Just levelled a GWF to 70 and through some lucky AH purchases and Trade Bars I've got to around 2250 gear score. Tried to do some epic dungeons yesterday namely Valindras Tower and Lostmauth but was finding on Lostmauth that when it comes to fighting the bosses I was getting one-shot by everything they did.
I'm not new to MMO's and know to stay out of the red circles etc. but it seemed like if I took aggro at any point I just died - no chance to heal etc. and it even seemed to be one-shotting the tank (granted there were a fair few at around 1600 gear score, but that is apparently the minimum level?). The first guy would chuck spears and one-shot me, the scorpions normal melee attack seemed to one-shot me although Lostmauth himself seemed ok, except I often found myself the only one standing with everyone else dead and you can guess how the fight went from there...

Now, am I missing something here? Is this just a case that tanks need to tank better (with better gear) or am I missing something glaringly obvious that I should be doing? I'm trying to let tanks build aggro enough to allow me to dps but not exactly sure how long they need to solidify the aggro? Am I maybe doing too much damage for a 1600 gear score tank to hold aggro against?
Any thoughts, suggestions, ideas would be welcomed. I'm fairly sure at 2250 gear score I should be capable of doing these dungeons and not being a liability. I have started the grind to get the earth artifact weapon (8 motes so far...) so I'm going to put some effort in to get a better weapon, but I would like some thoughts on where I might be going wrong.
Many thanks!
I Just try (and finish in that try) once, take aloot time and work, but is not THAT hard.
We just stuck in the last part, where we had to repeat 4 times to finish, becouse i was doing for the first time and was lose about what realy do.
I belive you just get some bad gear, with no Health, or any investment in def.
I dont have high level dps, or other classes, but i think DPS have the most low def/hp gear and for that ones, is most hard dont get one shoted.
But i am realy new in Epics, so not sure, just talking about my experience.
Another thing to keep in mind is team-comp. If you have 5 DPS on ETOS, for instance, its most likely going to be a nightmare. Having 2 healers, or 2 tanks, or 1 of each, will definitely make things easier.
Another thing to keep in mind is do the people your grouped-up with know what they're doing? Just bc you have the right team-comp, doesn't mean you will complete the skirmish/dungeon. If your stuck with a bunch of people who just spam buttons, pick encounters/dailies/passives that are useless, or people who don't know how to play their class, your doomed
FYI, epic dungeons, for instance, are designed to be difficult. The enemies do a ton of damage, so team-comp, & knowledgeable players will definitely help
One shotting is normal if ur not a properly built tank, that's the tanks job... eat the damage, not DPS or healers job. Your tank should focus all aggro, in a correctly formed group DPS should soley focus on how burn and staying out of red aoes, healer just on heals and buffs. Learn every bosses mechanics and u will become a monster. I do elol atleast 25 a day trying to complete my set.
Hope that helps, mics help too. Don't be scared to form ur own group and spend 15 minutes getting a geared group together, it pays off when u do the dungeon four times in an hour!
I need to get myself into a decent guild and get some better geared people together.
I'm currently farming Reclamation Point to get the 100 motes (41 so far) to get an Artefact weapon which I think is the main part of my gear not up to a semi-decent level right now. Bit of a grind, but Rec Point is basically a big circle so you can get into a bit of a groove with the farming.
Hopefully by the time I've sorted an artefact weapon I'll be a bit better set in the dungeons (and so will everyone else!).
Quick question, once I've sorted an elemental artefact weapon, what is the benefit to then working towards the Twisted Set (bearing in mind at the moment normal epics are tough, let along trying Demogorgon!
With the IL 140 is the weapon damage itself higher than IL135? If so, is it by a significant margin?
It's just a matter of time: when more and more players have a decent setup, it will be a cakewalk.
Oltreverso guild leader
Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
For squishy classes you should have around 50k health, tanks should be above 80k. For T2 dungones add another 30k.
The priority for DPS classes should be health, then life steal, then defense. Tanks should focus on health and defense.
For health you should focus on good armor - e.g. dragonflight gives very good HP but unless you have a specific build & know what you're doing, you shouldn't stack it with enchantments. Lifesteal is good, especially for squishier classes as they generally have a fast rate of fire and good RI (lifesteal has a % chance of triggering & will return your damage output back as health - low dmg = low return).
Defence only really starts to shine in epic dungeons once you get past 60% RI so my basic rule for my non-tank characters is 'get DR above the baseline then stack lifesteal - and wear (mostly, depending on class) dragonflight'.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
What is the % I need to reach with Armour Penetration? Is it 60% base armour pen?
Swapping your defense enchantments for hp ones will make your 1 shot problem even worse as you'll be squishier.
Seriously though, one of the above posters suggested hit points being the issue and that +defense is generally more important for the tanks than the dps as dps/healers are unlikely to be able to get the +def they would need to make it enough of a use to them as a main stat. + hit point theory being you have a cushion so you can take the odd hit or two.
If you are interested in a more technical analysis of this, check out this.
Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP
Don't stand facing a boss face to face, ever. Drop what you are doing, and move.
If a boss face is 12:00, be 4 or 8..