It's because ping, the more ping, the sooner dodge must be done, it's like hell when you are a hunter ranger with so little inmunity frame of dodges, 75% of the time at least, i couldn't dodge any attack.
So yet another qq deflect severity thread about TRs begins again. TR deflect severity is fine where it's at and so is ITC. Vision/ambush rings ruin any chances of using stealth defensively and if this deflection didn't exist TRs would basically be like HRs minus the insane self healing (skeleton steed healing, wild medicine etc.) TRs ability to tank is limited to about 6 seconds and then you have to run away in order to survive till ITC comes back, so I don't think I would categorize this as tanky.
What really needs to be addressed is one shots. First strike damage and shadow born (I'm looking at you executioner) are the real culprits behind insane burst hits. Of course encounter damage and at will damage need a major overhaul if there is a change to these in order to compensate. If not rogues will end up being the lowest damage striker class and in a pretty low spot among desirability in a comp.
Can´t speak for TR class itself (only one invoking TR at PE). Since the class dishes out piercing damage, wich troubles PVP and leads to long threads about TR´s SE, SoD double procs (once was a problem too, right?), it will be fun to get this class balanced again Last time that happened it had a long lasting painfull impact on PVP, sure other classes followed like Mr. Bubble (formerly), GWF atm unkillable etc. I would be happy to get rid of piercing nonsense because it´s from no interest for PVE and the fact that gear improves and classes get balanced arround improved gear, will just make the effect from piercing more and more redicules in the future. The only class the devs failed to make her broken/overpowered is warlock, they just broke core abilities from Soulbinder and did not fix them till launch, interesting right? A class that was near not existent in PVP get´s even worse, a class that allready has 1 million tools to dominate PVP will surely get more broken. Reworks suck in terms of balance, I would prefer small adjustements
CW bearing a TR what 1v1? First off no good cw should ever lose to a TR in a 1v1 situation. Overshield negates one shots (unless it's a fray dunk which is a separate issue) and cws have an near infinite number of teleports. Also smoke bomb is really the only good "free" cc a rogue has and is completely dodgeable. Any class that has a dodge including a cw can dodge away from the bomb before being hit by it due to the activation time and noise.
Being upset because you can't control a rogue to death is separate from rogues being "tanky" which I can assure you they are not. Also at this point on the game I can't believe anyone is complaining about stealth when 90% of the player base have ambush rings making everyone a rogue.
Lastly ITC is not God mode. Piercing damage can and will ruin your day while it is up, and if used out of stealth you can die if you get jumped on while it is up. Also there is an annoying bug where it doesn't activate properly while you are rolling sometimes leaving you out to dry if you hit it while dodging unintentionally.
It's funny devs were talking about "Class Balance" and when they add more piercing dmg to certain classes. Why not give that chance to any other class? HRs on combat, TRs with Shocking Execution. Alright let's make PVP just for those classes with piercing dmg. Yeah more HRs amd TRs for everyone (going to respec my HR for pvp)
Its funny when they talk about "class balance" indeed. I played a lot of PVP last night on both my lvl70 OP and the lvl68 GF. Basically I dont know what most of the classes can do vs the new ranger who is the old ranger (folks who remember the first piercing blade fiasco will know). My pally uses Binding Oath so I can handle it but without BO a 3200 item level tank is darn near helpless. Especially a prot pally in a pug has zero options in pvp but Binding Oath when vs a premade. I look forward to someone proving me wrong on this one but I rather doubt it.
Next the GF, I noticed my Jagged Blades hitting like a truck (were those dots crits?). If we truly want to talk balance then we mustn't ignore our own class performance. GWFs can only wish Deep Gash is as good as current Jagged Blades, Paladins can only dream that Purifying Fire is even half as good as current Jagged Blades. Seriously the more I play the GF the more I think the so called nerf was a buff. Fun fact, with ITF on, my GF now runs as fast as a sprinting GWF..
I think the Mod 10 class balance was in fact class buffing for the new content and the rest of the classes are now at a disadvantage.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
1. Using or not using the ring is irrelevant when having this type of discussion. The fact is that they are a part of the game and free to use, whether you get flamed for it or not. Toxicity in the community really has no bearing on this. If ambush rings ever get removed you may have a stronger argument.
2. Deflect severity is a key component of the rogue class. The design intention obviously was not to have "tanky rogues" with high defense and high damage resist, but a class that relies on deflection to survive. ITC lasts six seconds, has a downtime, and involves going into a certain Paragon path.
IMO shield on tab and unstoppable are far better in terms of defensive mechanics. For one they can be used more often and don't require you to constantly play defensively using stealth. Fact is the only reason people complain about ITC is because of the dunk. It's more of the same nonsense of "why can't I kill this guy in one hit but he can kill me?" In that sense they are correct, but your screaming about the wrong thing.
Also Defenders have abilities that are core mechanics and can be used continuously (gf shield, paladin shield) and give far better protection. Apples and oranges.
3. TRs have the lowest death rates because they run away the most and are hard to target. It's a stealth based class so this is a pretty obvious outcome. Nerfing ITC would not change this. As a rogue you get to pick and choose when to engage and most people are smart enough not to dive headfirst into a group of 5 guys swarming a node.
4. Lastly First Strike needs a change not SE as that's the culprit for insane hits. Having frustration with a class is fine, but understanding how it works first is important when trying to give feedback.
1. Using or not using the ring is irrelevant when having this type of discussion. The fact is that they are a part of the game and free to use, whether you get flamed for it or not. Toxicity in the community really has no bearing on this. If ambush rings ever get removed you may have a stronger argument.
2. Deflect severity is a key component of the rogue class. The design intention obviously was not to have "tanky rogues" with high defense and high damage resist, but a class that relies on deflection to survive. ITC lasts six seconds, has a downtime, and involves going into a certain Paragon path.
IMO shield on tab and unstoppable are far better in terms of defensive mechanics. For one they can be used more often and don't require you to constantly play defensively using stealth. Fact is the only reason people complain about ITC is because of the dunk. It's more of the same nonsense of "why can't I kill this guy in one hit but he can kill me?" In that sense they are correct, but your screaming about the wrong thing.
Also Defenders have abilities that are core mechanics and can be used continuously (gf shield, paladin shield) and give far better protection. Apples and oranges.
3. TRs have the lowest death rates because they run away the most and are hard to target. It's a stealth based class so this is a pretty obvious outcome. Nerfing ITC would not change this. As a rogue you get to pick and choose when to engage and most people are smart enough not to dive headfirst into a group of 5 guys swarming a node.
4. Lastly First Strike needs a change not SE as that's the culprit for insane hits. Having frustration with a class is fine, but understanding how it works first is important when trying to give feedback.
1 - Ambush ring had two problems before devs "fixed" one of them: it wasn't WAI until devs changed the tooltip from "this stealth can happends once every 30 secs" to "as long as the char keeps moving "fast" " . Tthe other bug, which is the main source of complains about the ring itself, is that not a single player can detect an ambush bearer at 20' or less distance. Once devs fix it (that's our hopes), let's see how many players will use it at all (IMO, the ring should suffer, also, some penalties, but this is an alt. discussion.)
2 - Deflect Severity is mean to deflect DAMAGE, not CC effects and durations. If you think otherwise, you're just a player whose enjoy using broken mechanics. ITC is broken for 2 reasons (using normal one, i will not even talk about the stealthed one or it granting 20k to deflection rate) mainly:
- It breaks all kind of CC, making the TR immune to CC for up to 6 seconds for a simple reason: Deflection severity reducing all CC durations to less than 1 sec even if the "CCer" is an oppressor CW (let's not rolf here, pls). I can understand that it deflects damage up to almost 0, but CC durations?? Ludicrous, so, comparing it with Unstop is just BS for a simple reason: Unstop can be bypassed by all classes with enough ArP unlike ITC (give Unstop 20k DR then, you can keep ITC as it is right now. ). - Low CD: I saw its CD lowered to 11 secs while having like 25k on power, which means tht char have just 5 secs of vulnerability which can be covered throught using Smoke bomb and dodges. So, comparing it to Unstop or even Shield is just BS.
TL;DR: ITC is broken because it has 0 sidedowns at all if you know how to "bypass" them.
3 - False. On PvP, what a TR does is enter into stealth after pass mid node, go into the enemy's node and, usually, one shot the target there. It has nothing to do with ITC. Using ITC, what the TR can do is "troll" the whole node because he/she can FACETANK them all thanks to ITC, which is INSANE. So, again, comparing it with Unstop is just BS.
4 - S.E. ALSO needs a change, not just First Strike and ITC among other things, buffs and nerfs too, on the whole class.
that means also you deflect cc duration if you build your gwf on deflection and any class. SO we are all broken using deflection stat.
You guys really need to learn to read tooltips and play a class before commenting. ITC is supposed to remove control effects and make you immune to CC for the duration. Deflect severity has nothing to do with this I repeat NOTHING. Also base deflect severity is 75% not 85% for TRs and there is no way to increase this outside of potions.
A TR cannot "facetank" a whole team on a node. Try making a rogue and using ITC like this and you will get squashed like a bug. If you don't use your cooldowns and stealth correctly you won't even last 6 seconds. Also unstoppable does give you DR based on the percentage of determination you have when it is triggered up to 30% if I'm not mistaken. A good GWF can "facetank" a whole team and never die unless they get dunked because of insane insignia self healing and DR from unstoppable and negation (they don't need to use elven because unstoppable makes them immune to cc). A good wizard can also troll a node with push and well timed infini dodges. A good HR can troll a whole node with well timed fox shifts and dodges and insane self healing. I guess every class in neverwinter is op by your logic.....
Gear and IL is king btw. When I say "good" I mean 4k+ and skilled. Node trolling may work in pug matches, but against other equally geared and skilled players and in premades you probably won't last that long.
Finally the SE nerf crusade is old and tired. If you can't figure out the problem is with First Strike and the shadowborne feat in executioner by now, then I'm done trying to explain. All I can say is read tool tips and educate yourselves rather than spouting rhetoric you read on the forums as gospel.
Just food for thought.
Here is the ITC tooltip btw in case you are interested I have highlighted the areas of interest in bold
out of stealth:
"You break free from most control effects, and for several seconds you Deflect all incoming attacks and are immune to further control effects."
"You become completely untouchable to your enemies, dodging their attacks and gaining an additional 50% Damage Resistance."
I think you have problems reading , the problem that i mentioned is with the class being tanky.
And itc is at fault togheter with deflect severity , these 2 go togheter an both will be looked at sooner or later.
Again i know how good u are when you say that 30% dr is better than a extra +25% on the normal 50% deflect severity, i guess thats all you can expect from xbox private servers.
And apparently you have a problem communicating as well as reading. ITC when used from stealth grants 50% damage resistance. Also if you stack recovery for lowering ITC's cooldown you can't stack power in offense slots, or you can't stack deflect on your artifacts. Therefore you can't have the best of both worlds."Tanky" also implies that you can stand in one spot and "face tank" people as you stated, which as a rogue you can't. Hence my earlier comments. In your world I guess rogues just stand in one spot and throw daggers at you all day without moving while getting beat on by 4 of your teamates.
Also that's not the only thing you are complaining about. I'm not going to bother reposting my responses again to any of your 1-4 list because I already responded to it. Your just reposting the same tired QQ about the same encounter powers and dallies that others have posted about without any concept about how these powers work in interactions with class features, feats, and other abilities. 30% DR and damage increase that makes you immune to cc, an overshield that absorbs big hits that refreshes itself with 0 interaction by the player along with having the best dodge in the game, an encounter power that gives immunity frames and a free dodge (HR, GWF, CW)..... but yeah ITC with it's 6 second duration and rogue base 75% deflect severity is op ....
I can tell that you have never played either class (GWF or TR) or if you have are just mindlessly mashing buttons and are basing all of your "expert" statements on numbers you are reading on the forums. Sorry but I'm too busy actually playing these classes on my "private servers" in order to properly assess them. Anyway I'm done since it's obvious that you have zero interest in educating yourself. Please feel free to continue your nerf crusade.
If you think I'm going to respond to your list and waste even more of my time your crazy. You lost all credibility when you said this
"1 - Deflection Severity + 20k on Deflection chance is what makes the TR being "non-CC able". I can understand the "break free" matter on a first time but render all kind CC of useless due deflection chance + deflection sev which can't be bypassed unlike GWF's DR + Unstop + Negation? you are just spreading BS if you don't know this fact at all. "
First off deflection severity/chance doesn't render all CC useless ITC does. Also 20k deflect? Where is all that recovery coming from to reduce cooldowns then, or power for that matter? I guess you must be running across those super rogues with 40k power, 10k recovery, and 20k deflect.... Also I didn't realize rogues were immune to piercing damage and their own dunks, thanks for the info..... Hmm I guess deflect severity triggers when you don't deflect.
Also knowledge time:
Unstoppable grants temp hp and if your getting beat on comes up far more frequently than ITC does. Also I never said DR on GWFs can't be bypassed. GWFs just have so many sources that it reaches ridiculous levels which combined with self healing (wheel, water weapon, insignias) makes it to where only a dunk can kill them (Unstoppable 30%, Negation 30%, Countless Scars 15%, 18% feythouched debuff, plus high defense and tenacity). You also can stack deflect too on a GWF making them super "tanky" as well. But you play a GWF right? Don't you know this? But like I said before I'm done, since you two obviously have nothing to contribute to a rational discussion, and this thread will most likely get modded soon for flaming.
Right now, PvP HRs have two popular builds, full combat - this one has no stuns except one daily, and usually no roots, does have good burst with piercing. Second, trapper with 15 points in archer - full stuns and roots, and only meh piercing damage.
Basically, if he perma stuns you, he probably can't kill you, if he doesn't perma stun you, he may well kill you.
But HRs can't do both at the same time, unless there's a fairly big difference in item level. I respecced to full combat yesterday, on my 3.8k pathfinder HR, it's very tanky, and damage wise much better than mod9. But that's as far as it goes, HRs have not suddenly become overpowered death machines, what's happening atm. is no-one is used to having to take a PvP HR seriously, because mod8/9 HRs were a joke.
Now, thank God, we're not.
You forgot to add, they also have the ability to out heal Clerics and SW with 60% life steal, while I am happy Rangers got their buff, it makes me wonder why again, there was no balancing pass done to test this HAMSTER.
I would say, play the game, don't spend any money to buy anything (this is the only way these people who code will listen.).
But yeah, PvP is a damn mess right now, they screwed up the SW changes (Made them worse) and buffed the other classes to the point of no return, lol.
I may not be considered by most the BEST PVP Warlock on the server but, I am the most HATED amongst them.
Ill tell you something, when 2 people are having an argument and one of them is accusing the other one of being part of a "nerfing crusade" is like you actually admited that i am right , same old story happend in the GF threads with ITF and KC, same goes for TRs and soon for DCs.
For the sake of class balance idm you, but it would be more easy to get the things done faster if the obstacle wouldnt be the community.
So instead of protecting the Overpowered items you could admit it and work constructive to also get damage from encounters and atwills , but it seems you dont know whats wrong with your class which is fine. Atleast you can be loud on the forums.
I told you I wouldn't respond back, but you keep baiting me in. It's supposed to be a discussion not an argument. But discussions involve having knowledge of the subject matter, which not to insult you, do not have. For example not mentioning what shadowborn or first strike do in conjunction proves this. If you bothered to read tool tips or try out specs and abilities on a TR you would realize this. So instead you focus on a daily (that has already been nerfed twice incidently) because you hear flashy sounds and see a giant dagger come down on your head. There is a reason most rogues have gone away from the saboteur path and have gone executioner (i'll give you a hint, the above mentioned reasons are it).
Also being accused of a nerfing crusade is not a compliment. It does not prove you are right in any way. Everyone knows there is a problem. Posting nonsense about it doesn't help the issue, it just clouds it. I just posted to try and correct what you are saying to educate others instead. But I see some people don't want to understand they just want to be stubborn and insist that "eureka!!" they found the problem because of anecdotal evidence. Like I said continue the flaming it will get modded in the end.
Someone here told me that there were two types of rangers, one could cc you but not kill you , the other has piercing dmg but no cc... Well f that. My 2,7 GF in PVP gear (granted two pieces of that are blue) spent all his time from full health to dead shut down vs a pathfinder ranger. Sure the ranger was 3.6 from a top pvp guild (meaning boons) but still! Didnt we go thru this once before already. I seem to recall in the past we all(including devs) agreed that being perma locked down is no fun especially when you actually have tenacity. What the heck is going on here again? Perma cc is a thing, piercing dmg is a thing, bis GFs 1-rotating is a thing, TRs 1-shotting is a thing. Its like the dev team took all broken HAMSTER from the past and shoved it into mod 10. GG
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
ionvnegativoMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 119Arc User
we, low item level TRs need ITC to survive better geared players, out of stealth and ITC, perfect negation and 27% DR are easily bypassed by high burst, not all TRs play the hide and seek 1 shot saboteur, not all TRs can afford the power-recovery high AP build.
4 - A TR doesn't need to "sacrifice" power or recovery to get those amounts of Deflection
i sacrifice damage (STR) to get DEX and CHA maxed for deflect. artifacts come with power-deflection or critical strike-deflection or yes you have to sacrifice offensive stats for deflection.
Also not all TRs (like me) have the skill and the right build/stats to win a match.
ionvnegativoMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 119Arc User
edited August 2016
for the sake of balance i have to agreed that deflection severity may need a tonedown....but deflection is a matter of luck 66% deflect at that time if i remember right...
What really needs to be addressed is one shots. First strike damage and shadow born (I'm looking at you executioner) are the real culprits behind insane burst hits. Of course encounter damage and at will damage need a major overhaul if there is a change to these in order to compensate. If not rogues will end up being the lowest damage striker class and in a pretty low spot among desirability in a comp.
Since the class dishes out piercing damage, wich troubles PVP and leads to long threads about TR´s SE, SoD double procs (once was a problem too, right?), it will be fun to get this class balanced again
Last time that happened it had a long lasting painfull impact on PVP, sure other classes followed like Mr. Bubble (formerly), GWF atm unkillable etc.
I would be happy to get rid of piercing nonsense because it´s from no interest for PVE and the fact that gear improves and classes get balanced arround improved gear, will just make the effect from piercing more and more redicules in the future.
The only class the devs failed to make her broken/overpowered is warlock, they just broke core abilities from Soulbinder and did not fix them till launch, interesting right? A class that was near not existent in PVP get´s even worse, a class that allready has 1 million tools to dominate PVP will surely get more broken.
Reworks suck in terms of balance, I would prefer small adjustements
CW bearing a TR what 1v1? First off no good cw should ever lose to a TR in a 1v1 situation. Overshield negates one shots (unless it's a fray dunk which is a separate issue) and cws have an near infinite number of teleports. Also smoke bomb is really the only good "free" cc a rogue has and is completely dodgeable. Any class that has a dodge including a cw can dodge away from the bomb before being hit by it due to the activation time and noise.
Being upset because you can't control a rogue to death is separate from rogues being "tanky" which I can assure you they are not. Also at this point on the game I can't believe anyone is complaining about stealth when 90% of the player base have ambush rings making everyone a rogue.
Lastly ITC is not God mode. Piercing damage can and will ruin your day while it is up, and if used out of stealth you can die if you get jumped on while it is up. Also there is an annoying bug where it doesn't activate properly while you are rolling sometimes leaving you out to dry if you hit it while dodging unintentionally.
Next the GF, I noticed my Jagged Blades hitting like a truck (were those dots crits?). If we truly want to talk balance then we mustn't ignore our own class performance. GWFs can only wish Deep Gash is as good as current Jagged Blades, Paladins can only dream that Purifying Fire is even half as good as current Jagged Blades. Seriously the more I play the GF the more I think the so called nerf was a buff. Fun fact, with ITF on, my GF now runs as fast as a sprinting GWF..
I think the Mod 10 class balance was in fact class buffing for the new content and the rest of the classes are now at a disadvantage.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
1. Using or not using the ring is irrelevant when having this type of discussion. The fact is that they are a part of the game and free to use, whether you get flamed for it or not. Toxicity in the community really has no bearing on this. If ambush rings ever get removed you may have a stronger argument.
2. Deflect severity is a key component of the rogue class. The design intention obviously was not to have "tanky rogues" with high defense and high damage resist, but a class that relies on deflection to survive. ITC lasts six seconds, has a downtime, and involves going into a certain Paragon path.
IMO shield on tab and unstoppable are far better in terms of defensive mechanics. For one they can be used more often and don't require you to constantly play defensively using stealth. Fact is the only reason people complain about ITC is because of the dunk. It's more of the same nonsense of "why can't I kill this guy in one hit but he can kill me?" In that sense they are correct, but your screaming about the wrong thing.
Also Defenders have abilities that are core mechanics and can be used continuously (gf shield, paladin shield) and give far better protection. Apples and oranges.
3. TRs have the lowest death rates because they run away the most and are hard to target. It's a stealth based class so this is a pretty obvious outcome. Nerfing ITC would not change this. As a rogue you get to pick and choose when to engage and most people are smart enough not to dive headfirst into a group of 5 guys swarming a node.
4. Lastly First Strike needs a change not SE as that's the culprit for insane hits. Having frustration with a class is fine, but understanding how it works first is important when trying to give feedback.
You guys really need to learn to read tooltips and play a class before commenting. ITC is supposed to remove control effects and make you immune to CC for the duration. Deflect severity has nothing to do with this I repeat NOTHING. Also base deflect severity is 75% not 85% for TRs and there is no way to increase this outside of potions.
A TR cannot "facetank" a whole team on a node. Try making a rogue and using ITC like this and you will get squashed like a bug. If you don't use your cooldowns and stealth correctly you won't even last 6 seconds. Also unstoppable does give you DR based on the percentage of determination you have when it is triggered up to 30% if I'm not mistaken. A good GWF can "facetank" a whole team and never die unless they get dunked because of insane insignia self healing and DR from unstoppable and negation (they don't need to use elven because unstoppable makes them immune to cc). A good wizard can also troll a node with push and well timed infini dodges. A good HR can troll a whole node with well timed fox shifts and dodges and insane self healing. I guess every class in neverwinter is op by your logic.....
Gear and IL is king btw. When I say "good" I mean 4k+ and skilled. Node trolling may work in pug matches, but against other equally geared and skilled players and in premades you probably won't last that long.
Finally the SE nerf crusade is old and tired. If you can't figure out the problem is with First Strike and the shadowborne feat in executioner by now, then I'm done trying to explain. All I can say is read tool tips and educate yourselves rather than spouting rhetoric you read on the forums as gospel.
Just food for thought.
Here is the ITC tooltip btw in case you are interested I have highlighted the areas of interest in bold
out of stealth:
"You break free from most control effects, and for several seconds you Deflect all incoming attacks and are immune to further control effects."
"You become completely untouchable to your enemies, dodging their attacks and gaining an additional 50% Damage Resistance."
Also that's not the only thing you are complaining about. I'm not going to bother reposting my responses again to any of your 1-4 list because I already responded to it. Your just reposting the same tired QQ about the same encounter powers and dallies that others have posted about without any concept about how these powers work in interactions with class features, feats, and other abilities. 30% DR and damage increase that makes you immune to cc, an overshield that absorbs big hits that refreshes itself with 0 interaction by the player along with having the best dodge in the game, an encounter power that gives immunity frames and a free dodge (HR, GWF, CW)..... but yeah ITC with it's 6 second duration and rogue base 75% deflect severity is op ....
I can tell that you have never played either class (GWF or TR) or if you have are just mindlessly mashing buttons and are basing all of your "expert" statements on numbers you are reading on the forums. Sorry but I'm too busy actually playing these classes on my "private servers" in order to properly assess them. Anyway I'm done since it's obvious that you have zero interest in educating yourself. Please feel free to continue your nerf crusade.
If you think I'm going to respond to your list and waste even more of my time your crazy. You lost all credibility when you said this
"1 - Deflection Severity + 20k on Deflection chance is what makes the TR being "non-CC able". I can understand the "break free" matter on a first time but render all kind CC of useless due deflection chance + deflection sev which can't be bypassed unlike GWF's DR + Unstop + Negation? you are just spreading BS if you don't know this fact at all. "
First off deflection severity/chance doesn't render all CC useless ITC does. Also 20k deflect? Where is all that recovery coming from to reduce cooldowns then, or power for that matter? I guess you must be running across those super rogues with 40k power, 10k recovery, and 20k deflect.... Also I didn't realize rogues were immune to piercing damage and their own dunks, thanks for the info..... Hmm I guess deflect severity triggers when you don't deflect.
Also knowledge time:
Unstoppable grants temp hp and if your getting beat on comes up far more frequently than ITC does. Also I never said DR on GWFs can't be bypassed. GWFs just have so many sources that it reaches ridiculous levels which combined with self healing (wheel, water weapon, insignias) makes it to where only a dunk can kill them (Unstoppable 30%, Negation 30%, Countless Scars 15%, 18% feythouched debuff, plus high defense and tenacity). You also can stack deflect too on a GWF making them super "tanky" as well. But you play a GWF right? Don't you know this? But like I said before I'm done, since you two obviously have nothing to contribute to a rational discussion, and this thread will most likely get modded soon for flaming.
I would say, play the game, don't spend any money to buy anything (this is the only way these people who code will listen.).
But yeah, PvP is a damn mess right now, they screwed up the SW changes (Made them worse) and buffed the other classes to the point of no return, lol.
Also being accused of a nerfing crusade is not a compliment. It does not prove you are right in any way. Everyone knows there is a problem. Posting nonsense about it doesn't help the issue, it just clouds it. I just posted to try and correct what you are saying to educate others instead. But I see some people don't want to understand they just want to be stubborn and insist that "eureka!!" they found the problem because of anecdotal evidence. Like I said continue the flaming it will get modded in the end.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Also not all TRs (like me) have the skill and the right build/stats to win a match.
66% deflect at that time if i remember right...
when deflection is a king:
when deflection fails: min 3:48 and 5:32