. Btw. a dps-GF with high crit will also go for vorp I guess.
Hey all I am relatively quiet in the forums I believe those that come before deserve credit. Fernu, Kolat and Baratheon these individuals helped make me great even if they didnt know it. My baby warlock has learned a great deal from them I stand upright chest puffed out TY. https://youtu.be/K5X2Frhm0OY
If you want to use Bilethorn/lighning you have to use Hadar grasp and Hand of Blight for multiprocs, but you have a poor choice to run a viable setup using those few powers. The weaponenchant rework is from minor interest for warlocks. That´s why we stick with Vorp/Dread/Feytouched wich do work for our class. Btw. a dps-GF with high crit will also go for vorp I guess.
Yeah, I'm not sure about GF enchantment procs, so maybe vorpal is still the best option. But for sure, for GWF, Holy avenger is way better than vorpal, providing an amazing 28% buff in a situation where vorpal wouldn't exceed 22%. Plus, it looks really awesome
> @xxgolden1xx said: > Hey all I am relatively quiet in the forums I believe those that come before deserve credit. Fernu, Kolat and Baratheon these individuals helped make me great even if they didnt know it. My baby warlock has learned a great deal from them I stand upright chest puffed out TY. https://youtu.be/K5X2Frhm0OY
> @reefriednunt#3177 said: > > @xxgolden1xx said: > > Hey all I am relatively quiet in the forums I believe those that come before deserve credit. Fernu, Kolat and Baratheon these individuals helped make me great even if they didnt know it. My baby warlock has learned a great deal from them I stand upright chest puffed out TY. https://youtu.be/K5X2Frhm0OY > > What stones do you have on your companion? > >
Currently I have 4 Brutal 12's and 2 Black Ice 12's
Hey Guru's with ACT. Can you see the increase from flames of empowerment? I am asking because I dismissed my companion took off brutality ring cursed the dummy saw the hit with killing flames repeated this several times to get a baseline of the hit. Next I cursed the target hit it with my at will 6 times let the dummy regenerate health about 2 sec delay cursed hit it again with killing flames. It didn't increase by 15%. I am going to repeat test with fiery bolt.
> @xxgolden1xx said: > Hey Guru's with ACT. Can you see the increase from flames of empowerment? I am asking because I dismissed my companion took off brutality ring cursed the dummy saw the hit with killing flames repeated this several times to get a baseline of the hit. Next I cursed the target hit it with my at will 6 times let the dummy regenerate health about 2 sec delay cursed hit it again with killing flames. It didn't increase by 15%. I am going to repeat test with fiery bolt. > > Looking forward to your feedback.
Did those tests on ps4, i see the 15% increase. Did those test to verify that the class feat for FoE does not work and meh... it does not work (no extra 3% dmg boost). Threw 30 (non crit) KF on a single dummy, no equip no companion and a lvl 1 weapon was used. Calc the average of those 30 KF. Slot in FoE, get the 3 stacks and throw KF, repeat until you got 30 non crit KF and calc the average. Then just compare (in my case it was 14.9856% dmg increase).
Info: KF must hit the target at full health, otherwise the mechanic of KF and your feats ruin the real result.
Guys i need some... Good advice It's time for change my summon companion into Con Artist, for sweet debuff. But i dont know which companion unequip, i have big dillema with this problem It's my current set up Summon: Legendary Fire Archont Epic: Air Archont Epic: Earth Archont Epic: Belial Erynie(With her i have 115.5% Crit Severity) Epic: Siegemaster (No owlbear: Im SB Warlock) What to do, all my companion's make really good job. I have clearly no idea what to do HELP ME >:)
Guys i need some... Good advice It's time for change my summon companion into Con Artist, for sweet debuff. But i dont know which companion unequip, i have big dillema with this problem It's my current set up Summon: Legendary Fire Archont Epic: Air Archont Epic: Earth Archont Epic: Belial Erynie(With her i have 115.5% Crit Severity) Epic: Siegemaster (No owlbear: Im SB Warlock) What to do, all my companion's make really good job. I have clearly no idea what to do HELP ME >:) </p>
@ppwojtek that's very easy, make the fire archon active and take out the belial so you can free up a slot for the con artist as summoned. Because of diminishing returns and assuming you took all possible boosts from feats, boons and enchantments (dread in your case), crit severity companions simply have no place in any serious SW build as they get proportionally worse the higher your crit sev is (diminishing returns) so pets that increase damage by a flat % are straight better, this is more evident on SB that tends to have higher crit severity than HB as its BiS ench is dread. Oh and aura of courage cannot crit so if you run with paladins that belial is making you lose some dps
". Because of diminishing returns and assuming you took all possible boosts from feats, boons and enchantments (dread in your case), crit severity companions simply have no place in any serious SW build as they get proportionally worse the higher your crit sev is"
This is good argument... I play with dread ofc. Thanks all for reply.
Assuming you have 115% critsev plus 75% Dread, plus erinnyes 10%, ending with 200% for encounter, how much worth is that 10% plus and wich companions do outperform it?
At this hight severity every siege master could outperform it imho. From 190 up to 200% the damageplus is not 2% i think.. (sry i'm not into math this deep..).
Thats what i mean above. With lower severity like feytouched setup it's great. With high severity not really...
At this hight severity every siege master could outperform it imho. From 190 up to 200% the damageplus is not 2% i think.. (sry i'm not into math this deep..).
Thats what i mean above. With lower severity like feytouched setup it's great. With high severity not really...
at 115% CS from base, boons and maybe offhandbonus etc., plus Dread you get up to 190% max If you put Erinnyes on top you get to 200% wich is a 3.448% damageincrease (hard to get there). Eartharchon is 6% in theory, but the uptime of that buff is pretty bad and the 0.5% from archons doesn´t work (right?)
I got 105% CS and get up to 190% max. critseverity with Erinnyes and Dread for SB setup. So I gain 3.571% plus dps from that 10% CS. I think it´s the better deal instead of an inconsistent buff from eartharchon, wich is told to be inferior.
How is the uptime of earth archon dps bonus bad? you went as far as deeming the dps bonus form the earth archon inferior to the belial which actually is the inferior of the 2, I couldn't disagree more with your statement. I'm really curious to see your answer.
Tanks and other supports mitigating damage + your lifesteal chance + dodging/avoiding red areas= you are at full health nearly 100% of the time, that or the classic "you either are at 100% health or 1 shot dead".
Unless you have zero lifesteal chance and your teammates don't know what they are doing, earth archon > belial.
Oh and let's not forget Aura of Courage cannot crit, if you run with a paladin the earth archon does boost your AoC damage whereas the belial doesn't at all.
> @jaime4312#3760 said: > @schietindebux > > How is the uptime of earth archon dps bonus bad? you went as far as deeming the dps bonus form the earth archon inferior to the belial which actually is the inferior of the 2, I couldn't disagree more with your statement. I'm really curious to see your answer. > > Tanks and other supports mitigating damage + your lifesteal chance + dodging/avoiding red areas= you are at full health nearly 100% of the time, that or the classic "you either are at 100% health or 1 shot dead". > > Unless you have zero lifesteal chance and your teammates don't know what they are doing, earth archon > belial. > > Oh and let's not forget Aura of Courage cannot crit, if you run with a paladin the earth archon does boost your AoC damage whereas the belial doesn't at all.
As I wrote, I did not test myself, only repeated what is already tested and written in this game and forum. Go on and google yourself in case you disaggree that much, i couldn't care less. Just be thankfull to get a hind for free about this issue. The statement about the uptime from eartharchon in the thread i refer to was pretty clear...it's bad
Hope things have been rocking well for everyone! Figured I'd stop in and talk briefly about Mod 12 and what I see it doing for SWs... Which, honestly, isn't much at all.
I still think HB Fury is the 'way to go' for PvE, and that Vorpal is still the best in slot Weapon Enchantment. If anyone has information to counter the previous statements, please share, as I'd love to know!
Aside from that, I'd suggest everyone working their Armor/Enchants around to make sure they get to the 75% RI mark for the new zone, and if your Guild has the ArmPen Off boon be ready to use it versus the King of Spines!
Aside from that, well we had the Dreadtheft update from the Devs, along w/the animation fix there. I do think we are better off in PvP w/the Tenacity changes, so maybe that's something to write home about? But that's up to you to decide...
If you're running with a striker of comparable or higher dps (likely as SW dps lacks behind that of other classes) + your support teammates do respectable or even high dps (like GF, OP and DO DC) you actually slow your team down if you switch to soulbinder on bosses, the party wide damage buff from feated pillar of power > SB contribution to the group via personal dps... I realised this running fbi with the same group, it was especially noticeable on boss fights, we for example did so much better vs hati when I buffed teammates (that ss cw hit the manticore harder for sure) with feated pillar. Needless to say my SB loadout is collecting dust especially since loadouts came out, with everyone now potentially being able to bring some (or high) dps to the table SB just slows the team down, pillar buffing teammates does much much more for the team than soulscorch spam.
As HB you want all your attacks to do as much damage as possible and in that sense vorpal offers a more balanced and consistent perfomance than dread. I tried running dread with HB several times but I just cannot stand it, encounters don't seem to hit that harder and when I see the damage from my atwills and daylies (around 25% or a tad less if you have 100% critrate and most crit sev boons) it looks so awful I just go back to vorpal asap.
Keep in mind that HB, unlike SB, does a significant portion of its dps with atwills and daylies therefore you should make sure they hit as hard as you can, dread doesn't help with that at all.
As for your question regarding RI for mod 12, the bosses of the new dungeon have 85% DR so that's why you need it at 85%, regular enemies will usually have 75% DR.
I fully agree with @kolatmaster, fury HB is the way to go for pve. I guess you fellow SWs can agree we need a rework though, we're quite behind in dps now, like, we can do some damage but all we can do the other classes do it significantly better, that's a serious balance issue there.
If you're running with a striker of comparable or higher dps (likely as SW dps lacks behind that of other classes) + your support teammates do respectable or even high dps (like GF, OP and DO DC) you actually slow your team down if you switch to soulbinder on bosses, the party wide damage buff from feated pillar of power > SB contribution to the group via personal dps... I realised this running fbi with the same group, it was especially noticeable on boss fights, we for example did so much better vs hati when I buffed teammates (that ss cw hit the manticore harder for sure) with feated pillar. Needless to say my SB loadout is collecting dust especially since loadouts came out, with everyone now potentially being able to bring some (or high) dps to the table SB just slows the team down, pillar buffing teammates does much much more for the team than soulscorch spam.
As HB you want all your attacks to do as much damage as possible and in that sense vorpal offers a more balanced and consistent perfomance than dread. I tried running dread with HB several times but I just cannot stand it, encounters don't seem to hit that harder and when I see the damage from my atwills and daylies (around 25% or a tad less if you have 100% critrate and most crit sev boons) it looks so awful I just go back to vorpal asap.
Keep in mind that HB, unlike SB, does a significant portion of its dps with atwills and daylies therefore you should make sure they hit as hard as you can, dread doesn't help with that at all.
As for your question regarding RI for mod 12, the bosses of the new dungeon have 85% DR so that's why you need it at 85%, regular enemies will usually have 75% DR.
I fully agree with @kolatmaster, fury HB is the way to go for pve. I guess you fellow SWs can agree we need a rework though, we're quite behind in dps now, like, we can do some damage but all we can do the other classes do it significantly better, that's a serious balance issue there.
I run with BIS toons all the time, SW aint lacking that much. Its all about how you play the class. At endgame the dmg difference isnt that noticeable, as long as you know what you're doing u can top the charts easily with SB or HB. just slap some bondings on a sellsword or an archon, get your crit chance to 100% and you're fine.
Vorp is about a 24% dps increase on a 100% critbuild, if you only count the crits, following statcurves.
Feytouched is a 18% overall damagebuff, the numbers you deal with your powers are bigger, like ITF or any other open damagebuff.
The additional damage dealt as % from weapon damage (psychic damage) is dealt on top but from minor interest normally, it depends on the powerstat and differs by that.
The 18% buff is up all time (using an encounter-"siphon") and buffs all your powers (at wills, encounter, dailies) by that, except IC and maybe some others, like boons, passiv procs etc, can´t tell.
I'll be taking some time this week to update w/the additional Loadouts I end up getting... Currently thinking of getting an additional 4 for a total of 6...
Just FYI, for the most part, I'll be utilizing the same equipment in all of them, outside of Weapon/Weapon Enchantment.
I tested on some other of my classes and they all managed to do something worthwile with other enchants, so it seems that locks just completely suck on proccing enchants. We are basically stuck with vorpal, dread or fey depending on your needs.
If you want to use Bilethorn/lighning you have to use Hadar grasp and Hand of Blight for multiprocs, but you have a poor choice to run a viable setup using those few powers. The weaponenchant rework is from minor interest for warlocks.
That´s why we stick with Vorp/Dread/Feytouched wich do work for our class.
Btw. a dps-GF with high crit will also go for vorp I guess.
> Hey all I am relatively quiet in the forums I believe those that come before deserve credit. Fernu, Kolat and Baratheon these individuals helped make me great even if they didnt know it. My baby warlock has learned a great deal from them I stand upright chest puffed out TY.
What stones do you have on your companion?
Sorry for the delay, been busy with work and such... I'll try and get a few of the Loadouts up this week!
> > @xxgolden1xx said:
> > Hey all I am relatively quiet in the forums I believe those that come before deserve credit. Fernu, Kolat and Baratheon these individuals helped make me great even if they didnt know it. My baby warlock has learned a great deal from them I stand upright chest puffed out TY.
> What stones do you have on your companion?
Currently I have 4 Brutal 12's and 2 Black Ice 12's
Looking forward to your feedback.
> Hey Guru's with ACT. Can you see the increase from flames of empowerment? I am asking because I dismissed my companion took off brutality ring cursed the dummy saw the hit with killing flames repeated this several times to get a baseline of the hit. Next I cursed the target hit it with my at will 6 times let the dummy regenerate health about 2 sec delay cursed hit it again with killing flames. It didn't increase by 15%. I am going to repeat test with fiery bolt.
> Looking forward to your feedback.
Did those tests on ps4, i see the 15% increase. Did those test to verify that the class feat for FoE does not work and meh... it does not work (no extra 3% dmg boost).
Threw 30 (non crit) KF on a single dummy, no equip no companion and a lvl 1 weapon was used. Calc the average of those 30 KF. Slot in FoE, get the 3 stacks and throw KF, repeat until you got 30 non crit KF and calc the average. Then just compare (in my case it was 14.9856% dmg increase).
Info: KF must hit the target at full health, otherwise the mechanic of KF and your feats ruin the real result.
It's time for change my summon companion into Con Artist, for sweet debuff. But i dont know which companion unequip, i have big dillema with this problem
It's my current set up
Summon: Legendary Fire Archont
Epic: Air Archont
Epic: Earth Archont
Epic: Belial Erynie(With her i have 115.5% Crit Severity)
Epic: Siegemaster
(No owlbear: Im SB Warlock)
What to do, all my companion's make really good job. I have clearly no idea what to do
Con Artist (summoned), Fire/Earth/Air Archons and Erinyes. With feytouched SB setup... in this you don't get any severity from vorpal or dread.
This is good argument... I play with dread ofc. Thanks all for reply.
Thats what i mean above. With lower severity like feytouched setup it's great. With high severity not really...
at 115% CS from base, boons and maybe offhandbonus etc., plus Dread you get up to 190% max
If you put Erinnyes on top you get to 200% wich is a 3.448% damageincrease (hard to get there).
Eartharchon is 6% in theory, but the uptime of that buff is pretty bad and the 0.5% from archons doesn´t work (right?)
I got 105% CS and get up to 190% max. critseverity with Erinnyes and Dread for SB setup. So I gain 3.571% plus dps from that 10% CS. I think it´s the better deal instead of an inconsistent buff from eartharchon, wich is told to be inferior.
Firearchon is about 3,5% and Airarchon 5% plus.
If it's not around 50%, a siege master would be better for me here too togeter with con/erinyes/fire/air...
How is the uptime of earth archon dps bonus bad? you went as far as deeming the dps bonus form the earth archon inferior to the belial which actually is the inferior of the 2, I couldn't disagree more with your statement. I'm really curious to see your answer.
Tanks and other supports mitigating damage + your lifesteal chance + dodging/avoiding red areas= you are at full health nearly 100% of the time, that or the classic "you either are at 100% health or 1 shot dead".
Unless you have zero lifesteal chance and your teammates don't know what they are doing, earth archon > belial.
Oh and let's not forget Aura of Courage cannot crit, if you run with a paladin the earth archon does boost your AoC damage whereas the belial doesn't at all.
> @schietindebux
> How is the uptime of earth archon dps bonus bad? you went as far as deeming the dps bonus form the earth archon inferior to the belial which actually is the inferior of the 2, I couldn't disagree more with your statement. I'm really curious to see your answer.
> Tanks and other supports mitigating damage + your lifesteal chance + dodging/avoiding red areas= you are at full health nearly 100% of the time, that or the classic "you either are at 100% health or 1 shot dead".
> Unless you have zero lifesteal chance and your teammates don't know what they are doing, earth archon > belial.
> Oh and let's not forget Aura of Courage cannot crit, if you run with a paladin the earth archon does boost your AoC damage whereas the belial doesn't at all.
As I wrote, I did not test myself, only repeated what is already tested and written in this game and forum.
Go on and google yourself in case you disaggree that much, i couldn't care less. Just be thankfull to get a hind for free about this issue.
The statement about the uptime from eartharchon in the thread i refer to was pretty clear...it's bad
I'll try Siege Master instead this evening anyway...
Hope things have been rocking well for everyone! Figured I'd stop in and talk briefly about Mod 12 and what I see it doing for SWs... Which, honestly, isn't much at all.
I still think HB Fury is the 'way to go' for PvE, and that Vorpal is still the best in slot Weapon Enchantment. If anyone has information to counter the previous statements, please share, as I'd love to know!
Aside from that, I'd suggest everyone working their Armor/Enchants around to make sure they get to the 75% RI mark for the new zone, and if your Guild has the ArmPen Off boon be ready to use it versus the King of Spines!
Aside from that, well we had the Dreadtheft update from the Devs, along w/the animation fix there. I do think we are better off in PvP w/the Tenacity changes, so maybe that's something to write home about? But that's up to you to decide...
Keep on rocking everyone!
I'm rocking HB Fury on pools and SB Fury on bosses
I'm still using my (Trans) Dread for both, pools and bosses. Shouldn't be Trans Dread better than Trans Vorpal?
By the way, I thought the new RI for PVE was 85%, did they lowered it to 75% RI?
If you're running with a striker of comparable or higher dps (likely as SW dps lacks behind that of other classes) + your support teammates do respectable or even high dps (like GF, OP and DO DC) you actually slow your team down if you switch to soulbinder on bosses, the party wide damage buff from feated pillar of power > SB contribution to the group via personal dps... I realised this running fbi with the same group, it was especially noticeable on boss fights, we for example did so much better vs hati when I buffed teammates (that ss cw hit the manticore harder for sure) with feated pillar. Needless to say my SB loadout is collecting dust especially since loadouts came out, with everyone now potentially being able to bring some (or high) dps to the table SB just slows the team down, pillar buffing teammates does much much more for the team than soulscorch spam.
As HB you want all your attacks to do as much damage as possible and in that sense vorpal offers a more balanced and consistent perfomance than dread. I tried running dread with HB several times but I just cannot stand it, encounters don't seem to hit that harder and when I see the damage from my atwills and daylies (around 25% or a tad less if you have 100% critrate and most crit sev boons) it looks so awful I just go back to vorpal asap.
Keep in mind that HB, unlike SB, does a significant portion of its dps with atwills and daylies therefore you should make sure they hit as hard as you can, dread doesn't help with that at all.
As for your question regarding RI for mod 12, the bosses of the new dungeon have 85% DR so that's why you need it at 85%, regular enemies will usually have 75% DR.
I fully agree with @kolatmaster, fury HB is the way to go for pve. I guess you fellow SWs can agree we need a rework though, we're quite behind in dps now, like, we can do some damage but all we can do the other classes do it significantly better, that's a serious balance issue there.
btw, has anyone else lost about 8% in critical chance?