hey guys, i wonder what is the point for esva grind and spend keys/rep for an ultra rare superior mark,
since i saw on preview 3 new sets for main hand / off hand coming on next module. They have same stats and they have nice bonuses , not like the defense one that triggers when i shift to get a better position.
i should have listened to people when said " skip this mod, they will obsolete it soon because of voniblood"
Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
Its way better to run demo/tiamat. There u get at least 1 salvage per run.
I don´t even have the motivation to run msva with my guild to help them out.
Wait 1 day for the brothers rep for one box, fish your guts out for next rep and run heroics for third rep OR get zen keys.
you find group and run esva. esva is nice i like it, good mechanics.
you open chests with either reputation point of zen keys
you get a big orange HAMSTER cause you will never get the 30 total superior marks to unlock weapons.
you wait for next mod for same weapons with similar bonis.
thats what i learned today,never play the new mod.
So do you want to skip the next module too? Because its the same farm and if crytic patches anything while your halfway through it may be the same HAMSTER like for svard.
If you really learned something. Keep your normal weapon set. Twisted/elemental/guild and dont ever farm stuff in upcoming farming-modules again. ^^
"Rest assured we will absolutely not be releasing ascended weapons in a state that obsoletes relic weapons. In truth, we will be aiming to ensure that relic weapons are still the optimal choice."
- Asterdahl (Cryptic Developer)
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.
FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+. http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1228278/skt-content-for-the-non-elite-video-links-provided
Don't take what barely hit Preview Server as absolute fact of what will come in MOD 11 though.
I think the people that skipped mod 10 (I guess they are too "good" to actually earn something) are feeling vindicated a LITTLE to quickly
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.
FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+. http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1228278/skt-content-for-the-non-elite-video-links-provided
i will continue opening one chest per day with quest reputation until i get randomly my 30 orange marks (around mod 28).
There is nothing better than maximizing your grinding pleasure so on Saturdays while i do BHEs for an extra chest chance, ill sit my wife besides me and tell her "Honey, your friend Maria got beautiful this year,why dont you try loosing some weight."
on Sundays ill get my son and spent two hours at fishing for an extra chest chance.
But i am still misinformed i guess
They just trying to get the vonigate behind.
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.
FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+. http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1228278/skt-content-for-the-non-elite-video-links-provided
I run for several mods with my easy obtainable twisted weaponset and it really did a good job. SH set was a dead end from the first moment imho, a BIS set noone wanted to pay for.
Since mod 10 I try to get that relic set to max and I am far away from legendary due to those marks wich only drop once a week.
My affords to refine that relic set and level it did cost some million AD and a lot of time, it´s a very expensive way i have gone.
Not to talk about that relic armor wich needs to be refined with silly ammounts of mats (50 Lanolin for the breast--lol) and some million AD needed.
Now they implement IL 150 gear in the same mod i even did not finished my weaponset as so the relic gear for one toon....okay
The new 150 IL gear is a nice way to buff my alts and it´s account bound. It is BIS for some builds and I am ok with that.
Next mod they gonna add new weapons same IL as relic set and I am sure not gated behind silly ammounts of mats/grind.
My conclusion so far, as mentioned above:
Cryptic obviously recognized how silly and hostile mod 10/10.5 was implemented for a big part of playercommunity, warned by A LOT of player in endless threads in advance.
Since eSVA and FBI is gated for a big part of the community and the grind for the new weapons endend in a lot of frustration they try to get out of this mess.
I really hope your learned your lesson this time Cryptic. Ask your community, listen to the playerbase and stop implementing funkilling stuff like this. You allways tell us about small resources you got, so stop wasting those ressources for mods, wich are rejected in advance by the majority of player. You gonna lose that way 100% and waste the rest of your "small ressources" to get things in line in the following mod. That´s not very smart.
It came from the same people who said that Relic weapons will be the best choice for some time (without indicating how long that time will be) making people think no new weapons will appear in following Mod/Mods...making them grind their minds out in esva....
Even if they are up to par/equal or a wee bit lower in effectivenes than relics, it still makes the relic set obsolete, it is a new weapon set sans the mindless grind (I hope, since they're in a campaign store to be obtained)
It is a kick in the HAMSTERS for all people who spent their valuable time farming esva to refine the relic set.
I truly doubt anyone on PC will be running their armies of alts through now to get their weapons as they will be in the same boat as Xbox and PC.
Maybe just maybe NW understood that they would be making the game unbearable for most of their customers and decided to fix it before they lost a significant portion of their customers. If this is true I say well done NW
If you are one of the players that vifified the FULL set (fbi drop) and got the mh/oh to legendary after the key changes (esva) and you still feel ok with how you got there then i rest my case, you are a very calm man.
Lets implement different versions of voniblood/frost resist at every mod.mod 12 will be catblood and windresist gear , mod 13 everything changes again with alienblood and fartresist gear.
i dont look for bis gear to be easy, just dont make it obsolete and stupid after 2 months.
History shows that none listens to players, if they did we wouldn't have vonigate or useless drops after 2 hours fbi runs when we started.
That aside, nothing can make everyone happy. Though I think we all know that new mods always have new stuff to pursue - the question is, are they worth pursuing? You gave your answer - and others gave theirs too.
Join Now! - Infernal Paragons , The Infernal Alliance
Myself I see little point in grinding for gear that gives a marginal improvement when I can already do all the content there is with the gear I have. It's the same with top-end refining, what's the point? To kill something five seconds faster? You get more power boosts from boons, companions and mounts than you do from gear now.
Only pvp players care and I don't do that stuff, so I don't.