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People that play support classes as damage dealers

phoenix1021phoenix1021 Member Posts: 532 Arc User
This seems to be a recent trend; clerics and guardian fighters (never seen paladins do that), who refuse to play their support roles in public queues. I just had an edemo run where the guardian not only refused to attack demogorgon, he had an owl companion! You know, the one that reduces threat. Of course me as a healer, I get lasered to death after 3 healing spells.
People that play a support class (cleric, guardian and paladin) need to be aware that they actually have to play the support role in public queues. Otherwise it will just end in failure and it's their fault. I wish people would keep that in mind.

What can be done about that problem?
And don't tell me not to use public queues, you can't even get into a group anymore otherwise if you are under 3k IL.

I understand if some people think support is boring, but why choose to play a support class then?


  • blinxonblinxon Member Posts: 567 Arc User

    And don't tell me not to use public queues, you can't even get into a group anymore otherwise if you are under 3k IL.

    Dont use public queues :D . Or if you do so, dont think about what ppl doing in edemo. A lot players are trolling in random edemo runs. Dont take it personal and just wait till edemos time is up. Try to get a better random queue or ( best way!) try to do edemo with your guild. If you dont have enough ppl in your for a edemo run or if you dont have a guild --> try to build a edemeo grp with your FL.
    If you dont got a FL ---> a MMO is the wrong game B)
  • edited April 2016
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  • agilestoagilesto Member Posts: 516 Arc User
    Some CW choose to be extra buffer, some to be extra DPS. It's the same thing with GF and DC, if they choose a DPS way, why would you blame them ? They are just exploiting the maximum potential of their character, and i saw some DC and GF on top dmg chart because they know very well how to play their toon. Support class doesn't mean you can't play anything else than support. They choose to be dmg dealer, they do so. And some do it pretty well.
  • phoenix1021phoenix1021 Member Posts: 532 Arc User
    I'm in a guild, but it's small and most people are in different timezones. Most casual guilds are either full or understaffed or people are not interested in group content, I've been trying to find one that's right for months.

    And I am aware you can't force people. I just wanted to vent because this happened a lot lately. Maybe one of those dps-guardians will read this and understand? Small hope!
  • phoenix1021phoenix1021 Member Posts: 532 Arc User
    agilesto said:

    Some CW choose to be extra buffer, some to be extra DPS. It's the same thing with GF and DC, if they choose a DPS way, why would you blame them ? They are just exploiting the maximum potential of their character, and i saw some DC and GF on top dmg chart because they know very well how to play their toon. Support class doesn't mean you can't play anything else than support. They choose to be dmg dealer, they do so. And some do it pretty well.

    I don't doubt that. I'm only talking about public queue, where the game gives you exactly 1 tank and 1 healer. (2 of each for tiamat and demo) If they refuse to play their role then you either have no tank or no healer and can't play the content at all.
  • agilestoagilesto Member Posts: 516 Arc User
    Then it's not the player's fault but the Q, because it's not that players refuse to play their role, it's that they choose support is not their role, basing on their damage dealer build. And i doubt anything can be done with the Q, because how can it know if the player is oriented on dmg or on support ? Same with CW when they enter as "dps" by the Q, when sometimes they're just oriented on control, or buff.
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  • romotheoneromotheone Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 729 Arc User
    metalldjt said:

    those 3 classes are useful in both ways, aslong as they contribute.
    1 . if they do damage
    2. if they buff/debuff
    3. if they keep aggro/heal

    basically like every other class, except that they have more options
    for example a GWF can only do damage.

    They can also tank, I've seen it.
  • zekethesinnerzekethesinner Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 805 Arc User

    metalldjt said:

    those 3 classes are useful in both ways, aslong as they contribute.
    1 . if they do damage
    2. if they buff/debuff
    3. if they keep aggro/heal

    basically like every other class, except that they have more options
    for example a GWF can only do damage.

    They can also tank, I've seen it.
    Yes, thats the trick, when u r GF build for dps, u still can make some trade off and make sure u hold aggro, Shield works
    independently from ur path and paragon. So when u join pug (i dont advice this by any means tho) and u see u party has troubles, its not a problem to change class feature or 2 and go full tank mode, but some ppl r just pricks, and they will hold on they full dps setup just for reason. same goes to dc, u can be in full dmg mode if its ur choice, but when u see ur party is struggling, at least throw AA in crucial moments, and change one encounter for AS.

    Not doing that is just conscious jeopardizing ur party chance for success.


  • dsn1118dsn1118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 682 Arc User
    Is allowing different builds from what is expected from a class(DPS Guardians,Clerics or Paladins) D&D way or just Cryptic's way to be different from original.I always wondered this with no background as D&D player or any other MMO for that matter.

    Always thought one class-one path will be better for them since they cant look after every build or class bug or inefficiency
  • deathbeezdeathbeez Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 789 Arc User
    Guilty as charged.
    I'm a cong GF but don't do super high DPS.
    I do agro but I can't turn on Knight's Valor (dmg intercept) or I'm dead in seconds.

    I understand if some people think support is boring, but why choose to play a support class then?

    Because we started playing them when this game required support classes or the party would wipe in 5 minutes.

    This game is streamlined now to just burn with DPS, so everyone is trying to get as much DPS as possible.

  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    My GF is a straight up Conqueror. Pointy end goes into the enemy.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    meh gfs who go conqueror can tank and dcs who go righteous can heal.

    its the players not the paths.

    if players see people with half health bars and cant , you know throw dg on top of them.. its not the pathing problem, thats a people problem.

    and no, just because you go dps, doesnt mean you can abandon that roll.

    The whole purpose is to get enough people together who know what they are doing to burn a instance down. In edemo thats basically 3-4 people.

    in tiamat probably closer to 8 or so.

    People are completely thinking of this wrong.. your blaming paths/builds and not the players.

    Going whatever path, does NOT at all make it that you shouldnt do your role while grouping.

    There are definitely optimal and sub-optimal pathing builds.. but frankly righteous is actual the optimal build in todays meta for dcs(in pve).. it gives a additional amount of debuff/buff back to the group, mine doesnt even include the personal dps feat, as I branched into another line.

    Frankly GFS are a little too dps heavy atm(some are top dps already).. but thats another discussion, it maybe the thought of that gf, since he might have been even the top 5 dps, to just dps.. but you know.. again players.. not abilities come into play here.

    That gf should've sacrificed his dps for that turn to get the thing done. He couldve in phase 2 go bonkers if he wanted to and probably still ended up top 5.

    Is some of that cryptics fault for doing some wacky things with that class? yes.. but regardless it boils down to the player.. its 99% on the player who cant, you know tank in phase 1.. because he thinks he shouldnt .

  • cromejohnsencromejohnsen Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 207 Arc User
    metalldjt said:

    those 3 classes are useful in both ways, aslong as they contribute.
    1 . if they do damage
    2. if they buff/debuff
    3. if they keep aggro/heal

    basically like every other class, except that they have more options
    for example a GWF can only do damage.

    i assume u play with pvp skill set in pve right ?Otherwise you would know fairly well that gwf can and if specced correctly will support group dps.

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  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,520 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    metalldjt said:

    metalldjt said:

    those 3 classes are useful in both ways, aslong as they contribute.
    1 . if they do damage
    2. if they buff/debuff
    3. if they keep aggro/heal

    basically like every other class, except that they have more options
    for example a GWF can only do damage.

    i assume u play with pvp skill set in pve right ?Otherwise you would know fairly well that gwf can and if specced correctly will support group dps.

    please elaborate.
    Sentinel, Iron Vanguard. However, they have opposite problem. The Q expects him/her to be DPS but he/she tanks.

    Picked up this conversation:
    OP: you are sh8tty GWF. You can't do any damage. My OP is out-damaging you.
    GWF: I am a tank GWF. I have been buffing you.
    OP: WTH! I don't need your buff. I need you to do damage. I don't need you to tank. I am the tank. What kind of GWF are you?
    GWF: I am playing an utility role.....
    OP: ..........
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    Just went through that sentinel path, but where do I find any group support or buffs except "Living wall" ?
    That´s even less support than a Warlock spends to a party.
    Only powers I can find that debuffs or buffs are: wicked strike, daring shout, threatening rush-mark, battle fury
    3 from those powers can be used by a SM destroyer, except TR 8% debuff
    5% less damage in an area of 30` can´t be seen as a support worth to go sentinel imo
  • dsn1118dsn1118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    Support GF is far useful than DPS GF and DPS GWF is far useful than support one for now(ofcourse I am talking about equal party builds).This is the truth but I cant and wont tell people how they play in party but random queue runners should consider that game doesnt put DPS GF or DC with another one from same class.Please create your own parties if you want to play as different roles than game suggested.

    I thought to suggest putting a checkbox to choose which role do you want in new party finder but I am sure trolls will use that to get in groups faster by taking healers or tanks position.It happened other games.
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  • grimahgrimah Member Posts: 1,658 Arc User
    I believe you can play however the way you want, some things are less desirable or accepted than others, then that is their problem.

    As for GF doing damage, their innate abilities force them to tank, their best aoe skill taunts and their best single target debuff increases threat. If they didn't use those skills they would end up doing less damage.

    It's the same with these "Buffer" GFs who refuse to tank, if they want to debuff/buff then they will generate threat AND if they want to use the tactician capstone (which all these buffer GFs are) they NEED to take damage to get it to work (and alot of it), meaning they have to tank.

    That being said, if they want to play that way then let them. I've joined random queue just to test things out, to try without certain skills since I'm more inclined to put randoms through misery than people I actually know.
    Creator of the featured survival horror foundry: "The Silence of Haydenwick" Video Review
    and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
  • btfdbtfd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 177 Arc User
    This is my suggestion: Cryptic should implement a feature to manually choose your role in a party. DPS GFs can choose to do damage, temptation SW can choose to be healer. And if they don't manage to fit into their chosen role - an SW who doesn't heal enough for example - will cause the party to fail. Which causes the SW to always fail. Which causes the SW to rethink and rework his play style and build our role in a party.
    Another possibility: cryptic could adjust game balance the way that supports roles can only be viable for a group of they are actually supporting.

  • deathbeezdeathbeez Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 789 Arc User
    btfd said:

    This is my suggestion: Cryptic should implement a feature to manually choose your role in a party.

    I've played a game with `looking for` systems like this and preferred it to what NWO has.

    There is two very distinct and opposing schools of thought here.
    • You should play the role your class was designed for since beta.
    • You should be able to play the way you want.
    I lean towards the play as you want side because of the way the game changed, but the other opinion has merit. I won't deny that.

    I'm a DPS GF (no paingiver but respectable). Why?
    • One reason is because PUG heals dried up when DCs got a massive dps buff 4 mods ago and wanted to be CWs for a while.
    • Control wizards stop controlling and started focuses on pure DPS. Add no control plus no heal=dead GF, right? But if the GF dies, it's all their fault. If you've played a GF, you've heard it before.
    • I learned that with mobs with high arm pen, life steal works better then defense with a cleric that doesn't heal. Life steal needs DPS.
    • Solo play. This game has more drop-in,drop-out and pug-and-play content then it used to.
    The content.
    • Heroics: No tank needed EVER;
    • Burn 'em down skirmishes: Run fast and hit stuff. You might need a tank for 1 minute at the end of POM;
    • Trials like Tiamat and Demo where you might need 1 tank...maybe? Tiamat, no tank is needed.
    So really support classes need to be support classes for "difficult content", but how much of your time spent in this game is done doing T2s and up? The game has moved away from dungeons since Mod 3 and that trajectory continues.

    Rewards for dungeons are not great. Even Castle Never reward stink for the time required. So really this game has gone, full steam ahead into a DPS fest.
    So can you blame support classes for jumping on the band wagon to avoid extinction?

    Shouldn't players be responsible for themselves instead of blaming support classes in a game where the holy trinity of tank, heal, dps is headed towards forgotten. If players can face off in PvP, why would they be dependent on 'support' in PvE? The new content doesn't' demand this, but some are still thinking in that old paradigm.
  • oliboypholiboyph Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 627 Arc User
    I feel you. My main is a 3.8k GF and sometimes I have to try pugging with my alts because all my guildies and friends are already done farming. I always end up with a GF that has no KV and refuses to tank, I mean he just waits for everyone to run in before he lunge strikes in. I really don't get it. Some of them are already in 3k ilvl and I'm not sure if they realize that they are doing only half the damage of 2.5k CWs.
    "As the good archmage often admonishes me, I ought not to let my mind wander, as it's too small to go off by itself." -Danilo Thann[/quote]
  • dsn1118dsn1118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    deathbeez said:

    btfd said:

    The content.

    • Heroics: No tank needed EVER;
    • Burn 'em down skirmishes: Run fast and hit stuff. You might need a tank for 1 minute at the end of POM;
    • Trials like Tiamat and Demo where you might need 1 tank...maybe? Tiamat, no tank is needed.
    It seems you havent played tiamat or edemo created completely with random players.I did and people keep dying flies on those runs if they dont have healers or tanks.You need at least 1 tank and 1 cleric for edemo.You might end up even need 2 cleric.1 for heals and 1 for buffs. You will need at least 3 tanks(or GWFs can survive while fighting) in the cleric phase in tiamat.All other classes still get one-shot with those erinyes.

    Also tanks doesnt mean that they only do tanking.Most tanks also use plaguefire or terror enchantments which is useful debuffs for all players in the same encounter.GF tanks are also best buffers in the game right now.You will need lots of defense for that. You already become tank since you stack defense and you have a shield with 80% deflect.I dont think there is OP tanks anymore since they are better of being healers or DPSers(yes paladins do damage as good as 3k+ warlocks)
  • phoenix1021phoenix1021 Member Posts: 532 Arc User
    I really don't mind people using righteous clerics or conqueror guardians. What I mean is people who actively refuse to adapt. Some guardians don't even mark the boss, I've seen clerics using nothing but chains and punishing light while everyone around them died.
    If all the dps dies because the tank refuses to protect the healers or the healers don't heal then it doesn't matter how good your dps build is, you won't be able to deal damage.
    My cleric is righteous, when I see it is needed I slot healers lore and 2 healing spells. (I always do that in random edemo) Also always astral seal in group content. It's not that difficult and noone demands any more than that.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    What´s wrong about rightous clerics? It´s by far the best supporter beside the GF.
    And since full heals are not needed, it´s best way to go rightous max buff.
    That way you can run every content being 2,5k GS, everyone loves you, and you can farm your dailies.
    Faithfull is such a pain going solo.
    Beside: AS 40%DR, HG 20%DR+damage, AA 40%damage, DG 17,5% Debuff/12,5% buff, Gift of Haste-AP gain,blessing of battle 8%DR+15%power to the party
    that tree has: Bear your sins ->10% damage from all sources and comdemning gaze ->15% damage from all sources on top plus weapon of light 10% from your power to the party
    I run AC-rightous and you boost the partydamage >100%, having a GF in your group the damageboost is too much imo

    I do think everyone should chose wich role to play, but in case heal or tank is needed every conquerer GF can take that role and every rightous can do same.
    My gear, talking about companion and bondings, is not worth to contest with pure damagedealer anyway, it´s more embarrassing and since the most buffs, except the two powerboosts, are the same if casted by a 2k or 4k DC the supporter role is best option imo.
    But if someone wants to conquer the paingiver let it be.
  • edited April 2016
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  • flyingleonflyingleon Member Posts: 451 Arc User
    I think that OP make a valid point about "refuse to adapt". Even in elol, if all go dps, people will have trouble to stay alive. Would you take a support power if your party needs it? It may not about how you want to play your class. It is about if you want to be a team player.

    Join the Greycloaks

    Ana-GWF SM Destroyer | Farseer-CW MoF Renegade | Leon-GF SM Tactician
    Adrik Battlefate-DC DO Virtuous | Cassi Woodsheart-HR PF Trapper
  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    deathbeez said:

    btfd said:

    This is my suggestion: Cryptic should implement a feature to manually choose your role in a party.

    I've played a game with `looking for` systems like this and preferred it to what NWO has.

    There is two very distinct and opposing schools of thought here.
    • You should play the role your class was designed for since beta.
    • You should be able to play the way you want.
    I lean towards the play as you want side because of the way the game changed, but the other opinion has merit. I won't deny that.

    I'm a DPS GF (no paingiver but respectable). Why?
    • One reason is because PUG heals dried up when DCs got a massive dps buff 4 mods ago and wanted to be CWs for a while.
    • Control wizards stop controlling and started focuses on pure DPS. Add no control plus no heal=dead GF, right? But if the GF dies, it's all their fault. If you've played a GF, you've heard it before.
    • I learned that with mobs with high arm pen, life steal works better then defense with a cleric that doesn't heal. Life steal needs DPS.
    • Solo play. This game has more drop-in,drop-out and pug-and-play content then it used to.
    The content.
    • Heroics: No tank needed EVER;
    • Burn 'em down skirmishes: Run fast and hit stuff. You might need a tank for 1 minute at the end of POM;
    • Trials like Tiamat and Demo where you might need 1 tank...maybe? Tiamat, no tank is needed.
    So really support classes need to be support classes for "difficult content", but how much of your time spent in this game is done doing T2s and up? The game has moved away from dungeons since Mod 3 and that trajectory continues.

    Rewards for dungeons are not great. Even Castle Never reward stink for the time required. So really this game has gone, full steam ahead into a DPS fest.
    So can you blame support classes for jumping on the band wagon to avoid extinction?

    Shouldn't players be responsible for themselves instead of blaming support classes in a game where the holy trinity of tank, heal, dps is headed towards forgotten. If players can face off in PvP, why would they be dependent on 'support' in PvE? The new content doesn't' demand this, but some are still thinking in that old paradigm.
    I've got a 3k GF and a 3.3k CW and if you're dying because you're expecting control from CWs it just means you're bad at playing GF. Even if you're DPS spec'd you should be well over the DR cap and virtually immortal when you put up your shield. And if you had played a CW at all you'd know how pathetic control is against mobs in dungeons. This doesn't even get into the fact that if you're properly playing your GF everything should be melting so fast that control shouldn't matter at all.

  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    deathbeez said:

    Guilty as charged.
    I'm a cong GF but don't do super high DPS.
    I do agro but I can't turn on Knight's Valor (dmg intercept) or I'm dead in seconds.

    Don't you top DPS in guild Dragonflights? (sez the GWF....) :-)
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