Just curious to why this randomly pops (guessing it depends on the server u r on) and if this is necessary to the game. Seems to be a useless pain in the butt because u can always buy stuff back that u accidentally sell anyway. Can the Devs please remove this feature all across the board?? Pretty please! (consider it QOL)
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
ETA you admit to having sold to the fish vendor. You have the bug. Restart your client after selling fish.
It sounds like you are saying that cannot be the error you are experiencing because one or both of these two things:
- You get a slider at a store during a gaming session without first selling a stack of fish to the fishmonger.
- After the first time you get the bug in a game session, there are times where you will visit a different store and try to sell a stackable item and the bug will not appear.
If either or both of those statements is true, then you are right in suggesting this is a new bug.Everyone is trying to determine if it's possible you are experiencing the known bug, or if you really have discovered a brand new bug that nobody else seems to be experiencing. A new bug that only you are getting is possible, but less likely, so that's why we are trying to rule out the old bug first.
My question is this: is it possible that you are experiencing the know bug? Is it possible that for all situations where you experienced the bug you had visited the fishmonger first? Is it possible that all of the times that the bug went away you were selling a non-stackable item?
And since my main has finished SKT I haven't sold fish in forever.