Hello there,
Some mounts that i have in my stable are not highlighted in the collection, like the other ones that i one day had in my inventory.
These mounts are : the Frozen Demon sled, the Bay Zakharan Horse, and the Thetyr horse.
I may have an explanation for the Frozen demon sled and the Thetyr horse, but i really hope that it's a bug more than that. The fact is i didn't actually get these 2 mounts via the "classic" way : i got the frozen demon sled from the AH when it dropped from the lockbox (so not from the festival), and got the Thetyr horse from a dungeon with the recent key changes (so not from the Zen market). I asked some people around me and they get the same problem from mounts that were usually only available from the Zen Market but now can drop on dungeons. These mounts do not highlight in the collection even though you have them on your inventory or in your stable.
I really, really hope that this is not designed because the one good thing about the key changes is you can now get some mounts that were previously exclusive to the Zen Market. So for collectionners like me, it's basically what i wanted. But the whole attempt to complete the collection is ruined by this bug.
This, however, does not apply to the Bay Zakharan Horse that was available on the Maze Engine pack, so this one should be really a bug. The collection is a big part of the game for me, and it is largely underestimated by the dev (mean that they could improve it a lot and add some goals/rewards to it). I have 0 fun running hundred times FBI without getting the gear at the end, my main concern on this game is the collection, so please don't ruin one of my last objectives and motivation to play.
I would also like to see a fix that enables collection entries for mounts previously added to the stable.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
(I do kind of care about the points, but that way lies madness.)
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia