rapticorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,078Arc User
Google translation:
Greetings, adventurer!
Unfortunately, we have to announce that the gateway of Neverwinter is set. This decision is not easy for us.
The reason for this decision is that the current Gateway site is extremely vulnerable to various aggressive Botting activities. We have tried several times to put the Botting an end, which then respectively a time Remedy managed until the Botter had found a new way, the gateway to abuse for their own purposes. These incidents have not only affect the gateway but also on the performance of Neverwinter itself.
The constant struggle against these activities requires a large amount of resources that we would prefer to use for the creation of game content for Neverwinter.
We are all grateful to you for your participation in the Gateway and the adventures of the Sword Coast and would not leave you empty handed. Therefore, we are planning the next week to all players who have used lately the gateway to send a mini apparatus of Gond about the post.
Also: The lag in game has only gotten worse since the Gateway came down. @panderus - It's very clear the gold sellers have moved in game to bot professions which is causing even more lag, you sure you want to take down the Gateway? I feel like its actually the lesser of two evils leaving it up...
We don't believe the gold sellers MOVED to Gateway. One of the items mentioned is that these sorts of bursts in activity have always happened to Gateway and we have made a number of attempts to try and restrict that sort of behavior without risking affecting real players.
Also @vityari, it is a Mini Gond Apparatus companion, similar to the toy consumable item from the Gond event.
Also: The lag in game has only gotten worse since the Gateway came down. @panderus - It's very clear the gold sellers have moved in game to bot professions which is causing even more lag, you sure you want to take down the Gateway? I feel like its actually the lesser of two evils leaving it up...
We don't believe the gold sellers MOVED to Gateway. One of the items mentioned is that these sorts of bursts in activity have always happened to Gateway and we have made a number of attempts to try and restrict that sort of behavior without risking affecting real players.
Also @vityari, it is a Mini Gond Apparatus companion, similar to the toy consumable item from the Gond event.
Can you quantify "recently"? Will all toons on an account get it, or only those that were using professions? What about those who didn't do professions but did do SCA?
not bad for a Google translate, but "einstellen" means here to stop, to cease, not "set", so "the gateway of Neverwinter will be terminated, deactivated, etc". Finita la commedia, that is...
Can't say I'm surprised, but to all those that will come and say it's a necessity. It's not. It's the usual cheap way out from Cryptic. You can't tell me there was literally no way to save the Gateway by deactivating or redesigning problematic functions.
This is a major blow to the game in multiple areas and I hope it shows in the future. At some point these decisions have to have consequences...
If this is true, then that is the last time I purchase ZEN within the game. I came back because of the gateway. When they remove my reason I remove my $. Thanks.
Just by way of comparison, in Firefall, another MMO (a shooter) the devs at some stage disabled crafting at all (it was quite fun) promising to put it back in place in the future after a revamp and redesign. This situation persisted for several months and may be so still (haven't checked the news there for quite a while now). Many quit because of this. So I just hope this will not be some beginning of a similar NW's demise.
Also: The lag in game has only gotten worse since the Gateway came down. @panderus - It's very clear the gold sellers have moved in game to bot professions which is causing even more lag, you sure you want to take down the Gateway? I feel like its actually the lesser of two evils leaving it up...
We don't believe the gold sellers MOVED to Gateway. One of the items mentioned is that these sorts of bursts in activity have always happened to Gateway and we have made a number of attempts to try and restrict that sort of behavior without risking affecting real players.
Also @vityari, it is a Mini Gond Apparatus companion, similar to the toy consumable item from the Gond event.
Well all the bots that were using gateway are now in game (and if you think they weren't in gateway, then you are blind, deaf and dumb) - the lag since you have taken down Gateway has gotten worse - it is continuing to get worse. I don't see how you and the rest of the devs cannot see this? What would take 1 second to load, is taking 6. You are going to kill your own game by shutting off gateway, and I don't see how you don't make that connection.
I can confirm this as well. Rubberbanding is getting worse these days and probably we can also prepare for some angry DDoS over the weekend. This is what you get for fighting symptoms and never do solutions.
So, one of the best exclusive NW feature is now down. Bots moved to live server, that increases lag for players who now have to be Ingame to do these boring and almost useless grind for the professions. We can't play SCA anymore, that was a fantastic feature, and players now can't earn loyal gear and the special pet. This is really one of the worse news ever, i would say very good job
Dissappointed and angry, but not completely surprised. No point wasting resources for something only that only effects one platform.
I expect, that this is also how the foundry will go. Quietly, without notice or word. With only official confirmation coming may days later and in some other language.
You have to remove only the professions, and leaves the rest of the contents of the gateway
The AH interface on the GW was way way better than in-game. Anyway, is there a petition somewhere to let the SCA live on in any way possible? I would sign, as many more sure will. BTW, in Rift Online there's a sort of mini-game with companions yielding loot, though not challenging or witty as SCA were. Can SCA also be implemented in-game as a way out?
andorrabellMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 437Arc User
edited September 2016
Wow, nice slapintheface by publishing this in other languages and still waiting on it in English, and some crappy green companion ? Really? Where is the information on where companion gear and the thief are going? Can't we even keep the ability to see our gear and bag stuff at least?
Sad use of my ability to read German.
We realize the end result of this is prices go up, bots bot in game, the game slows down, and real players make less AD versus those bots, wouldn't this increase gold selling?
This is the first post I've made to these forums, and I have to say, I am extremely disappointed to hear about this. I am disappointed, more than anything else, because it means I will never get to try sword coast adventures. The gateway and sword coast adventures were advertised to me in-game when I was starting, but I started playing right after the gateway was evidently taken down (a couple of weeks ago).
I feel like I, along with others who never got the chance to use the gateway, deserve some sort of compensation as well, for the removal of a feature that the game told us we would have access to.
I was actually considering buying some zen for the first time today, but after hearing this, I am no longer sure if I want to.
darthpotaterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,262Arc User
This is the only Game that remove things instead of add New things. Soon few classes Will Be removed xD
For SCA items, they sure do! Right now several more Lightfoot Thieves appeared on the AH, their price increases, the classic of the stock exchange flurry begins...
rifter1969Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 516Arc User
-slow clap-
Well done. Well done indeed.
Like someone else said.. what about the companion only gear? the shepherd companion? the lightfoot thief?
I also have a task to follow up on what to do with the things like the companion only gear, Lightfoot Thief and the companion we internally called 'Tank-dog' that will likely not include the Zen Market. Though I think the dog is in the Zen Market on Xbox since we knew we couldn't launch with Gateway.
There is a chance the companion gear and companions will be put into the game... somehow... someday.
Where is the information on where companion gear and the thief are going?
^ This. You'd think this would at least deserve a mention in the announcement.
Another quality of life feature goes down the drain. Now we can no longer queue for content while setting up professions, because that would mean having to switch characters to do so. No transfering AD from one character to another without having to go back to the Character Select. No Sword Coast Adventures. Just more clicks to set professions because of logging in and out.
Meanwhile bots are happily running their professions with third party programs. Surely this will fix the lag.
tripsofthrymrMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,625Community Moderator
I run a large, active guild. Some of my most active - and level-headed - players are seriously thinking of abandoning the game over how this was handled.
There are FAR better alternatives that require only modest effort (I have 30 years of software development leadership backing that statement). Many have been discussed here. @panderus Reach out to me. I can help you not just get the gateway under control, but significantly reduce the ability of gold sellers to act in-game.
johnjohniiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 108Arc User
I've been at this game sense beta. I've loved it and played it very often. I paid good amount of money and spent countless hours in gateway playing the game and working on professions. I spent hundreds of thousands of AD to get my various toons to have green, purple, and blue profession items. I've spent hours looking through the auction house, seeing things I wanted, and buying them with AD purchased through the zen store. All that has now stopped. I think you (the developers) are either lazy, incompetent, or unconcerned about pc. I'm just at a loss.
oh, and thanks for the companion... what a joke...
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
Please utilize the official thread for all your feedback. And do your best to keep it at least somewhat in bounds per the forum rules, guys. Thanks.
Greetings, adventurer!
Unfortunately, we have to announce that the gateway of Neverwinter is set. This decision is not easy for us.
The reason for this decision is that the current Gateway site is extremely vulnerable to various aggressive Botting activities. We have tried several times to put the Botting an end, which then respectively a time Remedy managed until the Botter had found a new way, the gateway to abuse for their own purposes. These incidents have not only affect the gateway but also on the performance of Neverwinter itself.
The constant struggle against these activities requires a large amount of resources that we would prefer to use for the creation of game content for Neverwinter.
We are all grateful to you for your participation in the Gateway and the adventures of the Sword Coast and would not leave you empty handed. Therefore, we are planning the next week to all players who have used lately the gateway to send a mini apparatus of Gond about the post.
The Holy Crusaders guild leader ♚ Mod 10 PVE Destroyer GWF guide ♚ Founding member of the Relentless Alliance
Also @vityari, it is a Mini Gond Apparatus companion, similar to the toy consumable item from the Gond event.
This is a major blow to the game in multiple areas and I hope it shows in the future. At some point these decisions have to have consequences...
This is really one of the worse news ever, i would say very good job
I expect, that this is also how the foundry will go. Quietly, without notice or word. With only official confirmation coming may days later and in some other language.
Sad use of my ability to read German.
We realize the end result of this is prices go up, bots bot in game, the game slows down, and real players make less AD versus those bots, wouldn't this increase gold selling?
I feel like I, along with others who never got the chance to use the gateway, deserve some sort of compensation as well, for the removal of a feature that the game told us we would have access to.
I was actually considering buying some zen for the first time today, but after hearing this, I am no longer sure if I want to.
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
Well done. Well done indeed.
Like someone else said.. what about the companion only gear? the shepherd companion? the lightfoot thief?
This is just sad.
Another quality of life feature goes down the drain. Now we can no longer queue for content while setting up professions, because that would mean having to switch characters to do so. No transfering AD from one character to another without having to go back to the Character Select. No Sword Coast Adventures. Just more clicks to set professions because of logging in and out.
Meanwhile bots are happily running their professions with third party programs. Surely this will fix the lag.
There are FAR better alternatives that require only modest effort (I have 30 years of software development leadership backing that statement). Many have been discussed here. @panderus Reach out to me. I can help you not just get the gateway under control, but significantly reduce the ability of gold sellers to act in-game.
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
oh, and thanks for the companion... what a joke...