I'd say that's just WaI, no? That's what you get for trying to escape our awesome roots & daze with silly Iliyanbruen magic... Not really surprized by anything these days though
so its not just that i want them to explain that ever since i got the windows 10 update for my Xbox one the game is unplayable not a single power will cast correctly, i can not go in my inventory to move things around, it wont let me collect my professions and when it does it take 20 mins to load it, i am also a hunter ranger and as we all know not having your powers cast is the fastest way to get you killed. so for a week now i have been stuck in the exact same spot that i have been in with no possible way of character progress once so ever
yea its rad, invested a ton into the Elven Battle Enchantment (EBE) only to get DoT'd to death...As a TR i was stoked to finally have a way to defend against the multi stun/root garbage HR's got in this expansion. Wonderful feeling to get the gear, try it out and get sizzled with a DoT that goes on until you die.
I would definitely use one as well if they weren't broken. (If working) a Perfect EBE+ITC+Oghma+Control resist from an Artifact would be a problem for anyone who relies on controlling to kill.
Super Saiyan God- TR Lvl 70 (PVP) Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE) <font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font> I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
Ah I made the 'like button' suggestion a while back - not holding my breath
I really hope they take the opportunity of the next mod to do more than just reduce the roots damage - this is as bad as the PF glitch.
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
You could help your own cause a great deal were you not a Richard in your comments. Insulting the devs; why would anyone think this is a good rally cry?
Dont pissss in your own Cheerios bro; plenty of other people aiming for your bowl already.
You could help your own cause a great deal were you not a Richard in your comments. Insulting the devs; why would anyone think this is a good rally cry?
Dont pissss in your own Cheerios bro; plenty of other people aiming for your bowl already.
So, you take it upon yourself to single me out instead of the topic starter or the 3 other people who have posted. Good one. As for plenty of people aiming for my bowl, well, do I seem worried? Look through all of my posts, I've posted a ton of useful information in regard to how to be successful in both PVE and PVP and I have also presented some great ideas for 1V1 PVP. If a few select people are still butt hurt over the fact that I was successful without the use of a lot of Tencaity still then so be it. I'm sure they will get over it. If you're content on spending tens of thousands of AD on broken content then so be it, other people are not so inclined to lay down and take it as easily as you. Go troll someone else, bro.
Super Saiyan God- TR Lvl 70 (PVP) Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE) <font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font> I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
Its safe to assume that he started playing the game, soon liked it, but now he has issues he would like addressed. Assuming that is true, these were his options as I see them:
A. Post good evidence on YouTube with constructive commentary.
B. Post good evidence on YouTube and add some parting shots by berating the devs.
He chose option B, why... why would one taint an otherwise useful post \ video with such tripe?
As for the Cheerios, it was a life comment. Meaning; we have enough people going out of their way to make our lives more difficult so, don't be a Richard to the people (devs) that are in a position to help.
Look through all of my posts, I've posted a ton of useful information in regard to how to be successful in both PVE and PVP and I have also presented some great ideas for 1V1 PVP. If a few select people are still butt hurt over the fact that I was successful without the use of a lot of Tencaity still then so be it.
I simply believe that it is horrible advice to give to other players telling them they do not need tenacity in PvP. In my experience... this is what I do to TR's with no tenacity. Notice the 100k one shot kill with bull charge? Notice what happens when he comes back.
xbox clip of the 100k one shot bull charge on TR with no tenacity. (it was actually a 135,660 one hit with lostmaugh set proc + a couple bleed procs)
Look through all of my posts, I've posted a ton of useful information in regard to how to be successful in both PVE and PVP and I have also presented some great ideas for 1V1 PVP. If a few select people are still butt hurt over the fact that I was successful without the use of a lot of Tencaity still then so be it.
I simply believe that it is horrible advice to give to other players telling them they do not need tenacity in PvP.
xbox clip of the 100k one shot bull charge on TR with no tenacity. (it was actually a 135,660 one hit with lostmaugh set proc + a couple bleed procs)
This is why, from my experience, it is a horrible idea to go into PvP with no tenacity, even if you are a perma stealth TR.
Yet again, someone foolishly trying to call me out on something without properly going back to the beginning of the conversation and reading onward. Maybe you should do such a thing and then you will clearly see that my very first response under the Tenacity thread was in regard to someone stating that if you have no tenacity then you will be destroyed in PVP, I simply said I was very successful in PVP without it. That was more or less in mod 5, and I ran with almost none in the beginning of mod 6 with some success. I never once said that you're better off running no tenacity, actually I did say that if I were to be competing I would want my tenacity over 1,500. I'm sure you clearly missed some of these factors. Being that the TR is one of the harder characters to be successful with in mod 6, I'm doing just fine for myself having around a 2.0 K/D running with pug groups with an under powered toon. Btw my Tenacity is over 2K right now. Being that I'm equally good in both PVP and PVE maybe I should change my name to.. oh idk, The Total Package. Have a good day.
Super Saiyan God- TR Lvl 70 (PVP) Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE) <font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font> I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
Yet again, someone foolishly trying to call me out on something without properly going back to the beginning of the conversation and reading onward. Maybe you should do such a thing and then you will clearly see that my very first response under the Tenacity thread was in regard to someone stating that if you have no tenacity then you will be destroyed in PVP, I simply said I was very successful in PVP without it. That was more or less in mod 5, and I ran with almost none in the beginning of mod 6 with some success. I never once said that you're better off running no tenacity, actually I did say that if I were to be competing I would want my tenacity over 1,500. I'm sure you clearly missed some of these factors. Being that the TR is one of the harder characters to be successful with in mod 6, I'm doing just fine for myself having around a 2.0 K/D running with pug groups with an under powered toon. Btw my Tenacity is over 2K right now. Being that I'm equally good in both PVP and PVE maybe I should change my name to.. oh idk, The Total Package. Have a good day.
So much is wrong in this post it is lulzy! But for starters, top tier TR's are still the best class in PvP. A 2.0 k/d as a TR is not very good. Go to the leaderboard and look at TR's such as Kurran, Godlike, MC Hammer, Johnny B.Hood etc. They have 1000 kills to 20 death type k/d's.
I have almost no Tenacity and I'm killing guys with 2K worth. I've never ran with alot of Tenacity and have had great success. I can definitely feel a difference under control but I'm more or less surprise attacking and gone looking for the next node to take over or the next guy to catch from behind while he's fighting someone. If you're reliant on it then yeah, you will probably fail miserably. I personally would rather have the 3k extra power and arm pen. I'll probably raise it up a little later on when I reach my stat goals soon. 17K power, 7+ AP, 3k Recovery.
Here is your very first response under the tenacity thread. You are advocating taking power and arpen over tenacity. And then you make this brilliant statement!
> @xrollxtidex said: > If you have to tell people that you are good, then you aren't good.
Not true. You can be good, and just inform people of that. Just like when someone asks if you can type quick (lame example, but accurate) you say yes I can type very quick. As long as you back that up then it is true.
So much is wrong in this post it is lulzy! But for starters, top tier TR's are still the best class in PvP. A 2.0 k/d as a TR is not very good. Go to the leaderboard and look at TR's such as Kurran, Godlike, MC Hammer, Johnny B.Hood etc. They have 1000 kills to 20 death type k/d's.
That's interesting to know that you had the audacity to spew this nonsense. Those wallet warriors could be any class in this game and top the leaderboards. I guarantee they've spent several thousand dollars combined, and the ONLY reason they top the leaderboards (or had in mod 5) was because they were rocking BiS Oranges and Mythic levels. It's never even a fair fight.
Same as yourself. You're better geared then 98% of players that play this game my friend. On top of that, you are rolling with one of the best guilds in the game currently, I highly doubt you are solo queueing like the majority of us. PVP cannot be competitive in this game because of so many factors so do not sit here and make up HAMSTER like it can be. It's Broken, plain and simple.
Lastly, how could you even begin to try and judge what constitutes as "best class in pvp"??? How vague could you get? It's highly illogical because anyone with a little bit of knowledge would realize that each class has it's pro's and con's in pvp.
Good Day.
Lady Vayo TR - Silky OP - Lord Reven DC (retired) - Lady Luck HR (retired)
"So much is wrong in this post it is lulzy! But for starters, top tier TR's are still the best class in PvP. A 2.0 k/d as a TR is not very good. Go to the leaderboard and look at TR's such as Kurran, Godlike, MC Hammer, Johnny B.Hood etc. They have 1000 kills to 20 death type k/d's."
"You are living in a fantasy world! Look at my video above to see what happens to TR's with 127 tenacity." ------------
You are quite entertaining to say the least. I would love to see you manage as long as I had with little tenacity, run with no premades, be under geared, and still be successful. Until then you really have nothing to say. I've backed it up time and time again. Great guys like MC Hammer in Hudini, or Kurran have that many kills with so few deaths because (Here comes the obvious) they're entering the majority of their matches with their guild, premades against random pug teams which half of the time are even down a man. Certainly that's not to to take away from their skill because they're still great players, but having the gear and the support of a strong premade that communicates with one and other helps more than anything. I've jumped into matches with teams like Q-Snipe and Denial when they were down a guy and I have lead the top of the lobby scoreboard while playing along side of them with little to no deaths, and I've also ended up on the receiving end playing against a great guild and getting completely outclassed because I'm having the whole team swarming me from node to node because the rest of my team is instantly dead or have quit. If you think it's hard to go every match with little to no deaths while running premades in the top guilds then you're living in a dream land my friend. More of your matches are against pugs than other great guilds. The great guild matches that go until the final second are far in between. Though everything should pick up for strongholds. Please, give me your credit card. Let me complete my toon and run with a great guild and my K/D would be a 3 or 4, or higher. As for the 127 Tenacity comment, that is what I had at the time because I was grinding both PVE and PVP while doing some more testing with Tenacity for this mod. As players continued to build their toons to higher levels, I continued to build more tenacity to compete better, I was successful nonetheless. I have plenty of pics and video feed to back it up. As for over armored GF's and OP's, I simply ignore you. Why waist all that time when I can take over another Node and kill someone that doesn't have 8K+ defense, 1,900 Tenacity and so on, unless I have no choice but to hold down the second node that you're trying to take in a tight match.
Super Saiyan God- TR Lvl 70 (PVP) Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE) <font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font> I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
The initial post here was to highlight a broken piece of gear. Not to have a discussion about pvp. Thanks Brave for pointing it out so someone does not waste their resources investing in another broken part of the game.
Same as yourself. You're better geared then 98% of players that play this game my friend. On top of that, you are rolling with one of the best guilds in the game currently, I highly doubt you are solo queueing like the majority of us.
Do I get credit for being one of the founding members of said guild on launch day? Do I get credit for solo/duo/trio que'ing last mod trying to build said guild? Do I get credit for investing my time into the players we've added to help them get better, acquire better gear? Or do you think it all just happened by accident?
I would love to see you manage as long as I had with little tenacity, run with no premades, be under geared, and still be successful. Until then you really have nothing to say.
How do you think I started out? When I first began, I had no tenacity. I didn't run with premades. I was undergeared. I was still successful enough to attract other quality players to join me.
More of your matches are against pugs than other great guilds. The great guild matches that go until the final second are far in between
Actually, this isn't true. Looking at my match history, 20% of my games on the list have been against houdini. They are very good, and that is only one guild. When you que as 5 man, you more than likely get matched against a 5 man, esp when que'ing during the time frame that I play, 7-11 at night.
Lastly, how could you even begin to try and judge what constitutes as "best class in pvp"??? How vague could you get? It's highly illogical because anyone with a little bit of knowledge would realize that each class has it's pro's and con's in pvp.
This is simply my opinion based off domination, the mobility of TR's, combined with their ability to kill (double SE), how hard they are to kill (stealth, itc) and their ability to CC with smokebomb. They are a very good class and down right dominating when played at a high level.
The initial post here was to highlight a broken piece of gear. Not to have a discussion about pvp. Thanks Brave for pointing it out so someone does not waste their resources investing in another broken part of the game.
"Do I get credit for being one of the founding members of said guild on launch day? Do I get credit for solo/duo/trio que'ing last mod trying to build said guild? Do I get credit for investing my time into the players we've added to help them get better, acquire better gear? Or do you think it all just happened by accident?"
Not as much as you'd like. It's no secret that the top guilds require specific gear level's along with extensive knowledge of their class and synergies with others. Most of your members have their own wallet as well. You HONESTLY trying to tell me that you guys recruit under geared new players and it's all because of you that are where they are today? give me a break.
Lady Vayo TR - Silky OP - Lord Reven DC (retired) - Lady Luck HR (retired)
"Not as much as you'd like. It's no secret that the top guilds require specific gear level's along with extensive knowledge of their class and synergies with others. Most of your members have their own wallet as well. You HONESTLY trying to tell me that you guys recruit under geared new players and it's all because of you that are where they are today? give me a break.
You are amusing. You have no idea that of which you speak. There is no gear level requirement to join my guild. The only requirement we have ever had was that you should be an active player and get along socially with the guild. I am HONESTLY telling you that we do and we have recruited under geared and new players alike. We have told these new and under geared players that we can help them acquire their gear and we can help them with their builds if they are willing to invest the time into playing the game. In fact, since the very beginning of this game, I have told my guild that I would rather pick up an undergeared noob, invest my time into him and build him up instead of trying to recruit a highly geared player who thinks he already knows everything. Why? B/c building up a player leads to having a loyal guild mate. We currently have mulitple people in the guild who do not have a single 70 character. You shouldn't make assumptions.
And no, it is not all because of me. Everyone in the guild helps each other where and how they can. It is a group effort. Examples off the top of my head.. Megan gave Later an epic mount, asked nothing in return. Shroomer gave his perfect vorpal to punch. Gracie gave me a brutal rank 8 last night for free, when I asked her how much she wanted for it.
As for our members having wallets, you sound salty. I'm sorry you don't have/can't/don't want to put money into this game, but that is your personal problem and not a concern of mine. We do not require anyone to put any money into this game. If they wish to, that is their choice.
^A little off topic are we not? Who wouldn't have sweet videos with no deaths when they're IL is near 4K and playing against pugs next to another OP and a healer lol. At least post something when you're all alone with a weak pug group, no healer, and no help. Those are the videos that command respect, but since we're all showcasing.
I'm always on my own.
Now running with Safecoma and Clutch. Just two strong guys and look at the difference.
Post edited by yourenext2die on
Super Saiyan God- TR Lvl 70 (PVP) Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE) <font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font> I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
^^You sound jealous. Try making some friends so you don't always have to be alone.
And if you can find enough friends, I'll gladly set up a 5v5 rainbow, my guys vs you and your friends. Similar to how opal asked you for a 1v1, but you ran away.
gonna put down the controller and give you a nice long slow clap. good job. way to go.
That's what you get for trying to escape our awesome roots & daze with silly Iliyanbruen magic...
Not really surprized by anything these days though
Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE)
<font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font>
I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE)
<font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font>
I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
I really hope they take the opportunity of the next mod to do more than just reduce the roots damage - this is as bad as the PF glitch.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
Dont pissss in your own Cheerios bro; plenty of other people aiming for your bowl already.
Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE)
<font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font>
I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
Its safe to assume that he started playing the game, soon liked it, but now he has issues he would like addressed. Assuming that is true, these were his options as I see them:
A. Post good evidence on YouTube with constructive commentary.
B. Post good evidence on YouTube and add some parting shots by berating the devs.
He chose option B, why... why would one taint an otherwise useful post \ video with such tripe?
As for the Cheerios, it was a life comment. Meaning; we have enough people going out of their way to make our lives more difficult so, don't be a Richard to the people (devs) that are in a position to help.
Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE)
<font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font>
I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
xbox clip of the 100k one shot bull charge on TR with no tenacity. (it was actually a 135,660 one hit with lostmaugh set proc + a couple bleed procs)
This clip catches the 100k one shot and then him coming right back to try me a second time in this 30 second window.
This is why, from my experience, it is a horrible idea to go into PvP with no tenacity, even if you are a perma stealth TR.
Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE)
<font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font>
I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
> If you have to tell people that you are good, then you aren't good.
Not true. You can be good, and just inform people of that. Just like when someone asks if you can type quick (lame example, but accurate) you say yes I can type very quick. As long as you back that up then it is true.
So much is wrong in this post it is lulzy! But for starters, top tier TR's are still the best class in PvP. A 2.0 k/d as a TR is not very good. Go to the leaderboard and look at TR's such as Kurran, Godlike, MC Hammer, Johnny B.Hood etc. They have 1000 kills to 20 death type k/d's.
That's interesting to know that you had the audacity to spew this nonsense. Those wallet warriors could be any class in this game and top the leaderboards. I guarantee they've spent several thousand dollars combined, and the ONLY reason they top the leaderboards (or had in mod 5) was because they were rocking BiS Oranges and Mythic levels. It's never even a fair fight.
Same as yourself. You're better geared then 98% of players that play this game my friend. On top of that, you are rolling with one of the best guilds in the game currently, I highly doubt you are solo queueing like the majority of us. PVP cannot be competitive in this game because of so many factors so do not sit here and make up HAMSTER like it can be. It's Broken, plain and simple.
Lastly, how could you even begin to try and judge what constitutes as "best class in pvp"??? How vague could you get? It's highly illogical because anyone with a little bit of knowledge would realize that each class has it's pro's and con's in pvp.
Good Day.
"You are living in a fantasy world! Look at my video above to see what happens to TR's with 127 tenacity."
You are quite entertaining to say the least. I would love to see you manage as long as I had with little tenacity, run with no premades, be under geared, and still be successful. Until then you really have nothing to say. I've backed it up time and time again. Great guys like MC Hammer in Hudini, or Kurran have that many kills with so few deaths because (Here comes the obvious) they're entering the majority of their matches with their guild, premades against random pug teams which half of the time are even down a man. Certainly that's not to to take away from their skill because they're still great players, but having the gear and the support of a strong premade that communicates with one and other helps more than anything. I've jumped into matches with teams like Q-Snipe and Denial when they were down a guy and I have lead the top of the lobby scoreboard while playing along side of them with little to no deaths, and I've also ended up on the receiving end playing against a great guild and getting completely outclassed because I'm having the whole team swarming me from node to node because the rest of my team is instantly dead or have quit. If you think it's hard to go every match with little to no deaths while running premades in the top guilds then you're living in a dream land my friend. More of your matches are against pugs than other great guilds. The great guild matches that go until the final second are far in between. Though everything should pick up for strongholds. Please, give me your credit card. Let me complete my toon and run with a great guild and my K/D would be a 3 or 4, or higher. As for the 127 Tenacity comment, that is what I had at the time because I was grinding both PVE and PVP while doing some more testing with Tenacity for this mod. As players continued to build their toons to higher levels, I continued to build more tenacity to compete better, I was successful nonetheless. I have plenty of pics and video feed to back it up. As for over armored GF's and OP's, I simply ignore you. Why waist all that time when I can take over another Node and kill someone that doesn't have 8K+ defense, 1,900 Tenacity and so on, unless I have no choice but to hold down the second node that you're trying to take in a tight match.
Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE)
<font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font>
I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
Not as much as you'd like. It's no secret that the top guilds require specific gear level's along with extensive knowledge of their class and synergies with others. Most of your members have their own wallet as well. You HONESTLY trying to tell me that you guys recruit under geared new players and it's all because of you that are where they are today? give me a break.
And no, it is not all because of me. Everyone in the guild helps each other where and how they can. It is a group effort. Examples off the top of my head.. Megan gave Later an epic mount, asked nothing in return. Shroomer gave his perfect vorpal to punch. Gracie gave me a brutal rank 8 last night for free, when I asked her how much she wanted for it.
As for our members having wallets, you sound salty. I'm sorry you don't have/can't/don't want to put money into this game, but that is your personal problem and not a concern of mine. We do not require anyone to put any money into this game. If they wish to, that is their choice.
[]Full Metal Witch[]
4149 TiL
Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws
"The Best of the Best"
"Nobody does it better"
I'm always on my own.
Now running with Safecoma and Clutch. Just two strong guys and look at the difference.
Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE)
<font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font>
I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
And if you can find enough friends, I'll gladly set up a 5v5 rainbow, my guys vs you and your friends. Similar to how opal asked you for a 1v1, but you ran away.
I wish I was 4k item level.