I have ran my Sword Master / Tactition for a while and switched out AoD, CS, and neither countless times. I love having that DPS Encounter to help finish the last standing mob creature. Since Mod10 and the updates to both powers I have been running Into the Fray, Enforced Treat, and Commander's Strike...
Thoughts on which is better: Anvil of Doom or Commander's Strike or Other?
I'm not sure i'd run Anvil on a tactician for anything except solo dailies maybe, but thats just my thoughts on it.
Indy - XB1 & PS4 - GF
xeV Indy - PS4 - TR
Nde - XB1 - HR
GT: its indy time
PSN: itsindytime
Twitch: indygoinlive
The Kanye West of Neverwinter
Higher DPS and buffs your party's attacks.
- Forge (GF)
- Apocalypse - (DC)
- Sadus (OP)
- Fireball (GWF)
- Ixian (CW)
Thank you Loadouts for allowing my toons to be all the things... they ever wanted to be....
- Forge (GF)
- Apocalypse - (DC)
- Sadus (OP)
- Fireball (GWF)
- Ixian (CW)
Thank you Loadouts for allowing my toons to be all the things... they ever wanted to be....
You know that quest from sharandar where you have to kill 3 formorian (sp?) warriors? I mark everything i can, drag about 5 mobs together so they are all surrounding me. ITF, ET, WMS and let lightning enchant burn the mob down to just the warriors. CS finishes each off pretty easily. I'll give lunging strike a turn just for fun!
Sometimes I get done and see a couple characters watching from outside the battle and jumping up and down. kinda funny.
Even with the longer cooldowns on LS with my paltry 7k Recovery it's available often enough that I don't feel like it's a waste to use.
Now, in dungeons that's a different story...
As for some fun getting groups together just follow what Indy said. I'd add though that class features to boost that rotation are combat superiority and shield warriors Wrath.
Honestly, if you are SM then WMS for groups and crushing surge for the last monster standing. For an at-will it hits like a single target encounter.
Broooo... griffons wrath is a super sleeper. I'm doing some testing with ITF, Bulls, and Griffons in PvP as protector IV. Oh man does it thump people and no one expects a stunlock from a Gf.
I also forgot to mention the CS > GW > CS > GW rotation with animation canceling rips people very quickly too.
Indy - XB1 & PS4 - GF
xeV Indy - PS4 - TR
Nde - XB1 - HR
GT: its indy time
PSN: itsindytime
Twitch: indygoinlive
The Kanye West of Neverwinter
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
As a conquerer spec I can never settle on a 4th feat. Cleave is useless. Adding damage and crit chance to flourish is ok. Tide of iron is dead and no one looks to do more damage with shield slam either.
So this respec I looked into Staggering Challenge. 20% more damage for Griffins and a not so often used KC boost of 10% added damage. Accompanied with crushing pin, Griffins hits like a truck. In WOD doing a dragon run 'with a large group' I run ITF, KC, GW. One maybe two rotations and it's on to the next dragon. Very fun and big numbers.
Now I know that for big mobs people like to boost damage with Villains' Menace. And I agree but I've slotted Terrifying Impact as my second daily. It procs crushing pin and does massive damage to marked targets. No trash mobs survive that skill. I'm seriously considering the feat Menacing Impact on my next respec.
Round up dozens of trash in a place like Sharandar dailies and you could be bounced around like a pinball for 5 minutes trying to take them all out. Not with Villain's Menace. Mark them ups, round em up, ITF, Enhanced Mark, Villian's Menace and swing away like a kid smashing a pinata. Try it and you might like it
I Lunging Strike into any group, excluding giants, start some WMS spam and hit Enforced Threat. Dead group of bad guys. I find it's a waste of a cool down to use ItF , unless I pop it before Lunging.
I like Terrifying Impact, but it can be hard to get mobs lined up for it, unless it's been reworked recently to be easier to aim. I should toy around with it more cause I rarely need Fighters Recovery, except in dungeons.
The only solo monsters that give me any challenge are the new giants, if I don't wreck them fast enough. For them I just put up my Shield and tank them. That's what I LOVE about my Conq GF... Great damage, but tank mode is just a click away. Albeit less of a tank then my brethren who've geared and specd for it..
CS is getting a slight buff to compensate: its Encounter power damage buff is getting boosted to 40%, which is not bad all things considered.
Plus, CS isn't "completely" dead if you want to use it to deal damage.
Right now, Commander's Strike scales with the DPSer's buffs/debuffs as well as the GF's buffs and debuffs. All that's being changed is that CS no longer rolls the GF's buffs/debuffs when the DPSer uses an Encounter with a CS charge (unless the GF is the DPSer hitting with the charge of CS).
So if you're still rolling around with a good DPS player who knows when to time their attacks, it can still produce some nice hits, just no longer in the multi-millions range.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
In party i use only KV/ITF/ET
Solo play
Encounts - Lunging Strike, Enforced Threat and ITF, I swap ET for Anvil for single target (maybe should swap out LS tho)
Group play
Encounts - Commanders Strike, Enforced Threat and ITF - if the DPS of the party is HAMSTER, then I sometimes swap out CS for AoD, for Orcus I use Lunging Strike (so I can dodge green spheres and then get back to him quickly), Commanders Strike and ITF
Guardian Fighter
https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1221446/the-future-of-the-gf/p1 Existing Problems Still In The Guardian Fighter
Feat Changes I'd like to see in The Guardian Fighter
In groups I understand it's use but you keep saying when you solo.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
Buffed at-will strike chain makes its part of damage. Single-encounter bufff which CS is, has no use with such approach.
My fastest solo Baphomet burner contains two self-buffs (ITF/KC) and one damaging encounter (KB). I tried CS few times (like KC/CS/KB) but that seemed only made that fight longer.
— (The unwritten rule)
The personal DPS potential of AoD is no match for the party boost of CS, right?
And party buff is the Tactician's specialty.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
Conqs exist, but I'm not sure what they would do.
I tried Conq with Staggering Challenge Griffon's Wrath. It worked rather well, but may not be everyone's cup of tea.
Knee Breaker is great: it's damaging and I love seeing its animation
When I see it, I either think "THIS. IS. SPARTA!" or I think I'm kicking someone in the nads with it. It gets doubly funny if you're playing a Halfling, which means you've essentially stomped on someone's toe/shins and they take massive damage and get slowed from getting punted by a little person. XD