Can't get to a frikkin normal 3 turn run.
Everybody leaves after the 1st phase cause they Q up to normal Queue instead of making teams of 5.
It's mostly teams of 3 ppl premade and they outvote those who wanna stay 99% of the time.
Either make the fleece random for bronze and standard for Gold runs or work something else out.
Edit: To make a point, this is what happens when u enter.
[11:19] [Say] Miss **********
@*********#8966: leave sfter 1st round
[11:19] [Party] Tenek Xeganaut@lowendus: Gold run ?
[11:20] [Say] Miss **********
@*********#8966: noup
[11:20] [Party] Tenek Xeganaut@lowendus: get a frikkin 5 man team
[11:20] [Party] Tenek Xeganaut@lowendus: why Q for normal Q then ?!
[11:20] [Say] Miss **********
@*********#8966: bronze cuz i say so
And that;s what illusionist's gambit has gone down to
There is nothing to gain from gold that you won't get from bronze as well. If you want to run gold for fun, find people who do so as well. The fact that most people do not WANT to run gold should be evidence enough that most people do not have fun running the gambit for gold.
You have no idea how frustrating it is for me to have my time wasted by you people who do nothing more than end it at bronze.
It is made worse by the fact that 90% of the time I am in a run where they end it early, the bronze runners sit around and do HAMSTER all in the first round and let me kill everything, because they a bunch of lazy asses.
Idgaf if I am carrying 3 people, so long as they damn well don't waste my time.
And newbye players dont understand difference between bronze and gold reward. Typical answer in party:
Have you ever considered that you might form a five player team for gold?
Probably contrary to your opinion I find it rather nice of Miss to tell you about her intention to quit after bronze.
And yes I consider that an exploit, I like to run things legit.
Making GOLD the standard for getting fleece might give some incentive for people to fight it through.
Its fast enough as it is to get to gold and you might also get a chance to get some good equipment for your companions.
I wouldn't have complained otherwise but 9 out of 10 runs right now are for fleece farming and I like running Pugs when channels are silent.
So the argument of forming a group for Gold is invalid.
It's not about doing the "manual" work, lol it ain't digging/hard labor....hahahahaha
It's about making public Q's your own turf and not letting other people run the content normally.
That's just selfish and gates people from running a complete skirmish for your own profit.
Could I make a group of 5 and run it for gold? Yes, but at the same time, I don't particularly see why I should be forced to do so for something that is so easy. If people can be bothered to get a group of 3 together to farm for bronze, they can go to the effort of getting 2 more. It is flat out inconsiderate to force the decision for bronze on 2 other random people.
It's just a symptom of a bigger problem anyway, IG is poorly designed. The only ones that actually farm the skirmish are Bronze/Fleece/RAD guys. Nobody wants Gold for companion gear because the drop rates are atrocious. Since you've got like a gazillion different pieces, getting the ones you need is a pain in the HAMSTER and probably not worth it over picking the Con Artist / Fire Archon / etc. with Rings you get from other content...
New Masterwork will feature new BIS Rings for some builds as well, so people will be switching to more Ring heavy companions anyway... So my question is: What's the point for endgame purposes?
GIVE US EFFING CHOICE PACKS GODDAMMIT... It's not too hard to solve this effing problem... Nobody is playing your new shiny skirmish, go figure...
As there is no way to queue alone for a bronze run and not possibly upset other players I suggest that players who want to make sure to get a gold run come with pre-made team or accept what they get. (I remember OH runs in MC and VT in the past)
Seeing that "Everybody leaves after the 1st phase" would make queuing times infinite if players would not queue any more solo for bronze runs.
I think that pre-mades are the best option for a good game experience.
I also do not like the way of OP saying "what I do is right, what most others do is wrong. You have to change your play style to accommodate my wishes." when there is an obvious and clear exit strategy for this skirmish after bronze.
Considering OPs playing experience there is no need for be a 3 player premade as the chances of meeting someone in a PUG that wants to run gold is close to 0. I am doubting the OPs notion that these players always come with a 3-player-premade to ruin the fun of others intentionally.
everything you say is true, but the exact same thing can be said switching gold for bronze.
PS: I never did a bronze run so far, but I never pugged it either.
What's happening right now, is gating them out of a possible (yes, I know the possibiliites are hamster) good reward, run after run because they get teams that Q up just for Bronze.
Q'ing public usually means that you Q for the best possible rewards not 1/3 of the content you want to run.
I'm not saying that their intention is to ruin the fun for others, but what they do does exactly that, it's not a notion, it is reality
To be very clear about it once moe: Abandoning the skirmish by opting out is 100% LEGIT and in no way anything else but NORMAL!
I mean, all your arguments can be turned around... for me it is very frustrating to be forced for gold, when all I wanted was a fleece and a quick option to gain some rADs, since my time as a casual player is pretty limited...
(and btw, these lazy asses you also find in gold runs ;-) )
Really ? Wanting to run a normal skirmish is wanting to make it my own turf?! Lol
I just want to Q for a normal run for christ's sake
I bet they will just wipe on purpose during the 2nd phase and still not giveother ppl a chance for gold
I can understand good and passionate players being frustrated that they can not queue and are actively refused a gold victory.
I also can understand that players want their 45 fleece as fast as possible and do not blame them for not wanting to go for the terrible designed drop rates of +4 weapons, even more so considering the trash +4 that are there as well.
I suggest to vastly increase drop rates of +4 weapons for gold victories. as it is now these +4 items are hidden behind a time block, not a challenge, and the reward for staying 10 minutes are way too low.
IMO they should just have a bronze, silver and gold queue for IG.
The only other option I see would be to allow the public que system a choice if you want bronze, silver, or gold and you only que up with those people.
Tell me which of the above would be easier for the devs to do.
As for getting the same rewards in bronze as gold, this is simply not TRUE. My guild has done over 100+ runs of bronze runs and they never saw anything above a +2 companion gear. Granted the sample size is not very big but if you go for gold, 1/3(very rough estimate) will net you a +3 and eventual a +4 or +5 will drop in gold runs....
Forcing players to run a content differently than what they want to run causes conflict. This I think is a bad design decision which puts players at odds with one another in a non-pvp environment and deserves to be fixed.
@nitocris83, I think this is something that should be brought up to the dev's as it is putting the player base at odds with one another and both sides of this coin have valid arguments for their points of views.