Hello there,
so I'm looking for some build optimizing and the Transcendent Lightning Enchantment is a little bit confusing to me.
I know how the AoE effect works and procs with your At-Wills/ Encounters but I'm looking for the single target dmg potential.
The tooltip says:
"If there are no chain targets you do 33% more Lightning damage."
What does that exactly mean? Is this 33% more Lightning dmg added to the weapon dmg? Or does it mean 33% overall more BASE dmg.
If this thing would increase the base dmg by 33% on single target (let's forget the Lightning dmg resistance from specific mobs here) that would actually perform better than my Vorpal, at least for me.
I have not the option to test this, not atm. but if someone has this Enchantment on Transcendent lvl it would be nice if you could clear things up.
> a fellow guild mate and i ran this test recently. we used a lightning at rank 11, a dread at 11, and a vorpal at 11. leaving the vorpal vs dread debate aside, we got mixed results compared to the lightning. i did more damage mob wise, but lost allot of damage against bosses (keep in mind i do run with 4ks and im at 3.2). after loadouts (I'm on xbox one) i want to try the lightning with the souldbinder. it sounds it could be more useful with that build. this is just my experience however.
Thanks for sharing your experience.
The thing is the dmg boost of 33% is only at R12 so I will see if a friend will borrow his Lightning for my tests. I will share my results here if I can grab one.
On thing tho: What rotations did you use on mobs?
Did you used non-stop HR or did you mix it with EB or did you run purely with EB? For encounters: HG, FB and PoP seems to work well because FB is naturally an AoE and HG procs Lightning 14x if it crits.
This enchant love DoT, and if you are furry build your creeping death will love this enchant.
Now Lightning enchant, is just same as you would have tyrannical Curse activated all time.
Good side, any DoT source trigger this enchant. So Greater dragon glyphs, OWlbear cub, Creeping death..
Now with creeping death is interesting thing.. Each time u hit enemy , you build stacks. Now thats trigger enchantments effect, which jump to other close enemy to deal dmg, which eventually proc CD<...
Lightning enchant remind me old Tyrannical Threat daily power.. u could curse 3 targets and due chain reactions dmg jumped to all enemies in the field..
However downside, this enchant hate burst powers< so no SS, no KF<
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
And as I wrote Lightning love DoT, either from encounters, daily powers, dragon glyph(overload enchant) or even Creeping death feat..
Just for fun,, try use Hadar grasp>PoP>warlock bargain + Hellish rebuke without NP,NM class feature.. And u would see lot of dmg.
Also even combo BoVa + PoP + WB is good..
But if your SW is build more for crit burst powers. Then this enchant is not for you...
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
> my rotation is PoP, FB, KF. nonstop HR for atwill. i did try to run AoH instead of PoP (it was an effort to prove PoP works). but replacing KF with AoH might work better for the lightning. if what i read the posts right.
> As I wrote in older post,, lighting love DoT powers. And burst powers are not best stuff for lightning enchant users.. It's same as furry SW build players. Creeping death is DoT and you stack them by hitting enemies.. With burst powers u will stack way less Creeping death than with DoT
> And as I wrote Lightning love DoT, either from encounters, daily powers, dragon glyph(overload enchant) or even Creeping death feat..
> Just for fun,, try use Hadar grasp>PoP>warlock bargain + Hellish rebuke without NP,NM class feature.. And u would see lot of dmg.
> Also even combo BoVa + PoP + WB is good..
> But if your SW is build more for crit burst powers. Then this enchant is not for you...
To clear some misunderstandings here is how the lightning works atm.
The Lightning enchantment Procs everytime once if you land a crit so to work with the lightning you need high crit.
The lightning is garbage with WB. WB procs it exactly 1 time and only if you crit with it. The DoT does nothing.
HR procs it exactly one time and only if you crit, the DoT does nothing.
BoVa is also not working properly. It can multi-proc the lightning but only if the targets are cursed to proc the Curse synergy - garbage.
KF does proc it 1 times even if it is no crit but I think thats because i have feated MF.
HoB multiprocs it. It procs normally if you hit your target (melee) and a second time if you crit.
You wrote 1 example which is fine - HG.
HG does multi-proc the Lightning if you crit with it. It procs it exactly 14x times just like it procs the Feytouched if you crit with it.
AoH procs it also the same as Fiery Bolt.
PoP does proc it only once if u use it. The tics does not interact with it at all ( I can understand the devs why it does not work with PoP because it would make PoP a perma old TT wich is too overpowered).
So the options are HG, FB and AoH.
PoP should be always slotted and FB is performing better than AoH so my slotted encounters atm for AoE trash are PoP, HG and FB.
One critical information: Lightning does NOT proc creeping death. Creeping Death does not benefit from the Lightning Enchantment and vice versa - The CP ticks do NOT trigger the Lightning enchantment.
I am still doing some tests but I don't have a R12 yet so I can't test the written "you do 33% more damage" on the Enchantment.
This enchantment is really tricky sometimes. If you are soloing stuff you see low numbers but in a good Buff group - We went to FBI and the Giants were melting with big numbers over their heads ticking - the scaling of the reworked weapon enchantments is really awesome.
So yeah I'm still testing things and let's see how it performs.
Couple minutes ago I went to preview server.. To check your claims.
Now pillar of power is encounter which never land crit hit. < Thats why Its go well with owlbear cub companion,..
To make sure test done properly I used special weapon..
So warlock bargain>
And now Pillar of power lv 3< encounter which never land crit<
By your claims that to proc lightning require land crit, PoP would never be able trigger enchant effect..
However with latest patch in preview server seems that developers fixing This enchant overperformance.. Now it's proc from encounters.. And creeping death stopped proc its effect..
But it's in preview server.. In live server it still do proc<
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
I should have make things clearer - I am on PS4. We have no preview server or something like that. All my listed behaviours with the encounter powers, at-wills etc. are based on test on the PS4 plattform (live).
Anyways, even after developers did some weapon/armor enchantment reballancing stuff, they didn't change lightning enchant mechanic. So I am surprised that you had land crit in order trigger its effect.. It could be glitch.... Because only dread and vorp enchants are depending on crit hits...
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
> @bloodyspamer
> I should have make things clearer - I am on PS4. We have no preview server or something like that. All my listed behaviours with the encounter powers, at-wills etc. are based on test on the PS4 plattform (live).
> PS 4. so u guys having like mod 11< or mod 10.5?
> Anyways, even after developers did some weapon/armor enchantment reballancing stuff, they didn't change lightning enchant mechanic. So I am surprised that you had land crit in order trigger its effect.. It could be glitch.... Because only dread and vorp enchants are depending on crit hits...
We are on Mod 11. Basically every AoE procs the Lightning (even KF if MF is feated). BoVa is kinda strange because you have to curse the targets. PoP is also an AoE but the Lightning only procse once if you activate it.
What i meant was the single target encounters the crit is important like for HG. There are also exceptions like WB where you can crit, the lightning procs and all the dot dmg does not proc the Lightning.
I am not saying you need crit to work with the lightning, the normal AoE encounters kinda work but its messy. HG for example works pretty good but it is a Single Target encount so it has to crit.
So yeah try to understand my confusion because somehow on the Warlock the Lightning feels very strange.
It's seems will need to read some patch notes, and to check do staff did any changes toward lightning enchantment.
Till I found any statement from staff that this weapon enchantments effect got change I will consider as glitched/bad power intereaction..
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
> @daccura#4102
> It's seems will need to read some patch notes, and to check do staff did any changes toward lightning enchantment.
> Till I found any statement from staff that this weapon enchantments effect got change I will consider as glitched/bad power intereaction..
I hope the devs re-evaluate and see if they can do improvements or maybe even fixes. As for now I still use the Lightning for AoE with the HG and FB combo because it's still an AoE mobs melter (even if it works kinda messy).
Thanks for sharing your data and the behaviour of the Lightning. I appreciate it.
Also I suspect that developers do try fix some problems which cause this weapon enchant..
For example, when Lightning enchant interacted with all DoT sources, it could kill anyone in pvp by default.
Thats mean, u hit target either GF, OP or any other, even if you HG, WB or DT would deal 1 dmg, it would stack Creeping death, which proc lightning enchant and which deal direct hits to HP pool, and bypassing all DR/Deflections and other DMG reduction factors. Also need count that it worked with Greater dragon glyph(red/green/blue) or any other DoT source.
So in pvp case its way way way overpowered.. So it could be that developers adjusted it performance and by mistake screwed up
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
Now speaking about powers.. Which powers proc most and how many times.. Because last time I did checking it proc only 2 or 3 times.. And if these changes will hit live server, I think no one will pick this enchant anymore...
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
A class like GWF , wich deals a big ammount of damage with AT Will´s profits a lot by that, Bilethorn procs 4 times from HoB.
I witnessed two GWF on PC with BIS setup in a multi-mSVA 1-2 month ago (Prokiller/Wicked Duck)
Both were equal more or less, referring to the run where both played in the same group.
This class at maxed stats and 100% critchance deals up to 32mio hits with one single IBS, dealing more damage with encounter than with At Wills , using IBS, Hidden Dagger, WMS , Sure strike in those runs.
For an GWF player lightning might be the best deal, since no "average player" deals 32mio IBS hits, but if you folllow this testings, flaming would be the best deal*
That´s only my subjective perspective, using ACT and running dungeons.
Theory is allways fine, but reality beats theory imo.
If you want to be the "trash-mob-king", go for lightning/Bile/Flaming.
For a dps warlock there is no reason to spend AD for Lighing/Bile/Flaming imo, we deal our biggest dps by using encounter and only HG is a viable encounter for single dps setup at bosses as far as I remember.
*(if those mobs, would live for some seconds)
1 hit w/o curse
curse then cast-14 lightning procs. Crit non issue
Bova only cursed targets
Flames of phlegothos
Mulitproc 7ish dummy
(I see Quallo is spreading my links around...)Since I'm lurking here... I have a few questions for you SWs.
-What powers do a HB and SB Fury use for single targets and trash?
-And I hear that multi-procs are extremely important for a SW... would you guys be as to so kind to explain for a complete SW noob how these multiprocs work on whatever abilities you guys reccomend?
No, these questions are not related to the original post's question and I totally do not have the subtlty of a brick.
You SWs must be imagining things.
1x : Killing flames, Vampiric embrance, Soul Scorch, Dreadtheft (no matter how many targets involved-lol), Wraith Shadow, Arms of Hadar (per target), all At Wills except HoB (2x only in melee), Pillar of Power
2x: Curse bites, Firy bolt 2x on centertarget+1x on all further targets, Brood of Hadar
3x: Warlocks bargain, Accursed Soul on each target
5x: BoVA on each target (only if cursed)
6x: Harrow Storm (no each target)
7x Flames of Pflegetos.
14x Hadar Grasp (only if WC applied)
Procs for Lighning:
same as Fey except the arc as aoe is added 3x per WE proc, same as Bilethorn procs a Dot
0x Wraith Shadow , no WE no arc proc
2x Warlocks Bargain
3x Harrow Storm on each target
Bilethorn Preview down:
Dreadtheft encounter doesn´t multiproc, it was "fixed" before weapon-rework went live. Sadly this was the best synergy with new WE´s and by fixing it warlock lost a way to synergize with those enchants.
You loose a lot vs Dread/vorp/Fey that way, since those WE buff your damage directly for every tick and Dot etc.
The single target loadout for a Soulbinder, using Dread Enchant (BIS) is: Soul Scorch and Killing Flame plus BoVA for sparks.
Hellbringer uses Pillar of Power (100%), Killing flame (100%) and either Warlocks Bargain, Hadar grasp or Arms of Hadar on single.
Aoe it´s: Arms of Hadar, Firy Bolt plus any other encounter for SB, Hellbringer uses Pillar of Power (100%)+owlbear cup and Arms of Hadar/Firy Bolt/Killing Flame (MF)
The use of Feytouched will give you the option to go for Hadar grasp (14 sparks from 14 procs), to get more Soul Scorch if needed.
Using Bile/Lightning on single target your Soul Scorch and your KF deal less dps (only one WE proc), since your Dreadenchant buffs the DOT from SS for 35%, same as Your KF deals less compared to Dread and even vorp is better choice imo.
The devs forgot about Dot-Classes reworking those WE´s.
If I deal my dps using DOT´s like Warlocks Bargain, Soul Scorch or aoe encounter like Deadtheft but forget to give those encounter the ability to proc of every tick but only one or two times, those enchants are no option.
Sure you can run a lightning, using Harrow Storm, Firey bolt, Curse Bite, Hadar grasp and your dps will be better than a Dread/Vorp/Fey user "king of trash"... but if I get into a bossfight and loose the dps you won, i hardly will spend 10 mio AD for this enchant only to run trashmobs 2 seconds faster
GWF benefits from At Wills proccing 2 times for that melee class (WMS=4x).
No clue why tbh, maybe devs just were sloppy and had no time to adjust things, but they took their time to spoil most aspects for the warlock class interestingly.
I only calculated one hit of Flaming and I'm assuming you are able to get all the hits of Flaming, which may not happen in reality. Note that the Flaming DoT effect only stacks a total of 3 times, which means that if you have good multiproc abilities, Flaming starts sucking because you apply multiple hits, but only get the initial weapon hit due to being at max stacks (and Flaming's initial hit of weapon damage is pretty low).
Now, I have no clue how good the SW's multiprocs are, but consider that fact in reality when debating Flaming versus something else, like how Bilethorn doesn't oversample.
(like 86k vs 60-70k dps)
No powerbuff will change anything, the outcome wil be the same, they underperform for this class imo.
I am sure Soulbinder will be even worse for those WE´s.
(I know Peach kept telling me Fey/Vorpal/Dread were the way to go on SW....)
But other classes can't profit from that rework too, or synergize even worse than warlock.
GF sticks with Vorp/Fey, DC prefers Dread/Vorp or debuffing enchantent.
Lightning enchant is same as tyrannical curse<
And tyrannical curse, is simple split dealt dmg to everyone around TC affected target by certain radius. But for single target fight, he add same 20% as regular curse. So not big benefits at all when comes boss fight..
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
And hey, CD was proccing lightning? How the hell did I miss that? I'm amazed we don't see tons of sw's using it then. Gotta go test that.
And guys, hear this: for HB, fey is a bad option. If it's a dungeon without long breaks from combat every 18 seconds, you will only get the fey buff proc once at the start of the dungeon, then never again. Isn't it great?
Also I talked by what I have encountered in preview server by testing WE's. And yes, lightning enchant where able proc CD,< for very short time,, but I guess it where due glitch... And now it don't work that way anymore.
As for CD triggering lightning WE< Oh yes.. That also where when WE where balanced.. Also it's one of reason why some console players complain that SW"s are too op in pvp.. All because furry build SW's build up CD stacks with any power which triggered lightning enchantment, and which where dealing direct dmg to HP pool, bypassing DR/deflect and other reductions..
And it where also one of reason why I was planned trade dread for lightning..
I haven't tested do it still work that way,, some say this CD and WE interaction have been fixed.
But as always, I suggest that players check that in preview server...
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.