is the livestream link
he talks about foundry at 13:45
mentions the wizards tower that's filled with cats (ive played that one!)
also mentions that he hasn't played mine yet. (scrub punk. i have mimics with scare factor =P)
the livestream chat is full of console kids who find the idea of the foundry hella interesting (ha) as well as other foundry fans
thom says that he doesnt want to spend his $10 on the foundry. =X
if you cant even give foundry quests a 200 voninblod reward / stronghold currency 200 influence from a librarian / aquamarine, then im on vacation. zzz. I N C E N T I V E =X daily key or foundry campaign (play these selected 30 foundry quests = get reward, 60, 90, 120, 240, etc. )
26:30 he talks about the new minigame to combat botting.. the same one STO uses? for skill nodes..
31:00 talks about Stronghold Siege and wonders why no one plays it - answer: LAG. companion interactions + clickies causing too much lag. unplayable, no one queues. remove a lane, remove clickies, remove companions. also, incentive. no incentive to queue for it.
35:00 he was on the team that wrote VT.. I liked VT. ;D
41:00 he talks about multiple gear/power loadout tabs. (hopefully updated appearance tabs too.)
43:45 talks about coal wards and maybe making invoking have something to do w them.
49:00 he teases next mod update 10.5? having a fishing minigame (ugh. stop putting my $10 to minigames like sahha and fishing pls. this is D&D)
@mimicking#6533, you should play my quests. they're spelljammer. they have 4+ rating w 1000+ reviews. they've got skyships and space pirates and indiana jones moments. what more do you need? people love them. =P
(you can find links to them in my signature.)
(you too
@panderus @asterdahl @rgutscheradev ;D)
NW-DSQ39N5SJ - 'To Infinity, and BEYOND!' - Spelljammer Quest. Skyships, Indiana Jones moments
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
Featured Foundry Quest: Whispers of an Ancient Evil [v3] - NW-DQ4WKW6ZG
Foundry Quest: Harper Chronicles: Blacklake - NW-DCPA4W2Q5
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
Correct me if I am wrong, but all you need to do is add the data fields to the database so the Foundry access the mesh model of any given character or object. Then you need to add an icon to the Foundry GUI for the item. Also I don't see the need to have the Foundry require the network connection. Foundry authors could write offline without network having to be active and upload the Foundry script (because that is what the Foundry does) but once you are logged in an online. This would save many headaches, actually developing offline without having to log into the game just to verify we are working on a Foundry quest.
You have to remember, not all of us are high school teenagers. Many of us are professionals like yourself. I would appreciate a more detailed response. Thank you.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
Short version:
Anything they add to the main game has stuff attached to it that needs to be removed to add it to the Foundry. Then they have to take that copy and add it to the database of Foundry assets.
The specifics varies based on what they're adding.
My character Tsin'xing
I know what it takes to create a single asset for a game, (Unity):
- High poly mesh for volume textures
- Low poly mesh for the engine(<- this is really hard to do trust me)
- Collision mesh? Maybe, it depends on the engine.
- UVMapping
- Textures (diffuse, normal, ambient occlusion, emisive, thickness/height, id)
- Center the Pivot!! (what did you do with the Thayan assets????)
This is only for a non-animated object/assets, do not talk about rigging... and skeletons, and weights, and animations, well not today. So, because I don't know what engine they are using or how it works, I only can guess they add some kind of scripts? Not a big deal to remove them (at least in Unity). So mmmm....
But for the face expression and how he said that is very difficult to add assets for the foundry, I don't think he is lying, maybe the engine is capricious and only eats some kind of stuff like a mimic...
But we also saw the tool-engine they use to create maps + characters, it would be good to update this tool to once you finish some asset, hit the button "send to foundry", but again, as I don't know how capricious is the engine, maybe I'm saying something wrong or something that just can't be done.
And trust me, when you finish a 3D asset and someone comes to you and say: "You should remove this, or move it a bit, or that texture doesn't fit well..." first thought is to kill him, slowly, very slowly.
Btw, I'm just a noob in the 3D world, so I dont't wanna teach a lesson to anyone, it's just what I know about the infinite world of video-games.
NWS-DOVA9JIJV - The Lost Seneschal
NW-DT3221YUY - The Wildcross Bride
Foundry Grand Master.
Mission maps have a variety of mission related stuff coded into the map. Spawn points, triggers, all sorts of stuff. Also vis regions.... these let the developer selectively make certain part of the map not render from certain locations. But... when used in Foundry the author might choose to build a large part of the map in a location other than what the devs originally used. So vis regions might not perform in Foundry the way they do in the rest of the game. Thus they get removed. Or in some cases... the devs save a copy of the finished map geometry before they add all the mission coding and just port that to Foundry. Although I seem to remember something about how they're not stored quite the same. But I don't have the technical details.
Granted stock Foundry maps aren't entirely static. It might come with stuff like barrels you can kick across the room, or flames that will burn you.... But they don't have interacts, or traps, etc....
My character Tsin'xing
But I understand that NPCs or mobs are a different story, and probably will be hard to port to the foundry,
as you can change their appearance amongst many other things. Yep, but in a "Perfect World" the way to go must be: I think that this will be an error of the foundry author, if you choose to build in a location other than what the devs originally used you will probably get some nasty bugs and errors, but I certaintly did this with some of my maps XD so well...
Again, as we don't know the technical details, we can only speculate.
The map itself is static, a single asset.
The barrels you can kick = asset + script
Flame that will burn you = asset (FX) + script
So again, as we don't know the technical details, we only can speculate about this. It's true what you say, it makes me think about the map with the "plane of death". So yeah, some maps come with some "assets" + "scripts" and some others with nothing. It's curious.
Oh lol, and btw, if you @mimicking#6533 are reading this, you must know, that the Snowy Detailed Mountain Map has a nasty bug that all the vegetation assets (trees + stones/rocks) are all in the same elevation point, and not attached to the terrain... since Icewindale mod. I don't know what happened there, but that bug ruined one of my foundries.
NWS-DOVA9JIJV - The Lost Seneschal
NW-DT3221YUY - The Wildcross Bride
Foundry Grand Master.
I cannot go into the specifics here for good reason. But you look at your hogg files;
sound.hogg is the biggest with all the music and corny one liners
bins.hogg is next this is the varies models and animation
texture.hogg and the images or skins of those models
Most of us, already know (has been discussed here) the Foundry editor makes a script file on your computer while you are editing and this gets backed up to the server side. We know this because, we crash often and it tells us there is a more current copy available. The small script is uploaded to the server. We can see the script but we are not allowed to self edit the script without the Foundry.
Back in the old days on STO, we talked about the script file and this is how simple the Foundry places an actor;
Component 286 { ChildIDs 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293 VisibleName "Klingon squad - Ens Lt Cmd 04 #1" Type KILL Placement { MapName 395182327 RoomID -4370 Position 1092.860718, 0, 1219.519043 Rotation 53.080235 } MapType PREFAB_GROUND ObjectID -1190560604
The server doesn't see a 3D model, it sees an Object ID number. These hand full of numbers is all that is needed to add an asset. I gathered from the video at 14:22 "At the end of the day when I have $10 to spend..." My department at work is small, we can eat $10 in 8 minutes. Which in my opinion is just like saying, "At the end of the day when I have 8 minutes to spend...". I don't blame Mimicking and no one should. He is a departmental manager such as myself. We are told what and where money is earmarked for projects. The only way the STO and NW Foundry will become "better" than it is would be done off hours or a budget of zero.
It is sad, but the Cryptic accountants don't understand, so good men and funding for projects are withheld.
So I mean, (you know my english...) maybe there is an "Object ID number" for a "house asset" for the live server, and another one for the same foundry "house asset", even if the object use the same mesh + textures + animations + scripts, etc...
That means, they almost duplicate all the assets, that makes no sense either, but who knows...
Well, thinking about it, game assets are probably baked, so our video-cards don't need to calculate the light + shadows, but the foundry assets aren't baked, because there is no way to know which lights or light environment will use the author.
To resume:
Game Live Server Assets: Have some kind of properties.
Foundry Assets: Have same, less or different kind of properties, even if they are "equal" to the game assets.
NWS-DOVA9JIJV - The Lost Seneschal
NW-DT3221YUY - The Wildcross Bride
Foundry Grand Master.
Since the word from Cryptic has been, repeatedly, that there is not the work hours or money to pay for the workhours to support the foundry, is there was a way in which the community could supply some of those?
For example, would there be a way for a system in which player volunteers either select foundries to feature (once a week or once a month) or even just submit a shortlist to @strumslinger? There are already Community Moderators who assist with maintaining the forums so there is already a model for this sort of thing.
Authors have the time and the energy to create the stories and manage our little corner of Neverwinter. What, if anything, can we do to demonstrate we can be trusted to take up some of this workload for Andy and so improve our community? We have had good outcomes with the contests but I am sure we could do more. Andy?
As an aside, I’m not sure but based on the description @mimicking#6533 gave, it could have been my foundry The Tower of the Lost Wizards he played. It has a couple of cats in the beginning area, one is sitting on a scroll, and it features a wizard’s tower. I was also thinking it could have been @mrthebozer’s amazing Bonderleaf’s Thorough Aggregator.
(Un)Academic Field Work Foundry Campaign: NWS-DAPZB2CTZ
Domination Pvp won't work as long as stronghold boons are allowed to be used outside stronghold maps.
And stronghold boons broke stronghold pvp. So did stronghold wards
The average player has
44,000 - 90,000 hp
8000 - 16000 power
0 - 3000 lifestyle
1700 - 2500 defense
Stronghold boon characters have
120,000 - 220,000 hp
18,000 - 45,000 power
5000 -14,000 lifestyle
5000 - 12,000 defense
New players have no way to battle them and win. Old players have no way to battle them and win.
So strongholds pvp is dead
And domination pvp is dead
Simple fix - let stronghold boons only work in strongholds maps
My character Tsin'xing
We're just asking for some incentive to play the best Foundry quests. Give me a REASON to play all those featured quests other than 'for the stories.' =/
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
My character Tsin'xing
A couple of points in favor of this approach
- Cryptic doesn't risk money investing in the project because the community has raised the funds.
- Gives a true indication as the importance of the feature as people are financially committing to a project.
- There are a several games that have taken this approach and raised the required funds.
Obviously there are a bunch of things that need to happen in order to make it all work such as scoping and resources correctly allocated to complete the project ect. if we start with simple how much will this cost at least we can test the communities desire (with their wallets) in having the project completed.
Martin ConDion PVE only Ranger
Guild Founder: -HunterS-
If we had some reassurance that yes, this money would go to the foundry, I would back it.
*The short version is that it would make two classes of foundry adventures "VIP" and "Normal" and no one would play the normal ones, meaning that the Authors would almost be forced to purchase the "VIP" option.
(Un)Academic Field Work Foundry Campaign: NWS-DAPZB2CTZ
** I wonder if its worth starting a poll in the General Discussion to see what the over all interest level is
Martin ConDion PVE only Ranger
Guild Founder: -HunterS-
My character Tsin'xing
Of course with Kickstarters you can set levels of goals. As sad as it makes me, the base goal could be "fix bugs" that break up groups, make it so you can't test a map with a teleporter, and the broken map.
After that it could be "add assets from X,Y, or Z expansions", then on to new material if you get into stretch goals. But those two goals would be enough for a lot of people.
(Un)Academic Field Work Foundry Campaign: NWS-DAPZB2CTZ
The current VIP program has already created a 2 tier player base (haves and have nots) where those that choose not to have quite the uphill climb versus those that don't. Foundry VIP would do as previously stated. If there's more funding needed, why not change their minds on the "always be free-to-play" and go with a subscription model of funding? If you're going to require a fee to achieve the desired content might as well call it what it is...
Featured Foundry Quest: Whispers of an Ancient Evil [v3] - NW-DQ4WKW6ZG
Foundry Quest: Harper Chronicles: Blacklake - NW-DCPA4W2Q5
I just got this message.. "@TorontoDave lol I watched the video,he said he WAS going to play them, just needed promises as to WHEN"
So if he actually said he was gonna play them, I retract the punk comment. ;D
As for crowdfunding the Foundry.. meh. It should be able to pay for itself. With incentive to play featured foundries, it would've created an endgame that the game is sorely lacking right now. =X *shrug* [logs in for 20 minutes of gated campaign weeklies and logs out]
"Stories" and all that. ;D
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
(Un)Academic Field Work Foundry Campaign: NWS-DAPZB2CTZ
Thomas: "Let's talk about Foundry."
Andy: "Okay, yeah, let's talk about Foundry."
Thomas: "I love Foundry, I've built Foundry Missions. I helped prototype it. I ran through a Foundry Mission just the other day, it was this cool wizard's tower. It had some great lore in there, I wrote it down somewhere, the author's name, I give him praise and cool money. But it was really great because the first thing you do, is you walked into a... it was like a school of wizardry, and there are cats running everywhere and this cat... there's this scroll on the table and the cat jumps up on this scroll and you click on it and it's like "well of course that's what cats do.." Good story telling. I love that so, thanks! Shout out to that Dungeon Master that created that."
Thomas: "I know you guys want more stuff in Foundry. I want more stuff in Foundry. At the end of the day, when I have Ten Dollars to spend on new content or updates on things that we can do for quality of life issues, or research for new stuff coming up.. I need to figure out where that money goes and what I can spend to list. Believe me, on my White Board, I have the list of "Cool Things That We Want to Change" and pretty much everything that everyone sent out in the AMA is on my "List." Except for there is one fella who asked me to play some of his foundry quests, I haven't gotten to that yet."
Andy: "That is Torontodave."
Thomas: "Torontodave, Torontodave! I'm not promising either, but I'll put it on the "List.""
Andy: "I'm seeing a lot of questions about the Console having Foundry. Right now, we don't have any plans for that. That's the little, speaking from your point I guess, it's really difficult to put into Console, right?"
Thomas: "Yeah, so it's even difficult to put into PC. You'd think that it's just basically swapping over and giving you guys the custom parts and stuff, but it isn't. When we built Foundry, it's literally making unique items and unique costumes and unique powers and unique pieces for every single thing that we have in the game with tags so that you can use them. Am I sad as you that Foundry doesn't have a lot. Yeah, but honestly, I don't know when I'm going to have time to fix it."
Andy: "It's a balancing act."
Thomas: "It is a balancing act..."
Andy: "I think what I always say is that development is a lot harder when you're actually doing it than I guess if you're just a player right. Players are awesome, they give us all their bugs, we love you guys so much but development is very difficult. I'm not even a developer. Sometimes they consider me a dev, but I'm not. That's why it's great to hear that, you know, very honest answer."
Thomas: "Yeah, there's no lolly-gagging around it. Sad, but it's fun. If you guys aren't playing Foundry Missions, you should. Why should you? Is it to get the loot? NO! It's because you guys are great storytellers and you should go out and enjoy each other's stories. Way back when, let me go to the way back machine when I first started... My plan was to have Strongholds, which we have now, and we'll talk about that later, to have Strongholds... my plan was like, you have your Stronghold, you meet all your friends at your local tavern at your Stronghold in your zone, in your map, and then be like, "Okay guys, I built a dungeon in Foundry. Let's go play D&D!" Right, that was my plan originally. So in your Stronghold, you're meeting up and there's a door where you can go hit your Foundry Missions. Something I'm still playing around with, and we've got some of the parts but we won't be able to support all the parts. That's one thing as a Lead Designer, and I've been working with... we have a new Executive Producer, Gordon /need spelling of last name/, who just joined us this week. Gordon and I have already been in talks about retention, and not just about fixing things in the game, and making it better because it's important to us."
I should have the remaining transcription finished sometime tonight after work. Been super busy lately, so only been able to spend an hour here and there transcribing it.
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