As most of you know you cant kick people from dungeons even if there is a purple lockbox drop on the ground.Some people started to abuse this system.
Yesterday I was running etos with 2 friends and their guildmates.Suddenly I got DCed and found myself kicked out of the dungeon group(this is one other bug).Anyway I pm' d one of my friends who is still inside the dungeon and I asked if autoqueue get another tank for them.They said "Autoqueue found one but wait lets ask him nicely maybe he will leave".What do you think other tanks answer might be.1)Sure no problem(very unlikely but there are still some decent people) 2)Sorry but I really need this dungeons chest so I wont leave(more probable option)
Answer was:
"Give me 20 gold and I will leave".
Unfortunatley my friends paid the gold and dude left the group before I can remind my friends to take his name.This is resolved rather quickly.He might ask something more absurd or just got DCed so they cant kick him out of the group to leave them only option to leave dungeon and start from scrap.
Please take care of this "You cant kick people while there is a loot on the ground rule".
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
otherwise whenever a good drop comes up the main group can kick pugs and keep drops for them self. this is much worse than your situation.
now try kickin an afker. game simply wont let you.
Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
Cryptic: "Oh noes, peoples is being jerks with kicks! Let's overreact and basically make it impossible to kick anyone!"
Players: "You dips, now it's 10 times worse in the other direction."
Cryptic: "*6 months of crickets* We're busy with the next mod, so we'll maybe think about having a guy analyze the worthiness of analyzing that for the possibility of being investigated sometime later."
It could need some additional adjustments though:
* Items on ground belonging to the missing player only should not block a votekick
* And you shold be autokicked if you are gone for more than 10 minutes
But on the other hand I do like the new system for the most part because I've seen the kick system abused too much over the years. So when the children cant play well with each the parents have to step in and rarely are the children happy with the results.
We only have ourselves to blame.
I thought it'd be the most logical if there's 3 votes in the party to kick someone, then it's pretty clear that person being voted is not wanted by the party.
Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
- Boss dead - votekick, so the loot roll chances are better. Best played with a group of three, grabbing two poor sods to do the messy work.
- Also GS votekicking at run launch until you get your guy .
- or even worse: Votekicking until you get the uber who pulls you through...
There's more.
I dont see much problem in vote kicking
I don't like the current system either. But excessive abuse IS what brought that upon us...
Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
If someone is kicked or gets a disconnected, no automated replacement is coming from the regular queue.
I think folks kick much less than before
One good example of this is an ELOL run I did once, the DC we started with proceeded to kick someone every time the team wiped. No joke, I think he kicked about a dozen people by the time we got to the end. And then after a few wipes on the dragon I got kicked even though I was always the last man standing. Ironically I managed to get back into the team through que and after a few more wipes someone (not me) voted for him to be kicked and after he got replaced we beat the dragon no problem.
Which of course begs the question, was he the problem all along?
Also, just today I did a ECC run and after killing the first boss the DC got vote kicked because he was, and I quote "useless".
Now from what I could see he was there fighting and picking up anyone that fell. Cant remember if he was throwing heals or not because I was too busy dodging red spots but even if he wasn't it shouldn't have mattered since we 4 manned the rest of the dungeon with no wipes.
So in my opinion it was an unnecessary kick.
I do think anyone that DCs should be able to be kicked after 5 mins but here does need to be some sort of buffer to allow the person that DCed to have a chance to get back in. I've seen people get kicked like as soon as they DC which is just flat out ignorant.
I see quite worse Q system in general. Imagine 2 CWs, 2 TRs, and HR. And unless you are 3k, some dng/skirmishes require at least tank or healer. So when one of the, lets say, TRs leave, party in most cases will get ANOTHER TR!! C'mon
Now we have personal loot, so a loot kick is out of the question, but to prevent the loot kick, they made tis changes AFTER it became obsolete leaving us with abusers, DCed players and no option to kick bad apples.
Before these changes there was the need to behave somehow decent and dont run your mouth like a gutter child or there was the possibility, that you get kicked. Now you can vent your personal anger, rant, insult and abuse to your delight, bc no one can do anything. 'Write a ticket', you say. The answer, if you get one is, put him on ignore.
Que for a dungeon, change character, que with the next char, relog wth the first, help kill the boss, relog with the second and kll the boss. Two dungeons in the time of one, same goes for skirmishes.
Before they implemented personal loot this system was idiotic, now it is obsolete and does help grievers and abusers. As I said before, you can complete most dungeons in less then 15 minutes with a decent group.
Do not autoclick yes on a kick vote. If the kick is badly argued, or you do not fully agree, or it comes in a busy situation, click NO.
Reason why votekick is/was a problem is people monkey clicking on yes. Make NO your default votekick click. That would solve a lot of problems.