This change has also killed stronghold progression. After sweeping changes to coffer requirements that made the SH progression reasonable, they've now put a great big roadblock back in. Players either sell or hoard gems and we're reduced to crafting something to donate to the coffer. They really couldn't organise a p!$$ up in a brewery.
I'm going to disagree with the bind to account thing, in favor of what I already said. Fact: It's not fun to use skill nodes. You have to fill your inventory with a bunch of stacks of stuff to open them, sometimes it breaks and then you have to do again, and you have to go out of your way to find them. To get any significant amount of stuff from skill nodes you're GRINDING them. Lame. You know what's not lame? Better dungeon rewards. Think about the many options, do you want even more grind or do you want DnD fun? Who actually wants to get their refining stuff by stopping what they were doing and running over to some weird mushroom stuff in the trees and using a kit to open it? I get that people just want to actually power up their artifacts but there are better ways
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,171Arc User
I disagree. Skill nodes aren't a grind, really. It is a case of finding a small stash of useful items. "Bunch of stacks"? 4 slots, each capable of holding 99, allowing you access to the 4 skills you don't personally have. They use to be worthwhile. Not sure they are any longer.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
I disagree. Skill nodes aren't a grind, really. It is a case of finding a small stash of useful items. "Bunch of stacks"? 4 slots, each capable of holding 99, allowing you access to the 4 skills you don't personally have. They use to be worthwhile. Not sure they are any longer.
I'm sure the advertised Big Announcement coming tomorrow will fix all the grumbles.
No seriously - don't buy/sell anything today. Don't upgrade anything today. Wait until the announcement. Chances are, whatever it is, the impact on experienced players will cause extreme discomfort. They always have before.
Skill nodes are pointless now. I used to open every one i saw. Now i pass by all of them. I can see prices of proffesion material rise if alot of people pass by them like me.
That's how you fix this mess.
No seriously - don't buy/sell anything today. Don't upgrade anything today. Wait until the announcement. Chances are, whatever it is, the impact on experienced players will cause extreme discomfort. They always have before.