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Patch Notes: Version: nw.75.20170206a.5



  • entspringen#2024 entspringen Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    araneax said:

    ghoulz66 said:

    So? You're making assumptions based on... what exactly?
    Now a 2.6k Cleric can't campaign efficiently but a 2k CW can? Well, perhaps you think I try to heal mobs to death, but that's not the case, just saying. It's not a feat based issue, it's an encounter and at-will based issue, dear oracle.

    I wish the traditional know-it-all-forum-poster was dead aswell, but oh well... we got to deal with them, right?

    I'm assuming that the game is more grindy? You can't tell the obvious? You can cry about it, or accept it.
    No worry. I hope all healers go DPS. So you can cry in game that you cant finish stuff and clerics are outdpsing you.
    I am actually doing it today. No point in being anything else then A DO or a DPS cleric. Full damage dealer clerics for the win.
    It is what people like you wanted. Correct ?
    I repeat, it's not a matter of healing or not. It's a matter of not being equipped with BiS equipment. Everyone over 4k can get their boons, but... let's be honest. Who does need to work for the boons? 2k players or 4k players?
    I guess that's 2k players. Because 4k players got them while they were 2k. Now, that as a CW,GWF,SW,HR,TR... that's easy because, well, more DAMAGE -> faster Dailies -> more dailies a day -> more efficient boon unlocking.
    I mean, it's simple math... I don't know why he's being so dense,

    Perhaps he should go around playing the solo content as a 2k cleric without any BiS item and tell me the game is grindy. Grindy doesen't necessarily mean that icewind dale daily quests take HOURS to complete, for instance.

    Somehow I have the feeling nobody really gets what the problem is here.
  • araneaxaraneax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 639 Arc User

    araneax said:

    ghoulz66 said:

    So? You're making assumptions based on... what exactly?
    Now a 2.6k Cleric can't campaign efficiently but a 2k CW can? Well, perhaps you think I try to heal mobs to death, but that's not the case, just saying. It's not a feat based issue, it's an encounter and at-will based issue, dear oracle.

    I wish the traditional know-it-all-forum-poster was dead aswell, but oh well... we got to deal with them, right?

    I'm assuming that the game is more grindy? You can't tell the obvious? You can cry about it, or accept it.
    No worry. I hope all healers go DPS. So you can cry in game that you cant finish stuff and clerics are outdpsing you.
    I am actually doing it today. No point in being anything else then A DO or a DPS cleric. Full damage dealer clerics for the win.
    It is what people like you wanted. Correct ?
    I repeat, it's not a matter of healing or not. It's a matter of not being equipped with BiS equipment. Everyone over 4k can get their boons, but... let's be honest. Who does need to work for the boons? 2k players or 4k players?
    I guess that's 2k players. Because 4k players got them while they were 2k. Now, that as a CW,GWF,SW,HR,TR... that's easy because, well, more DAMAGE -> faster Dailies -> more dailies a day -> more efficient boon unlocking.
    I mean, it's simple math... I don't know why he's being so dense,

    Perhaps he should go around playing the solo content as a 2k cleric without any BiS item and tell me the game is grindy. Grindy doesen't necessarily mean that icewind dale daily quests take HOURS to complete, for instance.

    Somehow I have the feeling nobody really gets what the problem is here.
    They do not understand how hard it is to actually grind it all while you are a little level.
    I was very lucky. I grinded my HAMSTER of to get to almost 4k.
    But i do remember how hard it was to do it solo.
    I do remember how it was when i was a little 2k and had to ask for help.

    I still use AA . When doing my dailies.
    I am here from the freaking begging of the game and when doing dailies in B.S / Lonelywood and Cold run i have to ask for help to make it faster. It is embarrassing.

    And the only reason i have to do it cos i am not a dps cleric.
    Healing , buffing and YES , AA and HG caster. My companion kills mobs faster then i do.

    But hey since they all want a nerf i ll have no problem with going back to being a dps.
    It will be easier to grind the new mod.
    BTW if talking about grind i have all the boons from SOMI. All of them.
    Yes i grinded my HAMSTER HAMSTER to get it. Cos i wanted to have 100 % before the new mod.
    That is a HAMSTER dedication. On a HAMSTER cleric.

    Then i come here and look at the perfect little comments about how we are crying ... freaking hamster.


  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    and what does that have to do with the nw.75.20170206a.5 patch? - I would suggest the http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1228397/upcoming-devoted-cleric-changes thread instead.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • entspringen#2024 entspringen Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    I just expressed my disapointment in seeing new content, with tougher monsters, more boons, new weapons to grind, more dailies and the lack of a solution to make the new campaign content enjoyable to support classes, you know?
  • tripsofthrymrtripsofthrymr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,625 Community Moderator
    edited February 2017

    I just expressed my disapointment in seeing new content, with tougher monsters, more boons, new weapons to grind, more dailies and the lack of a solution to make the new campaign content enjoyable to support classes, you know?

    I did the first day of Module 11 missions on my DC and GF, both around 3.3K item level and with most but not all boons. The going was a bit slow on the DC (righteous spec), but not unacceptably so. The GF soared through the content.

    There are changes in the works to make solo play easier on a DC, but they're not out yet.

    It's a new module launch. Loads of people are doing the content as evidenced by plenty of packed instances (and difficulty finding a guard post that needed to be reinforced :-) ). For those at a lower item level, it's a great time to team up, do the content faster, and enjoy time with a friend or make a new one. I understand that some people prefer to solo. The game designers need to balance the content for solo players and for parties, for low item level and high, so that it's reasonably challenging for as many players as possible. Some will find it too hard, some too easy. Hopefully, the majority of players find the challenge level about right.
    Caritas Guild Founder (Greycloak Alliance)

    Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
  • kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator

    gabrieldourden please post it as a spoiler (for those who have not finished the SKT or skipped it)

    Red Ice is the mission where Makos meets his end

    I have fixed it for him.
    My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox
    Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
    Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    I am collecting the resources I need to restore the weapons, I have run into two issues. (No, I don't have the weapons yet - I just assume the requirements are the same on Live as Preview).

    First issue is the number of Profession resource slots. I managed to fill mine up yesterday and just to be able to continue I had to go and sell resources of types I have not used in years, like Iron Ore. My point, though - I don't think I should be forced to do that. Please give us a few more resource slots.

    Second issue is a particular bottleneck. Consider what you need just to restore an offhand for example.
    • 2500 Abandoned treasures - that's easy - just through normal play I am already way, way above that.
    • 15 Petrified dust, Tainted Soil, Constructed Iron or Fleece. Fleece is easy, just run the skirmish - the other require portal stones - I unlocked that yesterday and already have 11.
    • 20 Vial of Fey Blood, Volatile Ichor, Spell Amber or Ground Jade. Again, easy - I already have 23.
    • 45 Arcane Magical Writings - I'm only half-way there, but that's reasonable - a few more days of normal play should take care of that. Besides, if you get really stuck, you can buy those on the AH.
    • 40 Arcanic Focus - This is the issue. Those only drop in dig sites, and the drop rate seems to be somewhere around 20-25%. That means having to do 160-200 dig sites, just for the offhand restoration, and more for the mainhand. THis is, a bit excessive, compared to the other resources.
    What I am saying is that Arcanic Focus is going to become a major bottleneck for most people, and I cannot help but wonder if this is intentional or an oversight. If it's an oversight, lowering the cost from 40 to, say 15 would be a smart move.

    Hoping for improvements...
  • gvolpi18gvolpi18 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    New weapons has always double refinement?
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    gvolpi18 said:

    New weapons has always double refinement?

    Artifact weapons always give double points when put into other artifact weapons, yes... this is basically so you do not feel forced to wait with upgrading until the next 2xRP event.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • nameexpirednameexpired Member Posts: 1,282 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    Staggering news!
    After only 31 months you finally fixed the
    Icewind Pass: Certain Barbarian enemies as part of Heroic Encounters now properly have Heroic Encounter level difficulty.

    What I actually wonder ... why this? why now?
    I mean, I am a developer in a software company. We program, find bugs (well, we or rather the the customer), fix bugs.
    Why would you fix a bug that dates back nearly 3 years that everyone, really everyone, who wanders into IWP knows? IWP is rather empty anyway. I did not even consider this a bug anymore, rather a "run through" area.

    Now, my curiosity is: why, with all the bugs that are younger and way more irritating, would you fix this issue that you ignored for years, but neglect e.g. the fish vendor breaking all shopping UIs, Kessel Run treasure always using the legendary key and many more.

    I understand that stuff like DC powers or the GWF bug have a special mechanic which is different and harder to understand and to code/fix. But the change which kind of HE spawns should only be very small, like the search order for the key in Kessel Run.

    Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
  • firdraingfirdraing Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 58 Arc User
    I've done Kabal's kaldera 4 times now.

    However, when I was doing it in a party a problem appeared. There was two of us, and the boss arena just wouldn't open. The violet circle appears, counts down and then fades away. For about 10 minutes me and a guildie have been waiting for something to change because it is a very hard dungeon for the moment (still learning) but the point is that we had to wait 10 minutes to enter the boss arena.
    Ohh and. FIX THE LAGG. How are we supposed to dodge those fire cannons when we keep teleporting to all sides.
  • racbgar#4963 racbgar Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    just curious does anyone know if they are fixing the lag issue in this maintenance that is going on now?
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  • panteleeleepanteleelee Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    adinosii said:

    I am collecting the resources I need to restore the weapons, I have run into two issues. (No, I don't have the weapons yet - I just assume the requirements are the same on Live as Preview).

    First issue is the number of Profession resource slots. I managed to fill mine up yesterday and just to be able to continue I had to go and sell resources of types I have not used in years, like Iron Ore. My point, though - I don't think I should be forced to do that. Please give us a few more resource slots.

    Second issue is a particular bottleneck. Consider what you need just to restore an offhand for example.

    • 2500 Abandoned treasures - that's easy - just through normal play I am already way, way above that.
    • 15 Petrified dust, Tainted Soil, Constructed Iron or Fleece. Fleece is easy, just run the skirmish - the other require portal stones - I unlocked that yesterday and already have 11.
    • 20 Vial of Fey Blood, Volatile Ichor, Spell Amber or Ground Jade. Again, easy - I already have 23.
    • 45 Arcane Magical Writings - I'm only half-way there, but that's reasonable - a few more days of normal play should take care of that. Besides, if you get really stuck, you can buy those on the AH.
    • 40 Arcanic Focus - This is the issue. Those only drop in dig sites, and the drop rate seems to be somewhere around 20-25%. That means having to do 160-200 dig sites, just for the offhand restoration, and more for the mainhand. THis is, a bit excessive, compared to the other resources.
    What I am saying is that Arcanic Focus is going to become a major bottleneck for most people, and I cannot help but wonder if this is intentional or an oversight. If it's an oversight, lowering the cost from 40 to, say 15 would be a smart move.

    They must to do arcanic focus unbound!!! Better for my to buy it for AH from grind.
    And for Petrified dust i cant complete my resist the rituals task because all mini HE are buged from today....

    Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE
    May the Torm of Understanding guide us!
  • panteleeleepanteleelee Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    adinosii said:

    I am collecting the resources I need to restore the weapons, I have run into two issues. (No, I don't have the weapons yet - I just assume the requirements are the same on Live as Preview).

    First issue is the number of Profession resource slots. I managed to fill mine up yesterday and just to be able to continue I had to go and sell resources of types I have not used in years, like Iron Ore. My point, though - I don't think I should be forced to do that. Please give us a few more resource slots.

    Second issue is a particular bottleneck. Consider what you need just to restore an offhand for example.

    • 2500 Abandoned treasures - that's easy - just through normal play I am already way, way above that.
    • 15 Petrified dust, Tainted Soil, Constructed Iron or Fleece. Fleece is easy, just run the skirmish - the other require portal stones - I unlocked that yesterday and already have 11.
    • 20 Vial of Fey Blood, Volatile Ichor, Spell Amber or Ground Jade. Again, easy - I already have 23.
    • 45 Arcane Magical Writings - I'm only half-way there, but that's reasonable - a few more days of normal play should take care of that. Besides, if you get really stuck, you can buy those on the AH.
    • 40 Arcanic Focus - This is the issue. Those only drop in dig sites, and the drop rate seems to be somewhere around 20-25%. That means having to do 160-200 dig sites, just for the offhand restoration, and more for the mainhand. THis is, a bit excessive, compared to the other resources.
    What I am saying is that Arcanic Focus is going to become a major bottleneck for most people, and I cannot help but wonder if this is intentional or an oversight. If it's an oversight, lowering the cost from 40 to, say 15 would be a smart move.

    Need to make all materials for weapons unbound. I prefer to buy every single materials from grind it. To much hour grind...more grind from mSVA.
    I cant take my portal mission i cant complete the Resist the Rituals task :P every mini HE is buged!

    Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE
    May the Torm of Understanding guide us!
  • miawuaschtmiawuascht Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    Are you people even aware of what you´re doing here? Argueing about a game?! "...oh, I´m so much better at this game than you..." well, your lives must be very sad if you call ANYTHING in connection with this (or any other game) "serious" (referring to "serious issues").
    People so full of Anger and Hatred, just for a stupid game, you should be ashamed, this behaviour contributest to the madhouse we call our reality. That´s the main reason we all play games like this, to get a few hours off from this madness out there. And then people start to bring this madness in here.
    stop it.
    Cooperation makes strong not confrontation.
    kind regards!
  • salemstarrsalemstarr Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    Would be nice if they would fix my 2 HR's that they killed
  • miawuaschtmiawuascht Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    welcome to the club, I got a HR and a DC as main, and they´re both messed up now. Try HR as full combat with life steal and deflection and you won,t have a hard time on PvE at least and that´s for sure the HR´s purpose to engage in full melee combat... o0
  • urtew3urtew3 Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    and they couldn't of add one more thing to patch notes while adding Knights valor cause they really need to start doing a change to that power where it needs to be set just like unstoppable was and if they're really not using it than what's the point of letting them have it If it should only be used in combat
    Post edited by urtew3 on
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