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Specific way You have gated content (M Sva)

etelgrinetelgrin Member Posts: 1,611 Arc User
I don't think it only applies to master svardborg though, normal as well.

Despite the fact that whether you have or have not this 28% everfrost resistance is irrelevant, every version says that you need particular "TOTAL ITEM LEVEL" to run the content, normal sva 2.8k and master 3.1k+FBI completion. I have done FBI before I know its hard and also very poorly gated behind 3.1k TIL.

IF we assume every taken player is in build for appropriately to their class/role - damage, buff and tanks provides enough survivability this is still the dead end. Because the content in particular master svardborg cannot be done without bonding dps which is the only source, sorta like one item wonder, that can provide enough damage boost with appropriate buffing to take down Storvald, otherwise if there is a wipe, someone dies, you run with people with different than optimal build - means not fully spec for DPS for example different than critical sev. enchantment, no bonding with only augment companion, he can have 6k TIL no matter they won't complete it.

Perhaps impact of bonding runestones on PvE gameplay should be more accurately displayed or requirements needs to be changed because people think that if they have 3.1k TIL and done FBI in the past, they are capable of running master svardorg while they're not.

These are some of my first thoughts about it, its not that I call for nerf, Im happy that there is as hard as this content in game designed for PvE. Good job on this but the way its gated by TIL is totally radiculous.


  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    I feel like it's a problem in general. There's stuff available in the game that greatly impacts the power level of players without it being reflected in your gearscore. Bonding Runestones is one of these. Two years ago, I was one of the first people to advocate for how powerful this could be. Two years later, I desperately feel like this needs to be "adjusted".

    As you pointed out, the difference in player power between two players at the same iLevel, one with Bonding Runestones and one without is phenomenal, and it's essentially a requirement for higher tier content that you use Bonding Runestones, or show yourself to the door.

    Which is sad. :disappointed:
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  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    Meh.. how many people beyond 3k are not running with the runestones at this point? 5%? I dont think its just a blame runestones! Everything will be fixed, it wont.. not at all.. At most , they will cut bondings to double augments (otherwise, you know at some point, whats the point, cost vs reward wont be there). This will reduce overall self buffing from around 40% extra dps to like 24% more. Is it a start ? Maybe, but augment users , will still be doing significantly much less dps still. Making augments match bondings, is equally ridiculous. The costing on setting up a bonding companion is around 20 million AD right now.. You cant just adjust it down to augment levels.

    Its more of a issue of powercurving , you could limit the overall power curve with some adjustments like diminishing returns , while also implementing linear enchantment workover..

    both of these would shorten the power curve.

    I am a huge advocate of this, I feel the power curve is majorly out of hand (and thew new gear /weapons just makes it worse and worse)

    There was zero reason to add new weapons.. none. Twisted was quite good enough to swamp through content as it was.

    By continuing to add this this overall harsh power creep problem, they are doing themselves no favors.

    I know why they did it, because its just easier to do that, then to design unique rewards and players are always willing to pay for another 5-10% more dps ..

    selling power has gotten out of hand.

    Until they stop selling power and allow more or less players to achieve it in game at a steady but progress-able rate, then you will have this problem.

    Just asking for nerf over nerf will not work, they will just SELL new power items.

    IN FACT they love it when you ask for nerfs, as they turn around and find new ways to SELL the same power for new real world money.

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  • dfncedfnce Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 509 Arc User
    Having official 2k IL and correct party/build/consumables you should "win pve".

    Let assume that the IL (145) of Rose Gold ring is fair measure. I do some simplification and rounding, but you should get the idea.

    One piece of Loyal Avenger ( ~1700) provides roughly 1.8 times more stats than Rose gold ring (~950), then later its stats multiplied by 285% (3xR12 Bondings). This way one Loyal piece alone on companion it has wage of 5 Rose Gold rings on character. +700 IL for one piece without enchantments slotted and +2100 IL for 3 pieces. That before amplifying stats from any enchantments.

    Legendary mount 4k stats, sum of IL for 4 Rose Gold rings looks unfair (145*4=580). Let say it worth +600 IL

    GH20 boon - 8k stats. Looks like stats of two additional Legendary mounts to me. +1200 IL.

    Sudden/Rising rings - consider amount of stat they give, should marked with IL as much as as ~5 Rose Gold Epic rings +700 IL.

    You can make rest of calculation yourself. Passive mount bonuses, Insignia bonuses, Passive companion bonuses. Looks like another few thousand IL to me.

    In general, well done, devs.
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  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited November 2016

    Meh.. how many people beyond 3k are not running with the runestones at this point? 5%? I dont think its just a blame runestones! Everything will be fixed, it wont.. not at all.. At most , they will cut bondings to double augments (otherwise, you know at some point, whats the point, cost vs reward wont be there). This will reduce overall self buffing from around 40% extra dps to like 24% more. Is it a start ? Maybe, but augment users , will still be doing significantly much less dps still. Making augments match bondings, is equally ridiculous. The costing on setting up a bonding companion is around 20 million AD right now.. You cant just adjust it down to augment levels.

    If bonded companions were not enormously superior to augments, then we wouldn't have the situation where bonding stones are so expensive and other runestone prices were in the toilet. Remember when bonding stones were the cheap option and profane/empowered runestones were expensive? Yeah.

    And while I know that equipment for any companion at this point is an expensive prospect, technically you'd be pulling from the same pool of items no matter what kind of companion you're trying to gear, so there's no real difference, aside from gearing an augment being not such a great idea. The really staggering dumb thing is that Cryptic decided to make augments effectively useless for top content while simultaneously introducing the so-neat-you-want-them-summoned goat, quasit, and baby animals.

    But it is certainly a huge problem to be balancing content around players running bonding stones, if bonding stones are making players 4x more effective than they would be without them (fudged number, but to illustrate the point).

    Edit: Further to saying they can't nerf bonded companions down to augment levels because of the amount players have invested into them.... Ummm... remember what they did to the Lostmauth set (with some compensation), and the legacy set bonuses (without)?
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  • hmdq#4491 hmdq Member Posts: 508 Arc User
    Ok fix the ilevel with adjusted new powcurve or whatever AND about class balance? Further treat the symptom, but refuse to treat the cause? Has class that if buff much more than 40%, and alas?
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    lostmouth cost like less then 1 million to get all told.. I dont see a 1 to 1 corelation. bondings are much more comprehensive, it is like 1/4 of a entire year to grind for them. 1 million is like 1 weeks grind.. not 20 weeks grind.. there is a MASSIVE difference.

    Like I said, if they made them same as augments AT RANK 12.. which again sounds sort of ridiculous to me.. you effectively kill bondings off.. no one will buy them if they are the same, the summoned comps , offer almost no additional reasons to take one as a active.

    You can really, in all reality make them no more then around 200% total (which makes anyone using normals now, having to switch to augments (fine by me.. I have one for each toon anyways) and probably force 3 greaters back in as the minimum you can attain to use..

    But to say making them drop from 285% procs , down to 100% procs.. after around 20 weeks of grinding.. thats pretty harsh imo.

  • nevfenevfe Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    The only time this will get fixed is when/if they raise the level cap again. That effectively acts as a 'gear reset' and would let them rebalance stuff to their heart's content. Of course, whether they would get it right or not is another matter!
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    loyal avenger was great for people like me btw.. they were not BIS items.. they were the middle income items.

    the super duper BIS, do not use la gear.. they use one Brutality , 2 Adorable.. its far superior to anything , including the loyal avenager gear (also total combined stats , doesnt always = total useful ones)

    these people get power pools of 65-80k (BUFFEd alone) before DC.. due to this setup.

  • kangkeokkangkeok Member Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    nevfe said:

    The only time this will get fixed is when/if they raise the level cap again. That effectively acts as a 'gear reset' and would let them rebalance stuff to their heart's content. Of course, whether they would get it right or not is another matter!

    I have a scary thought of this. remind me of mod 6.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    etelgrin said:

    You see Silverkelt, I am in this situation, on my regular casual PvE setup my gear score varies from 3.5k to 3722 TIL, my main setup is for PvP where I have 3918 TIL no bonding runestones at all because I play this game to play PvP and I only do PvE to gain AD to be able to upgrade my enchantment or buy new fancy stuff and I compliment this by running 20 leadership alts and till now it worked quite fine. I cannot guarantee for my character any progression via doing PvP because there are no rewards for doing PvP in contrary to some other MMORPG titles available. I do not advocate for nerf here, I am happy that they implement difficult content, I know I can't eat all fish at once so I dose mod 10.5 content and try to pick bits by bits but this is getting a bit radiculous in my eyes especially that I only do this to have access to orange marks which I would otherwise wait for PvE farmers to farm and post on AH and then I'd buy out it so I can carry on my PvP endeavors, I don't mind doing PvE some content I really like to run and it also grants me profit for improvement but I didn't need bonding runestones ever as much as I do need them now and I only need them to stay competetive for these couple marks to improve actually.

    lets me honest a bit.. pure pvp setups, even with bondings, often do 20-40% less as it is.. YOU will still do that much less.

    the problem is they have designed content around having super items.. without all of these massive amounts, what is the time frame of completing FBI ? 1 hours on average? jeepers..

    reduction of say 20-30% dps off the board? no one will want 3 dps.. everyone will start requesting 3 or even 4 buffers instead. It will be much more efficient.

    Look, im not really arguing for them to stay in the game.. Im saying THE GAME is broken in a massive way.. and you guys keep trying to piece meal it and it wont work that way.

    A total redo of the game/powers/buffs all at once.. including mobs hit point pools and damage done will have to be done.

    Its not a simple fix.

    THEY cant even make a fun mod.. how do you expect them to undertake a complete redo of the game. =P

    I can see a small adjustment.. down from 285% to 200% total proc maybe.. your asking for the moon, and you will just HAMSTER off even more people, reducing them down to 100%..

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  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    Bonding runestones are one of the worst things the devs have introduced. The runestones destroy PVE and now dear Cryptic has also built new content around them. You inspect someone, his char has 2.5 IL, then boom in battle he has 50k Power. People skip actual character development and just pour all of their resources into a companion with high rank bonding stones. That's total HAMSTER. Cryptic fails hard yet again. They substitute artificial sources of power for actual character development.

    " - Hey look at me, Im an epic hero... Oh wait its actually my companion who is epic, Im kinda meager without him."
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  • asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User
    I play 6 chars. All 3k+ with full legendary artifact gear, perfect to trans. weapon enchants and mystic or upgradeable artifacts. Four of them have bondings R 12 and two active companions. All of them in a R 20 guild.

    The difference in power and dps is incredible. When I run with my 'non bonding' alts ppl ask me, why I dont use them. Compared to ppl with R 12 bondings and similar gear they lose 30-40%.

    Furthermore I have a LS army of 20 chars including above mentioned chars. When I play them in CTAs I use the legendary account bound gear of my other chars, so they end up with 2.5k IL. No guild boons, no bondings, some of them with epic artifacts. Again, the power creep is significant.

    The difference is not just bc of the higher stats, but bc of synergies. More dmg gives more AP gives more dailies gives more dmg. This effect is even stronger on a GWF, when one sure strike fills your unstoppable bar.

    BTW most ppl with R12 bondings have a legendary companion, so they get 300% of the companions stats.
    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    asterotg said:

    I play 6 chars. All 3k+ with full legendary artifact gear, perfect to trans. weapon enchants and mystic or upgradeable artifacts. Four of them have bondings R 12 and two active companions. All of them in a R 20 guild.

    The difference in power and dps is incredible. When I run with my 'non bonding' alts ppl ask me, why I dont use them. Compared to ppl with R 12 bondings and similar gear they lose 30-40%.

    Furthermore I have a LS army of 20 chars including above mentioned chars. When I play them in CTAs I use the legendary account bound gear of my other chars, so they end up with 2.5k IL. No guild boons, no bondings, some of them with epic artifacts. Again, the power creep is significant.

    The difference is not just bc of the higher stats, but bc of synergies. More dmg gives more AP gives more dailies gives more dmg. This effect is even stronger on a GWF, when one sure strike fills your unstoppable bar.

    BTW most ppl with R12 bondings have a legendary companion, so they get 300% of the companions stats.

    R12 bondings on 4 toons? Holy HAMSTER! How did you get those if you dont mind me asking? Cash to zen or grind?
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User
    emilemo said:

    asterotg said:

    I play 6 chars. All 3k+ with full legendary artifact gear, perfect to trans. weapon enchants and mystic or upgradeable artifacts. Four of them have bondings R 12 and two active companions. All of them in a R 20 guild.

    The difference in power and dps is incredible. When I run with my 'non bonding' alts ppl ask me, why I dont use them. Compared to ppl with R 12 bondings and similar gear they lose 30-40%.

    Furthermore I have a LS army of 20 chars including above mentioned chars. When I play them in CTAs I use the legendary account bound gear of my other chars, so they end up with 2.5k IL. No guild boons, no bondings, some of them with epic artifacts. Again, the power creep is significant.

    The difference is not just bc of the higher stats, but bc of synergies. More dmg gives more AP gives more dailies gives more dmg. This effect is even stronger on a GWF, when one sure strike fills your unstoppable bar.

    BTW most ppl with R12 bondings have a legendary companion, so they get 300% of the companions stats.

    R12 bondings on 4 toons? Holy HAMSTER! How did you get those if you dont mind me asking? Cash to zen or grind?
    I play since beta. While I am no an AH-junkie, I buy things, when I think they are really cheap. Two years ago, while the winter festival was active, lesser bondings dropped to 15-30k. I bought 'a few', to sell them later on and used them, when they became BIS.

    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
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