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Update on the Trade Bar Store



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  • rapticorrapticor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,078 Arc User

    I like when they sayed "we listen your feedback" then gave us a free coal.... and still made changes ridiculous

    I think it should be obvious by now they don't listen to feedback. They just create threads like this to give people a place to vent yet they have no intention of "listening". They then go ahead with whatever change they had planned. Rinse. Repeat.

    I'm glad I finally got off the treadmill. $10 for a coal ward is ridiculous considering how many you need to do anything worthwhile in this game. The whole refining mechanic is just disgusting as it's designed to suck as much money from players as possible.
  • edited February 2016
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  • l0th4ri0l0th4ri0 Member Posts: 589 Arc User
    rapticor said:

    The whole refining mechanic is just disgusting as it's designed to suck as much money from players as possible.

    I got a whole thread deleted today because I said this. I went back into my user post history and it's like that thread never happened. Not like I was vulgar, angry, or even badmouthing anything about the game except for the lev 70 content, where all the Skinner boxes are.

    I was encouraging people to have fun playing the game leveling and avoiding end-game, and that was too much for the forums to bear. Didn't even get sent down to the Lower Depths of the forums, lest such anathema be seen by anyone.
  • mrgiggles651mrgiggles651 Member Posts: 790 Arc User

    You've missed one point:
    Reason:: Too many people were buying ViP with AD, which hurt the publisher's profits too much.

    VIP can only be purchased with real money. Getting those Zen via the Zax still means someone purchased the zen with real money, just not you.
    I wasted five million AD promoting the Foundry.
  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited February 2016

    Well, we need the wards back. I do not care if they are BOP and 200 bars. What we have now is likely a pair or more of new powerful enchantments about to be released and no way for most players to make them. It will be like Mod 6 when only certain players could get Trans. Feytouched, Vorpal, and Negation. It is not the way to go and will create a new exodus just like Mod 6 did.

    What are the new enchants? I read about one, did not know there were multiple.

    I'm starting up in another game, dividing my time to see if it is worth investing in THAT game now. If cryptic were sincere in their apology, they would have simply moved the coal wards back to 200TBars, BOA. Cryptic seems to like making earthquakes in their world from month to month.
  • aratecharatech Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 269 Arc User

    You've missed one point:
    Reason:: Too many people were buying ViP with AD, which hurt the publisher's profits too much.

    But the ZEN that they were purchasing with the AD had to be bought by somebody.
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  • aratecharatech Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 269 Arc User

    Im more and more convinced that they just want to shut down the game, but need people to leave first, guess what u have done it im OUT, for u guys still playing this game , run away fast and never play a game owned by cryptic again, i wont bye

    Trust me. It will be a warm day on the ninth circle before I tell anyone to try a game made by them or PWE/PWI. I have no reason at present to believe that they are anything but thieves and liars.
  • spineskin666spineskin666 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    > @clonkyo1 said:
    > > @spineskin666 said:
    > > 320$ in Wards for a transcendent enchantment?
    > My bad - a normal vorpal cost 3 wards so a Transcendent one cost like 63 Coalescent Wards=630 $ if my calculations are fine this is a little bit to much for me. They tryed to fix the real money economy but they just broke down the Astral Diamonds economy to
    > 17 coals in total:
    > 8 coals to upgrade from shards up to 8 lesser enchantments.
    > 4 coals to upgrade those 8 lesser into 4 Normal enchats.
    > 2 coals to upgrade those 4 normal into 2 Greater.
    > 1 coal to upgrade those 2 greaters into 1 Perfect.
    > 1 coal to upgrade it from perfect up to Pure.
    > 1 last coal to upgrade it from Pure up to Trans.
    > 17 coals in total = 170$

    True but are still a lot of money!
    PS I only upgreded my enchantments to perfect :)
  • hawkeyelhawkeyel Member Posts: 389 Arc User
    After looking at the next Mod coming into game next and the rather large price cut they are giving to alot of people so they can level up their SH .They have a bussiness to run so they have decided that this is one of the things that will help them to turn a profit. So be it.
  • linoge63linoge63 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Not to invalidate those that did buy the VIP for the key for the wards, i bought VIP for all the other stuff and the key was a bonus. It was after that I realized that the only way to get the red dragon augment is from using the tradebars, so only then the key became useful.
  • criticals#1230 criticals Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    Cash out your trade bars on legacy nightmare items, and salvage for 5x bars for 5500 Rough AD per 5 bars on 2x salvage. 2 million RAD per 1500 bars.. About the only thing to hurry and use bars on before its patched.
  • criticals#1230 criticals Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    Thanks to that^ now sitting on a little over 30 million RAD to break down on 30 characters. Never have to spend another penny. :smile:
  • edited February 2016
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  • ankabird1ankabird1 Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    Until this time this team done great improvment on that which i cannot say otherwise.

    But this update make think there will be somethings added to tarmalune in sometime worth of buy and sell and use or tarmalune becomes only luxury.

    On the otherhand, i enter game for professions nowadays where i need AD from profession. No dungeon so far is boring to play for ppl who are old in that game like me. Who knows what awaits us...
  • superia#4178 superia Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    People with over 5,000 posts in the forum have, in my humble opinion, less credibility then those with less posts. It makes me think they could be employees of this game as they are mighty positive about these consumer-unfriendly measures.
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    aratech said:

    You've missed one point:
    Reason:: Too many people were buying ViP with AD, which hurt the publisher's profits too much.

    But the ZEN that they were purchasing with the AD had to be bought by somebody.
    In other words, they got their money for ViP.

    And i can't understand, why they are trying to destroy that.
    ViP is pretty much a subscription, that guarantees a solid profit every month.

    Strange how other publishers actually work on keeping players happy and subscripted to their games, and give the players even more perks for keeping their subscription up and running.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • ankabird1ankabird1 Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    Forget to mention

    Value drops from dungeons that can be SOLD like old times to hold PvE players much more active in game.

    I see only artifact drops less than %0,01 chance of dropping for making their AD for the game.

    PvP players enter, afk, leave only for arena...... 2 hours of play or a bit more. Think more of your PvE players guys you may turn things otherway
  • kaiichikaiichi Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    atlmykl said:

    The fact that your suggestion would fix everything is proof that it's a cash grab by greedy capitalist pigs. Dammit I wish PWI had never touched Cryptic.
    People that say 'cash grab' should never be allowed to play a game with the F2P model. F2P means free to play but we still have to pay our people, overhead and yes, show a profit or we will have to shut down. I wonder if they would rage at McDonalds if they found out they were selling their food for more than it cost them to produce?

    I cant say I agree with this change but is just a game I play. If it is too much I will move on, no hissy fit or 'You are going to miss me when me and all of my friends leave!' post either.

    Since you like analogies, here is one that is actually representative of this situation. How would you feel if you went in to McDonalds and paid something like 200 bucks for an unlimited use 20% off discount card that is good for one year from the date of issue, then went in the next week for them to tell you, "Sorry, we don't honor that anymore."? Then, they tell you that if you want a sandwich, you need to pay a 10 dollar fee for the meat, in addition to the regular cost of the sandwich.

    That's a bit more in line with what is being said here. People aren't mad about spending money. They are mad about spending money, then no longer getting what they paid for, and are being forced to pay prices that are insane.
  • jakefarrelljakefarrell Member Posts: 14 Arc User

    How many pages are nedded for u guys get our feedback?? not a single person are happy with those changes if you trully listen to our feedback give us back coals bound if nedded otherwise stop say you listen to us because theres pages and pages of hate about this change, theres people stop playing. OR u guys still not understand our point or just dont care at all, ofc is the second choice .

    i have, for myself, no problem with the change :)
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  • ogariousogarious Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 740 Arc User
    kaiichi said:

    atlmykl said:

    The fact that your suggestion would fix everything is proof that it's a cash grab by greedy capitalist pigs. Dammit I wish PWI had never touched Cryptic.
    People that say 'cash grab' should never be allowed to play a game with the F2P model. F2P means free to play but we still have to pay our people, overhead and yes, show a profit or we will have to shut down. I wonder if they would rage at McDonalds if they found out they were selling their food for more than it cost them to produce?

    I cant say I agree with this change but is just a game I play. If it is too much I will move on, no hissy fit or 'You are going to miss me when me and all of my friends leave!' post either.
    Since you like analogies, here is one that is actually representative of this situation. How would you feel if you went in to McDonalds and paid something like 200 bucks for an unlimited use 20% off discount card that is good for one year from the date of issue, then went in the next week for them to tell you, "Sorry, we don't honor that anymore."? Then, they tell you that if you want a sandwich, you need to pay a 10 dollar fee for the meat, in addition to the regular cost of the sandwich.

    That's a bit more in line with what is being said here. People aren't mad about spending money. They are mad about spending money, then no longer getting what they paid for, and are being forced to pay prices that are insane.

    This pretty much sets up what Cryptic has been doing.

    The entire point of VIP was for them to bring in a steady amount of cash for the game, and connect it to things the playerbase would find appealing so that they would be willing to spend the money. What they've done here is cut the reason that about 80% of the people had for going VIP. So in turn, this will lower the incoming coming into the game, which will in turn put those who look at the bottom line on the defensive. Expect cutbacks, etc. If they just don't finally close the game outright.

    This sorta became a doom post, but the truth is that the decision made has negatively affected Neverwinter across 2 platforms, they did it on the Xbox, got the negative feedback and player loss. Then turned around and did the same thing on the PC. Which is just amazingly shortsighted, if not outright stupid.

    Since we seem to like analogies so much....

    It's like sticking a penny in a light socket, getting the shock from it. Knowing that it hurt, then deciding to take that same penny, climb up a power line pole, and touch it to a live wire.

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  • lils4rgejrlils4rgejr Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2016

    On Friday, February 19, Coalescent Wards, Preservation Wards and Blood Rubies will be removed from the Tarmalune Trade Bar Store after maintenance. Please keep discussions respectful and on-topic; we all love this game and want it to thrive.

    I Call BULL****!!
    You do not love this game or want it to thrive.
    You DEVS hate your fan base and are destroying the game chunks at a time!!
    Glad you guys are all for supporting BOTs and Spammers, i have a feeling there are going to be a lot of bans going around and your profits plummeting.
  • jasman23jasman23 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 58 Arc User
    Why didn't you just post the info then locked players from putting comments on? You never listen anyway.
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