Druid without a doubt, game needs another healer class, too many parties always looking for or lacking a healer and there are some who simply do not like Clerics (including myself) but would love to play a healing Druid.
If you give a Master of Flame Renegade CW (with the Abyss of Chaos feat) a healing at-will and a daily that allows them to "shapeshift" and soak damage (Paladin Heroism with a different animation), then remove all the powerful direct damage nukes like Disintegrate then that's basically a druid. Just change spell animations so that the elements/plants/"summoned creatures" are attacking enemy mobs instead of fire/cold nukes and DoT effects and you have a full class.
So, basically change the entire class is what you're saying. Just changes this, and this and this, oh and this too then make this look like this and this... lol
Seriously though, there's way more to those classes than what you're purveying.
You make it sound as if thats not exactly what they did with the Paladin! They took the GF, removed this and that, then added cleric stuff and called it a new class.. And this type of lazy design is why the Paladin class still has broken Sanctuary activation(delay of activation). I expect them to continue the same way too.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
I vote for Druid to cover the elemental magic not already covered (air, water, earth).
Air druids to shapeshift and fly, and cast haste for the group. Water druids to cast AoE and timed healing spells. Earth druids tank or summon earth elementals.
I really want to see the bard happen next. It's already been over year since our new class, the paladin, my all time favorite, but a bard would definitely fit into Neverwinter and it needs to be. Druid makes very much sense, but it seems too self-explanatory as to what they do. With a Bard taking the next slot for the new class, there will be 2 supportive classes to choose from. Yes, there's the devotion paladin, I didn't include it because the paladin has options rather than a main role.
Everyone of Neverwinter! Please hit that Bard button and the bards will truly sing your praises!
Voted druid, was my favorite class in baldurs gate and the neverwinter nights series. was sad to see it not available in this iteration, i'd also be happy with the bard or really anything listed up there.
First post in this thread is from June of 2015. Going into 2017 and no movement on the issue.
"We used to make new classes, until we took an arrow in the knee".
Granted, there are a ton of posts to wade through in here as well as on the forums and various twitch streams about new classes, but going by just the initial post in this thread and then looking at the date is not a conductive process to determine "movement" as you call it. In fact, it shows no relevance what-so-ever especially when the fact that if one were to look at the history, discussions, and twitch streams (and other media) about new classes, it would be apparent that there are and have been two classes in development for some time now.
It also would show you that those class developments have been put by the way-side while all the current classes have finished getting their class balancing sweeps. It's been said many times that classes will continue to be and are always in the works, just as it has also been said that it is priority to finish class balancing first before releasing any new classes.
Here, let me fix your quote for you:
"I read the first post, and then I took an arrow in the knee".
nice to see "elderscroll's famous qoute", it is classic, and i also saw that on NCIS when Tony didnt understood arrow joke until Tim McGee explained on one of the episode. yes, devs mentioned about class balance need to get done before adding new classes. top 3 class wanted to be seen in game, Druid, Monk, and Bard., other class will be add sometime lot later, some of us wanted Barbarians, but in other books, they dont like enchanted items and paranoid about magic, only they knew was "Spiritial Blessings", that is whole new buff concept for specific class.
some of us wanted Barbarians, but in other books, they dont like enchanted items and paranoid about magic, only they knew was "Spiritial Blessings"
The fear was of magic itself but not enchanted weapons. Dwarves were the same way. No trust of magic but very happy to have enchanted items.
In any case that mentality was separated from the class with third edition when race restrictions were removed from classes. While you can certainly decide your character comes from a tribe that does not trust magic it is not forced in the class description anymore.
Barbarians are defined by how they fight: basically with Brute Force. The key features in the Fifth Edition Handbook are heightened senses, physical strength and especially the rage mechanic. They don't wear armor and don't like civilization but the magic issue is not touched at all as far as I can see.
The biggest problem for Barbarians is actually due to something else entirely... Even at launch people complained that the GWF was extremely similar to a Barbarian. Cryptic will have a VERY hard time designing a barbarian which does not feel like a retextured GWF..
Personally I would love a barbarian but I don't see any way that they could avoid complaints. I suspect many players, especially those without knoweldge of D&D, would not hesitate to even accuse Cryptic of simply changing the animations, renaming the class and renaming the class powers.
First post in this thread is from June of 2015. Going into 2017 and no movement on the issue.
"We used to make new classes, until we took an arrow in the knee".
Granted, there are a ton of posts to wade through in here as well as on the forums and various twitch streams about new classes, but going by just the initial post in this thread and then looking at the date is not a conductive process to determine "movement" as you call it. In fact, it shows no relevance what-so-ever especially when the fact that if one were to look at the history, discussions, and twitch streams (and other media) about new classes, it would be apparent that there are and have been two classes in development for some time now.
It also would show you that those class developments have been put by the way-side while all the current classes have finished getting their class balancing sweeps. It's been said many times that classes will continue to be and are always in the works, just as it has also been said that it is priority to finish class balancing first before releasing any new classes.
Here, let me fix your quote for you:
"I read the first post, and then I took an arrow in the knee".
Hopefully, the current classes will be fixed soon, because the classes seem to have an imbalance of CC, especially for PvP. Not only that, we have been waiting too long for a new class to be released, and personally, I'm getting a little impatient.
I'm still hoping for a Druid class to be released.
Or a third paragon path for the existing classes.
Examples include
Wizard- Bladedancer Melee with the ability to conjure green flame sword like in the 5th edition.
Hunter Ranger- Beastmaster this could be a summoner type character with abilities that buff your animal summon. Also contains abilities similar to Druid powers.
Devoted Cleric- Storm Domain. This could satisfy anyone's need to be their own Thor or Perun.
Great Weapon Fighter- Barbarian with totemic and rage abilities.
Paladin- Oath of the ancients Paladin would be my pick
... In fact, it shows no relevance what-so-ever especially when the fact that if one were to look at the history, discussions, and twitch streams (and other media) about new classes, it would be apparent that there are and have been two classes in development for some time now.
zebular said: Granted, there are a ton of posts to wade through in here as well as on the forums and various twitch streams about new classes, but going by just the initial post in this thread and then looking at the date is not a conductive process to determine "movement" as you call it. In fact, it shows no relevance what-so-ever especially when the fact that if one were to look at the history, discussions, and twitch streams (and other media) about new classes, it would be apparent that there are and have been two classes in development for some time now.
We're going to have to agree to disagree on the definition of "movement".
You articulated a lot of background activity and content which, while I'm sure is of interest and value in its own right, is not answering the only question that matters (to me).
What matters is an announcement like this:
"New class x coming in Mod Y" or on date xx/yy/zz.
Heck, I'd settle for just a target YEAR at this point.
As it is - all that activity you reference could, literally, be endless. Until an announcement about a target date is made, to me there is no real, measurable movement on the issue.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
That hasn't been revealed directly but only hinted at. For instance, just before the Oathbound Paladin was released, it was stated that that the Druid would "probably" be the next class to be worked on. However, it has been inferred that there are and always are two classes in development so that means that there was possibly another class being worked on along side the Oathbound Paladin and now that the Paladin is released, whatever that other class is and "probably" the Druid are in development.
That hasn't been revealed directly but only hinted at. For instance, just before the Oathbound Paladin was released, it was stated that that the Druid would "probably" be the next class to be worked on. However, it has been inferred that there are and always are two classes in development so that means that there was possibly another class being worked on along side the Oathbound Paladin and now that the Paladin is released, whatever that other class is and "probably" the Druid are in development.
Lets be real here. This was revealed YEARS ago, and under different leadership. And we arnt just talking one change in leadership, but several. None of this past info should be taken as valid anymore. The new EP is not beholden to any promises made or implied by anyone before them. And there has been no info about new classes in the works or even being considered, in the works, beyond simply saying, not right now.
In fact, not right now, has been pretty much the only official stance on classes for the last year. So there is no reason, at all, to believe they are working on any classes currently, let alone two.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited December 2016
For the last year new classes were put on hold. Period. Zeb's post does imply "being worked on right now" but I don't think he intended to say that. "In developement" is actually pretty ambiguous.
If they are happy with the balance changes they will continue working on new classes. They know that's what many players want and they know it will also peak interest in many who have moved on or taken a hiatus.
Nobody outside of Cryptic knows if they are sufficiently happy with the balance changes to continue with the development of classes but it isn't really justifiable to think the new management won't continue to develop classes the instant that decision is made. They are a big selling feature and everybody from top to bottom knows it and they will want to get new classes out as soon as they feel it is a practical option.
I actually don't know what 5e is like, but I voted druid anyway. The shapeshifter version of druid from Baldur's Gate era would be a great style for NWO I think.
I'd vote Avenging Paladin over Barbarian if that was a choice. Another 2-hander melee option would be great either way, but I feel like Barbarian they'd probably go for dual wield yet again.
Speaking of earlier editions, if they wanted to do an entire mod dedicated to tinkers and such, I would not say no to having the old Starwheel Pistols show up, and some sort of class that could make use of them.
DRUUUUIIIIIDDDD! *flails* All this druid stuff with Sharandar, Unicorn mount, etc... but no druid class. Was sad the very first day I made a character seeing no druid. Oh pretty please with all the good stuff on top, bring us Druids! *voted*
If they introduce Druids, (I really hope they do ASAP) what are my fellow Silvanites and Chaunteans hoping to see? I wouldn't mind some generic abilities like flaming seeds, entangle, oak skin, gust of wind, etc whilst levelling up when it comes to paragon paths I'd like to see the circles represented. So the circle of the moon has you shift into a bear or dire wolf and you get to slash and bite and cast your basic spells in animal form.
With the land circle more powerful elemebtal spells and summons could be cool.
I voted Druid or Shaman or any nature kind class. Should it be possible also shifter development like d&d? I mean, a class that can shape in other shapes, I don't know if druid should be able to do it, but shifter in d&d is a druid prestige class.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
Air druids to shapeshift and fly, and cast haste for the group.
Water druids to cast AoE and timed healing spells.
Earth druids tank or summon earth elementals.
Everyone of Neverwinter! Please hit that Bard button and the bards will truly sing your praises!
"We used to make new classes, until we took an arrow in the knee".
It also would show you that those class developments have been put by the way-side while all the current classes have finished getting their class balancing sweeps. It's been said many times that classes will continue to be and are always in the works, just as it has also been said that it is priority to finish class balancing first before releasing any new classes.
Here, let me fix your quote for you:
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
yes, devs mentioned about class balance need to get done before adding new classes. top 3 class wanted to be seen in game, Druid, Monk, and Bard., other class will be add sometime lot later, some of us wanted Barbarians, but in other books, they dont like enchanted items and paranoid about magic, only they knew was "Spiritial Blessings", that is whole new buff concept for specific class.
others want samurai and ninja.
In any case that mentality was separated from the class with third edition when race restrictions were removed from classes. While you can certainly decide your character comes from a tribe that does not trust magic it is not forced in the class description anymore.
Barbarians are defined by how they fight: basically with Brute Force. The key features in the Fifth Edition Handbook are heightened senses, physical strength and especially the rage mechanic. They don't wear armor and don't like civilization but the magic issue is not touched at all as far as I can see.
The biggest problem for Barbarians is actually due to something else entirely...
Even at launch people complained that the GWF was extremely similar to a Barbarian. Cryptic will have a VERY hard time designing a barbarian which does not feel like a retextured GWF..
Personally I would love a barbarian but I don't see any way that they could avoid complaints. I suspect many players, especially those without knoweldge of D&D, would not hesitate to even accuse Cryptic of simply changing the animations, renaming the class and renaming the class powers.
Or a third paragon path for the existing classes.
Examples include
Wizard- Bladedancer Melee with the ability to conjure green flame sword like in the 5th edition.
Hunter Ranger- Beastmaster this could be a summoner type character with abilities that buff your animal summon. Also contains abilities similar to Druid powers.
Devoted Cleric- Storm Domain. This could satisfy anyone's need to be their own Thor or Perun.
Great Weapon Fighter- Barbarian with totemic and rage abilities.
Paladin- Oath of the ancients Paladin would be my pick
... In fact, it shows no relevance what-so-ever especially when the fact that if one were to look at the history, discussions, and twitch streams (and other media) about new classes, it would be apparent that there are and have been two classes in development for some time now.
@zebular Really, which 2?
We're going to have to agree to disagree on the definition of "movement".
You articulated a lot of background activity and content which, while I'm sure is of interest and value in its own right, is not answering the only question that matters (to me).
What matters is an announcement like this:
"New class x coming in Mod Y" or on date xx/yy/zz.
Heck, I'd settle for just a target YEAR at this point.
As it is - all that activity you reference could, literally, be endless. Until an announcement about a target date is made, to me there is no real, measurable movement on the issue.
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
In fact, not right now, has been pretty much the only official stance on classes for the last year. So there is no reason, at all, to believe they are working on any classes currently, let alone two.
Zeb's post does imply "being worked on right now" but I don't think he intended to say that. "In developement" is actually pretty ambiguous.
If they are happy with the balance changes they will continue working on new classes. They know that's what many players want and they know it will also peak interest in many who have moved on or taken a hiatus.
Nobody outside of Cryptic knows if they are sufficiently happy with the balance changes to continue with the development of classes but it isn't really justifiable to think the new management won't continue to develop classes the instant that decision is made. They are a big selling feature and everybody from top to bottom knows it and they will want to get new classes out as soon as they feel it is a practical option.
I'd vote Avenging Paladin over Barbarian if that was a choice. Another 2-hander melee option would be great either way, but I feel like Barbarian they'd probably go for dual wield yet again.
Speaking of earlier editions, if they wanted to do an entire mod dedicated to tinkers and such, I would not say no to having the old Starwheel Pistols show up, and some sort of class that could make use of them.
All this druid stuff with Sharandar, Unicorn mount, etc... but no druid class. Was sad the very first day I made a character seeing no druid. Oh pretty please with all the good stuff on top, bring us Druids!
I wouldn't mind some generic abilities like flaming seeds, entangle, oak skin, gust of wind, etc whilst levelling up
when it comes to paragon paths I'd like to see the circles represented. So the circle of the moon has you shift into a bear or dire wolf and you get to slash and bite and cast your basic spells in animal form.
With the land circle more powerful elemebtal spells and summons could be cool.
The amount of in game Druids is envy making though