Something would be nice. At a certain average group ilvl a true tank is not even needed, from what I see on a daily basis. Plenty of groups with four dps and a buff/debuff DC complete the current hardest content (CN), with ease.
Maybe this new dungeon will usher in a new era of the holy trinity, but I think that'll soon be the same as CN. Like you mentioned, there are so many available methods for healing that the need for support roles is diminishing rapidly.
That's why I loved ItF scaling off of my Defense stat. It was a very valuable buff, for rapidly clearing mundane content, and it meant I was wanted in high level groups. Plus, I could grow my character around maximizing that desirable buff. Having a flat percentage kills that utterly. I'm just not understanding why they couldn't have it scale with my Defense, but have a it not buff to the extent that it did. Not a maximum buff ceiling, but say with currently available gear the max buff would be like the proposed 25℅ increase. If my gear is weaker than that the buff will be weaker. And my gear is definitely weaker than the max!
Then, I am still desired in groups, and I have a strong reason to keep developing my character.
I'm completely at a loss trying to understand why the GF community is willing to roll over on his, and instead wants to bicker about the other changes. Let's concentrate on the steak (our group desirability), and not the peas (all these other changes).
Of course they should fix things like KC and some of the other skills, too...
Just one man's opinion.
I think you will find plenty of GF's that agree with you but not necessarily me. If you make it scale off DR then to keep the buffs from a high IL GF with all the bells and whistles (i.e. SH boons, mount bonuses etc.) acceptable it would make it worthless to a low level GF who doesn't have access to all the other stuff.
Maybe ITF could have a base component, say 25%, from the ranks then another 10% on top of that from feats and then say another 10% extra that you can get from stacking defence over a certain level.
But you know, it does kind of seem counter intuitive that by stacking defence (and therefore becoming more tankier) you get an increase in DPS.
I wonder what ppl would say if the GWF got an improvement in tanking from stacking Power . . . .
Even with my over 100℅ ItF buff (bonding procs, OP sigil etc) I routinely end CN runs with <10 million total damage. True dps classes are over 100m... I find the argument that GFs are dps beasts laughable. I'd love to see a Paingiver with a GF topping the chart, then I'd love to see how they did it. My SM Tactician build sure isn't going to best even a weak GWF lol. I can't see even a dps specd Conq doing that, and love to learn how.
I may have to switch to a dps beast spec, when these changes hit.
Oh and I also have a 2700 ilvl GWF, and if someone were to say that Unstoppable isn't 'tanky enough' I'd chuckle. That skill is the cats meow! GWFs literally have their cake, and eat it too. But I would never suggest that the class gets nerfed... It's fine and fun, just the way it is now. I certainly wouldn't be pushing for buffs, either lol
Oh, and maybe make a late level Tactician feat that can add up to 10-15℅ more damage, based on DR. Heck, just rework the current feat that buffs it 5℅...
The GF blog will go out this week with much more information on STK, as well.
Super Taco King ? Savage tag krew ? Streets Toughest Krew ? Slappin The Knee ?
Acronym for "Shoot to Kill", a south jersey crew that keeps it true … always.
Whoops! SKT .
Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)! Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame Like Neverwinter on Facebook: Neverwinter Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
I will admit, the sky is not falling with this nerf. This is how I see things happening. Parties will need a tank, at least up until they learn the new dungeon and have the new gear. Just like all the mods before. So eventually the need for a tank will probably diminish, because let's face it we see all these nerfs but not one actual fix to the multiple game breaking bugs.
It's not like we are getting more than one dungeon so I give it about a week and running it will be so choreographed it will be boring again anyway. Literally the only thing that lends to any replay ability is the fact you have to run things a million times to get the best rewards due to the crappy RNG. Now they have basically made your crappy rewards take even longer to get.
Even with my over 100℅ ItF buff (bonding procs, OP sigil etc) I routinely end CN runs with <10 million total damage. True dps classes are over 100m... I find the argument that GFs are dps beasts laughable.
I believe you realize, that with ITF you buff your party members and mobs HP is limited (* expect situations when you deal 1kk dmg to mob with 100 hp ) , so its all about redistribution of damage in statistics - who is faster to kill... Griffon, Challenge, Avril, Wrath, Superiority and build... so the problem not in GF even though its not designed to be the top "Damage Dealer" class.
GF Conqueror in PvP build (feats+companions+weap enchants) can deal insane burst damage and some dps even in PvE. With PvE build (feats+companions+weap enchants) outrun 3-3.5k DD or at Tiamat, Demo you can outperform some 4k GWF with same gear level.
well they could change it so that any DR above 80% gives bonus AP to party members when using itf OR give bonus threat OR reduce the armor of the tab-marked target OR movement speed for 7s when entering combat by 1/2 of the excessive value depending on skill tree. that would not be game breaking while allowing GF's to stack defence.
also extra dr could grant extra temp hp that will refresh every 15 secs to part members
tripsofthrymrMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,625Community Moderator
If you make it scale off DR then to keep the buffs from a high IL GF with all the bells and whistles (i.e. SH boons, mount bonuses etc.) acceptable it would make it worthless to a low level GF who doesn't have access to all the other stuff.
Two words: diminishing returns.
The whole "make Power X worthwhile at low levels of Stat Y and not insanely OP at high levels of Stat Y" can be handled by applying diminishing returns to the improvement that Stat Y gives to Power X. The diminishing returns curve does need to be revisited periodically.
Maybe ITF could have a base component, say 25%, from the ranks then another 10% on top of that from feats and then say another 10% extra that you can get from stacking defence over a certain level.
But you know, it does kind of seem counter intuitive that by stacking defence (and therefore becoming more tankier) you get an increase in DPS.
I wonder what ppl would say if the GWF got an improvement in tanking from stacking Power . . . .
I may have to switch to a dps beast spec, when these changes hit.
Oh and I also have a 2700 ilvl GWF, and if someone were to say that Unstoppable isn't 'tanky enough' I'd chuckle. That skill is the cats meow! GWFs literally have their cake, and eat it too. But I would never suggest that the class gets nerfed... It's fine and fun, just the way it is now. I certainly wouldn't be pushing for buffs, either lol
Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame
Like Neverwinter on Facebook: Neverwinter
Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
It's not like we are getting more than one dungeon so I give it about a week and running it will be so choreographed it will be boring again anyway. Literally the only thing that lends to any replay ability is the fact you have to run things a million times to get the best rewards due to the crappy RNG. Now they have basically made your crappy rewards take even longer to get.
Griffon, Challenge, Avril, Wrath, Superiority and build... so the problem not in GF even though its not designed to be the top "Damage Dealer" class.
GF Conqueror in PvP build (feats+companions+weap enchants) can deal insane burst damage and some dps even in PvE. With PvE build (feats+companions+weap enchants) outrun 3-3.5k DD or at Tiamat, Demo you can outperform some 4k GWF with same gear level.
also extra dr could grant extra temp hp that will refresh every 15 secs to part members
The whole "make Power X worthwhile at low levels of Stat Y and not insanely OP at high levels of Stat Y" can be handled by applying diminishing returns to the improvement that Stat Y gives to Power X. The diminishing returns curve does need to be revisited periodically.
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min