Sice weapon enchantments like Holy Avenger and Frost are more adequate for support classes/builds, maybe we could have their uptime be affected by another stat. Like Recovery or Control Bonus (for Frost). So the strongest your "support stats" (recovery, control bonus, whatever), the longer the uptime on the enchantment effect could be.
So, more power = more damage from enchantment. More recovery = longer uptime.
Alright, let's start with the Transcendant LIGHTNING enchantment feedback :
What to deduct out of my screenshots :
The % weapon damage is still 33%, and increases not only from power but also from your bonus damages (See Picture 2 with Destroyer Purpose) AND exterior buffes like DC/GF ! (see Picture 3)
The tooltip increases the more you have power.
BUG : Only the tooltip increases, the damage is still 33% (dealing from 600 to 750 damages so it's still 33%)
You can also see that it can CRIT. Yes, the % weapon damage can crit ! It's great !
What's great so far : scaling from power, damage bonuses from you AND allies, and CRIT.
What's not (bug fix) : Need to fix the BUG to see how relevant are the damages, because it's still dealing 33%.
treesclimberMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,161Arc User
edited January 2017
This is great news, i have all of them on preview so i will run some tests when my preview is downloaded, tomorrow if i'm lucky ='(. One of the problems(major probably) of damage spreading enchantments like transcendent lightnight/ bilethorn was single target underperformance, i doubt even scalling will make them competitive. Another thing that doesn't make sence to me is darkfire and fiery fire debuff any chance you could make it 10% in pve as well even if making the possible stacking only 2 instead of 4 times (this is mainly because inspite CW stacking 4 time in pve and SW's sometimes 3 clerigs and other less frequent attack classes will stay with1 most of the times. Does this affect pvp much? i never actually tried in pvp situation so i dont have notion).
About bronzehood..when comparing to Feytouched when it comes to protection of self and team and plague debuffs that is meaningfull in all situations, bronzehood should be full-time but since it's a clear advantage to the team instead 10 seconds with 20 seconds cooldown 5 seconds with 5 seconds cooldown to become somewhat closer to terror effect(kinda messy yeah im not the best writter).
trans fey tested out vs vorpal and dread still in pvp see vorpal with 14% more dps than fey and dread 12 % better than fey so dread buffs and debuffs still out preform all so dread is best in Slot for HR still
I run my tests with my HR, disappointmen+t. First problem: It's calculated in weapon damage, so for combat all enchantments excepting dread and vorpal are half as effective because blades have half of damage. Second: So for combat it's a loss but what about trapper? well trapper have it's damage splited between ranged and melee, so all enchantments are 75% effective comparing to the rest of classes, but thats not the biggest problem, the biggest issue it's DoTs, those enchantments doesn't proc in dots, so 0% synergy with roots and plant growth, so no much benefits in trapper for those enchants. Third: So no benefits for trapper and combat, so what about archery? archery doesn't have DoTs or half weapon damage did he get benefit with those enchants? Nope!, even tho archery deals raw damage, it's most important powers for AoE "Rain of Swords" and "Split the Sky" not even proc the new enchants once, so it's like you don't have a enchantment at all
The tests with my low Item lvl CW. Lighting enchantment doubles, almost triplicate my damage output, because Lighting arc is considered as an ally hit for abyss of chaos feat, so powers like steal time put abyss on enemies and get consumed instantanious by lighting arc 4 times for each enemy.
All those enchanments are debuffs and little damages based on weapon damage, whats the problem with that? things like wheel of elements (i would like you developers to take a look on this) only activates on raw damages, so only perfect for GWF. CW, SW, TR, HR and hurting more for Trappers doesen't get full beneifts from the wheel, because some or most of the damage comes from feats or dots like: Spell storm, creeping death, thorned roots or shadow of demise, heck even some powers doesn't activate the wheel like split the sky.
think those enchants needs to get some fixed damage instead of damage based on weapon damage i do know if they would work like this it could cause some problems in low lvl pvp
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
Bilethorn feels really lackluster compared to lightning. Direct hits only deal 36% weapon damage compared to lightning's 70%.
Bilethorn's second hit does not scale, like thefabricant said. Overall it feels like garbage still.
Flaming does not seem to function right. Direct hits claim to be 50% weapon damage, but it doesn't seem to scale.
The DoT is even worst, that doesn't seem to scale at all, or stack. Seems bugged. I'm getting 17 damage DoTs on mobs. The direct hits will crit for like only 500 damage.
Feytouched already has a scaling component, as someone pointed out. Two of them, in fact. Better to just remove the psychic damage component and replace it with some other effect.
I think it would really help if baselines were established first. Vorpal seems like a good baseline, for example (basically this would be the go-to for comparison purposes). Next, weapon strike procs are universal (only the %weapon damage and damage type changes) so for weapon strike proc numbers purposes it might help to test only one enchant (Lifedrinker seems ideal since it basically only grants you weapon strike procs offense-wise) and go from there, since the rest of damage generated by these weapons (like the accompanying DoTs or extra damage after a few attacks) follow from these weapon strikes.
Finally, testing these with encounter powers is tricky since some encounter powers seem specifically designed to proc on hit effects (Icy Terrain, Dreadtheft) and many have odd weapon enchantment interactions (some single-strike nukes can proc them multiple times, for example). Better to let the devs worry about those. For class testing, going purely by at-wills might be a good baseline.
You there. New to the game? Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you think getting to end-game is impossible for a casual player like yourself, or maybe you just need to be around a community that helps each other stay sane and competitive with the latest news, current trends, random chitchat and most of all LEGIT (that is, we try to keep things fair) gameplay. If you don't mind being around quirky people and the rare occasional drama (one of our prominent TR members is apparently a mafia godfather) join nw_legit_community at
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
Finally, testing these with encounter powers is tricky since some encounter powers seem specifically designed to proc on hit effects (Icy Terrain, Dreadtheft) and many have odd weapon enchantment interactions (some single-strike nukes can proc them multiple times, for example). Better to let the devs worry about those. For class testing, going purely by at-wills might be a good baseline.
Cause some classes have powers that hit multiple times, we should just leave the enchants useless for everyone so they can't make a build around them? They still won't compete with, say, a crit from IBS. Is it wrong that another CW build could function better with a different enchant? If you're so concerned, the enchant isn't the problem, the better solution is the CW's weapon damage.
Could these enchants somehow be exploited? I hardly doubt....
lordseth1985Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 319Arc User
BUG REPORT: Bilethorn enchantment I tried this enchant and noticed something odd: the poison stacks don't stack at all. All I got was only the damage from each swing and hit from at wills and encounters. Also, it don't proc the damage to foes nearby the target.
BTW... after a few hours on preview today I noted an interesting thing about enchantments on live server: many of them, specially Lightning, got a very very very high increase of its prices on AH. In other words, last week a Trans Lightning enchant had a price around 5 million ad on ah, but today their price was increased to 27-30 millions. I really don't know if this have any relation with each other, but it really seems a bit odd.
Avestruz.Q.T.Seduz - Rogue, natural born assassin.
Finally, testing these with encounter powers is tricky since some encounter powers seem specifically designed to proc on hit effects (Icy Terrain, Dreadtheft) and many have odd weapon enchantment interactions (some single-strike nukes can proc them multiple times, for example). Better to let the devs worry about those. For class testing, going purely by at-wills might be a good baseline.
Cause some classes have powers that hit multiple times, we should just leave the enchants useless for everyone so they can't make a build around them? They still won't compete with, say, a crit from IBS. Is it wrong that another CW build could function better with a different enchant? If you're so concerned, the enchant isn't the problem, the better solution is the CW's weapon damage.
Could these enchants somehow be exploited? I hardly doubt....
I'm trying to help establish a unifying baseline that can be used to determine the effectiveness of scaling weapon strike procs from weapon enchantments, and that really has nothing to do with whether some encounters are better used with some weapon enchantments. That kind of balancing is also ultimately up to the devs, especially if you consider these encounters are usually tied to specific paragon paths and builds. They have the power to add/reduce the number of procs these encounters generate.
At-wills, however, are universal to all builds, whether you use them or not.
Post edited by tyrtallow on
You there. New to the game? Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you think getting to end-game is impossible for a casual player like yourself, or maybe you just need to be around a community that helps each other stay sane and competitive with the latest news, current trends, random chitchat and most of all LEGIT (that is, we try to keep things fair) gameplay. If you don't mind being around quirky people and the rare occasional drama (one of our prominent TR members is apparently a mafia godfather) join nw_legit_community at
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
Finally, testing these with encounter powers is tricky since some encounter powers seem specifically designed to proc on hit effects (Icy Terrain, Dreadtheft) and many have odd weapon enchantment interactions (some single-strike nukes can proc them multiple times, for example). Better to let the devs worry about those. For class testing, going purely by at-wills might be a good baseline.
Cause some classes have powers that hit multiple times, we should just leave the enchants useless for everyone so they can't make a build around them? They still won't compete with, say, a crit from IBS. Is it wrong that another CW build could function better with a different enchant? If you're so concerned, the enchant isn't the problem, the better solution is the CW's weapon damage.
Could these enchants somehow be exploited? I hardly doubt....
I'm trying to help establish a unifying baseline that can be used to determine the effectiveness of scaling weapon strike procs from weapon enchantments, and that really has nothing to do with whether some encounters are better used with some weapon enchantments. That kind of balancing is also ultimately up to the devs, especially if you consider these encounters are usually tied to specific paragon paths and builds. They have the power to add/reduce the number of procs these encounters generate.
At-wills, however, are universal to all builds, whether you use them or not.
If they make the proc rate static for the weapon enchants, can you really trust the DEVs to make that turn out functional? You're asking for some serious tweaks in the coding. We have a lot of junk already that flat out doesn't even function.
think those enchants needs to get some fixed damage instead of damage based on weapon damage i do know if they would work like this it could cause some problems in low lvl pvp
Which would be a problem only if there was low level pvp....6 days 30-39 and 1 queue pop sitting on server for 16h a day. 7 days 16h a day sitting in queue for 40-49 pvp and not one pop. low level pvp is all but gone.
think those enchants needs to get some fixed damage instead of damage based on weapon damage i do know if they would work like this it could cause some problems in low lvl pvp
Which would be a problem only if there was low level pvp....6 days 30-39 and 1 queue pop sitting on server for 16h a day. 7 days 16h a day sitting in queue for 40-49 pvp and not one pop. low level pvp is all but gone.
ive been leveling my char to 70 and same. havnt had a que pop in the 40 range 50 range or 60 range.
treesclimberMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,161Arc User
edited January 2017
Ok so i just finished testing some classes and some enchantments and i have to say that the improvments are very noticeable, i ran about 34 tests on open map both single and multi target (34 *mini logs* across CW/GWF/TR and 1 for SW) i will simply make a resume:
Enchantments results are still very build relative, but thanks to scalling and fixed weapon damage a simple test in open map can give great conclusions.
Feytouched: Tested on GWF: Conclusions: This enchantment is definitivly too powerfull, some other players have already mentioned the 27% damage debuff, well....even if it comes down to 18% it's still a too powerfull enchantment.
Explanation: In single target the damage from this enchantment represented 12% of my damage, the buff to damage(the 18%) is global this meaning if i hit for 200k with a feytouched i will hit for 236k, while for example vorpal has diminish returns if the player already has a lot of critical severity, in practice this 18% can not be considered, more like 16% due to encounter apply delay, even so it is a 28% damage increase in single target, puting in perspective:
100k hit already buffed by all other sources: 135% crit severity + vorpal + 35% combat advantage ->320 000 + 2% from T. version 135% crit severity + 35% combat advantage->345 600
Adding to this the feytouch debuff protects all team. To mess up things a bit more the results in multi target of feytouched were 18% for the psychic damage alone so even bigger would that diference be, and we are already considering a 100% critical chance build.
Bilethorn: Tested on SW, CW, TR Conclusions: It's frankly very bad exepting specific builds.
Explanation: Take for example CW the % of damage dealt by this enchantment was very linear (19% in all trees both paragons) but small, in single target this value droped to 13%. The best results came from scoundrel build (the famous bilethorn build that not long ago some people still used) and i dont mean direct damage results, simply bilethorn triggers vicious pursuit in surounding targets to the TR and also concussive strikes, with good positioning this build can be very team protective, still awefull dps. Adding to this the slow of the enchant can indeed stack 3 times but it's a 0,1 second or so duration, hardly achieved by SW's and not much sucessfuly by duelist flury for decent amounts of time (i dont mean dummies ok? I mean actual mobs on IWD just to clarify). Other great result was abyss of chaos (CW) proc in solo content this makes the enchantment actually worth to take, in dungeouns the % of damage from abyss is almost mantained but the % of that damage triggered by bilethorn is smaller, still it's a significant increase.
Lightning: Tested on SW, CW, TR, GWF Conclusions: Probably the new vorpal, by far the best enchantment for CW's in multi target.
Lighning provides recharge speed not simply damage, more recharge speed leads to more control/party buffs and as crit severity goes up reward from vorpal/dread goes down so lightning will be providing more damage and more party "synergy", so a cw can turn this enchant into both multi and single target hitter (the % of damage composed on single target on my build in specific was 18% and multi target 41%) but considering the recharge speed gained this is indeed a nuke for CW's. When it came to gwf and SW the results were very modest (23% for both multi target, didn't test single target ). And again lightningh trigers abyss so in solo play a T.Lighning will actually generate around 60% of a CW damage + recharge speed).
PROBLEM: Lightning enchantment range is too wide being very problematic for dps classes because of threath generation specially HR archer.
My sugestion to both lightning and bilethorn: Add a small cooldown on chain trigger, something like 0,3 seconds per target but increase damage.
Flaming: Tested on CW/GWF: Conclusion: Good but not justified.
The damage on CW was 35% multi target and 19% single target, inspite of the damage increase and the debuff not directly expressed by the % value of the damage it's not justified over the recharge speed of lightning. GWF: 19% multi target (didn't try single).
Problem: There is no AOE.
demonmongerMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,350Arc User
edited January 2017
A buff in weapon enchantment damage is welcome, but please don't change the base function or timing of the enchantments.
Allow all enchantments to proc off smoke bomb like it used to for trickster.
Testing result: Lightning - great damage, chains can critical, main elemental attack can critical, does not work with smokebomb
Bilethorn - moderate damage, splash aoe damage does not critical, main elemental attack can critical, main follow up damage does not critical.
Some enchantments top out at 50+% damage others are still too low
Post edited by demonmonger on
I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
Is there a reason for that the Trans Plaguefire still does such a low damage? It is by far the worst compared to the others.
I have noticed the same for both terror and plague but the damage is actually bigger than the weapon damage based damage if you check the damage resistance debufs chart that @michaela1234 assembled plague can on transcendent rank ad a 9% caped DR debuff and an aditional 2% uncaped.
About the lifedrinker performance is disapointing, since life steal needs a fix why not rework boons, decrease some specific feats and increase from the stat and make life steal hit for an aditional hit everytime? Something like max earned by stat 10% at 10 000, no weapons enchant influence (apart from lifedrinker ls increase), life steal severity increases the amount of life stole but not damage dealt, tirany of dragons boons change from full time to when under x% of hp all this would in part make it's way thru temptation fix.
I think I've found an issue considering the reworked enchantments and the Lostmauth set.
The Lostmauth set stops working completely when any of the reworked enchantments have been slotted. Right now, the logs just show a normal critical hit - like from Rapid Strike - and then a critical hit from whichever enchantment you have slotted, with the exception of Dread and Vorpal, as those have not been reworked.
One would expect to see a Lostmauth proc too, but it just doesn't show up anymore. This is true for all the reworked enchantments. Slotting any of the reworked enchantments will completely stop Lostmauth from working.
This was tested on HR, but I suspect it goes for every class. If others could check too, that'd be grand.
Isaac the Adequate - Level 70 Oath of Protection Paladin
We have looked into reports of players experiencing connection problems and have been unable to identify any server, data center, or client-side issues. We believe this may be ISP related.
BUG REPORT: Bilethorn enchantment I tried this enchant and noticed something odd: the poison stacks don't stack at all. All I got was only the damage from each swing and hit from at wills and encounters. Also, it don't proc the damage to foes nearby the target.
I had limited testing time on preview, but found exactly as above. Additionally, no slow noted or was so transient as to be meaningless.
100k hit already buffed by all other sources: 135% crit severity + vorpal + 35% combat advantage ->320 000 + 2% from T. version 135% crit severity + 35% combat advantage->345 600
ummm i don't get that part how can a: a+b = 10, and a+b+c = 9? Anyway unless theres a critical severity cap that i don't notice, vorpal should be always superior to fey in a 100-70% crit chance case, vorpal is additive, so the more crit severity, the less effective, that point should be around 185% crit severity + vorpal, in which case, vorpal equals around 21% more overall damage. Also you need to consider that feytouched has a uptime, if the feytouch ends and if you don't have a encounter power in hand, you will lose damage from a few seconds.
treesclimberMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,161Arc User
edited January 2017
Bilethorn damage spread is working fine only but is the fact that spread cannot crit or increase based on player stats,the multi target damage is low and that could help fix it but i dont know if it's not that way on purpose..... it would make sence to increase the wepon damage on bilethorn and keep the aoe unbuffed so it's has justified use in single target.
1 note it's the slow that stacks, not the damage it isn't a DoT it simply spreads damage when you hit a target.
Also tried LM set on GWF and Imperial set on HR and the damage is there.
@divectore i did i considered base feytouched buff 16% and not 18% and not only high crit severity will have influence on how effective vorpal is but also combat advantage wich in endgame players is very high, basicly even if you switch erynes and cambion magus by archons/new companions a fully poted up gwf (and specially a HR build crit severity) Feytouched will still be superior.
Is there a reason for that the Trans Plaguefire still does such a low damage? It is by far the worst compared to the others.
I have noticed the same for both terror and plague but the damage is actually bigger than the weapon damage based damage if you check the damage resistance debufs chart that @michaela1234 assembled plague can on transcendent rank ad a 9% caped DR debuff and an aditional 2% uncaped.
Yeah I agree but even with the debuff the dps of the Trans Plaguefire is quite dissapointing. There is almost no difference to the version before the changes so I dont see a reason for using them because of their damage. The only reason for using them is still the debuff so the enchantments won't find a place in DPS builds which means the enchantment will stay in the 1/3 of the weaker and unused enchants, especially in endgame builds.
Barkshield is bugged and does nothing. Read my other post in this thread please.
It's true but until mod 11 launch it will probably be fixed and it's not the only problem, self damage abilities are consuming stacks, i tried Warlock bargain but probably survivor wraps are as well.
About T.Fey it's not to worry much for now, CW's, SW's and HR's(bug that comes from mod 10) loose the 18% damage bufs soon into battle, however GWF is pressistent.
Shocking execution ignores a number of things that it should not. SE is hitting well over 200k now. In my opinion piercing daamge is fine but a 1shot deletion of an entire build should not be so easily possible... it really should ignore defense but be a %chance to hit at full force (SE is not deflectable but it should be deflectable).
Forgehammer of Gond 50% damage reduction and GF sigil damage reduction do not work vs Shocking but there is no reason they shouldn't. Especially Gond. That thing is fancy rare expensive and does nothing? Lol.
A lot of the armor enchantments need improvement as well to make them at least somewhat competitive with Soulforged, negation, and shadowclad. Yes Trans terror power/defense debuff amount is not 40% as tooltip says. It is 20%.
Simple fix damage increase as target HP goes down, something like 100k at 100% HP and 300k at 0% HP, without arm pen it would be hard to bring the enemy enough down to apply SE and also do for first strike off hand feature the same thing anvil of doom got instead crit severity increase apply a dot for a % of the damage dealt. That would completly take away 1 shot builds but still make SE usefull.
So, more power = more damage from enchantment.
More recovery = longer uptime.
And like this, every build could grow stronger.
Leliana C.W. - Opressor CW
Lelian O.P. - Bulwark Paladin
What to deduct out of my screenshots :
The % weapon damage is still 33%, and increases not only from power but also from your bonus damages (See Picture 2 with Destroyer Purpose) AND exterior buffes like DC/GF ! (see Picture 3)
The tooltip increases the more you have power.
BUG : Only the tooltip increases, the damage is still 33% (dealing from 600 to 750 damages so it's still 33%)
You can also see that it can CRIT. Yes, the % weapon damage can crit ! It's great !
What's great so far : scaling from power, damage bonuses from you AND allies, and CRIT.
What's not (bug fix) : Need to fix the BUG to see how relevant are the damages, because it's still dealing 33%.
One of the problems(major probably) of damage spreading enchantments like transcendent lightnight/ bilethorn was single target underperformance, i doubt even scalling will make them competitive. Another thing that doesn't make sence to me is darkfire and fiery fire debuff any chance you could make it 10% in pve as well even if making the possible stacking only 2 instead of 4 times (this is mainly because inspite CW stacking 4 time in pve and SW's sometimes 3 clerigs and other less frequent attack classes will stay with1 most of the times. Does this affect pvp much? i never actually tried in pvp situation so i dont have notion).
About bronzehood..when comparing to Feytouched when it comes to protection of self and team and plague debuffs that is meaningfull in all situations, bronzehood should be full-time but since it's a clear advantage to the team instead 10 seconds with 20 seconds cooldown 5 seconds with 5 seconds cooldown to become somewhat closer to terror effect(kinda messy yeah im not the best writter).
First problem: It's calculated in weapon damage, so for combat all enchantments excepting dread and vorpal are half as effective because blades have half of damage.
Second: So for combat it's a loss but what about trapper? well trapper have it's damage splited between ranged and melee, so all enchantments are 75% effective comparing to the rest of classes, but thats not the biggest problem, the biggest issue it's DoTs, those enchantments doesn't proc in dots, so 0% synergy with roots and plant growth, so no much benefits in trapper for those enchants.
Third: So no benefits for trapper and combat, so what about archery? archery doesn't have DoTs or half weapon damage did he get benefit with those enchants?
Nope!, even tho archery deals raw damage, it's most important powers for AoE "Rain of Swords" and "Split the Sky" not even proc the new enchants once, so it's like you don't have a enchantment at all
The tests with my low Item lvl CW.
Lighting enchantment doubles, almost triplicate my damage output, because Lighting arc is considered as an ally hit for abyss of chaos feat, so powers like steal time put abyss on enemies and get consumed instantanious by lighting arc 4 times for each enemy.
All those enchanments are debuffs and little damages based on weapon damage, whats the problem with that? things like wheel of elements (i would like you developers to take a look on this) only activates on raw damages, so only perfect for GWF.
CW, SW, TR, HR and hurting more for Trappers doesen't get full beneifts from the wheel, because some or most of the damage comes from feats or dots like: Spell storm, creeping death, thorned roots or shadow of demise, heck even some powers doesn't activate the wheel like split the sky.
Bilethorn's second hit does not scale, like thefabricant said. Overall it feels like garbage still.
Flaming does not seem to function right. Direct hits claim to be 50% weapon damage, but it doesn't seem to scale.
The DoT is even worst, that doesn't seem to scale at all, or stack. Seems bugged. I'm getting 17 damage DoTs on mobs. The direct hits will crit for like only 500 damage.
Flaming is still in a useless state.
I think it would really help if baselines were established first. Vorpal seems like a good baseline, for example (basically this would be the go-to for comparison purposes). Next, weapon strike procs are universal (only the %weapon damage and damage type changes) so for weapon strike proc numbers purposes it might help to test only one enchant (Lifedrinker seems ideal since it basically only grants you weapon strike procs offense-wise) and go from there, since the rest of damage generated by these weapons (like the accompanying DoTs or extra damage after a few attacks) follow from these weapon strikes.
Finally, testing these with encounter powers is tricky since some encounter powers seem specifically designed to proc on hit effects (Icy Terrain, Dreadtheft) and many have odd weapon enchantment interactions (some single-strike nukes can proc them multiple times, for example). Better to let the devs worry about those.
For class testing, going purely by at-wills might be a good baseline.
Could these enchants somehow be exploited? I hardly doubt....
I tried this enchant and noticed something odd: the poison stacks don't stack at all. All I got was only the damage from each swing and hit from at wills and encounters. Also, it don't proc the damage to foes nearby the target.
BTW... after a few hours on preview today I noted an interesting thing about enchantments on live server: many of them, specially Lightning, got a very very very high increase of its prices on AH. In other words, last week a Trans Lightning enchant had a price around 5 million ad on ah, but today their price was increased to 27-30 millions. I really don't know if this have any relation with each other, but it really seems a bit odd.
At-wills, however, are universal to all builds, whether you use them or not.
Enchantments results are still very build relative, but thanks to scalling and fixed weapon damage a simple test in open map can give great conclusions.
Tested on GWF:
Conclusions: This enchantment is definitivly too powerfull, some other players have already mentioned the 27% damage debuff, well....even if it comes down to 18% it's still a too powerfull enchantment.
Explanation: In single target the damage from this enchantment represented 12% of my damage, the buff to damage(the 18%) is global this meaning if i hit for 200k with a feytouched i will hit for 236k, while for example vorpal has diminish returns if the player already has a lot of critical severity, in practice this 18% can not be considered, more like 16% due to encounter apply delay, even so it is a 28% damage increase in single target, puting in perspective:
100k hit already buffed by all other sources:
135% crit severity + vorpal + 35% combat advantage ->320 000 + 2% from T. version
135% crit severity + 35% combat advantage->345 600
Adding to this the feytouch debuff protects all team. To mess up things a bit more the results in multi target of feytouched were 18% for the psychic damage alone so even bigger would that diference be, and we are already considering a 100% critical chance build.
Tested on SW, CW, TR
Conclusions: It's frankly very bad exepting specific builds.
Explanation: Take for example CW the % of damage dealt by this enchantment was very linear (19% in all trees both paragons) but small, in single target this value droped to 13%.
The best results came from scoundrel build (the famous bilethorn build that not long ago some people still used) and i dont mean direct damage results, simply bilethorn triggers vicious pursuit in surounding targets to the TR and also concussive strikes, with good positioning this build can be very team protective, still awefull dps.
Adding to this the slow of the enchant can indeed stack 3 times but it's a 0,1 second or so duration, hardly achieved by SW's and not much sucessfuly by duelist flury for decent amounts of time (i dont mean dummies ok? I mean actual mobs on IWD just to clarify).
Other great result was abyss of chaos (CW) proc in solo content this makes the enchantment actually worth to take, in dungeouns the % of damage from abyss is almost mantained but the % of that damage triggered by bilethorn is smaller, still it's a significant increase.
Tested on SW, CW, TR, GWF
Conclusions: Probably the new vorpal, by far the best enchantment for CW's in multi target.
Lighning provides recharge speed not simply damage, more recharge speed leads to more control/party buffs and as crit severity goes up reward from vorpal/dread goes down so lightning will be providing more damage and more party "synergy", so a cw can turn this enchant into both multi and single target hitter (the % of damage composed on single target on my build in specific was 18% and multi target 41%) but considering the recharge speed gained this is indeed a nuke for CW's. When it came to gwf and SW the results were very modest (23% for both multi target, didn't test single target
And again lightningh trigers abyss so in solo play a T.Lighning will actually generate around 60% of a CW damage + recharge speed).
PROBLEM: Lightning enchantment range is too wide being very problematic for dps classes because of threath generation specially HR archer.
My sugestion to both lightning and bilethorn: Add a small cooldown on chain trigger, something like 0,3 seconds per target but increase damage.
Tested on CW/GWF:
Conclusion: Good but not justified.
The damage on CW was 35% multi target and 19% single target, inspite of the damage increase and the debuff not directly expressed by the % value of the damage it's not justified over the recharge speed of lightning.
GWF: 19% multi target (didn't try single).
Problem: There is no AOE.
Allow all enchantments to proc off smoke bomb like it used to for trickster.
Testing result:
Lightning - great damage, chains can critical, main elemental attack can critical, does not work with smokebomb
Bilethorn - moderate damage, splash aoe damage does not critical, main elemental attack can critical, main follow up damage does not critical.
Some enchantments top out at 50+% damage others are still too low
About the lifedrinker performance is disapointing, since life steal needs a fix why not rework boons, decrease some specific feats and increase from the stat and make life steal hit for an aditional hit everytime? Something like max earned by stat 10% at 10 000, no weapons enchant influence (apart from lifedrinker ls increase), life steal severity increases the amount of life stole but not damage dealt, tirany of dragons boons change from full time to when under x% of hp all this would in part make it's way thru temptation fix.
Uuuuhhh it's my 666 post '.' be scared.
The Lostmauth set stops working completely when any of the reworked enchantments have been slotted. Right now, the logs just show a normal critical hit - like from Rapid Strike - and then a critical hit from whichever enchantment you have slotted, with the exception of Dread and Vorpal, as those have not been reworked.
One would expect to see a Lostmauth proc too, but it just doesn't show up anymore. This is true for all the reworked enchantments. Slotting any of the reworked enchantments will completely stop Lostmauth from working.
This was tested on HR, but I suspect it goes for every class. If others could check too, that'd be grand.
Not specced into it atm but from memory Path of Blades similarly doesn't proc enchants. Will test later
Anyway unless theres a critical severity cap that i don't notice, vorpal should be always superior to fey in a 100-70% crit chance case, vorpal is additive, so the more crit severity, the less effective, that point should be around 185% crit severity + vorpal, in which case, vorpal equals around 21% more overall damage.
Also you need to consider that feytouched has a uptime, if the feytouch ends and if you don't have a encounter power in hand, you will lose damage from a few seconds.
1 note it's the slow that stacks, not the damage it isn't a DoT it simply spreads damage when you hit a target.
Also tried LM set on GWF and Imperial set on HR and the damage is there.
@divectore i did i considered base feytouched buff 16% and not 18% and not only high crit severity will have influence on how effective vorpal is but also combat advantage wich in endgame players is very high, basicly even if you switch erynes and cambion magus by archons/new companions a fully poted up gwf (and specially a HR build crit severity) Feytouched will still be superior.
20000 on final charge. Looks good, have to test it vs shocking execution.
About T.Fey it's not to worry much for now, CW's, SW's and HR's(bug that comes from mod 10) loose the 18% damage bufs soon into battle, however GWF is pressistent.
Simple fix damage increase as target HP goes down, something like 100k at 100% HP and 300k at 0% HP, without arm pen it would be hard to bring the enemy enough down to apply SE and also do for first strike off hand feature the same thing anvil of doom got instead crit severity increase apply a dot for a % of the damage dealt. That would completly take away 1 shot builds but still make SE usefull.