The announced 50% sale in the event calendar was removed... GG on all naive players buying ZEN to prepare for it
Please fix Zhentarim Warlock companion's skill "Arcane Warping" to the originally intended "Arcane Boost"
zhentarim-warlock-companionPure -> Transcendent Plague Fire weapon enchantment giving 80damge/20 seconds for 500k+ AD is a joke.
I am actually shocked that no one has paid enough attention to the calendar to see this is gone.
Join the Greycloaks
Ana-GWF SM Destroyer | Farseer-CW MoF Renegade | Leon-GF SM Tactician
Adrik Battlefate-DC DO Virtuous | Cassi Woodsheart-HR PF Trapper
I'm hoping they come out and say that it's still on, but it won't surprise me if they don't. Oh well, I'd planned on spending quite a bit of money for this. If they try the old bait and switch (ie: dropping the sale to like 25%) I won't buy ANYTHING.
Pure -> Transcendent Plague Fire weapon enchantment giving 80damge/20 seconds for 500k+ AD is a joke.
Sorry, not getting the idea behind this post - The appearance of a 50% Sale in the official game calendar 2-3 Weeks ago is not a rumor. The disappearance of the said event as of today is also a fact.
If someone at Cryptic has slipped a surprise black Friday offer in the Calendar it would be the stupidest thing to just delete it and at the 25-th say "Surprise sale". Just accept the slip and confirm it with big fanfares.
If this is a new way to ante up the price of ZEN by faking % reduction in sales... that would be way too low even for a F2P game.
A official Clarification is needed.
A) - We deny that such a sale existed. - Current Status (Screenshots from many players exist that show otherwise)
C) - Sorry we slipped the Black Friday info too early. (Then why remove it after it was there 2 whole weeks)
D) - Price of ZEN was falling too low, we needed to boost it with fake advertisement.
E) - No reply (We screwed up)
Pure -> Transcendent Plague Fire weapon enchantment giving 80damge/20 seconds for 500k+ AD is a joke.
I have a feeling they are worried about people buying up 6 month VIP packages for 50% store price.
I have a feeling that if/when the event is put back on the calendar, the whole structure will be completely different, with the most desirable items having the smallest discount, while the 50% tag only applies to trash items like life scrolls & the like.
it'll be like walking into a 99c store to find everything is priced considerably higher.
Can the staff give us a statement please?
It was in the calendar for a lot longer than an "oops" should have been
Once again things have gone live without the correct checks being observed. It's pretty obvious that someone just picked up the list of promotions and put them on the calendar as a weekly routine, without checking when they should put each item up.
After the Account wide companions fiasco they promised that safeguards would be put in place and copy/paste wouldn't happen again. Yet the patch notes for Strongholds for X-Bone Strongholds launch were a copy paste of of the PC launch notes, and caused confusion as X-bone had received several changes in an earlier patch.
- You can launch new stuff - C's way.
- You can offer limited-time sales - C does that, too, often.
- You can attach gimmicks to purchases - C does that too, every now and then
- You can lower the price until more people buy...
...the last is - for unknown reasons - not on Cryptics SOP list. Or maybe a wee little with that coupon system.
Sure there's guesses - not deprecating full-price-buyers' purchase, pure stubbornness, cetacean exclusivity friendliness, ignorance, HQ orders,...