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Elitism in poorly skilled players

sev7nforumssev7nforums Member Posts: 16 Arc User
Something that I see in every new mmo is a false sense of elitism in poorly skilled players. In neverwinter this elitism is coming from a persons item level. Many people believe that if they struggle in a group instance and have a high item level (3k+) it must be because the instance is too OP even for their "mlg" skills and "proper skill set up".

As of right now I am having trouble running any dungeons because of this. I sit at 2.1k item level and am getting booted from most t1 dungeon because most of the groups i get matched with believe that you need 3k to be able to damage the boss. EVEN though I always come out in the top 2 on the pain giver chart and have out dps'd many people sitting at 3k item score in those dungeons (i'm SW btw which i already know is a high dps class). I've been able to "solo" kill the bosses in t1 dungeons after my team dies in reasonable time (the hp has always been down to the last bar or two). My point is you definitely dont need to be immensely overleveled to run a group instance (3k+ for t1's?? lol)

If your reading this and thinking wth I'm wrong and the community is not like that; its is because this is how it is on the ps4, which is where i am currently playing.

Which leads to my question for pc veterans.

How long did it take for this elitism in the poorly skilled players to die off?


  • kallephi#0836 kallephi Member Posts: 281 Arc User

    Something that I see in every new mmo is a false sense of elitism in poorly skilled players. In neverwinter this elitism is coming from a persons item level. Many people believe that if they struggle in a group instance and have a high item level (3k+) it must be because the instance is too OP even for their "mlg" skills and "proper skill set up".

    As of right now I am having trouble running any dungeons because of this. I sit at 2.1k item level and am getting booted from most t1 dungeon because most of the groups i get matched with believe that you need 3k to be able to damage the boss. EVEN though I always come out in the top 2 on the pain giver chart and have out dps'd many people sitting at 3k item score in those dungeons (i'm SW btw which i already know is a high dps class). I've been able to "solo" kill the bosses in t1 dungeons after my team dies in reasonable time (the hp has always been down to the last bar or two). My point is you definitely dont need to be immensely overleveled to run a group instance (3k+ for t1's?? lol)

    If your reading this and thinking wth I'm wrong and the community is not like that; its is because this is how it is on the ps4, which is where i am currently playing.

    Which leads to my question for pc veterans.

    How long did it take for this elitism in the poorly skilled players to die off?

    That happens a lot on PC too. And it happened to me. The bad new is: you don't have anywhere to run, you must go with the flow. Invest some ad on your toon to bring him/her to 3k gs and start running these things. No matter if you use a sudden defense +5 or whatever, they don't care about your items, they care about your bondings and gearscore number. It's ridiculous, but that's how it works. You won't be able to change people's elitism, unfortunately...
    I was forced to upgrade my ilvl instead of spending AD on other things like mounts, insignias and companion. I had to put high level enchants on me instead of my companion (even though +330 power on my companion means 924 power and not only 330 power on me) just because of the elitism.
    I was even put aside on some master svardborg runs recently to give place to a lot of 4k toons whose dps are half of mine just because they were 4k and I'm 3.9k.

    If you do a lot of pugs, you gonna have to "prove your value". You gonna have to show people that you are good. Again, it's ridiculous, yes...but that's how it works. But before you can show that you are good, you need to have their "requirement" for dungeons.

    Go with the flow, do your job and people will see your abilities and they will add you to their friendlists and soon people will send you messages to run stuff. Make some friends in the game. I don't know if on the PS4 there are channels like on PC. If so, get 3k gs and join these channels. But yes, you will see a lot of elitism on these channels as well (if they exist)

    Ly'saaera, Hellbringer Fury Scourge Warlock of Thieves World
    Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
  • sirjimbofrancissirjimbofrancis Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    Y'all think it's bad because of gear score, try running a TR! Lol
    Lilia Drakon - PVE Executioner TR
    She Looked Lvl 18

    Here is my Blog
  • sev7nforumssev7nforums Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    Thats dissapointing to hear its like that on PC. Before my PC moved on to a better place i did a lot of mmo gaming and the false elitism usually started in obt's and ended a few months after its release (once enough "mlg's" were known in the community). Unfortunately on ps4 the lfg chat is worse than pugs. Requirements in their posting are higher than what you find in most pug groups because basically everyone is asking only for op gs to do speed run farming (understandable i guess since its farming). Idk how the ah is on the pc version but for ps4 everything is expensive, it will take me a while to farm enough AD to get that high which i did not want to have to do (not worth buying zen yet since 80% of the game has game breaking glitches or wont work at all on ps4 lol)

    I'll try out one of the guilds from the million invites being thrown out daily i guess. Even if i have to instruct at least i'll hopefully progress at a decent rate? lol.

    And yes TR players have it worse than anyone in any mmo. They are the scarlet letter in a society of saints. My issue compared to that of a TR player is minuscule >.<
  • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    Pepole in pc are the same way.
    Many people in pc went to ps4 and brought their mentality with them.
    From there it spread like a plaguest to more people.
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
  • kallephi#0836 kallephi Member Posts: 281 Arc User

    Thats dissapointing to hear its like that on PC. Before my PC moved on to a better place i did a lot of mmo gaming and the false elitism usually started in obt's and ended a few months after its release (once enough "mlg's" were known in the community). Unfortunately on ps4 the lfg chat is worse than pugs. Requirements in their posting are higher than what you find in most pug groups because basically everyone is asking only for op gs to do speed run farming (understandable i guess since its farming). Idk how the ah is on the pc version but for ps4 everything is expensive, it will take me a while to farm enough AD to get that high which i did not want to have to do (not worth buying zen yet since 80% of the game has game breaking glitches or wont work at all on ps4 lol)

    I'll try out one of the guilds from the million invites being thrown out daily i guess. Even if i have to instruct at least i'll hopefully progress at a decent rate? lol.

    And yes TR players have it worse than anyone in any mmo. They are the scarlet letter in a society of saints. My issue compared to that of a TR player is minuscule >.<

    Depends, name some items and I'll tell you their prices
    Ly'saaera, Hellbringer Fury Scourge Warlock of Thieves World
    Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
  • sev7nforumssev7nforums Member Posts: 16 Arc User

    Thats dissapointing to hear its like that on PC. Before my PC moved on to a better place i did a lot of mmo gaming and the false elitism usually started in obt's and ended a few months after its release (once enough "mlg's" were known in the community). Unfortunately on ps4 the lfg chat is worse than pugs. Requirements in their posting are higher than what you find in most pug groups because basically everyone is asking only for op gs to do speed run farming (understandable i guess since its farming). Idk how the ah is on the pc version but for ps4 everything is expensive, it will take me a while to farm enough AD to get that high which i did not want to have to do (not worth buying zen yet since 80% of the game has game breaking glitches or wont work at all on ps4 lol)

    I'll try out one of the guilds from the million invites being thrown out daily i guess. Even if i have to instruct at least i'll hopefully progress at a decent rate? lol.

    And yes TR players have it worse than anyone in any mmo. They are the scarlet letter in a society of saints. My issue compared to that of a TR player is minuscule >.<

    Depends, name some items and I'll tell you their prices
    Rank 8 enchants are 30k, after that its almost 200k+
    Artifacts are 100k+ (green and above)
    there is no armor or weapons, if there is i always miss there listings before someone buys them
    mounts and companions dont contribute to gs so it doesnt help
    daily rough astrol convert is 36k

    feeder for gear will cost you more than the actual items themselves majority of the time

    idk what else i could buy to boost my gs, i have the drow pants/shirt which is the best on ps4 ah atm
  • mrimsogoodmrimsogood Member Posts: 147 Arc User

    Thats dissapointing to hear its like that on PC. Before my PC moved on to a better place i did a lot of mmo gaming and the false elitism usually started in obt's and ended a few months after its release (once enough "mlg's" were known in the community). Unfortunately on ps4 the lfg chat is worse than pugs. Requirements in their posting are higher than what you find in most pug groups because basically everyone is asking only for op gs to do speed run farming (understandable i guess since its farming). Idk how the ah is on the pc version but for ps4 everything is expensive, it will take me a while to farm enough AD to get that high which i did not want to have to do (not worth buying zen yet since 80% of the game has game breaking glitches or wont work at all on ps4 lol)

    I'll try out one of the guilds from the million invites being thrown out daily i guess. Even if i have to instruct at least i'll hopefully progress at a decent rate? lol.

    And yes TR players have it worse than anyone in any mmo. They are the scarlet letter in a society of saints. My issue compared to that of a TR player is minuscule >.<

    Depends, name some items and I'll tell you their prices
    Rank 8 enchants are 30k, after that its almost 200k+
    Artifacts are 100k+ (green and above)
    there is no armor or weapons, if there is i always miss there listings before someone buys them
    mounts and companions dont contribute to gs so it doesnt help
    daily rough astrol convert is 36k

    feeder for gear will cost you more than the actual items themselves majority of the time

    idk what else i could buy to boost my gs, i have the drow pants/shirt which is the best on ps4 ah atm
    Well quit buying new stuff and upgrade what you have
    Took me about 8 months to get my main up to 3k, would have been sooner but took some time off
  • sev7nforumssev7nforums Member Posts: 16 Arc User

    Thats dissapointing to hear its like that on PC. Before my PC moved on to a better place i did a lot of mmo gaming and the false elitism usually started in obt's and ended a few months after its release (once enough "mlg's" were known in the community). Unfortunately on ps4 the lfg chat is worse than pugs. Requirements in their posting are higher than what you find in most pug groups because basically everyone is asking only for op gs to do speed run farming (understandable i guess since its farming). Idk how the ah is on the pc version but for ps4 everything is expensive, it will take me a while to farm enough AD to get that high which i did not want to have to do (not worth buying zen yet since 80% of the game has game breaking glitches or wont work at all on ps4 lol)

    I'll try out one of the guilds from the million invites being thrown out daily i guess. Even if i have to instruct at least i'll hopefully progress at a decent rate? lol.

    And yes TR players have it worse than anyone in any mmo. They are the scarlet letter in a society of saints. My issue compared to that of a TR player is minuscule >.<

    Depends, name some items and I'll tell you their prices
    Rank 8 enchants are 30k, after that its almost 200k+
    Artifacts are 100k+ (green and above)
    there is no armor or weapons, if there is i always miss there listings before someone buys them
    mounts and companions dont contribute to gs so it doesnt help
    daily rough astrol convert is 36k

    feeder for gear will cost you more than the actual items themselves majority of the time

    idk what else i could buy to boost my gs, i have the drow pants/shirt which is the best on ps4 ah atm
    Well quit buying new stuff and upgrade what you have
    Took me about 8 months to get my main up to 3k, would have been sooner but took some time off
    I dont buy new stuff :P I only bought the drow shirt and pants, bronzewood enchant (only one thats not 100,000s of AD), and dragon hoard/fey blessing to help get more feeder material. My post wasnt about boosting my gs though, i already know it will take a while to max out past the 4k's. I was just curious when (which apparently is never) the false elitism ended on pc so i could expect when to at least run t1 dungeons on a regular basis for the ps4 version
  • forumnamesuxsforumnamesuxs Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 490 Arc User
    I'm not entirely sure how it performs at lower ranks, or at which rank it applies party wide debuffs, but Bronzewood is actually not a bad choice.
    If enchantment choices are more or less the same on PS4, as it is on PC, you've probably noticed that most run with vorpal or dread, which means you should be able to bring a unique buff to most parties.
    Wolves, big as a horse! I need new pants!

  • lantern22lantern22 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,111 Arc User
    I have 2.7K GWF and a 2.8K DC (as well as a 3.4K GF and 3.3K CW) and I haven't found too many problems pugging it on T1s and T2s with my <3K toons. Once I was told my DC was HAMSTER at heals by a 3K GWF who couldn't survive eSOT, but other than that, it has all been pretty good.

    Get into a decent guild and all should be good
  • spideymtspideymt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 710 Arc User
    Just answer this if some one dies cuzz he wont avoid red zones:
    "Red zones got patched. No critical healzones anymore. Just let you know"
    This is what i write when some one dies in a dungeon ^^.

  • kallephi#0836 kallephi Member Posts: 281 Arc User

    Thats dissapointing to hear its like that on PC. Before my PC moved on to a better place i did a lot of mmo gaming and the false elitism usually started in obt's and ended a few months after its release (once enough "mlg's" were known in the community). Unfortunately on ps4 the lfg chat is worse than pugs. Requirements in their posting are higher than what you find in most pug groups because basically everyone is asking only for op gs to do speed run farming (understandable i guess since its farming). Idk how the ah is on the pc version but for ps4 everything is expensive, it will take me a while to farm enough AD to get that high which i did not want to have to do (not worth buying zen yet since 80% of the game has game breaking glitches or wont work at all on ps4 lol)

    I'll try out one of the guilds from the million invites being thrown out daily i guess. Even if i have to instruct at least i'll hopefully progress at a decent rate? lol.

    And yes TR players have it worse than anyone in any mmo. They are the scarlet letter in a society of saints. My issue compared to that of a TR player is minuscule >.<

    Depends, name some items and I'll tell you their prices
    Rank 8 enchants are 30k, after that its almost 200k+
    Artifacts are 100k+ (green and above)
    there is no armor or weapons, if there is i always miss there listings before someone buys them
    mounts and companions dont contribute to gs so it doesnt help
    daily rough astrol convert is 36k

    feeder for gear will cost you more than the actual items themselves majority of the time

    idk what else i could buy to boost my gs, i have the drow pants/shirt which is the best on ps4 ah atm

    The prices look the same on ps4 and PC, with the exception that with the arrival of msva and the new designed glorious resurgence lockbox we got some stabilities and union artifacts going for 60-90k ad on the AH.
    Ly'saaera, Hellbringer Fury Scourge Warlock of Thieves World
    Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
  • tom#6998 tom Member Posts: 952 Arc User
    The best workarround is to find ppl you like to play with and stop pugging.
    Then noone will care about ilvl anymore
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    It's always been like this. Before IL we had GS and lfg acted the same way. People have been kicked since Beta for not having enough enough GS/IL, the right class, the right build, the right armor set... It doesn't change. As long as you are dealing with randoms, the bad people will always make their presence known. 5 people that know and like each other working together can beat the content at minimum IL. Maybe not the first time thorugh, but eventually, and it gets easier as time goes by.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • tassedethe13tassedethe13 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 806 Arc User

    How do you find a group?

    Using queue? => wrong you will found the bottom of the players here
    Using LFG in Protector's enclave ? => You can try but, this is totally random
    Using community channel => It may be good, it may not, but you won't be insulted.
    Using Alliance chat ? => OK
    Using Guild chat => Best choice

    If you don't have a guild, nor community channels, join them. You can't play this game solo.
  • litaaerslitaaers Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited December 2016

    You can't play this game (a certain way) solo.

  • raydrootraydroot Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 110 Arc User
    You can always start your own group and choose your players. I see this all the time in PC. 3.3k TR making groups for FBI, MSVA.
  • dravendrow76dravendrow76 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 38 Arc User
    and dont remind what they are, and take only 4k+ xD
  • kuero21kuero21 Member Posts: 454 Arc User
    kreatyve said:

    I think it's really funny when people say you have to have 3k to defeat Tiamat, when people on PC were defeating her way back when 3k was just a dream.

    Most people only pay attention to the IL and interpret the player's grade of experience out of it. 2k players are usually newbies or alts. They are lacking the stats and probably a decent build as well. When players see a 3K player they just assume the player already has the know-how.
    When I started playing NW and my gwf reached the lvl cap of 60 I was a horrible dps as well. It took me several months to gain the know-how and learn about the buff mechanics, which happened simultaneously to the process of gearing up. When I hit the lvl cap I was at 12K gear score, by the time I reached 20K I had gained the knowledge. You just don't start off a new game as a professional, which is why everyone assumes 2K players are newbies and missing both, the stats and a decent build. Yes, its a generalization but according to the own experience it's not too far off from the truth.
  • kallephi#0836 kallephi Member Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    kuero21 said:

    kreatyve said:

    I think it's really funny when people say you have to have 3k to defeat Tiamat, when people on PC were defeating her way back when 3k was just a dream.

    Most people only pay attention to the IL and interpret the player's grade of experience out of it. 2k players are usually newbies or alts. They are lacking the stats and probably a decent build as well. When players see a 3K player they just assume the player already has the know-how.
    When I started playing NW and my gwf reached the lvl cap of 60 I was a horrible dps as well. It took me several months to gain the know-how and learn about the buff mechanics, which happened simultaneously to the process of gearing up. When I hit the lvl cap I was at 12K gear score, by the time I reached 20K I had gained the knowledge. You just don't start off a new game as a professional, which is why everyone assumes 2K players are newbies and missing both, the stats and a decent build. Yes, its a generalization but according to the own experience it's not too far off from the truth.
    Still, there are a lot of 4k players who can't do their jobs according to their ilvl
    Ly'saaera, Hellbringer Fury Scourge Warlock of Thieves World
    Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    edited December 2016

    kuero21 said:

    kreatyve said:

    I think it's really funny when people say you have to have 3k to defeat Tiamat, when people on PC were defeating her way back when 3k was just a dream.

    Most people only pay attention to the IL and interpret the player's grade of experience out of it. 2k players are usually newbies or alts. They are lacking the stats and probably a decent build as well. When players see a 3K player they just assume the player already has the know-how.
    When I started playing NW and my gwf reached the lvl cap of 60 I was a horrible dps as well. It took me several months to gain the know-how and learn about the buff mechanics, which happened simultaneously to the process of gearing up. When I hit the lvl cap I was at 12K gear score, by the time I reached 20K I had gained the knowledge. You just don't start off a new game as a professional, which is why everyone assumes 2K players are newbies and missing both, the stats and a decent build. Yes, its a generalization but according to the own experience it's not too far off from the truth.
    Still, there are a lot of 4k players who can't do their jobs according to their ilvl
    But this is exactly because of what you pointed here:

    That happens a lot on PC too. And it happened to me. The bad new is: you don't have anywhere to run, you must go with the flow. Invest some ad on your toon to bring him/her to 3k gs and start running these things. No matter if you use a sudden defense +5 or whatever, they don't care about your items, they care about your bondings and gearscore number. It's ridiculous, but that's how it works. You won't be able to change people's elitism, unfortunately...
    I was forced to upgrade my ilvl instead of spending AD on other things like mounts, insignias and companion. I had to put high level enchants on me instead of my companion (even though +330 power on my companion means 924 power and not only 330 power on me) just because of the elitism.
    I was even put aside on some master svardborg runs recently to give place to a lot of 4k toons whose dps are half of mine just because they were 4k and I'm 3.9k.

    If you do a lot of pugs, you gonna have to "prove your value". You gonna have to show people that you are good. Again, it's ridiculous, yes...but that's how it works. But before you can show that you are good, you need to have their "requirement" for dungeons.

    Go with the flow, do your job and people will see your abilities and they will add you to their friendlists and soon people will send you messages to run stuff. Make some friends in the game. I don't know if on the PS4 there are channels like on PC. If so, get 3k gs and join these channels. But yes, you will see a lot of elitism on these channels as well (if they exist)

    Though I completely disagree that there is no choice and people should go with the flow. This is what enables all this..
    As others have already wrote, channels, alliances, guilds, friends...
    There is no good excuse getting all rank12 utility slots and not having bondings.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,520 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    Is that how that work in real life? You won't get an interview for certain job unless you have a degree. Having a degree does not mean you are good for that particular job even if the degree matches. You won't know if the person is good unless you actually hire the person and/or get some references. People gets certificate this and certificate that. Does that sound like getting something to increase your item level?

    I think this is pretty 'normal'.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    kreatyve said:

    I think it's really funny when people say you have to have 3k to defeat Tiamat, when people on PC were defeating her way back when 3k was just a dream.

    When I first got into the Well, the calls for Tiamat were regulary 2.5k+. Now it is not unlikely to see calls for 3k+. This for both the run and Tiamat. And the elitists have their own super-secret channels so they don't have to bother with calling out for either unless they can't get all the bodies they need.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • tazz4nowtazz4now Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 205 Arc User
    my 2 cents on your question about when the elitism stopped on PC......it hasn't, I noticed it got really bad when mod 4 (tiamat) got released, it got nasty on chat and if you were under the 3k equivalent (I forget how much the gs was, which was used instead of ilvl) you got singled out on chat and it was really bad, then they started a bunch of 3k+ channels called out a "time" to go in, sometimes within seconds of it starting. This also starting getting bad if you pugged the dungeons, no one wanted to enjoy the dungeon anymore and started kicking people for various reasons. All I can tell you is if you want to run the dungeons then work on upgrading gear, artifacts and enchants, join a guild that will help you and run content with you. good luck and have fun :smile:
  • lantern22lantern22 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,111 Arc User
    kreatyve said:

    I think it's really funny when people say you have to have 3k to defeat Tiamat, when people on PC were defeating her way back when 3k was just a dream.

    and that would have been before the extra power from bondings, mounts and insignia bonuses. 3K now is worth about 3.5K + then
  • mentinmindmakermentinmindmaker Member Posts: 1,492 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    A 2.1k player will always be fairly low dps, regardless of skill. You DO need the high levels of power, crit and arpen to shine, dps-wise.

    A 4k can also be bad dps if wrongly specced and badly built, but he usually will be ok dps and has the potential to really shine.

    And note we are not talking a minor 25% differenc etc.. depending on class etc, even a well-specced and well played 2.1k might be only 10% of the dps the 4k can push.

    The OP poster has the usual lack of self-understanding that is all too common: When the comunity tells you your performance is inferior, it is not because you are misunderstood or discriminated against.. it actually because you DO have inferior performance.

    I do not really see the community as too elitist though.. as long as the overall group composition is good enough to do the zone most PUGs in my experience will tolerate group members that have too low IL to pull their weight. It only becomes a problem when there are too many low-performance characters in the group so group will struggle to do the zone.

    And as a general rule: To be useful in a zone, you need 500 points IL above the entrance requirement.
  • rinat114rinat114 Member Posts: 913 Arc User
    Hell, that's why I feel bad for all those zerg channels. I sign up for the HAMSTER and giggles just to see messages like "4k HDPS *whateverclass* LF SVA *links all legendary mounts they have, legendary new weapons, their mom and their credit cards*" hoping someone will notice their flashy gear and invite them, and most hilariously they end up being poor DPS/buffs/tank/heals.

    Being so tightly involved with my guild since the second I joined the game over 2 years ago, it makes me sad. Some of those peeps deserve a home that'll treat them right and not require them to show their orange gear to get anybody's attention. For the most part, if somebody even bothers telling them before they get booted or never invited again, they'll be told they suck and that's it. No pointers, no "here's what you might want to improve", maybe someone will link them a guide and get it over with just to be fair.
    It is however extremely common in all MMO's and it's not going anywhere. If you're smart, find a guild that'll appreciate you and treat you with respect, where everyone is sharing a common ground and you won't be treated poorly due to what gear you have. Pugs and strangers are not to be trusted :P
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    Its not just I level, but new players at 2.1k are usually not contributing much overall.. and people have a tendency to blame things on those type of players. Sadly, no matter how skilled you are and say your running etos as DPS with your new 2.1k and the group isnt bringing down the end boss, they are going to blame you. Its just going to happen.

    However.. I dont care what platform you play on.. must of the time if your pugging your running etos , cn or elol.. most 3ks dps should be able to solo those.. so poof on them if they kick players and they are 3k++.

    If a team is struggling that 3k usually sux it. Frankly most late 2ks can do most of that content easily enough.. carrying 1-2 lower I levels should come with the territory if you pug. If your not willing to do that , regardless of your platform, then stop pugging, your just being a overall jerk.

    Its poor form IMO, that you enter a PUG group and you kick people if your that high level..

  • bluebubbl3sbluebubbl3s Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 121 Arc User
    sev7nforums, the "elitism" in the game is beyond stupid. pc now sees people advertising the fact that they have r12 bondings, thinking that will get them into dungeons. its a joke. clearly its not confined to one platform.

    can i give you some advice? dont pug dungeons. find yourself a good active guild, one with a good mix of players, who arent elitist and who will have experienced players and new alike and run dungeons together. find people who are like minded and will run with you, even if its to carry you through a dungeon to get gear. we do this in our guild. and i can honestly tell you that i have been playing on three years and it was a very very long time ago that i pugged a dungeon.

    GS means squat by itself. if you have a HAMSTER build, the gear doesnt make up for that. I have seen plenty of high gs players get our damaged by lower gs players. its only when you have a good build and the higher gs that you really start to shine. so thats my second bit of advice to you. build your toon well, always look to improve it and not just by getting good gear. it will make you a better and stronger player.
    Myth (CW & DC)
    Guild Leader - Valaurakari Ascension

    VA is the creator and proud member of The Round Table Alliance
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