I farmed two sets for my 2 dps toons. One is legendary, the other one almost. Oh yea sure i spent millions buying that lanolin, that turtle stuffs, this and that because yea, fishing was a no no no no no for me. Not even gonna mention HE's farming for hours.
Guess what? Im just happy those new sets are not better than the relic ones. It's a relief. That's what they got us used to, no? And i dont even care personally if i cant trade my relics sets for a firesoul.
I dont care anymore if they're even. It's not like it's new that in this game since some mods, if you dont have the new weapons within the first weeks of their release, dont bother. And i really don't understand how people thought that they'd have all the time they want to get their sets legendary before it becomes obsolete. It happened with the hours of motes farming, then the twisted, then yea, i did the SH weapons for my dc (oh good lord, Masterwork disaster), then the relic weapons and then now this. Oh yea, the cost of the last set is nowhere near close to anything else. But well, people made a choice to grind the set. When i started to gather materials for the first set, i was telling myself "oh god, you know that in 2 months its gonna be obsolete". But i did it. What else to do anyway? It took me 4 days of heavy msva farming to get the set legendary. Then i got burnt by those 200+ runs.
By the way, people that bought the Shard of Orcus for 5m, or people that ran CN for 200 runs to get one. Are those people going to complain that now this shard is 1m? Because of changes? Nothing is set in stone, and when we do a big ADs investment in this game, it's at our own risk. Nothing is surprising me or infuriating me like some here in this new weapons release.
Im gonna wait for this new one, i dont care if they're even or in between twisted and relics. Im just happy this nightmare of mod 10/10.5 is over and i can grind something less awful than fishing, hunting treasures maps, using a purple khyek or whatever, a trovel, anything but D&D, opening a chest that gives me the same mark over and over with a rough stone. Nothing else.
ps: when you name your channel skt3k, you know it will only be viable for a mod, dont you? It's a little like making a channel 'Motes farming' when everybody know for sure its gonna last one mod or 2 if lucky.
Right. So why on earth would they not just make a preview vendor again instead of having to re-create the restoration process for the live build, if the intent is "for testing"?
They might have wanted to hook people into playing the skirmish more... it's not like it's fun... more people will play it more often if they have to do it to even get a peek at the weapons.
“Improvise, Adapt and Overcome!”
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.
I farmed two sets for my 2 dps toons. One is legendary, the other one almost. Oh yea sure i spent millions buying that lanolin, that turtle stuffs, this and that because yea, fishing was a no no no no no for me. Not even gonna mention HE's farming for hours.
Guess what? Im just happy those new sets are not better than the relic ones. It's a relief. That's what they got us used to, no? And i dont even care personally if i cant trade my relics sets for a firesoul.
I dont care anymore if they're even. It's not like it's new that in this game since some mods, if you dont have the new weapons within the first weeks of their release, dont bother. And i really don't understand how people thought that they'd have all the time they want to get their sets legendary before it becomes obsolete. It happened with the hours of motes farming, then the twisted, then yea, i did the SH weapons for my dc (oh good lord, Masterwork disaster), then the relic weapons and then now this. Oh yea, the cost of the last set is nowhere near close to anything else. But well, people made a choice to grind the set. When i started to gather materials for the first set, i was telling myself "oh god, you know that in 2 months its gonna be obsolete". But i did it. What else to do anyway? It took me 4 days of heavy msva farming to get the set legendary. Then i got burnt by those 200+ runs.
By the way, people that bought the Shard of Orcus for 5m, or people that ran CN for 200 runs to get one. Are those people going to complain that now this shard is 1m? Because of changes? Nothing is set in stone, and when we do a big ADs investment in this game, it's at our own risk. Nothing is surprising me or infuriating me like some here in this new weapons release.
Im gonna wait for this new one, i dont care if they're even or in between twisted and relics. Im just happy this nightmare of mod 10/10.5 is over and i can grind something less awful than fishing, hunting treasures maps, using a purple khyek or whatever, a trovel, anything but D&D, opening a chest that gives me the same mark over and over with a rough stone. Nothing else.
ps: when you name your channel skt3k, you know it will only be viable for a mod, dont you? It's a little like making a channel 'Motes farming' when everybody know for sure its gonna last one mod or 2 if lucky.
Yes.. skt3k is viable for 1 mod... I always new that and always ahd plans to transition to my other channel which has about 100 people in it now... not just mod chasers.. people that actually value working with other people. THIS is the best thing about what's happened in SKT.. in actuality .
I'm not ignorant.. I'm NOT stupid... I MAY be foolish... very foolish even .. but not ignorant or stupid .
“Improvise, Adapt and Overcome!”
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
Enough of this baby tantrum. Just because you didn't get relic weapons doesn't mean you're entitled to another set of weapons as powerful that are easier to obtain. This is how you kill off a module. Remember IWD? Yeah, not much reason to go all the way into that. BI gear is inferior to even T2 gear.
A general note: Whether or not something looks like an obvious bug or pacing flaw that'll probably be fixed, it's still totally valid to present it as feedback or a bug report. We sometimes miss things that look totally obvious to our dedicated players - that's why we have a Preview shard.
I'm definitely hearing the feedback in particular that "It feels bad when players can get weapons in 5 days in the River District that are competitive with the weapons I took weeks to grind in SKT." (I hope I'm interpreting that correctly.) I also get that folks want to balance that feedback with "SKT's grind was not fun for me as a player, and I like that River District's pacing is much more forgiving."
Disclaimer: The above opinions are not necessarily my own; I'm using them as example distillations of how I'm interpreting the feedback regarding Relic weapons and the gearing options introduced with Module 11.
I've read through all the posts in the thread so far, and will make sure the feedback is heard - though, as always, it's subject to human interpretation both on the part of the one relaying it and the ones hearing it.
Edit: Finally found the cyan font color. >.>
I think you are hearing 2 distinct voices that are necessarily in conflict.
There are those who spent time, energy, and resources completing a very long (though not particularly difficult) grind to get weapons they thought were going to be good for a longer while. These folks are concerned that their time was "wasted" if these new weapon sets prove to be better (and based on the tooltips, for virtually all support classes, they will be better).
There are also those who didn't spend the time, energy, and resources grinding out the weapons. These folks were frustrated by the grind, and are encouraged that the new set of weapons will be more accessible (and more interesting) than the SKT relic weps.
I fall somewhat awkwardly into both camps. I want more interesting and accessible weapons, and I _hated_ the grind that I endured to get the SKT relics. But I don't want to feel depressed looking at the SKT relic weapons I managed to grind out.
If I were to imagine a perfect scenario, I'd ask that we get a trade vendor like we got for lostmauth set. That's not realistic likely for a number of reasons.
If I were to imagine a more realistic scenario, I'd ask that we get a cookie (a transmute) or a pat on the back (a title) for having unlocked the SKT relics weps.
If I were to imagine sad but still realistic scenario, I'd imagine that all this rage will result in the new weapons being nerfed a tad and their grind being increased. That way nobody would win and everyone would cry.
A lot of those compaining doesn't seem to understand the difference it makes, to try and grind for the legendary marks after the key-change, which is what the majority of the player-base is having to do. Yes, Xbox & PS4 has more players than PC.
Why should Xbox & PS4 players don't get the "luxury" of getting to peek and see what the chest gives when a lot of players on PC got to? You didn't have to waste keys on "wrong" marks...
This is one of the reasons I think that the M11 weapons should be on par with Relic.
I would gladly have grinded for those marks with the earlier key-system, well maybe not gladly, but nevertheless I would have done it...
So why should console players (and new PC) have to pay more to get the Runic, BiS weapons?
Also, you're missing out on that sweet, sweet Everfrost resistance with the M11 weapons
im not even sure where you read such things as stupid or foolish in my thread. It's fine, don't get yourself boiled too much for nothing. And since its the best thing that happened according to you, why are you all upset that "you did that for nothing'.
A general note: Whether or not something looks like an obvious bug or pacing flaw that'll probably be fixed, it's still totally valid to present it as feedback or a bug report. We sometimes miss things that look totally obvious to our dedicated players - that's why we have a Preview shard.
I'm definitely hearing the feedback in particular that "It feels bad when players can get weapons in 5 days in the River District that are competitive with the weapons I took weeks to grind in SKT." (I hope I'm interpreting that correctly.) I also get that folks want to balance that feedback with "SKT's grind was not fun for me as a player, and I like that River District's pacing is much more forgiving."
Disclaimer: The above opinions are not necessarily my own; I'm using them as example distillations of how I'm interpreting the feedback regarding Relic weapons and the gearing options introduced with Module 11.
I've read through all the posts in the thread so far, and will make sure the feedback is heard - though, as always, it's subject to human interpretation both on the part of the one relaying it and the ones hearing it.
Edit: Finally found the cyan font color. >.>
... If I were to imagine a perfect scenario, I'd ask that we get a trade vendor like we got for lostmauth set. That's not realistic likely for a number of reasons.
If I were to imagine sad but still realistic scenario, I'd imagine that all this rage will result in the new weapons being nerfed a tad and their grind being increased. That way nobody would win and everyone would cry.
I don't see why there couldn't be a trade vendor, at least for those that have legendary weapons, that might ease the "pain" a little bit. And maybe an exclusive title: "I crushed Svardborg and all I got* was this lousy title"?
And just like you say, demanding that the new weapons should have lower stats will only make things worse for everyone...
Seeing the stuff from Mod 11 is pretty much the only thing keeping me in this game, I was really close to calling it quits after how much of a boring time-waste M10 was, and then see M10b+key-change be even worse of a grind, was just about enough for me.
But I was genuinely excited to see the M11 concept, and sadly, it has been far too looooooong time since something got me excited about Neverwinter...
A general note: Whether or not something looks like an obvious bug or pacing flaw that'll probably be fixed, it's still totally valid to present it as feedback or a bug report. We sometimes miss things that look totally obvious to our dedicated players - that's why we have a Preview shard.
I'm definitely hearing the feedback in particular that "It feels bad when players can get weapons in 5 days in the River District that are competitive with the weapons I took weeks to grind in SKT." (I hope I'm interpreting that correctly.) I also get that folks want to balance that feedback with "SKT's grind was not fun for me as a player, and I like that River District's pacing is much more forgiving."
Disclaimer: The above opinions are not necessarily my own; I'm using them as example distillations of how I'm interpreting the feedback regarding Relic weapons and the gearing options introduced with Module 11.
I've read through all the posts in the thread so far, and will make sure the feedback is heard - though, as always, it's subject to human interpretation both on the part of the one relaying it and the ones hearing it.
Edit: Finally found the cyan font color. >.>
There were a handful of players I saw argue that the new weapons should be nerfed to be not as good as the relic weapons since the relic weapons are harder to obtain. While the pattern of logic here is understandable, the relic weapon grind is deeply unpopular, grindy, boring, expensive, and its good that your dev team is backing out of that system. As such, I urge your team to make sure the new weapons remain equal to or better than the relic weapons. It benefits all of us provided the 2 problems mentioned below are addressed:
#1 The players who spent the millions of AD and spent weeks grinding dailies and marks to unlock/upgrade these new weapons do not want their efforts to go to waste. The relic weapons haven't even been out for one entire mod yet and the carpet has already been ripped out from under anyone who went after the relic weapons. This has also left many uneasy as to the bar this could set for investments they make in the future. Most players are ok with having to climb the latter again on a piece of equipment they earned/bought provided they get good use out of it and it stays up to date for at least a few mods. Now, players fear that any future investments they make will have high odds of being rendered obsolete in less than a mod and not be worth their money/time to pursue. Many also feel they were mislead by some of the dev statements on relic weapons combined with past experience with previous weapon sets that lead them to believe the relic weapons would remain the best set for a couple mods.
These players could be easily and fairly compensated by creating another exchange similar to the lostmauth exchange where they can trade their relic weapons + the new weapons upon acquiring them for the new weapons at the same rank as their relic weapons.
#2 Another major concern is that by making the relic weapons obsolete, there will be very little reason to play SVA and most of mod 10 and 10.5 will now gather dust as just another piece of unused content. This would have eventually come to pass anyway within a mod or 2 if the current trend continued but releasing new weapons earlier than expected will speed this up. Many people have stated that they don't want old content in this game to serve no purpose. People get bored not having a compelling reason to run anything but the more recently released content and its a waste of resources from a development perspective to not utilize this older content.
Much of the community wants more variety and one budget saving way to achieve that is to make neglected already existing content worth playing again in addition to continuing to release new content. A few ajustments as needed to the older content including mod 10 - 10.5 + continuing to update and tweak the dungeon loot system would go a long way to improving this game.
-- PVP Rogue, --[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]-- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin) Ingame Handle: trgluestickz Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563 Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud Platform: PC
A general note: Whether or not something looks like an obvious bug or pacing flaw that'll probably be fixed, it's still totally valid to present it as feedback or a bug report. We sometimes miss things that look totally obvious to our dedicated players - that's why we have a Preview shard.
I'm definitely hearing the feedback in particular that "It feels bad when players can get weapons in 5 days in the River District that are competitive with the weapons I took weeks to grind in SKT." (I hope I'm interpreting that correctly.) I also get that folks want to balance that feedback with "SKT's grind was not fun for me as a player, and I like that River District's pacing is much more forgiving."
Disclaimer: The above opinions are not necessarily my own; I'm using them as example distillations of how I'm interpreting the feedback regarding Relic weapons and the gearing options introduced with Module 11.
I've read through all the posts in the thread so far, and will make sure the feedback is heard - though, as always, it's subject to human interpretation both on the part of the one relaying it and the ones hearing it.
Edit: Finally found the cyan font color. >.>
glad you are listening. Not trying to be snarky, but don't forget the folks that gave feedback in the form of not playing anymore or spending real money on the last mod.
Firesoul: When you damage an enemy, there is a chance you become Fortified, which increases your defense by 5% and adds your Defense to your Power, to a max of 30% increase of your total Power.
I have no problem with how easy or hard it is to acquire new weapon sets. However, Firesoul set bonus will make already strong classes like GF and GWF even stronger in PvP. As it stands, it would provide 10k power increase on my 3,6k IL GF, which is unmatched to anything else. In comparison, if I wanted to get 4k power increase, I would have to give up tenacity from the rings. Firesoul set bonus gives up to triple that amount without any major downsides, and upsides even, it increases your defense at the same time. That also means 3 times more damage increase than the one provided by the relic weapon set bonus. I believe it has to be brought in line with other bonuses in game. I'd suggest capping power increase to 15% rather than 30%.
I am one of the players who took the time to grind dailies and spend the millions of AD it took to get the relic weapons. I, like many people was under the impression that new weapons were not going to be released for at least a couple mods. If these new weapons are going to be better than the relic weapons we litterally just got, I think it is reasonable to ask that those who's time and money was wasted be compensated for this. There was no good reason for the devs to create a very obviously terrible and grindy new way of obtaining/upgrading gear and weapons in the first place. They said the next weapon set would be upgraded normally which begs the question of what possible purpose was this "testing" suposed to serve. It looks like the Devs already knew from the start their relic weapon upgrade system was bad. From where I'm standing, it looks like they at best used us at our expense for a pointless and deeply unpopular experiment and at worst, did this on purpose as a cash trap. I don't know what else to think here and I hope this isn't going to be as bad it looks.
While I'm glad that the new weapons won't be gated behind the ridiculous grind that it took to get the relic weapons and that the Devs appear to be abandoning this failed experiment or whatever the hell they were trying to do, they should have waited a few mods before rendering the relic weapons obsolete. We litterally haven't even had them for a whole mod.
As for fair compensation to those who took the time to play the last mod and unlock/upgrade the new weapons, an exchange similar to the lostmauth exchange should be created where you can turn in your relic weapons + the new weapons upon acquiring them for the new weapons at the same rank as your relic weapons. I don't want the new weapons nerfed to be less good than relic weapons, I just want to see that those who actually participated in and payed money last mod don't get the shaft and get compensated fairly.
I agree with some of the points you're making. I skipped the mod 10 grind for gear for the most part but it was for a different reason. I'd like to clarify that I do think that they made the right decision to make the game a bit more streamlined with progression in mod 11. I don't think people who ground their faces off for relic gears should get special treatment. Fun, should be it's own reward. I'd gladly do the same things in a game hundreds of times if I enjoy it and it is my want to do so. If it isn't fun- why do it?
I was pretty upset that masterwork was made less useful by mod 10 and wasn't given an opportunity to make anything new/useful with it. It cost A a lot of time/effort and grinding too. Mythic forgehammer and hundreds of thousands of guild marks earned and spent, millions of AD. It was a choice that I made to participate in unlocking it. No one made me but I did it because I thought it might prove to be a useful investment. I couldn't have been proven more wrong. I'm not upset about it anymore. However- I think crafting is pretty cool and I'd like to see something neat come from it.
I would like for the devs to not forget the profession crafters who bought into Cryptics promise of craftable gear that could be sold for a meager profit. Give crafters something shiney please! Let us earn something cool somehow~
Why can't we earn mats with each new/current mod to do 'research' further into Masterwork to unlock new recipes? Kinda how alchemy works. I'm not expecting anything game breaking- just something as a side project for the people who like making stuff and discovering things.
Another mod that Masterwork is made more obsolete. So much could be done with this and so far it seems to be going to waste.
On a positive note- Mod 11 looks awesome. Finally some creativity is showing through again. Keep the CHOICES and interesting stuff coming. Nice job on the content devs. I think I'd rather live on preview till mod 11 if you'd kindly fix that progression blocking glitch that's been made by not having enough people for me to kill in plaguetower.
Post edited by bitt3rnightmar3 on
Relmyna - AC/DC Righteous + Haste| Nadine - CW MoF (working on it)|Buffy - GF SM Tact| Hrist - Justice Tankadin|Healadin (Wannabe Tank)| Lena -MI Sabo TR (Farmer) | Jeska - GWF SM Destroyer (Farmer) | Maggie - HR PF Trapper (Wannabe DPS)
I'll never retrace my steps.
@beckylunatic there is new weapons coming in the new expansion?
I thought there was a Dev post stating these "relic" weapons will more or less be the best for a long time to come and have no plans to introduce anything newer
IMO, the mistake the previous dev team made was assume that creating IWD 2.0 was going to be popular with the playerbase. That is what is leading to the issues that were seeing right now. Im positive that there were a lot ot pitchforks and fires when Mod 4 came out and Mod 3 along with BI gear became obsolete and pointless.
I mean,how in their right mind (if any) did they thought that was such a bright idea to do? Did they just take a look at mod 3 and said "oh thats cool we should do that again" and ignored the metrics?
I took one look at SKT+SoMI and said "nope, not putting up with this BS" and skipped the mod. I knew this was going to happen, because it happened before, and a bad idea is a bad idea even if you dress it with frosting. History is bound to repeat itself if its ignored.
I like so far what theyre doing with the new mod. Its got its issues, but its definitely a marked improvement over mod 10.
As for those that did mod 10 and feel like they wasted their time, thats not completely true. Relic weapons are not worse than the new ones, and are not obsolete. The new ones are more akin to the elemental weapons in concept while relic is more like a grindfest version of the twisted/SH weapons.
^^^ As for IWD was and still is one of the best mods.The people that play it even after all this time speaks for itself. IWD got a bad name years ago cause BiS players at that time COULD NOT BUY THEIR WAY into BI GAUNTLETS. These players at that time -most of them are now gone or banned for botting- badmouthed the game and the mod.
Mod10/10.5 is fine.Sailing is nice,zones are nice,zone design is nice ,quests were ok.FBI,the best dungeon in the game ,MSVA could be the most difficult raid of the game ,if the devs had swing their nerf bat to AA DCs. I doubt from the thousands of the succesfull runs in the server if 5-6 were done in a legit way with out the bugged gameplay of the AA DCs.
There is a thing called ethics here:I am very very annoyed by the people that skipped an entire mod,began a crusade of badmouthing or boycotting the game for months here and in other forums and now Cryptic instead to "punish" them ,embrace them.
Look the thhing from our side that we got the weapons: We become members in 3 or 4 zerg channels ,spend nearly 4-5m AD in restoring armor and weapons ( 70k per moult dear gentlemen,that time ) and played as best as we could with all the strangers we got in groups.And cause we work ,we had to do that at night times ,cause we thought that if we don't do it then,when zerg was on ,we could not do it afterwards. And a dev said that these weapons would stay for a long time.
And now we have FireSoul weapon that trambles relic into dust??? really????
I am fine to give an alternative to people that for A or B reason skipped playing a mod ,but Relic should not be on par with any weapon,to begin with ,not firesoul to trample it:
1.We don't need any more damage as it is . 2.Firesoul touches the concept " turn defensive stats into offensive ,while keep defensive" This is bad . 3.Relic weapons required rng to get the legendary marks 4.Relic weapon raid chests,required enormous grind to obtaint he chests or buy with zen legendary keys.90% of the people that got weapons payed ZEN. 5.mSVA is the toughest raid in the game if was to be done in a legit way with out the AA spam. 6.New weapons as i was informed require no special grind ,just some mats and normal marks.cause the people that will rush in,mats after 6-7 days would become affordable.We spend milions of ad in mats to restore the relic ones.
New weapons should have same base damage but their bonuses should never exceed relic weapons. FireSoul weapon needs to be toned down in any case
At least if you proceed put an exchange vendor as you did with the lost set.
@beckylunatic there is new weapons coming in the new expansion?
I thought there was a Dev post stating these "relic" weapons will more or less be the best for a long time to come and have no plans to introduce anything newer
seems like a contradiction
This....I read that too. It's sad they baited people into thinking the Relics are the GO TO for some time...
Sad, very sad to bait people that way into hours of mindless grinding only to make their efforts null and void so soon.
^^^ As for IWD was and still is one of the best mods.The people that play it even after all this time speaks for itself. IWD got a bad name years ago cause BiS players at that time COULD NOT BUY THEIR WAY into BI GAUNTLETS.
At least if you proceed put an exchange vendor as you did with the lost set.
I've disagreed with most of your post, but with the 2 thing abouve i agree, being one of them the best solution i could imagine or read so faar.
1) I used to love IWD (i've starded when it was top) 2) Some kind of trader would be nice for those that got the relic, since the grind was that insane, that would be a nice reward for those that grinded the Relic weapons and also would not punish the players that refused to do a insane grind back then but are happy to play the new mod...
The whole concept of relic weapons was flawed to begin with. It sounded nice in paper, but implementation left a lot to be desired, the requirements insane, and it was no different than BI gear in its function. Thats not to say mod 10 doesnt have anything good. The maps are gorgeous, and the story is not bad. The big problem is the grindfest and how it got implemented/handled. Those who grinded for the mats know how painful it was leaving everything to Cryptic's RNGesus, and its even worse now with the key change. The grind and gating for the relic gear was a bad design decision. Thats not to say that there shouldnt have been some gating, but when you create a new trial designed only for the purpose of obtaining and upgrading a mod specific gear, it shows what a bad design it was.
Regardless, the perception is that relic gear is a business trap designed to make players sink money or zen to get a better chance at speeding up the grind.
I see a lot of complains because of these Firesoul weapons but i will tell you my story:
I'm playing NW since Closed Beta and i had (and have) a lot of fun. With M6 they brought artifact weapon sets and i got them within no time. After that M7 has Stronghold weapons and i never managed to get even one. M8 and twisted weapons arrived but a lot of months i don't cared about them. M9 came close and this was the time i changed to twisted weapons, most of my toons use them since today and my main too. M10 was a grind even for the campaign, M10.5 is untouched since now.
We're only three people in my whole guild who ever completed FBI, only one is doing Svardborg for relic weapons (I never tried Svadborg and not planing doing so). What does that mean? Are we low casual gamers? No, we're not. For us fun is not having the highest equipment of all times, so grinding can't be the middle of our "ingame life". And we never wanted to skip moduls but we have to, cause it's not fun. For me fishing and treasure hunting was great, loved it. Most of the other guild folks declined that so i never fulfilled the campaign cause doing it all alone is.. Yeah, it's boring.
What i want to say is that we need stuff we could enjoy (And man, the first three chapters of the new story really are! I had to keep off myself playing it on preview cause i want the german version but.. Must.. Resist..!). And if there are new weapons on par with relic weapons i'm happy, i really am! Cause this means my guild won't be that distant to that so called 'elitism' and is able to play with all other people on the server even if they not grinded the hamster out of themself.
I don't need the best stuff, my guild don't need it. We just need fun and having so, i'm pleased as there leader. So thank you for this Firesoul weapons, it means a lot to us.
@beckylunatic there is new weapons coming in the new expansion?
I thought there was a Dev post stating these "relic" weapons will more or less be the best for a long time to come and have no plans to introduce anything newer
seems like a contradiction
This....I read that too. It's sad they baited people into thinking the Relics are the GO TO for some time...
Sad, very sad to bait people that way into hours of mindless grinding only to make their efforts null and void so soon.
That's not what they said though...
In a previous post in this topic (page3) someone dug out the developers comments about the Svardborg relic weapons:
They would be "a high watermark" & "one of the strongest options for some time"
So, they never said they were going to be the "best for a long time"...
@mightyeriksson Because firesoul set bonus gives 30% more damage and 5% defense at the same time. Relic set bonus only gives 10%. I pvp and passing on 20% extra damage would be silly. Thats a lot of damage.
@beckylunatic there is new weapons coming in the new expansion?
I thought there was a Dev post stating these "relic" weapons will more or less be the best for a long time to come and have no plans to introduce anything newer
seems like a contradiction
This....I read that too. It's sad they baited people into thinking the Relics are the GO TO for some time...
Sad, very sad to bait people that way into hours of mindless grinding only to make their efforts null and void so soon.
essentially we have been lied to
no wonder the company gets referred to Craptic in game so often
Guess what? Im just happy those new sets are not better than the relic ones. It's a relief. That's what they got us used to, no? And i dont even care personally if i cant trade my relics sets for a firesoul.
I dont care anymore if they're even. It's not like it's new that in this game since some mods, if you dont have the new weapons within the first weeks of their release, dont bother. And i really don't understand how people thought that they'd have all the time they want to get their sets legendary before it becomes obsolete. It happened with the hours of motes farming, then the twisted, then yea, i did the SH weapons for my dc (oh good lord, Masterwork disaster), then the relic weapons and then now this. Oh yea, the cost of the last set is nowhere near close to anything else. But well, people made a choice to grind the set. When i started to gather materials for the first set, i was telling myself "oh god, you know that in 2 months its gonna be obsolete". But i did it. What else to do anyway? It took me 4 days of heavy msva farming to get the set legendary. Then i got burnt by those 200+ runs.
By the way, people that bought the Shard of Orcus for 5m, or people that ran CN for 200 runs to get one. Are those people going to complain that now this shard is 1m? Because of changes? Nothing is set in stone, and when we do a big ADs investment in this game, it's at our own risk. Nothing is surprising me or infuriating me like some here in this new weapons release.
Im gonna wait for this new one, i dont care if they're even or in between twisted and relics. Im just happy this nightmare of mod 10/10.5 is over and i can grind something less awful than fishing, hunting treasures maps, using a purple khyek or whatever, a trovel, anything but D&D, opening a chest that gives me the same mark over and over with a rough stone. Nothing else.
ps: when you name your channel skt3k, you know it will only be viable for a mod, dont you? It's a little like making a channel 'Motes farming' when everybody know for sure its gonna last one mod or 2 if lucky.
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.
FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+. http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1228278/skt-content-for-the-non-elite-video-links-provided
I'm not ignorant.. I'm NOT stupid... I MAY be foolish... very foolish even .. but not ignorant or stupid
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.
FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+. http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1228278/skt-content-for-the-non-elite-video-links-provided
There are those who spent time, energy, and resources completing a very long (though not particularly difficult) grind to get weapons they thought were going to be good for a longer while. These folks are concerned that their time was "wasted" if these new weapon sets prove to be better (and based on the tooltips, for virtually all support classes, they will be better).
There are also those who didn't spend the time, energy, and resources grinding out the weapons. These folks were frustrated by the grind, and are encouraged that the new set of weapons will be more accessible (and more interesting) than the SKT relic weps.
I fall somewhat awkwardly into both camps. I want more interesting and accessible weapons, and I _hated_ the grind that I endured to get the SKT relics. But I don't want to feel depressed looking at the SKT relic weapons I managed to grind out.
If I were to imagine a perfect scenario, I'd ask that we get a trade vendor like we got for lostmauth set. That's not realistic likely for a number of reasons.
If I were to imagine a more realistic scenario, I'd ask that we get a cookie (a transmute) or a pat on the back (a title) for having unlocked the SKT relics weps.
If I were to imagine sad but still realistic scenario, I'd imagine that all this rage will result in the new weapons being nerfed a tad and their grind being increased. That way nobody would win and everyone would cry.
Yes, Xbox & PS4 has more players than PC.
Why should Xbox & PS4 players don't get the "luxury" of getting to peek and see what the chest gives when a lot of players on PC got to?
You didn't have to waste keys on "wrong" marks...
This is one of the reasons I think that the M11 weapons should be on par with Relic.
I would gladly have grinded for those marks with the earlier key-system, well maybe not gladly, but nevertheless I would have done it...
So why should console players (and new PC) have to pay more to get the Runic, BiS weapons?
Also, you're missing out on that sweet, sweet Everfrost resistance with the M11 weapons
im not even sure where you read such things as stupid or foolish in my thread. It's fine, don't get yourself boiled too much for nothing. And since its the best thing that happened according to you, why are you all upset that "you did that for nothing'.
And maybe an exclusive title: "I crushed Svardborg and all I got* was this lousy title"?
And just like you say, demanding that the new weapons should have lower stats will only make things worse for everyone...
Seeing the stuff from Mod 11 is pretty much the only thing keeping me in this game, I was really close to calling it quits after how much of a boring time-waste M10 was, and then see M10b+key-change be even worse of a grind, was just about enough for me.
But I was genuinely excited to see the M11 concept, and sadly, it has been far too looooooong time since something got me excited about Neverwinter...
#1 The players who spent the millions of AD and spent weeks grinding dailies and marks to unlock/upgrade these new weapons do not want their efforts to go to waste. The relic weapons haven't even been out for one entire mod yet and the carpet has already been ripped out from under anyone who went after the relic weapons. This has also left many uneasy as to the bar this could set for investments they make in the future. Most players are ok with having to climb the latter again on a piece of equipment they earned/bought provided they get good use out of it and it stays up to date for at least a few mods. Now, players fear that any future investments they make will have high odds of being rendered obsolete in less than a mod and not be worth their money/time to pursue. Many also feel they were mislead by some of the dev statements on relic weapons combined with past experience with previous weapon sets that lead them to believe the relic weapons would remain the best set for a couple mods.
These players could be easily and fairly compensated by creating another exchange similar to the lostmauth exchange where they can trade their relic weapons + the new weapons upon acquiring them for the new weapons at the same rank as their relic weapons.
#2 Another major concern is that by making the relic weapons obsolete, there will be very little reason to play SVA and most of mod 10 and 10.5 will now gather dust as just another piece of unused content. This would have eventually come to pass anyway within a mod or 2 if the current trend continued but releasing new weapons earlier than expected will speed this up. Many people have stated that they don't want old content in this game to serve no purpose. People get bored not having a compelling reason to run anything but the more recently released content and its a waste of resources from a development perspective to not utilize this older content.
Much of the community wants more variety and one budget saving way to achieve that is to make neglected already existing content worth playing again in addition to continuing to release new content. A few ajustments as needed to the older content including mod 10 - 10.5 + continuing to update and tweak the dungeon loot system would go a long way to improving this game.
PVP Rogue,
--[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]--
Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin)
Ingame Handle: trgluestickz
Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563
Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression
Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud
Platform: PC
I have no problem with how easy or hard it is to acquire new weapon sets. However, Firesoul set bonus will make already strong classes like GF and GWF even stronger in PvP. As it stands, it would provide 10k power increase on my 3,6k IL GF, which is unmatched to anything else. In comparison, if I wanted to get 4k power increase, I would have to give up tenacity from the rings.
Firesoul set bonus gives up to triple that amount without any major downsides, and upsides even, it increases your defense at the same time. That also means 3 times more damage increase than the one provided by the relic weapon set bonus. I believe it has to be brought in line with other bonuses in game. I'd suggest capping power increase to 15% rather than 30%.
I was pretty upset that masterwork was made less useful by mod 10 and wasn't given an opportunity to make anything new/useful with it. It cost A a lot of time/effort and grinding too. Mythic forgehammer and hundreds of thousands of guild marks earned and spent, millions of AD. It was a choice that I made to participate in unlocking it. No one made me but I did it because I thought it might prove to be a useful investment. I couldn't have been proven more wrong. I'm not upset about it anymore. However- I think crafting is pretty cool and I'd like to see something neat come from it.
I would like for the devs to not forget the profession crafters who bought into Cryptics promise of craftable gear that could be sold for a meager profit. Give crafters something shiney please! Let us earn something cool somehow~
Why can't we earn mats with each new/current mod to do 'research' further into Masterwork to unlock new recipes? Kinda how alchemy works. I'm not expecting anything game breaking- just something as a side project for the people who like making stuff and discovering things.
Another mod that Masterwork is made more obsolete. So much could be done with this and so far it seems to be going to waste.
On a positive note- Mod 11 looks awesome. Finally some creativity is showing through again. Keep the CHOICES and interesting stuff coming. Nice job on the content devs. I think I'd rather live on preview till mod 11 if you'd kindly fix that progression blocking glitch that's been made by not having enough people for me to kill in plaguetower.
I'll never retrace my steps.
Some of my best friends are Imaginary.
I thought there was a Dev post stating these "relic" weapons will more or less be the best for a long time to come and have no plans to introduce anything newer
seems like a contradiction
I mean,how in their right mind (if any) did they thought that was such a bright idea to do? Did they just take a look at mod 3 and said "oh thats cool we should do that again" and ignored the metrics?
I took one look at SKT+SoMI and said "nope, not putting up with this BS" and skipped the mod. I knew this was going to happen, because it happened before, and a bad idea is a bad idea even if you dress it with frosting. History is bound to repeat itself if its ignored.
I like so far what theyre doing with the new mod. Its got its issues, but its definitely a marked improvement over mod 10.
As for those that did mod 10 and feel like they wasted their time, thats not completely true. Relic weapons are not worse than the new ones, and are not obsolete. The new ones are more akin to the elemental weapons in concept while relic is more like a grindfest version of the twisted/SH weapons.
As for IWD was and still is one of the best mods.The people that play it even after all this time speaks for itself.
IWD got a bad name years ago cause BiS players at that time COULD NOT BUY THEIR WAY into BI GAUNTLETS.
These players at that time -most of them are now gone or banned for botting- badmouthed the game and the mod.
Mod10/10.5 is fine.Sailing is nice,zones are nice,zone design is nice ,quests were ok.FBI,the best dungeon in the game ,MSVA could be the most difficult raid of the game ,if the devs had swing their nerf bat to AA DCs.
I doubt from the thousands of the succesfull runs in the server if 5-6 were done in a legit way with out the bugged gameplay of the AA DCs.
There is a thing called ethics here:I am very very annoyed by the people that skipped an entire mod,began a crusade of badmouthing or boycotting the game for months here and in other forums and now Cryptic instead to "punish" them ,embrace them.
Look the thhing from our side that we got the weapons: We become members in 3 or 4 zerg channels ,spend nearly 4-5m AD in restoring armor and weapons ( 70k per moult dear gentlemen,that time ) and played as best as we could with all the strangers we got in groups.And cause we work ,we had to do that at night times ,cause we thought that if we don't do it then,when zerg was on ,we could not do it afterwards.
And a dev said that these weapons would stay for a long time.
And now we have FireSoul weapon that trambles relic into dust??? really????
I am fine to give an alternative to people that for A or B reason skipped playing a mod ,but Relic should not be on par with any weapon,to begin with ,not firesoul to trample it:
1.We don't need any more damage as it is .
2.Firesoul touches the concept " turn defensive stats into offensive ,while keep defensive" This is bad .
3.Relic weapons required rng to get the legendary marks
4.Relic weapon raid chests,required enormous grind to obtaint he chests or buy with zen legendary keys.90% of the people that got weapons payed ZEN.
5.mSVA is the toughest raid in the game if was to be done in a legit way with out the AA spam.
6.New weapons as i was informed require no special grind ,just some mats and normal marks.cause the people that will rush in,mats after 6-7 days would become affordable.We spend milions of ad in mats to restore the relic ones.
New weapons should have same base damage but their bonuses should never exceed relic weapons.
FireSoul weapon needs to be toned down in any case
At least if you proceed put an exchange vendor as you did with the lost set.
please don't let FireSoul weapons go live!!!
It's sad they baited people into thinking the Relics are the GO TO for some time...
Sad, very sad to bait people that way into hours of mindless grinding only to make their efforts null and void so soon.
1) I used to love IWD (i've starded when it was top)
2) Some kind of trader would be nice for those that got the relic, since the grind was that insane, that would be a nice reward for those that grinded the Relic weapons and also would not punish the players that refused to do a insane grind back then but are happy to play the new mod...
Regardless, the perception is that relic gear is a business trap designed to make players sink money or zen to get a better chance at speeding up the grind.
I'm playing NW since Closed Beta and i had (and have) a lot of fun. With M6 they brought artifact weapon sets and i got them within no time. After that M7 has Stronghold weapons and i never managed to get even one. M8 and twisted weapons arrived but a lot of months i don't cared about them. M9 came close and this was the time i changed to twisted weapons, most of my toons use them since today and my main too. M10 was a grind even for the campaign, M10.5 is untouched since now.
We're only three people in my whole guild who ever completed FBI, only one is doing Svardborg for relic weapons (I never tried Svadborg and not planing doing so). What does that mean? Are we low casual gamers? No, we're not. For us fun is not having the highest equipment of all times, so grinding can't be the middle of our "ingame life". And we never wanted to skip moduls but we have to, cause it's not fun. For me fishing and treasure hunting was great, loved it. Most of the other guild folks declined that so i never fulfilled the campaign cause doing it all alone is.. Yeah, it's boring.
What i want to say is that we need stuff we could enjoy (And man, the first three chapters of the new story really are! I had to keep off myself playing it on preview cause i want the german version but.. Must.. Resist..!). And if there are new weapons on par with relic weapons i'm happy, i really am! Cause this means my guild won't be that distant to that so called 'elitism' and is able to play with all other people on the server even if they not grinded the hamster out of themself.
I don't need the best stuff, my guild don't need it. We just need fun and having so, i'm pleased as there leader. So thank you for this Firesoul weapons, it means a lot to us.
In a previous post in this topic (page3) someone dug out the developers comments about the Svardborg relic weapons:
They would be "a high watermark" & "one of the strongest options for some time"
So, they never said they were going to be the "best for a long time"...
Because firesoul set bonus gives 30% more damage and 5% defense at the same time. Relic set bonus only gives 10%. I pvp and passing on 20% extra damage would be silly. Thats a lot of damage. I would be happy too if they were on par with relic weapons. Problem is they are significantly better.
no wonder the company gets referred to Craptic in game so often
really am glad RO is coming soon.