I'm not even gonna say anything anymore ima just let you think what you want yes a itc int recovery build is good for rouges I'll give u that but a perma stealth gloming cut high recovery high int high stamina regen will out perform a itc rouge any day because you won't be able to touch me
- Remove piercing dmg from the game - Remove 100% FREE crit from stealth - SE massive outgoing dmg need to tune down, it should Not be able to easy 1-Shot peoples. - SE Should not ignore tenacity, or any other defensive ability (deflect,defense) - There's NO reason for SE doing more than 100% DMG, this is just unrealistic high.
Seriously if look how mostly of TR's is playing, this is NOT a combat. TR just running around pathetic in stealth and press o spam SE, this all what they do.
TR's has become so extremly dependent about SE Like a drug junkie, they do not know others things than just using SE.
<::::::[]==0 GwF 0==[]::::::> ● Still waiting for the promised Improvement ●
LOOOOOOOOOOOL ^ and clonky what do you not understand? If I'm in stealth the whole time why do I need itc please tell me
TL;DR: Basically, a perma stealth build is just a "noob" killer build. So, while i agree on perma stealth build, i dissagree that the build can deal that amount of damage thanks to S.E. , Shadowy Opportunity + Lostmauth set.
With the ItC/Smoke bomb, on the other hand, you have an almost perma immunity to everything for 2 reasons: Smoke bomb's daze and ItC when Smoke bomb wears off. In fact, your only concern will be "Unstoppable" (this is the only reason that TR players complain about it: because it allows the GWF to attack inside your shield) .
Did you pvp as TR against some seriously good CW? I think you are not, because it's very hard, almost impossible. The game itself force us to build perma stealth, especially WK TR (no ITC skill), surviving outside the stealth is not possible.
@xgrandz02: -all mmorpgs has piercing dmg, sorry but that is not the option. -If they remove 100% free crit from stealth, they should give 100% defence and immune to control outside from stealth. I mean that is the Rogue, good attack is his best defense. -I agree for SE, the devs should remove that skill (not irony).
LOOOOOOOOOOOL ^ and clonky what do you not understand? If I'm in stealth the whole time why do I need itc please tell me
TL;DR: Basically, a perma stealth build is just a "noob" killer build. So, while i agree on perma stealth build, i dissagree that the build can deal that amount of damage thanks to S.E. , Shadowy Opportunity + Lostmauth set.
With the ItC/Smoke bomb, on the other hand, you have an almost perma immunity to everything for 2 reasons: Smoke bomb's daze and ItC when Smoke bomb wears off. In fact, your only concern will be "Unstoppable" (this is the only reason that TR players complain about it: because it allows the GWF to attack inside your shield) .
Did you pvp as TR against some seriously good CW? I think you are not, because it's very hard, almost impossible. The game itself force us to build perma stealth, especially WK TR (no ITC skill), surviving outside the stealth is not possible.
@xgrandz02: -all mmorpgs has piercing dmg, sorry but that is not the option. -If they remove 100% free crit from stealth, they should give 100% defence and immune to control outside from stealth. I mean that is the Rogue, good attack is his best defense. -I agree for SE, the devs should remove that skill (not irony).
here you are, good CW vs TR. If you can't kill CW as a TR, go play puzzle.
LOOOOOOOOOOOL ^ and clonky what do you not understand? If I'm in stealth the whole time why do I need itc please tell me
TL;DR: Basically, a perma stealth build is just a "noob" killer build. So, while i agree on perma stealth build, i dissagree that the build can deal that amount of damage thanks to S.E. , Shadowy Opportunity + Lostmauth set.
With the ItC/Smoke bomb, on the other hand, you have an almost perma immunity to everything for 2 reasons: Smoke bomb's daze and ItC when Smoke bomb wears off. In fact, your only concern will be "Unstoppable" (this is the only reason that TR players complain about it: because it allows the GWF to attack inside your shield) .
Did you pvp as TR against some seriously good CW? I think you are not, because it's very hard, almost impossible. The game itself force us to build perma stealth, especially WK TR (no ITC skill), surviving outside the stealth is not possible.
@xgrandz02: -all mmorpgs has piercing dmg, sorry but that is not the option. -If they remove 100% free crit from stealth, they should give 100% defence and immune to control outside from stealth. I mean that is the Rogue, good attack is his best defense. -I agree for SE, the devs should remove that skill (not irony).
here you are, good CW vs TR. If you can't kill CW as a TR, go play puzzle.
as a tr i totally agree this build is a shame and i have no respect for trs using it, that guy kill everything (including me) fast and easy too easy i would say so i find no fun with this build. but lets remember its cryptic devs that introduced all those game breaking elements and they still do.
just wait for the new weapon artifacts. fire weapon ap gain plus snail 25 ap gain plus high int plus high recovery not only perma stealth but also perma daily now thats just f k e d u p.
but at the same time i must say careful what you wish for. nerfing some or even most of trs powers will mean buff serious buffs to other powers as well.
LOOOOOOOOOOOL ^ and clonky what do you not understand? If I'm in stealth the whole time why do I need itc please tell me
TL;DR: Basically, a perma stealth build is just a "noob" killer build. So, while i agree on perma stealth build, i dissagree that the build can deal that amount of damage thanks to S.E. , Shadowy Opportunity + Lostmauth set.
With the ItC/Smoke bomb, on the other hand, you have an almost perma immunity to everything for 2 reasons: Smoke bomb's daze and ItC when Smoke bomb wears off. In fact, your only concern will be "Unstoppable" (this is the only reason that TR players complain about it: because it allows the GWF to attack inside your shield) .
Did you pvp as TR against some seriously good CW? I think you are not, because it's very hard, almost impossible. The game itself force us to build perma stealth, especially WK TR (no ITC skill), surviving outside the stealth is not possible.
@xgrandz02: -all mmorpgs has piercing dmg, sorry but that is not the option. -If they remove 100% free crit from stealth, they should give 100% defence and immune to control outside from stealth. I mean that is the Rogue, good attack is his best defense. -I agree for SE, the devs should remove that skill (not irony).
here you are, good CW vs TR. If you can't kill CW as a TR, go play puzzle.
Just destroyed 3,5k ilvl CW with my 2,2k alt TR. Using Courage Breaker, CoS spam, SB, SS & ITC. If CW doesn't procc chaotic growth too often, CW is always dead 1v1.
Let me guess, you using stamina drain? 3,5k? CoS spam is useless against 10k defense CW with Negation, also SB is useless, good CW will always dodge, except stamina drain. I've never caught good CW in SB, also SE is dodged when CW hear the sound. Try to find some better opponent, and you will see what I'm talking about.
Just destroyed 3,5k ilvl CW with my 2,2k alt TR. Using Courage Breaker, CoS spam, SB, SS & ITC. If CW doesn't procc chaotic growth too often, CW is always dead 1v1.
Let me guess, you using stamina drain? 3,5k? CoS spam is useless against 10k defense CW with Negation, also SB is useless, good CW will always dodge, except stamina drain. I've never caught good CW in SB, also SE is dodged when CW hear the sound. Try to find some better opponent, and you will see what I'm talking about.
Well, thats why i said im against Shadowy Opportunity: Because of its "piercing damage" bypassing CW's 10k on defense + an additional 30% on def thanks to Negation.
3.3k WK Sab here.
1 vs 1 a 3.9k CW the other night. No ItC, no SE.
It wasn't "easy" because I had to use some discipline, but the fight was never in doubt.
It was never in doubt because the CW wasn't very good or didn't take that particular fight seriously.
If you aren't an MI Sab and you are facing a well-played CW that out-gears you, especially significantly, you WILL have a difficult time.
Finally some serious PVP player. obsydian666: are you ready for puzzle now?
So a warlock facing a cos-spamming, perma-stealth, 1-button-SE TR is also a threat for you guys? Only for my information, to evaluate the level you play your classes, and the level of discussing things. And to get the confirmation that this forum is not the place to discuss thing open and honestly with anyone since you only meat player who either just suck on their class or play the wrong builds or just lie as hard as they can...
Just destroyed 3,5k ilvl CW with my 2,2k alt TR. Using Courage Breaker, CoS spam, SB, SS & ITC. If CW doesn't procc chaotic growth too often, CW is always dead 1v1.
Let me guess, you using stamina drain? 3,5k? CoS spam is useless against 10k defense CW with Negation, also SB is useless, good CW will always dodge, except stamina drain. I've never caught good CW in SB, also SE is dodged when CW hear the sound. Try to find some better opponent, and you will see what I'm talking about.
You're not dodging anything once you're hit with courage breaker, which is what he opened up with. "Or I assume he had because it was the first power mentioned".
Super Saiyan God- TR Lvl 70 (PVP) Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE) <font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font> I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
New rings will break survivability from stealth, so, SE stay OP and need to be revised for respect tenacity and defense stats if opponent are more than 20% HP. It's a finish move.
Itc will be ok with this new rings, same efficiency than CW shield.
Edit : what is the shortcut bar at the bottom of the screen in the video ?
As a cw I don't want the stealth rings or any of the other broken rings. Period.
Equally skilled tr vs equally skilled cw, a tr should win everytime. A MI tr should be impossible to kill with the current mechanics. Wk tr can be killed, but they have to really screw up or be built wrong.
That being said, I think trs are better balanced this mod(Xbox). That opinion will likely change once people get these stupid stamina drains unlocked, but that is not a class issue.
A think a slight change to tr stamina regen or a longer cd to itc and MI would be pretty good.
... Have you ever got a mosquito in your room when it was already dark and you tried to go sleep....Were you able to predict where it will fly?? d(^.^)b
... Have you ever got a mosquito in your room when it was already dark and you tried to go sleep....Were you able to predict where it will fly?? d(^.^)b
- Remove 100% FREE crit from stealth
- SE massive outgoing dmg need to tune down, it should Not be able to easy 1-Shot peoples.
- SE Should not ignore tenacity, or any other defensive ability (deflect,defense)
- There's NO reason for SE doing more than 100% DMG, this is just unrealistic high.
Seriously if look how mostly of TR's is playing, this is NOT a combat.
TR just running around pathetic in stealth and press o spam SE, this all what they do.
TR's has become so extremly dependent about SE Like a drug junkie,
they do not know others things than just using SE.
@xgrandz02: -all mmorpgs has piercing dmg, sorry but that is not the option.
-If they remove 100% free crit from stealth, they should give 100% defence and immune to control outside from stealth. I mean that is the Rogue, good attack is his best defense.
-I agree for SE, the devs should remove that skill (not irony).
here you are, good CW vs TR. If you can't kill CW as a TR, go play puzzle.
@obsydian666: What game you playing bro?
just wait for the new weapon artifacts.
fire weapon ap gain plus snail 25 ap gain plus high int plus high recovery not only perma stealth but also perma daily now thats just f k e d u p.
but at the same time i must say careful what you wish for. nerfing some or even most of trs powers will mean buff serious buffs to other powers as well.
as I wrote cheap and easy , a 4 year old child can do that
I've never caught good CW in SB, also SE is dodged when CW hear the sound. Try to find some better opponent, and you will see what I'm talking about.
obsydian666: are you ready for puzzle now?
Only for my information, to evaluate the level you play your classes, and the level of discussing things.
And to get the confirmation that this forum is not the place to discuss thing open and honestly with anyone since you only meat player who either just suck on their class or play the wrong builds or just lie as hard as they can...
Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE)
<font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font>
I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
New rings will break survivability from stealth, so, SE stay OP and need to be revised for respect tenacity and defense stats if opponent are more than 20% HP. It's a finish move.
Itc will be ok with this new rings, same efficiency than CW shield.
Edit : what is the shortcut bar at the bottom of the screen in the video ?
Equally skilled tr vs equally skilled cw, a tr should win everytime. A MI tr should be impossible to kill with the current mechanics. Wk tr can be killed, but they have to really screw up or be built wrong.
That being said, I think trs are better balanced this mod(Xbox). That opinion will likely change once people get these stupid stamina drains unlocked, but that is not a class issue.
A think a slight change to tr stamina regen or a longer cd to itc and MI would be pretty good.
Xerxes - GWF
Eazy - DC
Tyrian - TR
Have you ever got a mosquito in your room when it was already dark and you tried to go sleep....Were you able to predict where it will fly?? d(^.^)b