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Mod8 Buff Removal Ring (Ring of Natural Order) Too much

zeusomzeusom Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 810 Arc User
The new "Ring of Natural Order" that will drop from mod8 content is arguably the single most game changing item to ever be introduced in terms of pvp. Unlike stamina/AP drains, there is no counter to the ring. I tested on preview today and here is how it works:

- Instantly removes a players entire buff bar (anything green) without any selectivity at all
- Has a 60s cooldown but may proc on more than one attacker at once
- Erases a full bar of pots and buffs including elixirs, invoke buffs, VIP bonus, lucky coin, etc
- Removes any buffs from weapon enchants (Tfey, THoly, TNeg, etc) or artifacts
- Removes any buffs from class feats, encounters, even core class mechinics
- Any debuffs (red) applied to yourself or enemy are not affected (ex. TFey 16% dmg debuff)
- Any buffs which are "constantly applied" such as VIP bonus will return quickly

- GWF: Lose all damage stacks such as destroyer capstone stacks. Does not remove unstoppable
- DC: Lose Astral shield and much of their DR, removes gift of faith (other players)
- TR: Does not take them out of stealth but removes buffs associated with stealth like CA bonus. Removes ITC.
- CW: Removes things like feat buffs, chill stacks, capstone procs. Strips shield but leaves animation (20sec cycle to reestablish shield)
- Pal: Not tested but probably RIP
- HR: Largely unaffected aside from some minor buffs like CA dmg and fox shift
- SW: Resets all sparks to 0 (core mechanic to pvp survival), removes 5x dreadtheft stacks, removes warlock's bargain link, despawns soul puppet and immo spirits from daily.

Some of this is shown in this short demo video taken today on preview:

One problem is this ring is in effect a major buff/nerf to all classes with an as yet unknown overall outcomes in pvp. For some classes the buff removal is relatively minor but for other classes it is catastrophic. For SW for example, the ring is a major de facto survival nerf since core paragon/survival mechanics are hugely impacted with soul sparks being stripped (even though oddly the visual GUI sparks remain showing full stacks, spark benefits vanish), puppet being despawned (r.i.p. damnation), and 5xDreadtheft DR buff being stripped off. For GWF, the ring is a huge damage nerf because they will seldom have the stacks they need to do any serious damage.

Post thoughts.
Sopi (aka Haxbox) SW [Synergy]
Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack



  • zammyvixzammyvix Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    This Ring also removes all boss buffs like eGWD bosses immunity or SH dragons empowered stacks (thats all we tried it on so far) going to do more tests later today to see what else it removes :smirk:
  • mirlegrismirlegris Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    Insane idea. SW doesn't need a nerf like this, the removing of core class mechanic buff is a very bad idea.
    And, i'm a TR, and i think it's not justified to erase the capacity of survivability of a majority of class and, in the same time, don't break Stealth, the main survivability mechanic of a TR.
  • balorinbalorin Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Execellent ring to bring back some people in PVP, especially those new people who can't afford a long line of pot buff.
    Thoses elixirs should be PVE only anyway.
    Excellent ring because it will allow to create some space to kill some unkillable class ruining the whole PVP since mod 6.
    This is definitively a good ring because it will crush a good part of the actual boring meta game.
    I have no problem about the encounters defensive spells buff being wiped.

    I have only a doubt about the buff linked to the core mechanic of the class, but there is a timer of 60 seconds, and even if the ring effect can target more than one personn, 60 seconds seems to be a good timer, to build new stacks before the next trigger.

    This is clearly a ring designed to fight against all those defensive, unkillable or untargetable/perma build class
  • primaxal1primaxal1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 36 Arc User
    lol, replace it here so noone will look at it again +1
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  • ryoshinetteryoshinette Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 488 Arc User
    In lineage 2 we had Mage skill - cancel (removes 1 random buff with cd about 30 seconds) and cancel sticks removing random buff when crit hit. Both were overpowered and it was a reason of hate.

    Here, where balance is much worst than there - such a ring will be a catastrophy.

    @balorin - it's not about elixirs lolz. It's about "to be or not to be" for a half population of server.
    It's just insane. word.
    Ryoshin GF (4.2k)
    .Suicide Squad.

  • hedgebethedgebet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 447 Arc User
    clonkyo1 said:

    This ring will make BiS players even have an easier time to stomp pugs than they have now.

    They should put an item up on the zen market called a "canned hunt" where someone can just buy an easy win. Hah, I wonder just how many of the certain sort would actually go for it. If the LB worked you know their are a few that would pay good money to sit on top and never enter a match.
  • martianmnhuntermartianmnhunter Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 236 Arc User
    This should be thoroughly looked at by the devs one more time before releasing it.

    The biggest problem will be if the rings are released like that and force a massive change in builds (gear + enchants) and then patched shortly after, players will lose tons of currency.
  • valwrynvalwryn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,620 Arc User
  • sher0013sher0013 Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    And here cryptics as usual fix one problem by creating a bigger one. People relogging to keep their rank in pvp? Now you get 30 min ban if your client crashes. OPs, TRs and DCs defending a node for eternity? Get (without announcement) new version of domination that is even more random-bazed since it's even harder to win a math if your teammates are bad. Whining about endless DP from paladins? Now almost every class has a chance to be stripped of its buffs in a single blow!
    Guess I'll have to return to real life if this ring is really to be introduced in m8 (or any module). Thanks for freedom, guys.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    thats what I think about and and posted before
    the effect for spark mechanic is the same you experience when laoding up your sparks before dom, staying at the campfire, all sparks shining....but no effect or buff is granted because entering dom these buffs vanish except your shining pseudosparks

    if you want to get a vague answer to wich class has to suffer most it is needed to look at your buffs and how long it last to regain them i think.

    weapon mastery: about 1 second 3 stacks
    unfeated strikes: about 2 seconds 5 stacks
    using destroyer: its longer about 3-4 seconds 3 stacks
    destroyers purpose: 10 stacks in <1 second in case wearing PF
    Hidden dagger 40% buff reaplieable 3 times
    so beside destroyers purpose its really fast to get them back

    -->sure you have to build determination, but there are solution for GWF using other class feature like "steadfeast determination" wich builds your determination in no time 40%+ determination in fight...thats huge
    skip destroyer go steadfast determination + bravery or weapon mastery, this nearly solved your problems, warlock has no feature to build sparks 40% faster does he?
    as allways classes will adept to this littel feature and GWF is by sure not the class that has to suffer most as you can see

    take OP---without buffs dead in seconds i guess?

    DC faithfull: no AS buff? can´t say how long the buff disappears, in case the AS area is not affected? probably short time, bridging with 1-2 dodges

    there will be a shift from OP/GF? to CW/Hunter , GWF and TR will stay.......but warlock lol its " game over " i guess

    because 30 sparks are build in about 15-20 seconds having optimal conditions on dummy even using encounter like HG or HS that refill faster by critting.
    In game you will never be able to get them to 30 that fast its more 30-40 seconds, so you will run effectively all the time with no sparks at all wich means:
    -no selfheal from borrowed time
    -no offhand feature +15%
    -no damagebuff from classfeature like buring soul 9%
    -no LS from vampiric spark
    -no puppet, no spirits
    doesn´t make any difference if running Soulbinder or Hellbringer, and Hellbringer is redicules in PVP, near laughable imo
  • martianmnhuntermartianmnhunter Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    I gave it some thought and I think this is the reason the rings were created:

    - Everytime cryptic does class balance it affects both PVE & PVP, something breaks.
    - Instead of balancing one or the other, they decided to introduce barebones pvp, this way PVE stays intact while pvp is almost like naked pvp.
    - PvP at lvls 1-69 is pretty even, things become very unbalanced at 70.

    If this makes sense, it's a very lazy fix.
  • asterdahlasterdahl Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,258 Cryptic Developer
    Hey everyone, thank you for testing and reporting on this ring! As some of you have suspected, some number of these powers are not meant to be removed by the ring of natural order. For instance, soul sparks, dragonflight empowerment, etc.

    We'll be pulling the ring from launch and re-implementing it in our week two patch. Offensive dispelling is not a common mechanic in Neverwinter right now, and so we need some time to take a look at which buffs should not be affected and make sure they are flagged properly, and give the quality assurance team time verify the changes.
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  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    asterdahl said:

    Hey everyone, thank you for testing and reporting on this ring! As some of you have suspected, some number of these powers are not meant to be removed by the ring of natural order. For instance, soul sparks, dragonflight empowerment, etc.

    We'll be pulling the ring from launch and re-implementing it in our week two patch. Offensive dispelling is not a common mechanic in Neverwinter right now, and so we need some time to take a look at which buffs should not be affected and make sure they are flagged properly, and give the quality assurance team time verify the changes.

    An easy one would just be all temporary buffs (i.e. potions/feedbuffs) Things that come from player powers (like destroyer stacks for instance) probably not the BEST idea....

    Also another thing that should be done is in combat gear lock. That way people cant just rotate out all these rings.... Ill be frank... MANY of these rings just ruin the game for me. Things like invisibility as long as you move? What is that about... Or gain 30% DR as long as you are moving? What?! 30%?! Thats just lame....

    If you want to make these more reasonable, they should ALL be buffs that last for X seconds after X conditions are met and then placed on CD.

    Such as:

    Provides 30% DR for X seconds while running for X seconds. Then on CD for X seconds. These are more reasonable.


    Provides stealth for X seconds after running for X seconds. Then on CD for X seconds....
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  • zeusomzeusom Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 810 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    asterdahl said:

    Hey everyone, thank you for testing and reporting on this ring! As some of you have suspected, some number of these powers are not meant to be removed by the ring of natural order. For instance, soul sparks, dragonflight empowerment, etc.

    We'll be pulling the ring from launch and re-implementing it in our week two patch. Offensive dispelling is not a common mechanic in Neverwinter right now, and so we need some time to take a look at which buffs should not be affected and make sure they are flagged properly, and give the quality assurance team time verify the changes.

    Good news thanks! Seems like it will take a significant rework effort to tweaze apart all of these buff removal effects on a class-specific basis to balance this ring. I suppose in all over 40 categories are being affected and would need individual consideration:

    Temp/Consumable (Elixirs, invoke buffs, guildfood, glyph procs, coin/pet with 10min cd, Campfire bonus, VIP bonus)
    Weapon and Armor enchantment buffs (but not debuffs on enemy)
    Boon procs (Avalanche, Rampaging madness now useless)\
    Artifact effects (Wheel healing, Vanguard, Sigil, etc)

    Class heroic & paragon feats
    Class slottable feats
    Class encounters
    Class dailies
    Core class mechanics

    One suggestion brought up was to have the ring remove only temp/consumable buffs and leave all else alone. Almost everyone is in favor of the potion/pot/buff removal because potting up for pvp was pretty out of hand. This is a snapshot of what a full buff bar for pvp lol: (http://imgur.com/55Eq0lD) with over 20 unique buff/pots.

    Another reasonable suggestion was to have the ring remove 1 random buff.
    Post edited by zeusom on
    Sopi (aka Haxbox) SW [Synergy]
    Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack

  • lwedarlwedar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 790 Arc User
    asterdahl said:

    Hey everyone, thank you for testing and reporting on this ring! As some of you have suspected, some number of these powers are not meant to be removed by the ring of natural order. For instance, soul sparks, dragonflight empowerment, etc.

    We'll be pulling the ring from launch and re-implementing it in our week two patch. Offensive dispelling is not a common mechanic in Neverwinter right now, and so we need some time to take a look at which buffs should not be affected and make sure they are flagged properly, and give the quality assurance team time verify the changes.

    I would appreciate it if you could pull the one that nullifies TR's tab ability as well. Or are you planning on adding rings that have a similar mechanic that nullifes HR, GF, etc's tab ability.

    "we all love this game and want it to thrive"
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  • two30two30 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,168 Arc User
    asterdahl said:

    Offensive dispelling is not a common mechanic in Neverwinter right now, and so we need some time to take a look at which buffs should not be affected and make sure they are flagged properly, and give the quality assurance team time verify the changes.

    If you're dead set on introducing offensive dispelling, I strongly recommend using a whitelist of dispellable buffs rather than a blacklist of undispellable buffs.
    Neverwinter Tools for evaluating boons, mounts, dyes, etc.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    metalldjt said:

    or remove the ring completly as it's not worth the time to fix it and i belive you guys wont be able to fix it, so put something else.

    Cant agree more to this. While I LOVE the idea of dispel - since it would bring Paladins back down to the mortal realm, it seems like the time/effort required for these rings wont be worth it.

    The BEST case scenario - they get it to only remove "temporary" buffs such as potions. More than likely, they will miss something, it will be game breaking for 3 months, they will fix it once everyone builds their character around it, and people will get mad.

    Instead of spending time on that, just scrub it, remove it, and move on. The other rings seems interesting enough, this one just adds too much confusion.

  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    thy anyway for testing and pointing at this new big disaster heading towards PVP, hope they will get things fixed until mod 8 starts
  • lupisulupisu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 86 Arc User
    To be frank, there used to be a feat for DCs that removed all "debuffs" from players. In mod 6 this was reworked to only affect DOT effects because it was also clearing various other things it was not meant to affect (such as temp hp). The explanation for the change was that it was not possible to properly limit what it could and could not affect. Sadly I'm not all too hopeful that buffs are going to be easier to categorize than debuffs in order to get this to be anything other than broken.
  • aleblainaleblain Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    These rings shouldn't even exist... that would be more simple, more balance/fair and simply more aimed at all. We don't need or want these unnatural/freakie stuff, PvP needs a review to get more balanced and simplified... not the other direction. You are messing up the messied up PvP with the drain stones, pots and whatever else that hard core PvPrs tent to abusse with and now you add these breaking rings. We want great PvP matches, not more op stuff. It's simple, that's it.

    To simplify it, if you make a pool about who wants these rings, drains, etc etc in PvP or not, you'll discover 90% of the people will say 'NO'. So, why continue with that?? It makes no sense... you just force us to addapt to literaly unneccesary things. Always the same sad story. And the ironic part is that, the game will not last forever, and the time you spend with things we don't want, it's time wasted to make other decisions that would be largely well accepted. You are still not using wisely one of your best developing tools, good 'feedback'.
    Post edited by aleblain on
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    lwedar said:

    asterdahl said:

    Hey everyone, thank you for testing and reporting on this ring! As some of you have suspected, some number of these powers are not meant to be removed by the ring of natural order. For instance, soul sparks, dragonflight empowerment, etc.

    We'll be pulling the ring from launch and re-implementing it in our week two patch. Offensive dispelling is not a common mechanic in Neverwinter right now, and so we need some time to take a look at which buffs should not be affected and make sure they are flagged properly, and give the quality assurance team time verify the changes.

    I would appreciate it if you could pull the one that nullifies TR's tab ability as well. Or are you planning on adding rings that have a similar mechanic that nullifes HR, GF, etc's tab ability.

    Hello? Stamina drain marks destroy GFs...

  • sher0013sher0013 Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    ghoulz66 said:

    Hello? Stamina drain marks destroy GFs...

    At least you can buy stamina ward mark. For those rings there is no counter-ring, so you can't compare those two.
  • pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    As i already said in another thread on the matter:

    i wouldn't create any item that can directly mess up with core mechanics of classes or combat rules.
    Now, what you (devs), in my opinion, must understand, is that you need to create a solid base every player can work on, and then add items that can enhance different aspects but never, never mess up with the basic rules.

    Basic rules are:

    - every shift mechanic must affect an incoming power, if the timing is correct
    - every power needs to be timed out of the enemy shift mechanic to not be reduced by it
    - in this regard, stamina should be affected only by own usage of it. Which means: no stamina drain lame items
    - class core mechanics must be balanced but never get reduced or influenced by some item (example: stealth revealing ring)

    Armor set bonuses were removed because they interacted with class mechanics and other core mechanics, often resulting in broken interactions. You added bonuses and effects to overloads and mounts that broke these mechanics even more.

    Create a solid and balanced base in regard to class mechanics and the basic combat rule attack vs dodge (no attack should fully ignore the enemy dodge. Every attack must be affected by the enemy shift mechanic, with "timing" being the main factor in a combat).

    Then add items that can enchance, SLIGHTLY, some player stats, allowing builds to shift in one direction or another, be it damage, healing, damage resistance exc...and always check that no "combination" of multiple effects can create some broken loop or sinergy.

    But seriously: stamina drain, rings that mess up core class mechanics...are all terrible ideas. You can see it now with stamina drain: put a player using stamina drain vs another player using a random, different overload. You see the result. The second player becomes defenseless cause you allowed one, single enchant to seal completely the movements of a player. With only option being to slot the same enchant yourself or a ward.
    Overloads that increase by 5-10% damage on a certain class, giving up something else to be somehow "specialized": ok.
    Overloads/items that seal a combat system core mechanic like dodge or AP generation: bad.

    Same goes for all the stuff that increase AP generation by insane amounts. Bad. You see the result. PvP is a mess.

    I don't mean to be rude, but: Will you guys (devs) ever learn?

    Balance basic, core mechanics of classes and combat.
    And stop introducing broken items/ mounts/ effects that clearly are too powerful.
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    I like the response, especially considering the odd ways it seems to be working in PvE (which is my area of concern), except for this bit:
    asterdahl said:

    We'll be pulling the ring from launch and re-implementing it in our week two patch.

    Please do not put them in quietly in 2 weeks. Introduce a significant game change in a significant manner. These rings have a significant impact on the PvP element of the game. Slotting them into a "weekly patch" is not the way to do that, the minority of people read the patch notes. At least introducing them in a significant event tied to a publicity campaign a lot more of the player base will be informed about them and know what is coming in general.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • dodgododgo Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 870 Arc User
    asterdahl said:

    Hey everyone, thank you for testing and reporting on this ring! As some of you have suspected, some number of these powers are not meant to be removed by the ring of natural order. For instance, soul sparks, dragonflight empowerment, etc.

    We'll be pulling the ring from launch and re-implementing it in our week two patch. Offensive dispelling is not a common mechanic in Neverwinter right now, and so we need some time to take a look at which buffs should not be affected and make sure they are flagged properly, and give the quality assurance team time verify the changes.

    what is dragonflight empowerment?
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