Ok, I think I finished reading . Had one more question: in Appendix 8, the SS AoE rotations include Chilling Cloud—how would that compare to running Storm Pillar with Destructive Wizardry? As in, would I lose out (much?) by replacing CC with SP?
Also, might be a silly question, but would there be any situation in which it would be better to run Storm Pillar and Chilling Cloud instead of SP and RoF? Would it be bad to do so?
Edit: what I have in mind is the following rotation—Charged SPillar, [Encounters/Daily], Chill Cloud (2x), [Encounters], start over.
The thought is that Destructive Wizardry lasts 20 seconds, so, you can use CC to refresh Chill, and then refresh DW the following cycle.
I am a PS4 player who is new to the game and am playing as a control wizard. My item level is 2650 and I am following the SS Thaum build from your guide. I was hoping you would be able to advise me on the best rotations of powers to use and the order I should use them in to maximize my damage.
Once again thank you for your amazing control wizard guide.
Ok, I think I finished reading . Had one more question: in Appendix 8, the SS AoE rotations include Chilling Cloud—how would that compare to running Storm Pillar with Destructive Wizardry? As in, would I lose out (much?) by replacing CC with SP?
Also, might be a silly question, but would there be any situation in which it would be better to run Storm Pillar and Chilling Cloud instead of SP and RoF? Would it be bad to do so?
Edit: what I have in mind is the following rotation—Charged SPillar, [Encounters/Daily], Chill Cloud (2x), [Encounters], start over.
The thought is that Destructive Wizardry lasts 20 seconds, so, you can use CC to refresh Chill, and then refresh DW the following cycle.
I run thaum / oppressor up to icy veins and I use the first two DMG buffs in thaum, as well as elemental Reinforcement. I have ran with destructive wizardry before, and I would advise a against it did the following reasons:
- time it takes to charge a storm pillar is time you could use to activate spell twisting, which would net you more encounter spells - It is unrealistic to use it before a fight. DPS in this game is all about most HP removed from target. You'll probably open with CoI anyway, which would then give you two casting times before you could do anything. By then mobs will be half dead or gone.
Also, regarding chilling cloud and refreshing chill stacks: I don't know how many other CW's feel this way, but I don't often use CC, in favor of Magic Missles. Spell twisting is activated when the projectile hits, and MM travels way faster. I don't use the offhand bonus for CC either because I'm always in close enough range to activate icy veins. Instead I normally have it set to the + 8% mm bonus
Ok, I think I finished reading . Had one more question: in Appendix 8, the SS AoE rotations include Chilling Cloud—how would that compare to running Storm Pillar with Destructive Wizardry? As in, would I lose out (much?) by replacing CC with SP?
Also, might be a silly question, but would there be any situation in which it would be better to run Storm Pillar and Chilling Cloud instead of SP and RoF? Would it be bad to do so?
Edit: what I have in mind is the following rotation—Charged SPillar, [Encounters/Daily], Chill Cloud (2x), [Encounters], start over.
The thought is that Destructive Wizardry lasts 20 seconds, so, you can use CC to refresh Chill, and then refresh DW the following cycle.
I run thaum / oppressor up to icy veins and I use the first two DMG buffs in thaum, as well as elemental Reinforcement. I have ran with destructive wizardry before, and I would advise a against it did the following reasons:
- time it takes to charge a storm pillar is time you could use to activate spell twisting, which would net you more encounter spells - It is unrealistic to use it before a fight. DPS in this game is all about most HP removed from target. You'll probably open with CoI anyway, which would then give you two casting times before you could do anything. By then mobs will be half dead or gone.
Also, regarding chilling cloud and refreshing chill stacks: I don't know how many other CW's feel this way, but I don't often use CC, in favor of Magic Missles. Spell twisting is activated when the projectile hits, and MM travels way faster. I don't use the offhand bonus for CC either because I'm always in close enough range to activate icy veins. Instead I normally have it set to the + 8% mm bonus
I see—thanks for the thoughts. I'll experiment a bit once I get to the end-game. Maybe track DPS through a few runs, see how it goes? 5% bonus damage for 20 secs seems like a good deal, esp. in the opening rotation, when you'll use your Daily.
But you're right that those are a few seconds when you're not activating spell twisting...
About mobs, I charge up while the tank approaches/pulls, so, I don't think I lose much there.
Re: MM travelling faster than CC: by that token, don't SP/RoF travel faster than MM? (I'm genuinely curious... both seem almost instant).
I can fairly consistently out parse an equal level or slighter higher Lvl GWF simply by running ahead with them and pulling multiple groups at a time. I don't think I could do that with storm pillar.
I was a big advocate for storm puller originally until I tried the 5% off 30% health feat, and the one that added 5% after killing a mob. The first one only results in like a 1.5% increase ( I think ) but it's always active.
Also as for opening with your daily power, it's normally in my rotation in the beginning, but I never use it until I have atleast cast icy terrain AND one other spell ( usually CoI or Steal time ). That way you're getting the max benefit from chilling presence.
Ok, I think I finished reading . Had one more question: in Appendix 8, the SS AoE rotations include Chilling Cloud—how would that compare to running Storm Pillar with Destructive Wizardry? As in, would I lose out (much?) by replacing CC with SP?
Also, might be a silly question, but would there be any situation in which it would be better to run Storm Pillar and Chilling Cloud instead of SP and RoF? Would it be bad to do so?
Edit: what I have in mind is the following rotation—Charged SPillar, [Encounters/Daily], Chill Cloud (2x), [Encounters], start over.
The thought is that Destructive Wizardry lasts 20 seconds, so, you can use CC to refresh Chill, and then refresh DW the following cycle.
I run thaum / oppressor up to icy veins and I use the first two DMG buffs in thaum, as well as elemental Reinforcement. I have ran with destructive wizardry before, and I would advise a against it did the following reasons:
- time it takes to charge a storm pillar is time you could use to activate spell twisting, which would net you more encounter spells - It is unrealistic to use it before a fight. DPS in this game is all about most HP removed from target. You'll probably open with CoI anyway, which would then give you two casting times before you could do anything. By then mobs will be half dead or gone.
Also, regarding chilling cloud and refreshing chill stacks: I don't know how many other CW's feel this way, but I don't often use CC, in favor of Magic Missles. Spell twisting is activated when the projectile hits, and MM travels way faster. I don't use the offhand bonus for CC either because I'm always in close enough range to activate icy veins. Instead I normally have it set to the + 8% mm bonus
After i changed to icy veins there is no use for the chilling cloud. storm pilar is far better 1 fast click and you consume spell twisting stack. MAGic missile also is super especially in areas your encounters get locked pom edemo that att will benefits from focus wizardry and hit hard.
@khashir sorry I didn't see the question about SP / ROF travel times. SP has a much longer casting time, even as used by instant click, so I wouldn't think it would hit faster than mm. As for ROF, I don't think so. The beam isn't instant and there aren't too many reasons to even have it on your bar.
storm pilar is far better 1 fast click and you consume spell twisting stack.
Storm Pillar is my second at-will and it's always on my bar to process Spell twisting with no need to target. The best time to use it, it's when it's faster to quick cast on top of yourself instead of losing 1 second to searching for a target.
Exemple: When enemies are in your back, all your encounters are on cool-down and you want to quickly process spell twisting before turning and use an encounter. I use it often to be ready for the next pack of Mobs too.
it's situational, but always useful when I need it.
“He raised his staff. There was a roll of thunder. The sunlight was blotted out from the eastern windows; the whole hall became suddenly dark as night. The fire faded to sullen embers. Only Gandalf could be seen, standing white and tall before the blackened hearth.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers
I can fairly consistently out parse an equal level or slighter higher Lvl GWF simply by running ahead with them and pulling multiple groups at a time. I don't think I could do that with storm pillar.
I was a big advocate for storm puller originally until I tried the 5% off 30% health feat, and the one that added 5% after killing a mob. The first one only results in like a 1.5% increase ( I think ) but it's always active.
Also as for opening with your daily power, it's normally in my rotation in the beginning, but I never use it until I have atleast cast icy terrain AND one other spell ( usually CoI or Steal time ). That way you're getting the max benefit from chilling presence.
After more extensive testing, you, good sir, are entirely right about pulling with CoI vs. Storm Pillar. One of the main advantages is that CoI 'follows' the mobs as they approach you (adding Chill stacks in the process), while SP stays in place. Then, it's just a matter of laying some sweet sweet Icy Terrain, for almost insta freeze.
When casting a fully charged Storm Pillar, can the hovering pillar (that shocks nearby enemies for a few secs) trigger Storm Spell? As in, would it count as a mini-DoT, providing more opportunities to crit?
@khashir sorry I didn't see the question about SP / ROF travel times. SP has a much longer casting time, even as used by instant click, so I wouldn't think it would hit faster than mm. As for ROF, I don't think so. The beam isn't instant and there aren't too many reasons to even have it on your bar.
No problem! I stumbled upon mamalion's idea (casting SP on self) to discharge spell twisting, so, been using that. My current conundrum is when a heated battle throws me off my rotation, and all my encounters are on CD (even after STwisting). MM or Chilling Cloud?
storm pilar is far better 1 fast click and you consume spell twisting stack.
Storm Pillar is my second at-will and it's always on my bar to process Spell twisting with no need to target. The best time to use it, it's when it's faster to quick cast on top of yourself instead of losing 1 second to searching for a target.
Exemple: When enemies are in your back, all your encounters are on cool-down and you want to quickly process spell twisting before turning and use an encounter. I use it often to be ready for the next pack of Mobs too.
it's situational, but always useful when I need it.
What do you do when all your encounters are on CD (and you've discharged Spell Twisting)? Maybe that won't happen once I have more experience, but right now it happens to me when fights get too messy and I lose control of my rotation. Sometimes I find that charging SP gives me enough time for Encounter resets (with, presumably, the added bonus of the "summoned" pillar, shocking nearby enemies for extra damage, adding 5% damage, and—not sure—more Storm Spell procs?).
I don't think I know how to quote from my iPhone, but..
Re: storm spell dot - I don't know that it counts as a dot. I haven't used it in a while but I thought that it was just chain damage. If it crits then I would assume the same principle that applies to other spells with splash damage ( like CoI ) would work here too. So my guess is yes each splash could independently trigger SS.
Re: spells on CD, MM or CC - personally I use MM as my main at will. It does more damage than CC ( especially with mainhand bonus ), and I rarely would have time to launch a full cycle of CC anyway. If you're not using CC to add chill via the mainhand bonus and you have icy veins, then I see no reason to use it.
Re: encounters on CD and at will use - the idea of using SP as an encounter has been floated around a lot. I think even in fab's guide, but if I remember right then it requires some experience / skill to get the most of it.
If I am paying attention to my rotation and actively trying to out DPS someone, then I don't tend to be in a position of having something on cool down for more than 1 or 2 Magic Missles. My typical rotation is normally like COI ( tab ) - icy terrain - maelstrom of chaos - sudden storm - disintegrate - 1 or 2 at wills, if mobs are near dead then I don't reapply COI + IT and usually will use SS and DT and another daily to finish them off.
If you're trying to keep your SP active, it helps to unload all your spells then do an at will, that way you get its full benefit.
I don't think I know how to quote from my iPhone, but..
Re: storm spell dot - I don't know that it counts as a dot. I haven't used it in a while but I thought that it was just chain damage. If it crits then I would assume the same principle that applies to other spells with splash damage ( like CoI ) would work here too. So my guess is yes each splash could independently trigger SS.
Re: spells on CD, MM or CC - personally I use MM as my main at will. It does more damage than CC ( especially with mainhand bonus ), and I rarely would have time to launch a full cycle of CC anyway. If you're not using CC to add chill via the mainhand bonus and you have icy veins, then I see no reason to use it.
Re: encounters on CD and at will use - the idea of using SP as an encounter has been floated around a lot. I think even in fab's guide, but if I remember right then it requires some experience / skill to get the most of it.
If I am paying attention to my rotation and actively trying to out DPS someone, then I don't tend to be in a position of having something on cool down for more than 1 or 2 Magic Missles. My typical rotation is normally like COI ( tab ) - icy terrain - maelstrom of chaos - sudden storm - disintegrate - 1 or 2 at wills, if mobs are near dead then I don't reapply COI + IT and usually will use SS and DT and another daily to finish them off.
If you're trying to keep your SP active, it helps to unload all your spells then do an at will, that way you get its full benefit.
Basically, this bit "With an extended charge, creates a pillar of lightning that electrocutes nearby foes for a short period." So, the pillar lingers in the air and shocks enemies for 3 seconds (just seen it happen, haven't measured damage). Right now, my SP tooltip says 4-5K damage, vs ~1K for MM—but I have no idea if the 4-5K includes the extra shock damage, or if that would be additional. Plus, not sure if this is new, but the tooltip says that with more than half a charge, it refreshes Arcane and Chill Stacks.
Thanks again .
Edit: One curio I did test—almost had full AP when I decided to test if spamming SP w/o targets would fill it—and it did. I was at the Guild Stronghold, so, no baddies around.
Post edited by khashir on
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
If you really want to take advantage of storm pillar, there is a way to use it for boss fights. You hold down the cast for storm pillar when you standing in the purple circle and you don't let go until the boss fight animation ends. By doing this, when you get into the arena, you can immediately cast a fully charged storm pillar and if you are using destructive wizardry it gives you a full 20 seconds to take advantage of the bonus without losing dps to the clunky cast time. This trick only works in boss fights though.
If you really want to take advantage of storm pillar, there is a way to use it for boss fights. You hold down the cast for storm pillar when you standing in the purple circle and you don't let go until the boss fight animation ends. By doing this, when you get into the arena, you can immediately cast a fully charged storm pillar and if you are using destructive wizardry it gives you a full 20 seconds to take advantage of the bonus without losing dps to the clunky cast time. This trick only works in boss fights though.
Ah, clever. But if that's the only way to really take advantage of it, then the other feat is better—it will take more than 20 seconds to bring a level-appropriate boss from 30% to 0% health, so, Tempest Magic (or whatever it's called) will have higher uptime and no clunky casting.
Oh well—too bad, I was really hopeful (and enjoyed that rotation) based on the comments on your guide (that it can be really good, if weaved into the rotation as a 5th encounter). I guess those will be updated?
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
If you really want to take advantage of storm pillar, there is a way to use it for boss fights. You hold down the cast for storm pillar when you standing in the purple circle and you don't let go until the boss fight animation ends. By doing this, when you get into the arena, you can immediately cast a fully charged storm pillar and if you are using destructive wizardry it gives you a full 20 seconds to take advantage of the bonus without losing dps to the clunky cast time. This trick only works in boss fights though.
Ah, clever. But if that's the only way to really take advantage of it, then the other feat is better—it will take more than 20 seconds to bring a level-appropriate boss from 30% to 0% health, so, Tempest Magic (or whatever it's called) will have higher uptime and no clunky casting.
Oh well—too bad, I was really hopeful (and enjoyed that rotation) based on the comments on your guide (that it can be really good, if weaved into the rotation as a 5th encounter). I guess those will be updated?
It depends on your group honestly, the groups I run with normally kill all the bosses currently in the game in under 20 seconds, but its a matter of clear speed.
English is not my native language, I'm not sure if I have well explained my point about Storm Pillar. I don't have the Feat Destructive Wizardry, I never charge Storm Pillar, my main at-will is CC for AoE or MM for single target fight. Storm Pillar is my second at-will. I only use it for processing Storm Pillar with a fast right click when I'm wanting to process spell twisting without target or if I'm in a bad position and it's faster to quickly right click than target an enemy and use my main at-will.
Good place to use it is: POM : After your Rotation of Encounters/Daily, all enemies are dead => quick right click (Storm Pillar) and move on to the next pack of Mobs. EDemo : Phase 1 => After your Rotation of Encounters/Daily, all enemies are dead => quick right click (Storm Pillar) and move on to the next Portal or the sanity well. Phase 2 => Your encounters are on CD after the boss charged and you are not in range, quick right click (Storm Pillar) Phase 3 => If you need to go to the Sanity well, the boss is in your back you have encounters on CD, quick right click (Storm Pillar) ELoL : Scorpions => You don't have a tank or you are with a low iL party or you finish the fight alone. Scorpion is always after you, when you dodge-right or left, you don't have time to target the scorpion with your main at-will to process spell twisting => Storm Pillar is a better option CN : When you need to kill enemies before they reach the big ball, you finish your Rotation of Encounters/Daily, all enemies are dead=> quick right click (Storm Pillar) your encounters will be ready for the next wave.
Tiamat : You finish your Rotation of Encounters/Daily, all enemies are dead => quick right click (Storm Pillar) your encounters will be ready for the next wave.
Maybe it's not require, it's not every wizard who like Storm Pillar, it's probably my play style to use it a lot.
But don't forget, in the middle of the fight when I can easily target enemies I use my main at-will (CC or MM) to process spell twisting.
Storm Pillar it's what I call my backup utility tool.
“He raised his staff. There was a roll of thunder. The sunlight was blotted out from the eastern windows; the whole hall became suddenly dark as night. The fire faded to sullen embers. Only Gandalf could be seen, standing white and tall before the blackened hearth.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers
mamalion1234Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,415Arc User
edited August 2016
vs goristro or for some reason you couldnt hit a boss ( because boss out of range for example) half charge pilar all arcane stacks refresh to 10 sec not sure about chills on boss since goristro is out of range.
Also i am suprised noone mention this since the refreshing ability of this att will is on att will tooltip.
vs goristro or for some reason you couldnt hit a boss ( because boss out of range for example) half charge pilar all arcane stacks refresh to 10 sec not sure about chills on boss since goristro is out of range.
Also i am suprised noone mention this since the refreshing ability of this att will is on att will tooltip.
I thought the refresh was on full charge (I had not read tool-tips since a long time). Interesting, I will try it on my next eDemo run.
“He raised his staff. There was a roll of thunder. The sunlight was blotted out from the eastern windows; the whole hall became suddenly dark as night. The fire faded to sullen embers. Only Gandalf could be seen, standing white and tall before the blackened hearth.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers
It depends on your group honestly, the groups I run with normally kill all the bosses currently in the game in under 20 seconds, but its a matter of clear speed.
vs goristro or for some reason you couldnt hit a boss ( because boss out of range for example) half charge pilar all arcane stacks refresh to 10 sec not sure about chills on boss since goristro is out of range.
Also i am suprised noone mention this since the refreshing ability of this att will is on att will tooltip.
I thought the refresh was on full charge (I had not read tool-tips since a long time). Interesting, I will try it on my next eDemo run.
It's with half charge, I mentioned this in an earlier comment (oddly, not in the wiki, yes on the tooltip):
"Plus, not sure if this is new, but the tooltip says that with more than half a charge, it refreshes Arcane and Chill Stacks."
It's tricky though (I was testing a bit yesterday), because half a charge takes 1.5-2 secs, so, you don't have much slack before Arcane Stacks expire (unless the wiki is outdated, which says that Arcane stacks all go away after ~3 secs... I hadn't been paying much attention to those).
In theory, not sure if practical, you would cast Disintegrate/Steal Time as your last encounter (or second to last, before Sudden Storm, which also refreshes Arcane and Chill), then half-charge Storm Pillar. If this increases Arcane Stacks uptime, it could be a sweet DPS increase (and better than MM, since you need the 3rd cast to refresh Arcane stacks).
To get the biggest uptime, it seems the rotation would have to be a "2-cycle" one: say, CoI, IT, Sudden Storm, Disintegrate, Storm Pillar; CoI/IT, Sudden Storm (cast 2nd, instead of 3rd, before Arcane Stacks expire), IT/CoI, Disintegrate, Storm Pillar; repeat the 2nd one
(or maybe just go with the 2nd one, as one cycle).
Doable/worthwhile? The idea is to continually refresh Arcane Stacks with SS and SP, to get 5 stacks for as long as possible.
Post edited by khashir on
mamalion1234Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,415Arc User
It depends on your group honestly, the groups I run with normally kill all the bosses currently in the game in under 20 seconds, but its a matter of clear speed.
vs goristro or for some reason you couldnt hit a boss ( because boss out of range for example) half charge pilar all arcane stacks refresh to 10 sec not sure about chills on boss since goristro is out of range.
Also i am suprised noone mention this since the refreshing ability of this att will is on att will tooltip.
I thought the refresh was on full charge (I had not read tool-tips since a long time). Interesting, I will try it on my next eDemo run.
It's with half charge, I mentioned this in an earlier comment (oddly, not in the wiki, yes on the tooltip):
"Plus, not sure if this is new, but the tooltip says that with more than half a charge, it refreshes Arcane and Chill Stacks."
It's tricky though (I was testing a bit yesterday), because half a charge takes 1.5-2 secs, so, you don't have much slack before Arcane Stacks expire (unless the wiki is outdated, which says that Arcane stacks all go away after ~3 secs... I hadn't been paying much attention to those).
In theory, not sure if practical, you would cast Disintegrate/Steal Time as your last encounter (or second to last, before Sudden Storm, which also refreshes Arcane and Chill), then half-charge Storm Pillar. If this increases Arcane Stacks uptime, it could be a sweet DPS increase (and better than MM, since you need the 3rd cast to refresh Arcane stacks).
To get the biggest uptime, it seems the rotation would have to be a "2-cycle" one: say, CoI, IT, Sudden Storm, Disintegrate, Storm Pillar; CoI/IT, Sudden Storm (cast 2nd, instead of 3rd, before Arcane Stacks expire), IT/CoI, Disintegrate, Storm Pillar; repeat the 2nd one
(or maybe just go with the 2nd one, as one cycle).
Doable/worthwhile? The idea is to continually refresh Arcane Stacks with SS and SP, to get 5 stacks for as long as possible.
INteresting. Sudden storm is strong enough vs trash monsters to surpass disintegrate? question is based on single target builds with focus wizardry.
@mamalion1234 I use both sudden storm and disintegrate actually. SS has no target limit and if you're good with aiming can do some serious damage.
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
edited August 2016
Added a section on buffs, debuffs and combat advantage to stat theory. I will likely add a screenshot of what boons I will eventually be getting in mod 10, however I have not acquired and tested them all so take that with a grain of salt if I do. I also intend to redo the section on class features and gear, as well as revamp my support build, so keep your eyes peeled for that
OK....did I understand well the buff part? (the debuff part is so detailed you have to understand it ... eventually)
Here are the hypotheses: no power, 10 INT and a 1-1 weapon (ridiculous but I wish to symplify the matter to speak only of the buffs) use of disintegrate (single target - arcane)
5 arcane stacks 5*3% -> first question is damage multiplier 1+(5* 0.03)= 1.15 or 1.03^5 = 1.159 arcane enhancement 3% focused wizardry 30% tempest magic 5% (yes it's near death) Malevolent surge 5% (yes something passed away before) 2 Elemental reinforcemeent stacks 2*5% (yes I'm a poor MoF with no 3rd stack) Frozen target + chilling P 96% (no off-hand feature because it's a bit complicated : is it 96 +3 / 96+6 / 96*1.03 or something else?)
so in this situation I should see my disintegrate deal base * 3.66 ?
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
OK....did I understand well the buff part? (the debuff part is so detailed you have to understand it ... eventually)
Here are the hypotheses: no power, 10 INT and a 1-1 weapon (ridiculous but I wish to symplify the matter to speak only of the buffs) use of disintegrate (single target - arcane)
5 arcane stacks 5*3% -> first question is damage multiplier 1+(5* 0.03)= 1.15 or 1.03^5 = 1.159 arcane enhancement 3% focused wizardry 30% tempest magic 5% (yes it's near death) Malevolent surge 5% (yes something passed away before) 2 Elemental reinforcemeent stacks 2*5% (yes I'm a poor MoF with no 3rd stack) Frozen target + chilling P 96% (no off-hand feature because it's a bit complicated : is it 96 +3 / 96+6 / 96*1.03 or something else?)
so in this situation I should see my disintegrate deal base * 3.66 ?
I should have clarified, enhancements to the same buff are additive, but different buffs interacting with each other are multiplicative. So, the way it works is:
5 Arcane Stacks: 5*3% = 15% Focused Wizardry 30% Tempest Magic 5% Malevolent Surge 5% 2 Elemental Reinforcement Stacks (these actually are separate buffs and multiply with each other)... 1.05*1.05-1 = 0.1025 Frozen Target+Chilling Presence 96%, with offhand 102.
Total bonus:
1.15*1.3*1.05*1.05*1.1025*2.02 = 3.67070732437
If Chilling Presence does not have the offhand bonus, its:
Yep quite nicely ust one more: In your debuff set-up, you place both rust monster and dancing shield. For what I can find the 20% defense debuff of the dancing shield comes from a summoned power (shield slam), same as Hypercorrosion the DR debuff of the rust monster. You obviously can have only one summoned companion so how can you have both as in your example? ( the question is what did I miss?)
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
Yep quite nicely ust one more: In your debuff set-up, you place both rust monster and dancing shield. For what I can find the 20% defense debuff of the dancing shield comes from a summoned power (shield slam), same as Hypercorrosion the DR debuff of the rust monster. You obviously can have only one summoned companion so how can you have both as in your example? ( the question is what did I miss?)
Also, I would like to clarify that was not my debuff setup, I was just using an example for how to calculate it.
*edit* Mistake on my part. You cannot have both active and I have updated my guide to reflect this.
@thefabricant revisited the stat theory section and a little confused on the ap gain stat vs recovery vs ap gain %.
I'm looking to maximize AP gain in combination with burning artifact set and so I'm trying to get a really high % AP gain.
I've found mixed info on soft caps for ap gain. Would it be useful to have like 2k AP Gain ? ( offhand + thayan + Tiamat + jewels ) or would a high recovery net me a bigger bang for buck there ?
Also, might be a silly question, but would there be any situation in which it would be better to run Storm Pillar and Chilling Cloud instead of SP and RoF? Would it be bad to do so?
Edit: what I have in mind is the following rotation—Charged SPillar, [Encounters/Daily], Chill Cloud (2x), [Encounters], start over.
The thought is that Destructive Wizardry lasts 20 seconds, so, you can use CC to refresh Chill, and then refresh DW the following cycle.
I am a PS4 player who is new to the game and am playing as a control wizard. My item level is 2650 and I am following the SS Thaum build from your guide. I was hoping you would be able to advise me on the best rotations of powers to use and the order I should use them in to maximize my damage.
Once again thank you for your amazing control wizard guide.
- time it takes to charge a storm pillar is time you could use to activate spell twisting, which would net you more encounter spells
- It is unrealistic to use it before a fight. DPS in this game is all about most HP removed from target. You'll probably open with CoI anyway, which would then give you two casting times before you could do anything. By then mobs will be half dead or gone.
Also, regarding chilling cloud and refreshing chill stacks: I don't know how many other CW's feel this way, but I don't often use CC, in favor of Magic Missles. Spell twisting is activated when the projectile hits, and MM travels way faster. I don't use the offhand bonus for CC either because I'm always in close enough range to activate icy veins. Instead I normally have it set to the + 8% mm bonus
But you're right that those are a few seconds when you're not activating spell twisting...
About mobs, I charge up while the tank approaches/pulls, so, I don't think I lose much there.
Re: MM travelling faster than CC: by that token, don't SP/RoF travel faster than MM? (I'm genuinely curious... both seem almost instant).
I was a big advocate for storm puller originally until I tried the 5% off 30% health feat, and the one that added 5% after killing a mob. The first one only results in like a 1.5% increase ( I think ) but it's always active.
Also as for opening with your daily power, it's normally in my rotation in the beginning, but I never use it until I have atleast cast icy terrain AND one other spell ( usually CoI or Steal time ). That way you're getting the max benefit from chilling presence.
The best time to use it, it's when it's faster to quick cast on top of yourself instead of losing 1 second to searching for a target.
Exemple: When enemies are in your back, all your encounters are on cool-down and you want to quickly process spell twisting before turning and use an encounter.
I use it often to be ready for the next pack of Mobs too.
it's situational, but always useful when I need it.
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers
When casting a fully charged Storm Pillar, can the hovering pillar (that shocks nearby enemies for a few secs) trigger Storm Spell? As in, would it count as a mini-DoT, providing more opportunities to crit? No problem! I stumbled upon mamalion's idea (casting SP on self) to discharge spell twisting, so, been using that. My current conundrum is when a heated battle throws me off my rotation, and all my encounters are on CD (even after STwisting). MM or Chilling Cloud? What do you do when all your encounters are on CD (and you've discharged Spell Twisting)? Maybe that won't happen once I have more experience, but right now it happens to me when fights get too messy and I lose control of my rotation. Sometimes I find that charging SP gives me enough time for Encounter resets (with, presumably, the added bonus of the "summoned" pillar, shocking nearby enemies for extra damage, adding 5% damage, and—not sure—more Storm Spell procs?).
Re: storm spell dot - I don't know that it counts as a dot. I haven't used it in a while but I thought that it was just chain damage. If it crits then I would assume the same principle that applies to other spells with splash damage ( like CoI ) would work here too. So my guess is yes each splash could independently trigger SS.
Re: spells on CD, MM or CC - personally I use MM as my main at will. It does more damage than CC ( especially with mainhand bonus ), and I rarely would have time to launch a full cycle of CC anyway. If you're not using CC to add chill via the mainhand bonus and you have icy veins, then I see no reason to use it.
Re: encounters on CD and at will use - the idea of using SP as an encounter has been floated around a lot. I think even in fab's guide, but if I remember right then it requires some experience / skill to get the most of it.
If I am paying attention to my rotation and actively trying to out DPS someone, then I don't tend to be in a position of having something on cool down for more than 1 or 2 Magic Missles. My typical rotation is normally like COI ( tab ) - icy terrain - maelstrom of chaos - sudden storm - disintegrate - 1 or 2 at wills, if mobs are near dead then I don't reapply COI + IT and usually will use SS and DT and another daily to finish them off.
If you're trying to keep your SP active, it helps to unload all your spells then do an at will, that way you get its full benefit.
Thanks again
Edit: One curio I did test—almost had full AP when I decided to test if spamming SP w/o targets would fill it—and it did. I was at the Guild Stronghold, so, no baddies around.
Oh well—too bad, I was really hopeful (and enjoyed that rotation) based on the comments on your guide (that it can be really good, if weaved into the rotation as a 5th encounter). I guess those will be updated?
I don't have the Feat Destructive Wizardry, I never charge Storm Pillar, my main at-will is CC for AoE or MM for single target fight. Storm Pillar is my second at-will.
I only use it for processing Storm Pillar with a fast right click when I'm wanting to process spell twisting without target or if I'm in a bad position and it's faster to quickly right click than target an enemy and use my main at-will.
Good place to use it is:
After your Rotation of Encounters/Daily, all enemies are dead => quick right click (Storm Pillar) and move on to the next pack of Mobs.
EDemo :
Phase 1 => After your Rotation of Encounters/Daily, all enemies are dead => quick right click (Storm Pillar) and move on to
the next Portal or the sanity well.
Phase 2 => Your encounters are on CD after the boss charged and you are not in range, quick right click (Storm Pillar)
Phase 3 => If you need to go to the Sanity well, the boss is in your back you have encounters on CD,
quick right click (Storm Pillar)
ELoL :
Scorpions => You don't have a tank or you are with a low iL party or you finish the fight alone.
Scorpion is always after you, when you dodge-right or left, you don't have time to target the scorpion with your
main at-will to process spell twisting => Storm Pillar is a better option
CN :
When you need to kill enemies before they reach the big ball, you finish your Rotation of Encounters/Daily, all enemies are dead=> quick right click (Storm Pillar) your encounters will be ready for the next wave.
Tiamat :
You finish your Rotation of Encounters/Daily, all enemies are dead => quick right click (Storm Pillar) your encounters will be ready for the next wave.
Maybe it's not require, it's not every wizard who like Storm Pillar, it's probably my play style to use it a lot.
But don't forget, in the middle of the fight when I can easily target enemies I use my main at-will (CC or MM) to process spell twisting.
Storm Pillar it's what I call my backup utility tool.
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers
Also i am suprised noone mention this since the refreshing ability of this att will is on att will tooltip.
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers
"Plus, not sure if this is new, but the tooltip says that with more than half a charge, it refreshes Arcane and Chill Stacks."
It's tricky though (I was testing a bit yesterday), because half a charge takes 1.5-2 secs, so, you don't have much slack before Arcane Stacks expire (unless the wiki is outdated, which says that Arcane stacks all go away after ~3 secs... I hadn't been paying much attention to those).
In theory, not sure if practical, you would cast Disintegrate/Steal Time as your last encounter (or second to last, before Sudden Storm, which also refreshes Arcane and Chill), then half-charge Storm Pillar. If this increases Arcane Stacks uptime, it could be a sweet DPS increase (and better than MM, since you need the 3rd cast to refresh Arcane stacks).
To get the biggest uptime, it seems the rotation would have to be a "2-cycle" one: say, CoI, IT, Sudden Storm, Disintegrate, Storm Pillar; CoI/IT, Sudden Storm (cast 2nd, instead of 3rd, before Arcane Stacks expire), IT/CoI, Disintegrate, Storm Pillar; repeat the 2nd one
(or maybe just go with the 2nd one, as one cycle).
Doable/worthwhile? The idea is to continually refresh Arcane Stacks with SS and SP, to get 5 stacks for as long as possible.
Here are the hypotheses:
no power, 10 INT and a 1-1 weapon (ridiculous but I wish to symplify the matter to speak only of the buffs)
use of disintegrate (single target - arcane)
5 arcane stacks 5*3% -> first question is damage multiplier 1+(5* 0.03)= 1.15 or 1.03^5 = 1.159
arcane enhancement 3%
focused wizardry 30%
tempest magic 5% (yes it's near death)
Malevolent surge 5% (yes something passed away before)
2 Elemental reinforcemeent stacks 2*5% (yes I'm a poor MoF with no 3rd stack)
Frozen target + chilling P 96% (no off-hand feature because it's a bit complicated : is it 96 +3 / 96+6 / 96*1.03 or something else?)
so in this situation I should see my disintegrate deal base * 3.66 ?
5 Arcane Stacks: 5*3% = 15%
Focused Wizardry 30%
Tempest Magic 5%
Malevolent Surge 5%
2 Elemental Reinforcement Stacks (these actually are separate buffs and multiply with each other)... 1.05*1.05-1 = 0.1025
Frozen Target+Chilling Presence 96%, with offhand 102.
Total bonus:
1.15*1.3*1.05*1.05*1.1025*2.02 = 3.67070732437
If Chilling Presence does not have the offhand bonus, its:
1.15*1.3*1.05*1.05*1.1025*1.96 = 3.56167641375
Hope that clarified your problem.
*edit* Mistake on my part. You cannot have both active and I have updated my guide to reflect this.
I'm looking to maximize AP gain in combination with burning artifact set and so I'm trying to get a really high % AP gain.
I've found mixed info on soft caps for ap gain. Would it be useful to have like 2k AP Gain ? ( offhand + thayan + Tiamat + jewels ) or would a high recovery net me a bigger bang for buck there ?