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Developer Blog: Masterwork Professions



  • inyawayupdeepinyawayupdeep Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 206 Arc User
    Asterdahl it's nice to see your reassessing things a little to make things right at least from the guild investment point of view. But I am in a small guild and have invested in crafting all along. Who is and how are you going to make this right with me all my professions leveling and the crafting tools I have purchased are going to be almost totally useless to me now and even if I sold those items I could never recover their cost do to price changes that have occured.

    Also, I saw that you said changes are coming that will have gear that will let the little guy be very competitive with the guild gear, I hope so, in fact it should be better gear. Gear looted from bosses in dungeons should be of a higher quality than anything that could be commonly crafted, that's why heroic adventurers delve into dungeons. Please don't allow the game to become Crafting and Dragons.
  • dodgododgo Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 870 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    will there be a patch with this stuff on it on the weekend?
  • aleblainaleblain Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 76 Arc User
    Some interesting points:

    1) Solo players and small guilds.

    People whining they're in really small guilds (read almost useless or not-going-anywhere guilds) or solo players (read that's your choice man... deal with it). Now sincerelly, at one point I can understand those players and their game style bla bla bla. But really, it's your choice... deal with it!! This is a MMO and I think it's design for full-content players. SH requeriments are too high, that's true, they should lessened them some. But smalls guilds should re-group with other small groups. Solo players should re-group with other solo players or enter these small guilds. If you don't want to do PvP, don't expect to get PvP profits, same with dungeons, skirmishes, whatever. It's like: "I want the benefits from the campaigns' boons. But I don't want to play them. So unfair... gimme gimme gimme". On the other hand, you may should be able to get alternative INFERIOR stuff just solo playing or not developing a guild or buying it... it's not right to screw you 110% neither. "But why inferior?", you may ask... it's simple: the rules are these, all the content is this. You aren't force to it play all but don't expect to get everything otherwise. It's as simple as this: "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime".

    2) Masterwork Professions.

    This Plan C, this alternative 'solution'... this twisted, unnatural, ROUNDABOUT idea to bring back professions is silly. What would have been great is to refresh professions & tasks and make them viable like they were in Mod 2 & 3. Review the shackles that artifact equipment are for some professions (and for the game itself). AND (not 'or') add these new/rare tasks as a kind of 'more solo content' (not the only viable tasks) where you have to quest, search, etc, to get the resources/assets. That would be great, that would be an adition to solo high-end content, that would be an alternative good quests path, that would be meaningful. And BOOM!!!, professions are once again what they're suppose to be... and viable.

    3) Stuff from Masterwork Professions.

    Alternative good but inferior crafted gear is okk (also there should be more BoE rewards/gear from content). But what players truly want is to achieve and win gear questing adventures most of all. Like we did with old level 60 T1, T2, T2.5 & BI sets in dungeons, skirmishes, HEs, etc... challenging, ENJOYABLE, DIFERENT, not grinding fast fast fast the same/unique run over and over again, like Dragonflight and seals for Elven set during Mod 6 (almost everybody doing only eCC because it was exploitable).

    An example people/devs: Did you watch/read The Lord of the Rings movies/books??
    Frodo recieve a ring, Gandalf find out that it's the One Ring. He send Frodo and Sam to a quest. They arrive to Rivendel with Aragorn, Pippin and Meri after some troubles in the woods and Bree. There, Elrond gather the fellowship of the ring with them and Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas and Boromir (a party like we do in NW). And they start an adventure, questing in Rohan, Isengard, The Misty Mountains, Moria, Gondor, The Black Gates, Mount Doom, etc etc. They separate, they fight, good and bad people die, they have challenges, they fight again, they re-group, etc etc. At one dark point, Aragorn gain the sword Anduril, forged with the remains of Narsil (he deserve it because he is a honnorable heir). And he use it to keep questing and fighting. At the end, the party and heroes win the war and Frodo destroy the ring. Now imagine that instead of all those adventures and places, the 4 hobbits and Aragorn remain wandering between The Shire, Bree and Rivendel, and Aragorn just recieve the broken sword Narsil freely and Elrond tell him: "Hey man, take this sword, grind like a &%$@%¥ these places until you get enough Tolkien's Marks so you can refine it to Anduril". At that point, he use the sword to destroy the ring and end of the story.
    We are at that point more or less, the sense of questing different adventures (not mindless fast runs) is almost lost, the grind has buried it. We want this game to be as great as the potential it has!

    All from me, good luck all, players and devs. See you around.
  • mynaammynaam Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 937 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    aleblain said:

    Some interesting points:

    1) Solo players and small guilds.

    People whining they're in really small guilds (read almost useless or not-going-anywhere guilds) or solo players (read that's your choice man... deal with it).

    If you are against small guilds and feel they should be discriminated against why not make one guild all can belong to, this way the targets will be made easily. Do you believe that only the privilaged few should have items where it is clear the vast majority of guilds are smaller guilds.

    The idea of just a few large guilds goes against the whole idea of guilds. You are even nagged(if you are already in a guild) to create a new guild after every level on a character.

    Should they not rather completely remove the registration of new guilds since there is no place for small guilds in your world.

    Saying stuff like deal with it is like saying to someone living in a country with genocide that they can move 'so deal with it'.

    That was a real discriminatory statement and it is not nice to be an elitist

    And many small guild members spend 8+ hours a day on neverwinter. does this not mean they spend enough time. It does not seem like it if i read statements like "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime".
    There are more than BIS players in this game
    RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
    FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
    Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)

  • two30two30 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,168 Arc User
    asterdahl said:

    That's correct, all of the masterwork armor created that has visual elements is dyed with one of three unique dye packs; "Samite," "Adamant," or "Dark Leather," matching the materials used in their creation.

    I don't suppose you could provide the hexcodes for the color channels of these dye packs? That would let players incorporate them in tools like my Dye Comparer.
    Neverwinter Tools for evaluating boons, mounts, dyes, etc.
  • edited November 2015
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  • gwalaplothgwalaploth Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 44 Arc User

    aleblain said:

    Some interesting points:

    1) Solo players and small guilds.

    People whining they're in really small guilds (read almost useless or not-going-anywhere guilds) or solo players (read that's your choice man... deal with it). Now sincerelly, at one point I can understand those players and their game style bla bla bla. But really, it's your choice... deal with it!! This is a MMO and I think it's design for full-content players. SH requeriments are too high, that's true, they should lessened them some. But smalls guilds should re-group with other small groups. Solo players should re-group with other solo players or enter these small guilds. If you don't want to do PvP, don't expect to get PvP profits, same with dungeons, skirmishes, whatever. It's like: "I want the benefits from the campaigns' boons. But I don't want to play them. So unfair... gimme gimme gimme". On the other hand, you may should be able to get alternative INFERIOR stuff just solo playing or not developing a guild or buying it... it's not right to screw you 110% neither. "But why inferior?", you may ask... it's simple: the rules are these, all the content is this. You aren't force to it play all but don't expect to get everything otherwise. It's as simple as this: "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime".

    Guilds should not ever be a limitation or requirement for advancement in any game for any reason anytime, ever. They should be for friends and like minded players to congregate and communicate and/or for community minded people to support "special kids" that can't play without aid.

    All online games should support solo players and small groups reaching end game content, it is the vast majority of the player base. Good game design allows for complete strangers to come together in party's to successfully complete both pve and pvp content. The only purpose of guilds should be social.
    Absolutely dead on!
  • fieminamorfieminamor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14 Arc User
    The irony here is that in literature, the sort of artisan who creates "master works" is often some secluded hermit whose story arc plays out only when the main characters seek him out. Maybe in Neverwinter, the powerful guilds sought them all out and kidnapped them.

    I'm very sad about not being able to participate in Masterwork crafting without leaving my current guild.
  • burningdoomburningdoom Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    so to be able to craft this gear you need to be in a guild? I have been lvling all my crafting profs and I dont want to join a guild just so i can craft gear suitable for my lvl, it should be available for all but easier for those in guilds
  • asterdahlasterdahl Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,258 Cryptic Developer
    two30 said:

    asterdahl said:

    That's correct, all of the masterwork armor created that has visual elements is dyed with one of three unique dye packs; "Samite," "Adamant," or "Dark Leather," matching the materials used in their creation.

    I don't suppose you could provide the hexcodes for the color channels of these dye packs? That would let players incorporate them in tools like my Dye Comparer.


    Dark Leather

  • two30two30 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,168 Arc User
    asterdahl said:


    Dark Leather


    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
    Is the order Accent, Primary, Secondary?
    Neverwinter Tools for evaluating boons, mounts, dyes, etc.
  • asterdahlasterdahl Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,258 Cryptic Developer
    two30 said:

    asterdahl said:


    Dark Leather


    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
    Is the order Accent, Primary, Secondary?
    That's correct.

  • edited November 2015
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  • torontodavetorontodave Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 992 Arc User
    asterdahl said:



    above and beyond the call of duty. ^5 @asterdahl

    NW-DSQ39N5SJ - 'To Infinity, and BEYOND!' - Spelljammer Quest. Skyships, Indiana Jones moments
    NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
    Thanks for all the fish.
  • zukn75zukn75 Member Posts: 364 Arc User
    Thanks for responding to this thread Asterdahl, I Hope you'll consider launching another set of masterwork quests with the next mod that don't require a guild structure, but are slightly inferior, to the ones made by guilded recipes. That way guilds can charge premium for the best and casuals can make useable items.
  • aleblainaleblain Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 76 Arc User
    I can't quote from my phone. "pualmuaddib1", I think like you... it should be that way you explained or at least not so much guild-based like an entire Mod dedicated to it. But it didn't happen that way and here we are! Some things should change because they are not right and players should try to leave their lazyness and close-minded atittudes also. So, "mynaam" now, instead of complain and moan... realize that we have to evolve and be more functional to the game/Mod requeriments. We can try to develop ways to enhance our game experience. Or keep the way you are and then... deal with it! It's that... I didn't set the rules, Cryptic did. So, evolve o be aware of the restrictions.
  • gwalaplothgwalaploth Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 44 Arc User
    aleblain said:

    I can't quote from my phone. "pualmuaddib1", I think like you... it should be that way you explained or at least not so much guild-based like an entire Mod dedicated to it. But it didn't happen that way and here we are! Some things should change because they are not right and players should try to leave their lazyness and close-minded atittudes also. So, "mynaam" now, instead of complain and moan... realize that we have to evolve and be more functional to the game/Mod requeriments. We can try to develop ways to enhance our game experience. Or keep the way you are and then... deal with it! It's that... I didn't set the rules, Cryptic did. So, evolve o be aware of the restrictions.

    That was almost coherent but I have no idea what the point is.
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    aleblain said:

    I can't quote from my phone. "pualmuaddib1", I think like you... it should be that way you explained or at least not so much guild-based like an entire Mod dedicated to it. But it didn't happen that way and here we are! Some things should change because they are not right and players should try to leave their lazyness and close-minded atittudes also. So, "mynaam" now, instead of complain and moan... realize that we have to evolve and be more functional to the game/Mod requeriments. We can try to develop ways to enhance our game experience. Or keep the way you are and then... deal with it! It's that... I didn't set the rules, Cryptic did. So, evolve o be aware of the restrictions.

    Evolve, lol.

    And that's the reason why this game has gone downhill and Cryptic is losing money. Horrible changes that keep coming and the majority warned against them all.

  • pteriaspterias Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 661 Arc User
    @aleblain: Maybe you're right, but for a lot of people the solution they arrive at won't be "Alright, since it's what I gotta do now, I'm gonna go join a big guild", it'll be "Alright, since I'm not wanted here anymore, I'm gonna go play a different game". This is what I'm struggling with.

    Something you're missing is that this game was extremely solo/casual friendly for it's entire lifespan... up until a few months ago. As such, it lured and appealed to many, many, MANY players of that stripe (like me) for over two years. Then, they suddenly decide to entirely reverse dynamic of their game, but they still have a huge playerbase that signed up for the old dynamic. If I had wanted to play a game that revolved around guilds, I would have played a game that did that. Instead, I decided to play this game that didn't, because it didn't. Now it does.

    I'm just trying to focus on the solo content as it comes. I try to not think about the fact that the people who play a "big guild"-based game will have strictly (and eventually rather dramatically) better characters than mine and that I'll have no place in PvP or Dungeons anymore, a difference that will continue to expand. When I think about that too much, I don't even feel like playing anymore.

    Masterwork professions just add insult to injury. I have every profession maxed with enough purple assets to get tier 3 results in all of them because I love crafting. Now I'm not welcome there either. It doesn't help my feelings.
  • mightyerikssonmightyeriksson Member Posts: 842 Arc User
    pterias said:

    @aleblain: Maybe you're right, but for a lot of people the solution they arrive at won't be "Alright, since it's what I gotta do now, I'm gonna go join a big guild", it'll be "Alright, since I'm not wanted here anymore, I'm gonna go play a different game". This is what I'm struggling with.

    Something you're missing is that this game was extremely solo/casual friendly for it's entire lifespan...

    ^ And this is a major (if not the biggest) reason behind the success that Neverwinter had, which for some reason is overlooked by the developers.
  • aleblainaleblain Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 76 Arc User
    I wrote about 3 points and only the 1st one was considered at all, and in a bad way. Consider my other 2 points.
    Anyway, my point was...
    I'm not in favor of this Masterwork thing, it's just to roundabout instead of dealing with the real solution: refresh and update all professions properly. I also love the game the way it was until Mod 6 (excluding the infamous and cassual-breaking artifact equipment). I was a happy dungeon delver (all though I played and play ALL content). I used to love to questing and adventuring rather than the endless repeatable grind-fest of these days. For example, challenging, enjoyable and rewarding 40min-1h dungeons with a chance of getting BiS gear, instead of the 20min fast runs to repeat them 2 or 3 times more to begin stacking or farming something, like nowadays. But aside of that, I tried to pointed the semi-idiotic or close-minded attitudes of some people. I still support my opinion that small or super small guilds (Rank 1-5 or something) who want to improve on SHs should try to ally with each other to empower themselves and their game experience. Also solo players: "I'm a solo player, I don't want to be in a guild, Idon't want to do this, I don't want to do that, etc etc etc. But I want to complain that all though I don't play a lot of content... I want all content-rewards worldwide". That's not right, deal with it... or try to see the big picture and do the effort to improve. All though is a matter of personal choices, come man... don't be so fool and engage! I think it's simple enough. And I say this knowing that all though I don't like a lot of decisions made by Cryptic/PWE or whoever, I still choose to play.

    P/D: I still hope this game to get better once again, cassual friendly, dungeon based, time rewarding, etc etc etc. But meanwhile, if you still play, try to adapt and give proper feedback. That's it!
  • xfreddoxfreddo Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12 Arc User
    add captcha on gateway and give us back AD in leadership tasks. That's the way to block AD farming on gateway, not removing 'em all for all the players.
    Freddo Esarca Gelido
    - Legio Invicta guild member
    - Vermillion Alliance member
  • This content has been removed.
  • kemi1984kemi1984 Member Posts: 849 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    xfreddo said:

    add captcha on gateway and give us back AD in leadership tasks. That's the way to block AD farming on gateway, not removing 'em all for all the players.

    Spot on! allow us to generate AD from thin air again, yay!
    Please just don't say anything about AD and Leadership...let the poor thing rest in piece.

    Sorry for the oftop.
    Nancy - Dragonborn, SM Guardian Fighter
    A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"

    1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
    2). Yes. I am panzer!
    3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
    4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
  • ellodrithellodrith Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 97 Arc User
    pterias said:

    @aleblain: Maybe you're right, but for a lot of people the solution they arrive at won't be "Alright, since it's what I gotta do now, I'm gonna go join a big guild", it'll be "Alright, since I'm not wanted here anymore, I'm gonna go play a different game". This is what I'm struggling with.
    Masterwork professions just add insult to injury. I have every profession maxed with enough purple assets to get tier 3 results in all of them because I love crafting. Now I'm not welcome there either. It doesn't help my feelings.

    +1 Smaug LVL 70 GWF Mastercrafter (All professions maxed), complete w/shop/tools/masters/etc.
    (small guild that will never ever see level 12)
  • gwalaplothgwalaploth Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 44 Arc User
    aleblain said:

    I wrote about 3 points and only the 1st one was considered at all, and in a bad way. Consider my other 2 points.

    Anyway, my point was...

    I'm not in favor of this Masterwork thing, it's just to roundabout instead of dealing with the real solution: refresh and update all professions properly. I also love the game the way it was until Mod 6 (excluding the infamous and cassual-breaking artifact equipment). I was a happy dungeon delver (all though I played and play ALL content). I used to love to questing and adventuring rather than the endless repeatable grind-fest of these days. For example, challenging, enjoyable and rewarding 40min-1h dungeons with a chance of getting BiS gear, instead of the 20min fast runs to repeat them 2 or 3 times more to begin stacking or farming something, like nowadays. But aside of that, I tried to pointed the semi-idiotic or close-minded attitudes of some people. I still support my opinion that small or super small guilds (Rank 1-5 or something) who want to improve on SHs should try to ally with each other to empower themselves and their game experience. Also solo players: "I'm a solo player, I don't want to be in a guild, Idon't want to do this, I don't want to do that, etc etc etc. But I want to complain that all though I don't play a lot of content... I want all content-rewards worldwide". That's not right, deal with it... or try to see the big picture and do the effort to improve. All though is a matter of personal choices, come man... don't be so fool and engage! I think it's simple enough. And I say this knowing that all though I don't like a lot of decisions made by Cryptic/PWE or whoever, I still choose to play.

    P/D: I still hope this game to get better once again, cassual friendly, dungeon based, time rewarding, etc etc etc. But meanwhile, if you still play, try to adapt and give proper feedback. That's it!

    Talk about ".... the semi-idiotic or close-minded attitudes of some people." take a nice look in the mirror.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    asterdahl said:

    In addition, while I can't promise any immediate changes to the other boons on the explorer's guild, we'll continue to examine the relative desirability and power of those boon structures and consider making changes. We understand that choosing a boon structure is not a light decision given the amount of time and resources invested, and we apologize to anyone who feels that they might have made the wrong decision based on these adjustments.

    You want people to use this boon?

    Step 1) Remove deflect. Its an offense boon not defensive one.
    Step 2) Make it 100% uptime, no party scaling that offers 4 stats: Armor Pen +2400, Power +2400, Recovery +2400 and Crit +2400.

    For a total of 9600 stats that have 100% uptime.

    The issue with THIS boon is it removes the choice of other players in the party. Either everyone must use it, or its not worth it, and it moots the benefit of having the armor pen boon AND The power boon.

    Its FAR too restrictive and punishing.

    Heck another option could be to have it scale just based on party size ALONE! So anytime you are in a part of 5 players of ANY guild with ANY boon, you get the full 5 man benefit. If you are just running around the SH with 3 players, you only get 3 stats - regardless of who in your party is using what.

    The ISSUE is that its too restricted to 5 man parties and FORCES everyone in that party to ALSO use the group stat boon. If it didnt force everyone to use it, or it didnt require a party or things of that nature to get the benefits... It would be more desirable.

    I think its a great thing you want to promote party play so a VERY easy adjustment to this would be to have the boon scale on party size regardless of who uses the boon or not. So you could have 2 players using Power. 1 using the Armor Pen boon and 2 using Group stat and the 2 players with group stat get the +2400 for all five stats.

    The second best option would be to drop deflect, make it +2400 for FOUR stats but up 100% of the time at its FULL benefit.
  • ltgamesttv#0999 ltgamesttv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    ayroux said:

    asterdahl said:

    In addition, while I can't promise any immediate changes to the other boons on the explorer's guild, we'll continue to examine the relative desirability and power of those boon structures and consider making changes. We understand that choosing a boon structure is not a light decision given the amount of time and resources invested, and we apologize to anyone who feels that they might have made the wrong decision based on these adjustments.

    You want people to use this boon?

    Step 1) Remove deflect. Its an offense boon not defensive one.
    Step 2) Make it 100% uptime, no party scaling that offers 4 stats: Armor Pen +2400, Power +2400, Recovery +2400 and Crit +2400.

    For a total of 9600 stats that have 100% uptime.

    The issue with THIS boon is it removes the choice of other players in the party. Either everyone must use it, or its not worth it, and it moots the benefit of having the armor pen boon AND The power boon.

    Its FAR too restrictive and punishing.

    Heck another option could be to have it scale just based on party size ALONE! So anytime you are in a part of 5 players of ANY guild with ANY boon, you get the full 5 man benefit. If you are just running around the SH with 3 players, you only get 3 stats - regardless of who in your party is using what.

    The ISSUE is that its too restricted to 5 man parties and FORCES everyone in that party to ALSO use the group stat boon. If it didnt force everyone to use it, or it didnt require a party or things of that nature to get the benefits... It would be more desirable.

    I think its a great thing you want to promote party play so a VERY easy adjustment to this would be to have the boon scale on party size regardless of who uses the boon or not. So you could have 2 players using Power. 1 using the Armor Pen boon and 2 using Group stat and the 2 players with group stat get the +2400 for all five stats.

    The second best option would be to drop deflect, make it +2400 for FOUR stats but up 100% of the time at its FULL benefit.
    +1 to this. This boon is rife with issues for Parties vs. Solo/Duo Q and becomes a source of contention. Why put deflect in with an offensive boon anyway? This suggestion makes more sense.
    On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

    imgur pics don't work

  • pteriaspterias Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 661 Arc User
    aleblain said:

    I wrote about 3 points and only the 1st one was considered at all, and in a bad way.

    aleblain said:

    But aside of that, I tried to pointed the semi-idiotic or close-minded attitudes of some people.

    I'm not sure how you could possibly expect that attitude to be interpreted in a not "bad way".
    aleblain said:

    I still support my opinion that small or super small guilds (Rank 1-5 or something) who want to improve on SHs should try to ally with each other to empower themselves and their game experience. Also solo players: "I'm a solo player, I don't want to be in a guild, Idon't want to do this, I don't want to do that, etc etc etc. But I want to complain that all though I don't play a lot of content... I want all content-rewards worldwide". That's not right, deal with it... or try to see the big picture and do the effort to improve. All though is a matter of personal choices, come man... don't be so fool and engage! I think it's simple enough. And I say this knowing that all though I don't like a lot of decisions made by Cryptic/PWE or whoever, I still choose to play.

    P/D: I still hope this game to get better once again, cassual friendly, dungeon based, time rewarding, etc etc etc. But meanwhile, if you still play, try to adapt and give proper feedback. That's it!

    So... playing Dungeons, Skirmishes, PvP (Dom and GG), SCA, Foundries, and all parts of all Campaign Zones (minus Strongholds) with multiple characters on a regular basis for 2 years is not playing a lot of content? I didn't realize I was just being lazy...

    Because of that one part (Strongholds), we'll eventually be behind by about 23 rank 12 enchants worth of boons, not to mention guild exclusive pvp overload enchants and gods know what else by the time Cryptic's done. This cannot be made up for in any other way whatsoever. It isn't even just a solo problem, to a degree this is a "you must have 100+ active guildmembers to ride" problem. This isn't wanting all content rewards for not doing all content, it's not wanting to be behind by 16,000 stat points+++ because they suddenly decide we've been having badwrongfun (either flying solo or just hanging with a few close friends/family) for the last 2.5 years and expect us to just fall in line with an opposite paradigm from why we started playing this game in the first place.

    To humor you though, the only way I would even consider investing in a guild is if there was some kind of safety net or guarantee that my investment wouldn't disappear if some screwball decided to boot me or the guild died. Guild marks are laughably far from that. And I said investment because I'm not a freeloader, I pay my way (I've invested over $300 into this game for example). I'm just also not into being at the mercy of other people. I have enough of that in my real life.

    But we've gone far offtopic and I've said my peace. I have a lifetime supply of other games I could be playing instead. I'm trying to choose this one.
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Could we please get then an open guild for the whole shard?

    + No guild leader that can just kick you out of the guild for fun.
    + No argument about the guild structures to build, since does are pre set by the Devs.
    + All players are equal in that shard guild.

    And no, i'm not joking about this.
    If you want to force the player into big guilds, why not go this road all the way to the end?

    There is no refund, if you invested a lot of time and money into a guild, and the guild leader decides to sell his account, and the new guild leader just starts kicking everyone out of it...

    There is no support, if someone gets his account stolen/broken, and the guild bank is emptied or guild structures are being destroyed...

    Btw. WARHAMMER Online had such a faction guild for characters up to level 20, a "starter" guild so to speak.

    You could do the same here too, only not restricted to the level but for example to the ranking of the stronghold structures.
    Not up to the highest ranking, but high enough to get at least the option for "Masterwork Professions" in that shard guild...

    Last but not least, why is Leadership being ignored again?
    What about improvements for Leadership, to make this profession a part of the game again?
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
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