The NPC Erren Rockstrider will not give me the quest The Icy Guardian. I have finished the other two quests in the campaign in Ice Spire. Can anyone help please.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,171Arc User
You broke the quest chain somewhere. Instead of trying to do the quests in the tracker, try doing the whole zone.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
Icy guardian is one of the very last quests if I recall (it's the rime hound. "The other two" quest in the area? I'm taking that to mean you read the first two chapters then skipped to chapter twenty... Hopefully you haven't out leveled the area - if so, it's going to be a lot harder to find the next quest.
There is a way to do this if you just follow the advice of the two people who have tried to help you. Have a little patience and go back to the quest givers in the zone to see if you missed something.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
Go back down the mountain. Yes, allll the way back down.
Make sure you speak to Vaile Birchsmith in the starting camp, as she is easy to miss but has mandatory quests.
Following the story should otherwise lead you by the nose all the way back up the mountain again.
I'm having this same exact problem. In my case, I think what happened is that I unknowingly missed talking to Erren Rockstrider and went further up the mountain where I fought the giant and got the beard quest drop. I turned it in to Erren Rockstrider which probably caused her to not offer the Icy Guardian quest after....however, she didn't offer it before I turned in the quest either.
So I teamed up with another player who was getting the quest and it was offered once I joined the party. I was able to finsih the quest and get the dagger from the chest and turn it in to her as well as fighting the giant again to get the beard quest drop but it still shows the quest as not being completed. I'm not able to accept the beard quest drop a second time which is probably why the quest isn't checked as completed.
I was hoping it would reset at some point, but it's been a few days now and I still can't complete it. I kept the dagger and the beard quest drop and emailed perfectworld for help because the in-game bug report system found profanity in my description of the problem and referred me to perfectworld. I still have yet to hear for them on day 2 of emailing them. I suspect the profanity filter marks the word complete as profanity because I've seen people in chat try to use the word and it reads something like #@!plete.
I tried talking to NPC's from the bottom of the mountain to the top again before I teamed up and nothing has been just gives the option to say goodbye. The Goblin Warrens before the Icy Guardian is checked and The Frozen Heart dungeon after is checked, so even if the reason for the issue is for completing things out of order it should still be considered a bug and fixed to at least reset to the campaign can be completed and adventurers who run into this rare issue can claim their rewards.
My guess would be that you never got the quest to talk to Erren in the first place? Are you able to use the tunnel to get midway up the mountain to Erren? If not, return to Florin Icehammer and talk to both him and his head scout (standing next to him).
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
My guess would be that you never got the quest to talk to Erren in the first place? Are you able to use the tunnel to get midway up the mountain to Erren? If not, return to Florin Icehammer and talk to both him and his head scout (standing next to him).
Now that I think about it, I haven't talked to him since I got the beard quest the second time. I did talk to him several times a day for a few days before I got the Icy Guardian test by teaming up, but no I never did get to use the tunnel. The dialog available was just about him digging the tunnel.
Thanks for the input, I'll have to check it out when the game is back up.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited May 2017
The "beard drop" is what the devs call a found quest, optional, and completely unrelated to the main storyline. Not coincidentally, because they are unrelated to the main storyline, you can trigger a found quest at any time as long as you kill the right thing for it.
You have missed something in the main storyline, simple as that, PROBABLY good old Vaile Birchsmith way back at the bottom of the mountain, just like 95% of everyone else who thinks they can't finish Icespire. Use the NW wiki as a walkthrough, proceeding up the mountain in order. Many quests have prerequisites, but there is very little in the game (the occasional optional dialogue option) that you can completely miss by doing things out of order.
You cannot break a zone except by failing to pick up a quest that is required to continue, and that quest will still be there for you whenever you figure out where you dropped the plot.
(Basically the same answer as 8 months ago with more detail, if the necroposter wasn't obsessed with red herrings.)
That's good to know about the dropped quests...I wasn't sure if that was part of the Icy Guardian or not. I did get and turn in both of the quests from Vaile Birchsmith (Prisoners of War and Retake What's Mine).
Since the beard quest is optional I'm thinking the issue is related to pitshade's comment because I never did get the quest to go through the tunnels to talk to Erren Rockstrider. Which also means it isn't a bug heheh. I had a similar problem getting a quest in Skyhold on my first character, which I found I could get about a week later, but I wasn't checking it very often and I've read people say they reset after 24hrs or so. So maybe Florin Icehammer will have the tunnel ready for me today or at some point....hopefully today.
I am assuming that you have also completed the Mine quest and retrieved the Icehammer, which would lead you to Florin in the first place. There should be a quest from Florin and eventually one 'Words in Stone' or somesuch to click on stones in the are where the 2 names gianta wander. Basically you will need to keep talking to Florin and the scout until Florin directs you to Erren and at that point the Scout will tell you that the tunnel is ready.
I've been looking over the list and I think there's a few I missed from Florin Icehammer and maybe the one from Orreft Mountwatch too. But they haven't been offering any quests every time I talked to them, so maybe it's just a matter of time before the system resets them and they become available again. At least I know the beard quest isn't related and who I need to keep checking back with so I don't keep doing stuff that would keep resetting the timer...if there is one.
There is no reset. Unless some heretofore unknown bug has occurred, you have missed a quest somewhere. You said that Goblin Warrens was checked off on your list, but Icy Guardian isn't the next lair after that. There should presumably be one for the Icehammer. Is it marked as complete?
Most likely you are going to have to go back to the start and talk to the various quest givers until you find what you are missing.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
T... and I've read people say they reset after 24hrs or so. So maybe Florin Icehammer will have the tunnel ready for me today or at some point....hopefully today.
Daily quests reset. These are one-time story quests.
Seriously. Go back to the very beginning of the zone and find Vaile Birchmith. Seriously.
You need to speak with Valindra, shes a necromancer to
Definitely not an Arc User.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
Going to close this one down. Let's create a new thread if you continue to need help but as others have said you should just talk to the main quest givers and make sure that you don't have any active quests from Icespire in your Quest Journal.
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
Make sure you speak to Vaile Birchsmith in the starting camp, as she is easy to miss but has mandatory quests.
Following the story should otherwise lead you by the nose all the way back up the mountain again.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
So I teamed up with another player who was getting the quest and it was offered once I joined the party. I was able to finsih the quest and get the dagger from the chest and turn it in to her as well as fighting the giant again to get the beard quest drop but it still shows the quest as not being completed. I'm not able to accept the beard quest drop a second time which is probably why the quest isn't checked as completed.
I was hoping it would reset at some point, but it's been a few days now and I still can't complete it. I kept the dagger and the beard quest drop and emailed perfectworld for help because the in-game bug report system found profanity in my description of the problem and referred me to perfectworld. I still have yet to hear for them on day 2 of emailing them. I suspect the profanity filter marks the word complete as profanity because I've seen people in chat try to use the word and it reads something like #@!plete.
I tried talking to NPC's from the bottom of the mountain to the top again before I teamed up and nothing has been just gives the option to say goodbye. The Goblin Warrens before the Icy Guardian is checked and The Frozen Heart dungeon after is checked, so even if the reason for the issue is for completing things out of order it should still be considered a bug and fixed to at least reset to the campaign can be completed and adventurers who run into this rare issue can claim their rewards.
Thanks for the input, I'll have to check it out when the game is back up.
You have missed something in the main storyline, simple as that, PROBABLY good old Vaile Birchsmith way back at the bottom of the mountain, just like 95% of everyone else who thinks they can't finish Icespire. Use the NW wiki as a walkthrough, proceeding up the mountain in order. Many quests have prerequisites, but there is very little in the game (the occasional optional dialogue option) that you can completely miss by doing things out of order.
You cannot break a zone except by failing to pick up a quest that is required to continue, and that quest will still be there for you whenever you figure out where you dropped the plot.
(Basically the same answer as 8 months ago with more detail, if the necroposter wasn't obsessed with red herrings.)
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
I did get and turn in both of the quests from Vaile Birchsmith (Prisoners of War and Retake What's Mine).
Since the beard quest is optional I'm thinking the issue is related to pitshade's comment because I never did get the quest to go through the tunnels to talk to Erren Rockstrider. Which also means it isn't a bug heheh. I had a similar problem getting a quest in Skyhold on my first character, which I found I could get about a week later, but I wasn't checking it very often and I've read people say they reset after 24hrs or so. So maybe Florin Icehammer will have the tunnel ready for me today or at some point....hopefully today.
That isnt entirely in order but does list who gives the quests.
Thanks a lot for the help guys.
Most likely you are going to have to go back to the start and talk to the various quest givers until you find what you are missing.
Seriously. Go back to the very beginning of the zone and find Vaile Birchmith. Seriously.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia