For a dps class, which will net higher dps? It seems like Bonding is stronger, but at what point? Does Bonding only become stronger at Bonding rank 10+...
I am trying to figure out a good companion, but can't decide between Warlock and Ioun Stone.
Signature [WIP] - tyvm John
And if you are going to ditch your augment at one point, what's the point in buying one ?
For a dps class, blink dog is almost as good as zhent warlock but doesn't cost as much and doesn't have a useless active bonus.
Signature [WIP] - tyvm John
If you want to try and get more than 3 bonding stacks at once, you need a pet that shoots fast and then dies fast, because the cooldown resets on the pets death (Working as intended as far as we know). One of the few cases in which upgrading a pet is actually bad. If you are comfortable with 2-3 stacks, then the pet doesn't matter as much. People typically go for fast attack pets so that they get all 3 stacks right away for the longest period of time. In most cases, once the buff wears off, the target is dead anyways so it doesn't matter.
Zhen Warlock, Mercenary, Lightfoot Thief, Blink Dog, Fire Archon are all good fast attacking pets that do fine with bonding stones. Shadow Demon is probably the best DPS pet out there, as it hits in the 100k-200k range fairly often, suvives decently and procs the stones well enough.
Signature [WIP] - tyvm John
Best augment imo is the "allure" with one defense slot, because you get a fix statbonus putting the right enchant inside.
I currently have 6 Greater Bonding runestones, which will become 3 Perfects when I get my hands on the GMoPs. Hopefully this weekend My archer will probably stick with augment, while the other HR will get the Perfect Bondings.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
Pure -> Transcendent Plague Fire weapon enchantment giving 80damge/20 seconds for 500k+ AD is a joke.
All that said... The last I paid attention to this, the Zhent Warlock at max level with 3 R12 Bonding Stones is considered BiS for DPS. (yes, even above and beyond Augments).
Now that companions aren't just one-shot and done in every fight within seconds, I've been thinking about unpacking one of my Zhents and using it instead of an augment. I'm just old school and am still in the habit of never using a combat pet... probably time I start branching out. Jeeze... next thing you know I'm going to start ordering something other than the chili relleno at the Mexican joint we go to all the time.... Pretty sure I haven't even looked at the menu there in about 3 years.
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
Greater 50% 100 150
Perfect 65% 130 195
R11 80% 160 240
r12 95% 190 285
In theory, 3 greaters.. will give you a better return, in addition, you might only get 2 stacks with mob packs, but are virtually gauranteed to float 3.. on bosses, making it far superior to augments.. even legendary ones.
In practice.. I would say having 1 perfect and 2 greater's, is a better starting point for having stones.
I don't slot power because I slot crit. Based on certain calculation (not sure if I believe it), to optimize it, my character has too much power but not enough crit. You don't even need 3 R12 bonding on Z.Warlock to overpower augment setting.
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
Signature [WIP] - tyvm John
Augment is the cheapest option. A Goat+Eldritch R9x2+Empowered R9+Power/Crit/Arp gear+R8 enchants, and you have a permanent +2500 Power and Crit for less than 500K.
But. If you have diamonds.. A Shadow Demon with Bondings 9/9/9 + Power/Crit/Arp gear + R8 enchants can give you something like +5000 Power and Crit, often.
Sure, the buff isn't permanent and it's an expansive way, but the pet himself can do a lot of damages ( mine do 8Millions alone in a standard CN run ).
I'm an augment-using buff/debuff DC. I have zero problems with any of the solo content, so switching to a summoned companion (and I have plenty of those..I even have the "Squad Leader" title for 50+ companions) is not worth it for that purpose. So the issue is my usefulness in groups, where my role is not to tank or heal or get high DPS but rather to help the DPSers melt the enemies much faster.
Maybe I am missing something but I don't really see how a summoned companion could help me do my primary task significantly better.
So, am I missing anything?
But shadowdemon is not so expansive as warlock/thief.
Personally, I'm happy with the Sylph I have on my CW and Zhentarim on my HR. I would have the Sylph on both but I prefer a bit of variety. Both perform equally well but the Sylph is cuter and more entertaining to have around. The Zentarim is great to watch in a fight expecially once she starts hitting things with that green eldritch fire. Between fights she is pretty dull just standing around wagging her tail. Both could have a Drow Mercenary but he isn't even interesting to watch in a fight, so he is left in the idle zone. Oh, and I'm currently leveling a SW and she has a Wayward Wizard as her summoned companion. Variety is the spice of life and in NWO it is what keeps the game interesting to play. My SW is at lvl 52 and hasn't died once so far, so she hasn't lodged a complaint about the companion she had been given >:)
When I am the mood for more variety, my HR has a Cat augment who is slightly more entertaining than a blue stone revolving around my head. I have a Doohickey to fulfill that role
If you are looking to maximize results some seem to work better than others, but the difference is probably only a concern to those who are min/maxing.
That said, a Blue+ Drow Mercenary looks really cool!
Augment + 1 Eldritch 10 = transfer 110% of his stats to you.
So, if you don't need defensives stats, a little more % of offensives stats is better, no ?
In the goat exemple, 2x Eldritch R9 with Goat = 119% of his stats transfered. Small, but better than nothing. 1s to benefit of 3 stacks, yeah, very less effective than Zenth or Thief...
Zhent ( cheaper ) and Thief ( who is more expansive ) have 1 Defensive slot. Shadow Demon have 3 offensive slots.
There are all goods, it depend just of your class and build.
I prefer +560 Power than +560 Def, and, as a TR, the active bonus of SD is better than a bonus who don' work ( thief) and than +165 in Power and Recovery. My ITC is now like a short Bubble.
Very specific. Maybe the Kelemvor for DR and LS buffs ? Very good and interesting question, that need tests. I like tests.
Pure -> Transcendent Plague Fire weapon enchantment giving 80damge/20 seconds for 500k+ AD is a joke.